289 research outputs found

    Research on the System Safety Management in Urban Railway

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    Nowadays, rail transport has become one of the most widely utilised forms of transport thanks to its high safety level, large capacity, and cost-effectiveness. With the railway network's continuous development, including urban rail transit, one of the major areas of increasing attention and demand is ensuring safety or risk management in operation long-term remains for the whole life cycle by scientific tools, management of railway operation (Martani 2017), specifically in developed and developing countries like Vietnam. The situation in Vietnam demonstrates that the national mainline railway network has been built and operated entirely in a single narrow gauge (1000mm) since the previous century, with very few updates of manual operating technology. This significantly highlights that up to now, the conventional technique for managing the safety operation in general, and collision in particular, of the current Vietnamese railway system, including its subsystems, is only accident statistics which is not a scientific-based tool as the others like risk identify and analyse methods, risk mitigation…, that are already available in many countries. Accident management of Vietnam Railways is limited and responsible for accident statistics analysis to avoid and minimise the harm caused by phenomena that occur only after an accident. Statistical analysis of train accident case studies in Vietnam railway demonstrates that, because hazards and failures that could result in serious system occurrences (accidents and incidents) have not been identified, recorded, and evaluated to conduct safety-driven risk analysis using a well-suited assessment methodology, risk prevention and control cannot be achieved. Not only is it hard to forecast and avoid events, but it may also raise the chance and amount of danger, as well as the severity of the later effects. As a result, Vietnam's railway system has a high number of accidents and failure rates. For example, Vietnam Rail-ways' mainline network accounted for approximately 200 railway accidents in 2018, a 3% increase over the previous year, including 163 collisions between trains and road vehicles/persons, resulting in more than 100 fatalities and more than 150 casualties; 16 accidents, including almost derailments, the signal passed at danger… without fatality or casual-ty, but significant damage to rolling stock and track infrastructure (VR 2021). Focusing and developing a new standardised framework for safety management and availability of railway operation in Vietnam is required in view of the rapid development of rail urban transport in the country in recent years (VmoT 2016; VmoT 2018). UMRT Line HN2A in southwest Hanoi is the country's first elevated light rail transit line, which was completed and officially put into revenue service in November 2021. This greatly highlights that up to the current date, the UMRT Line HN2A is the first and only railway line in Vietnam with operational safety assessment launched for the first time and long-term remains for the whole life cycle. The fact that the UMRT Hanoi has a large capacity, more complicated rolling stock and infrastructure equipment, as well as a modern communica-tion-based train control (CBTC) signalling system and automatic train driving without the need for operator intervention (Lindqvist 2006), are all advantages. Developing a compatible and integrated safety management system (SMS) for adaption to the safety operating requirements of this UMRT is an important major point of concern, and this should be proven. In actuality, the system acceptance and safety certification phase for Metro Line HN2A prolonged up to 2.5 years owing to the identification of difficulties with noncompliance to safety requirements resulting from inadequate SMS documents and risk assessment. These faults and hazards have developed during the manufacturing and execution of the project; it is impossible to go back in time to correct them, and it is also impossible to ignore the project without assuming responsibility for its management. At the time of completion, the HN2A metro line will have required an expenditure of up to $868 million, thus it is vital to create measures to prevent system failure and assure passenger safety. This dissertation has reviewed the methods to solve the aforementioned challenges and presented a solution blueprint to attain the European standard level of system safety in three-phase as in the following: • Phase 1: applicable for lines that are currently in operation, such as Metro Line HN2A. Focused on operational and maintenance procedures, as well as a training plan for railway personnel, in order to enhance human performance. Complete and update the risk assessment framework for Metro Line HN2A. The dissertation's findings are described in these applications. • Phase 2: applicable for lines that are currently in construction and manufacturing, such as Metro Line HN3, Line HN2, HCMC Line 1 and Line 2. Continue refining and enhancing engineering management methods introduced during Phase 1. On the basis of the risk assessment by manufacturers (Line HN3, HCMC Line 2 with European manufacturers) and the risk assessment framework described in Chapter 4, a risk management plan for each line will be developed. Building Accident database for risk assessment research and development. • Phase 3: applicable for lines that are currently in planning. Enhance safety requirements and life-cycle management. Building a proactive Safety Culture step by step for the railway industry. This material is implemented gradually throughout all three phases, beginning with the creation of the concept and concluding with an improvement in the attitude of railway personnel on the HN2A line. In addition to this overview, Chapters 4 through Chapter 9 of the dissertation include particular solutions for Risk assessment, Vehicle and Infrastructure Maintenance methods, Inci-dent Management procedures, and Safety Culture installation. This document focuses on constructing a system safety concept for railway personnel, providing stringent and scientific management practises to assure proper engineering conditions, to manage effectively the metro line system, and ensuring passenger safety in Hanoi's metro operatio

