163 research outputs found

    On microelectronic self-learning cognitive chip systems

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    After a brief review of machine learning techniques and applications, this Ph.D. thesis examines several approaches for implementing machine learning architectures and algorithms into hardware within our laboratory. From this interdisciplinary background support, we have motivations for novel approaches that we intend to follow as an objective of innovative hardware implementations of dynamically self-reconfigurable logic for enhanced self-adaptive, self-(re)organizing and eventually self-assembling machine learning systems, while developing this new particular area of research. And after reviewing some relevant background of robotic control methods followed by most recent advanced cognitive controllers, this Ph.D. thesis suggests that amongst many well-known ways of designing operational technologies, the design methodologies of those leading-edge high-tech devices such as cognitive chips that may well lead to intelligent machines exhibiting conscious phenomena should crucially be restricted to extremely well defined constraints. Roboticists also need those as specifications to help decide upfront on otherwise infinitely free hardware/software design details. In addition and most importantly, we propose these specifications as methodological guidelines tightly related to ethics and the nowadays well-identified workings of the human body and of its psyche

    Heterogeneity, High Performance Computing, Self-Organization and the Cloud

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    application; blueprints; self-management; self-organisation; resource management; supply chain; big data; PaaS; Saas; HPCaa

    Re-use of tests and arguments for assesing dependable mixed-critically systems

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    The safety assessment of mixed-criticality systems (MCS) is a challenging activity due to system heterogeneity, design constraints and increasing complexity. The foundation for MCSs is the integrated architecture paradigm, where a compact hardware comprises multiple execution platforms and communication interfaces to implement concurrent functions with different safety requirements. Besides a computing platform providing adequate isolation and fault tolerance mechanism, the development of an MCS application shall also comply with the guidelines defined by the safety standards. A way to lower the overall MCS certification cost is to adopt a platform-based design (PBD) development approach. PBD is a model-based development (MBD) approach, where separate models of logic, hardware and deployment support the analysis of the resulting system properties and behaviour. The PBD development of MCSs benefits from a composition of modular safety properties (e.g. modular safety cases), which support the derivation of mixed-criticality product lines. The validation and verification (V&V) activities claim a substantial effort during the development of programmable electronics for safety-critical applications. As for the MCS dependability assessment, the purpose of the V&V is to provide evidences supporting the safety claims. The model-based development of MCSs adds more V&V tasks, because additional analysis (e.g., simulations) need to be carried out during the design phase. During the MCS integration phase, typically hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) plant simulators support the V&V campaigns, where test automation and fault-injection are the key to test repeatability and thorough exercise of the safety mechanisms. This dissertation proposes several V&V artefacts re-use strategies to perform an early verification at system level for a distributed MCS, artefacts that later would be reused up to the final stages in the development process: a test code re-use to verify the fault-tolerance mechanisms on a functional model of the system combined with a non-intrusive software fault-injection, a model to X-in-the-loop (XiL) and code-to-XiL re-use to provide models of the plant and distributed embedded nodes suited to the HiL simulator, and finally, an argumentation framework to support the automated composition and staged completion of modular safety-cases for dependability assessment, in the context of the platform-based development of mixed-criticality systems relying on the DREAMS harmonized platform.La dificultad para evaluar la seguridad de los sistemas de criticidad mixta (SCM) aumenta con la heterogeneidad del sistema, las restricciones de diseño y una complejidad creciente. Los SCM adoptan el paradigma de arquitectura integrada, donde un hardware embebido compacto comprende múltiples plataformas de ejecución e interfaces de comunicación para implementar funciones concurrentes y con diferentes requisitos de seguridad. Además de una plataforma de computación que provea un aislamiento y mecanismos de tolerancia a fallos adecuados, el desarrollo de una aplicación SCM además debe cumplir con las directrices definidas por las normas de seguridad. Una forma de reducir el coste global de la certificación de un SCM es adoptar un enfoque de desarrollo basado en plataforma (DBP). DBP es un enfoque de desarrollo basado en modelos (DBM), en el que modelos separados de lógica, hardware y despliegue soportan el análisis de las propiedades y el comportamiento emergente del sistema diseñado. El desarrollo DBP de SCMs se beneficia de una composición modular de propiedades de seguridad (por ejemplo, casos de seguridad modulares), que facilitan la definición de líneas de productos de criticidad mixta. Las actividades de verificación y validación (V&V) representan un esfuerzo sustancial durante el desarrollo de aplicaciones basadas en electrónica confiable. En la evaluación de la seguridad de un SCM el propósito de las actividades de V&V es obtener las evidencias que apoyen las aseveraciones de seguridad. El desarrollo basado en modelos de un SCM incrementa las tareas de V&V, porque permite realizar análisis adicionales (por ejemplo, simulaciones) durante la fase de diseño. En las campañas de pruebas de integración de un SCM habitualmente se emplean simuladores de planta hardware-in-the-loop (HiL), en donde la automatización de pruebas y la inyección de faltas son la clave para la repetitividad de las pruebas y para ejercitar completamente los mecanismos de tolerancia a fallos. Esta tesis propone diversas estrategias de reutilización de artefactos de V&V para la verificación temprana de un MCS distribuido, artefactos que se emplearán en ulteriores fases del desarrollo: la reutilización de código de prueba para verificar los mecanismos de tolerancia a fallos sobre un modelo funcional del sistema combinado con una inyección de fallos de software no intrusiva, la reutilización de modelo a X-in-the-loop (XiL) y código a XiL para obtener modelos de planta y nodos distribuidos aptos para el simulador HiL y, finalmente, un marco de argumentación para la composición automatizada y la compleción escalonada de casos de seguridad modulares, en el contexto del desarrollo basado en plataformas de sistemas de criticidad mixta empleando la plataforma armonizada DREAMS.Kritikotasun nahastuko sistemen segurtasun ebaluazioa jarduera neketsua da beraien heterogeneotasuna dela eta. Sistema hauen oinarria arkitektura integratuen paradigman datza, non hardware konpaktu batek exekuzio plataforma eta komunikazio interfaze ugari integratu ahal dituen segurtasun baldintza desberdineko funtzio konkurrenteak inplementatzeko. Konputazio plataformek isolamendu eta akatsen aurkako mekanismo egokiak emateaz gain, segurtasun arauek definituriko jarraibideak jarraitu behar dituzte kritikotasun mistodun aplikazioen garapenean. Sistema hauen zertifikazio prozesuaren kostua murrizteko aukera bat plataformetan oinarritutako garapenean (PBD) datza. Garapen planteamendu hau modeloetan oinarrituriko garapena da (MBD) non modeloaren logika, hardware eta garapen desberdinak sistemaren propietateen eta portaeraren aurka aztertzen diren. Kritikotasun mistodun sistemen PBD garapenak etekina ateratzen dio moduluetan oinarrituriko segurtasun propietateei, adibidez: segurtasun kasu modularrak (MSC). Modulu hauek kritikotasun mistodun produktu-lerroak ere hartzen dituzte kontutan. Berifikazio eta balioztatze (V&V) jarduerek esfortzu kontsideragarria eskatzen dute segurtasun-kiritikoetarako elektronika programagarrien garapenean. Kritikotasun mistodun sistemen konfiantzaren ebaluazioaren eta V&V jardueren helburua segurtasun eskariak jasotzen dituzten frogak proportzionatzea da. Kritikotasun mistodun sistemen modelo bidezko garapenek zeregin gehigarriak atxikitzen dizkio V&V jarduerari, fase honetan analisi gehigarriak (hots, simulazioak) zehazten direlako. Bestalde, kritikotasun mistodun sistemen integrazio fasean, hardware-in-the-loop (Hil) simulazio plantek V&V iniziatibak sostengatzen dituzte non testen automatizazioan eta akatsen txertaketan funtsezko jarduerak diren. Jarduera hauek frogen errepikapena eta segurtasun mekanismoak egiaztzea ahalbidetzen dute. Tesi honek V&V artefaktuen berrerabilpenerako estrategiak proposatzen ditu, kritikotasun mistodun sistemen egiaztatze azkarrerako sistema mailan eta garapen prozesuko azken faseetaraino erabili daitezkeenak. Esate baterako, test kodearen berrabilpena akats aurkako mekanismoak egiaztatzeko, modelotik X-in-the-loop (XiL)-ra eta kodetik XiL-rako konbertsioa HiL simulaziorako eta argumentazio egitura bat DREAMS Europear proiektuan definituriko arkitektura estiloan oinarrituriko segurtasun kasu modularrak automatikoki eta gradualki sortzeko