    Evaluating non-functional qualities in railway by applying the quality triage method - A case study

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    The railway industry is undergoing modernization and development with increasing use of new technology and digitalisation. In addition to physical security requirements, systems need to be secured against cyberattacks from outsiders. In addition, there are other quality requirements like scalability, reliability, availability, and sustainability that need attention. This paper presents results from testing the quality triage method, which has its origin from software development, on railway projects. The quality triage method aims to balance several quality requirements for decision making in development projects. Cybersecurity is an example of these quality requirements. A discussion of cost elements and benefits from applying the method within the railway domain has been outlined. As a main conclusion, the authors see new opportunities of addressing quality requirements more explicitly in projects by applying the quality triage approach to railway projects.publishedVersio

    Monitoring Scheme for Safety Hazard Status of Urban Rail Transit Operation Equipment and Facilities Based on Blockchain Technology

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    Urban rail transit plays a very important role in cities’ social and economic development. To ensure the safe and stable operation of urban rail transit operation equipment and facilities, it is necessary to monitor a large number of safety hazard statuses and data and improve the over-centralisation of traditional monitoring. This paper designs a scheme for storing, validating and monitoring the safety hazard status of urban rail transit operation equipment and facilities based on blockchain technology. The safety hazards of equipment and facilities during the operation stage of urban rail transit are listed using the literature analysis method and the case study method. The European RAMS (reliability, availability, maintainability and safety) standard method is used to determine the safety hazard status of equipment and facilities by availability index. Based on the features of the consensus mechanism, smart contract and other features of blockchain technology, this paper designs an overall scheme for storing, verifying and monitoring the safety hazard status of equipment and facilities. This scheme provides a practical operation method for evaluating the safety hazard status of rail transit equipment and facilities, which is conducive to the safety rectification of the entire urban rail transit

    Selection of a new hardware and software platform for railway interlocking

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    The interlocking system is one of the main actors for safe railway transportation. In most cases, the whole system is supplied by a single vendor. The recent regulations from the European Union direct for an “open” architecture to invite new game changers and reduce life-cycle costs. The objective of the thesis is to propose an alternative platform that could replace a legacy interlocking system. In the thesis, various commercial off-the-shelf hardware and software products are studied which could be assembled to compose an alternative interlocking platform. The platform must be open enough to adapt to any changes in the constituent elements and abide by the proposed baselines of new standardization initiatives, such as ERTMS, EULYNX, and RCA. In this thesis, a comparative study is performed between these products based on hardware capacity, architecture, communication protocols, programming tools, security, railway certifications, life-cycle issues, etc