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    Cooperative Vehicular Platooning (Co-VP) is a paradigmatic example of a Cooperative Cyber-Physical System (Co-CPS), which holds the potential to vastly improve road safety by partially removing humans from the driving task. However, the challenges are substantial, as the domain involves several topics, such as control theory, communications, vehicle dynamics, security, and traffic engineering, that must be coupled to describe, develop and validate these systems of systems accurately. This work presents a comprehensive survey of significant and recent advances in Co-VP relevant fields. We start by overviewing the work on control strategies and underlying communication infrastructures, focusing on their interplay. We also address a fundamental concern by presenting a cyber-security overview regarding these systems. Furthermore, we present and compare the primary initiatives to test and validate those systems, including simulation tools, hardware-in-the-loop setups, and vehicular testbeds. Finally, we highlight a few open challenges in the Co-VP domain. This work aims to provide a fundamental overview of highly relevant works on Co-VP topics, particularly by exposing their inter-dependencies, facilitating a guide that will support further developments in this challenging field.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Heterogeneity, High Performance Computing, Self-Organization and the Cloud

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    application; blueprints; self-management; self-organisation; resource management; supply chain; big data; PaaS; Saas; HPCaa

    The BciAi4SLA Project: Towards a User-Centered BCI

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    The brain–computer interfaces (BCI) are interfaces that put the user in communication with an electronic device based on signals originating from the brain. In this paper, we describe a proof of concept that took place within the context of BciAi4Sla, a multidisciplinary project involving computer scientists, physiologists, biomedical engineers, neurologists, and psychologists with the aim of designing and developing a BCI system following a user-centered approach, involving domain experts and users since initial prototyping steps in a design–test–redesign development cycle. The project intends to develop a software platform able to restore a communication channel in patients who have compromised their communication possibilities due to illness or accidents. The most common case is the patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). In this paper, we describe the background and the main development steps of the project, also reporting some initial and promising user evaluation results, including real-time performance classification and a proof-of-concept prototype

    Model-based passive testing of safety-critical components

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    Passive testing is a complementary technique to active testing. For some types of systems, for example dynamic or adaptive distributed systems which are able to re-configure themselves at runtime in response to changes in their environments, exhaustive active testing before deployment is either theoretically impossible or practically not feasible. For such types of systems the additional application of the technique of passive testing is recommendable. However, a comprehensive theory and taxonomy of methods and techniques for model-based passive testing does –as far as we know– not yet exist and is from today’s perspective still very much a topic for future research in this domain. For this reason the presentation of the topic in this chapter is very much example-based such as to provide the reader with some first intuitions about what model-based passive testing is, what kinds of techniques could be used to implement it, and what could be some typical application scenarios for model-based passive testing in the domains of software systems, hardware systems, as well as embedded software+hardware systems.Note: Section 5 of our chapter, as well as several Figures and a number of Acknowledgments, which will appear in the above-mentioned book, are OMITTED in this pre-print version.http://www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/978143981845

    Effective EEG analysis for advanced AI-driven motor imagery BCI systems

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    Developing effective signal processing for brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) and brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) involves factoring in three aspects of functionality: classification performance, execution time, and the number of data channels used. The contributions in this thesis are centered on these three issues. Contributions are focused on the classification of motor imagery (MI) data, which is generated during imagined movements. Typically, EEG time-series data is segmented for data augmentation or to mimic buffering that happens in an online BCI. A multi-segment decision fusion approach is presented, which takes consecutive temporal segments of EEG data, and uses decision fusion to boost classification performance. It was computationally lightweight and improved the performance of four conventional classifiers. Also, an analysis of the contributions of electrodes from different scalp regions is presented, and a subset of channels is recommended. Sparse learning (SL) classifiers have exhibited strong classification performance in the literature. However, they are computationally expensive. To reduce the test-set execution times, a novel EEG classification pipeline consisting of a genetic-algorithm (GA) for channel selection and a dictionary-based SL module for classification, called GABSLEEG, is presented. Subject-specific channel selection was carried out, in which the channels are selected based on training data from the subject. Using the GA-recommended subset of EEG channels reduced the execution time by 60% whilst preserving classification performance. Although subject-specific channel selection is widely used in the literature, effective subject-independent channel selection, in which channels are detected using data from other subjects, is an ideal aim because it leads to lower training latency and reduces the number of electrodes needed. A novel convolutional neural network (CNN)-based subject-independent channels selection method is presented, called the integrated channel selection (ICS) layer. It performed on-a-par with or better than subject-specific channel selection. It was computationally efficient, operating 12-17 times faster than the GA channel selection module. The ICS layer method was versatile, performing well with two different CNN architectures and datasets.Developing effective signal processing for brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) and brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) involves factoring in three aspects of functionality: classification performance, execution time, and the number of data channels used. The contributions in this thesis are centered on these three issues. Contributions are focused on the classification of motor imagery (MI) data, which is generated during imagined movements. Typically, EEG time-series data is segmented for data augmentation or to mimic buffering that happens in an online BCI. A multi-segment decision fusion approach is presented, which takes consecutive temporal segments of EEG data, and uses decision fusion to boost classification performance. It was computationally lightweight and improved the performance of four conventional classifiers. Also, an analysis of the contributions of electrodes from different scalp regions is presented, and a subset of channels is recommended. Sparse learning (SL) classifiers have exhibited strong classification performance in the literature. However, they are computationally expensive. To reduce the test-set execution times, a novel EEG classification pipeline consisting of a genetic-algorithm (GA) for channel selection and a dictionary-based SL module for classification, called GABSLEEG, is presented. Subject-specific channel selection was carried out, in which the channels are selected based on training data from the subject. Using the GA-recommended subset of EEG channels reduced the execution time by 60% whilst preserving classification performance. Although subject-specific channel selection is widely used in the literature, effective subject-independent channel selection, in which channels are detected using data from other subjects, is an ideal aim because it leads to lower training latency and reduces the number of electrodes needed. A novel convolutional neural network (CNN)-based subject-independent channels selection method is presented, called the integrated channel selection (ICS) layer. It performed on-a-par with or better than subject-specific channel selection. It was computationally efficient, operating 12-17 times faster than the GA channel selection module. The ICS layer method was versatile, performing well with two different CNN architectures and datasets

    Reconfigurable Antenna Systems: Platform implementation and low-power matters

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    Antennas are a necessary and often critical component of all wireless systems, of which they share the ever-increasing complexity and the challenges of present and emerging trends. 5G, massive low-orbit satellite architectures (e.g. OneWeb), industry 4.0, Internet of Things (IoT), satcom on-the-move, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Autonomous Vehicles, all call for highly flexible systems, and antenna reconfigurability is an enabling part of these advances. The terminal segment is particularly crucial in this sense, encompassing both very compact antennas or low-profile antennas, all with various adaptability/reconfigurability requirements. This thesis work has dealt with hardware implementation issues of Radio Frequency (RF) antenna reconfigurability, and in particular with low-power General Purpose Platforms (GPP); the work has encompassed Software Defined Radio (SDR) implementation, as well as embedded low-power platforms (in particular on STM32 Nucleo family of micro-controller). The hardware-software platform work has been complemented with design and fabrication of reconfigurable antennas in standard technology, and the resulting systems tested. The selected antenna technology was antenna array with continuously steerable beam, controlled by voltage-driven phase shifting circuits. Applications included notably Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) deployed in the Italian scientific mission in Antarctica, in a traffic-monitoring case study (EU H2020 project), and into an innovative Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) antenna concept (patent application submitted). The SDR implementation focused on a low-cost and low-power Software-defined radio open-source platform with IEEE 802.11 a/g/p wireless communication capability. In a second embodiment, the flexibility of the SDR paradigm has been traded off to avoid the power consumption associated to the relevant operating system. Application field of reconfigurable antenna is, however, not limited to a better management of the energy consumption. The analysis has also been extended to satellites positioning application. A novel beamforming method has presented demonstrating improvements in the quality of signals received from satellites. Regarding those who deal with positioning algorithms, this advancement help improving precision on the estimated position

    Heterogeneity, high performance computing, self-organization and the Cloud

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    This open access book addresses the most recent developments in cloud computing such as HPC in the Cloud, heterogeneous cloud, self-organising and self-management, and discusses the business implications of cloud computing adoption. Establishing the need for a new architecture for cloud computing, it discusses a novel cloud management and delivery architecture based on the principles of self-organisation and self-management. This focus shifts the deployment and optimisation effort from the consumer to the software stack running on the cloud infrastructure. It also outlines validation challenges and introduces a novel generalised extensible simulation framework to illustrate the effectiveness, performance and scalability of self-organising and self-managing delivery models on hyperscale cloud infrastructures. It concludes with a number of potential use cases for self-organising, self-managing clouds and the impact on those businesses