    MP-CFM: MPTCP-Based communication functional module for next generation ERTMS

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    184 p. El contenido de los capítulos 4,5,6,7,8 y 9 está sujeto a confidencialidadEl Sistema Europeo de Gestión del Tráfico Ferroviario (ERTMS, por sus siglasen inglés), fue originalmente diseñado para los ferrocarriles europeos. Sinembargo, a lo largo de las dos últimas décadas, este sistema se ha convertidoen el estándar de-facto para los servicios de Alta Velocidad en la mayoría depaíses desarrollados.El sistema ERTMS se compone de tres subsistemas principales: 1) el Sistemade Control Ferroviario Europeo (ETCS, por sus siglas en inglés), que actúacomo aplicación de señalización; 2) el sistema Euroradio, que a su vez estádividido en dos subsistemas, el Módulo de Seguridad Funcional (SFM, porsus siglas en inglés), y el Módulo de Comunicación Funcional (CFM, porsus siglas en inglés); y 3) el sistema de comunicaciones subyacente, GSM-R,que transporta la información intercambiada entre el sistema embarcado enel tren (OBU, por sus siglas en inglés) y el Centro de Bloqueo por Radio(RBC, por sus siglas en inglés). El sistema de señalización ETCS soporta tresniveles dependiendo del nivel de prestaciones soportadas. En el nivel 3 seintroduce la posibilidad de trabajar con bloques móviles en lugar de bloquesfijos definidos en la vía. Esto implica que la distancia de avance entre dos trenesconsecutivos puede ser reducida a una distancia mínima en la que se garanticela seguridad del servicio, aumentando por tanto la capacidad del corredorferroviario. Esta distancia de seguridad viene determinada por la combinaciónde la distancia de frenado del tren y el retraso de las comunicaciones deseñalización. Por lo tanto, se puede afirmar que existe una relación directaentre los retrasos y la confiabilidad de las transmisiones de las aplicaciones deseñalización y la capacidad operacional de un corredor ferroviario. Así pues,el estudio y mejora de los sistemas de comunicaciones utilizados en ERTMSjuegan un papel clave en la evolución del sistema ERTMS. Asimismo, unaoperatividad segura en ERTMS, desde el punto de vista de las comunicacionesimplicadas en la misma, viene determinada por la confiabilidad de lascomunicaciones, la disponibilidad de sus canales de comunicación, el retrasode las comunicaciones y la seguridad de sus mensajes.Unido este hecho, la industria ferroviaria ha venido trabajando en ladigitalización y la transición al protocolo IP de la mayor parte de los sistemasde señalización. Alineado con esta tendencia, el consorcio industrial UNISIGha publicado recientemente un nuevo modelo de comunicaciones para ERTMSque incluye la posibilidad, no solo de operar con el sistema tradicional,basado en tecnología de conmutación de circuitos, sino también con un nuevosistema basado en IP. Esta tesis está alineada con el contexto de migraciónactual y pretende contribuir a mejorar la disponibilidad, confiabilidad yseguridad de las comunicaciones, tomando como eje fundamental los tiemposde transmisión de los mensajes, con el horizonte puesto en la definición deuna próxima generación de ERTMS, definida en esta tesis como NGERTMS.En este contexto, se han detectado tres retos principales para reforzar laresiliencia de la arquitectura de comunicaciones del NGERTMS: 1) mejorarla supervivencia de las comunicaciones ante disrupciones; 2) superar laslimitaciones actuales de ERTMS para enviar mensajes de alta prioridad sobretecnología de conmutación de paquetes, dotando a estos mensajes de un mayorgrado de resiliencia y menor latencia respecto a los mensajes ordinarios; y3) el aumento de la seguridad de las comunicaciones y el incremento de ladisponibilidad sin que esto conlleve un incremento en la latencia.Considerando los desafíos previamente descritos, en esta tesis se proponeuna arquitectura de comunicaciones basada en el protocolo MPTCP, llamadaMP-CFM, que permite superar dichos desafíos, a la par que mantener laretrocompatibilidad con el sistema de comunicaciones basado en conmutaciónde paquetes recientemente propuesto por UNISIG. Hasta el momento, esta esla primera vez que se propone una arquitectura de comunicaciones completacapaz de abordar los desafíos mencionados anteriormente. Esta arquitecturaimplementa cuatro tipos de clase de servicio, los cuales son utilizados porlos paquetes ordinarios y de alta prioridad para dos escenarios distintos; unescenario en el que ambos extremos, el sistema embarcado o OBU y el RBC,disponen de múltiples interfaces de red; y otro escenario transicional en el cualel RBC sí tiene múltiples interfaces de red pero el OBU solo dispone de unaúnica interfaz. La arquitectura de comunicaciones propuesta para el entornoferroviario ha sido validada mediante un entorno de simulación desarrolladopara tal efecto. Es más, dichas simulaciones demuestran que la arquitecturapropuesta, ante disrupciones de canal, supera con creces en términos derobustez el sistema diseñado por UNISIG. Como conclusión, se puede afirmarque en esta tesis se demuestra que una arquitectura de comunicaciones basadade MPTCP cumple con los exigentes requisitos establecidos para el NGERTMSy por tanto dicha propuesta supone un avance en la evolución del sistema deseñalización ferroviario europeo

    On cost-effective reuse of components in the design of complex reconfigurable systems

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    Design strategies that benefit from the reuse of system components can reduce costs while maintaining or increasing dependability—we use the term dependability to tie together reliability and availability. D3H2 (aDaptive Dependable Design for systems with Homogeneous and Heterogeneous redundancies) is a methodology that supports the design of complex systems with a focus on reconfiguration and component reuse. D3H2 systematizes the identification of heterogeneous redundancies and optimizes the design of fault detection and reconfiguration mechanisms, by enabling the analysis of design alternatives with respect to dependability and cost. In this paper, we extend D3H2 for application to repairable systems. The method is extended with analysis capabilities allowing dependability assessment of complex reconfigurable systems. Analysed scenarios include time-dependencies between failure events and the corresponding reconfiguration actions. We demonstrate how D3H2 can support decisions about fault detection and reconfiguration that seek to improve dependability while reducing costs via application to a realistic railway case study

    A top-down approach for a multi-scale identification of risk areas in infrastructures: particularization in a case study on road safety

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    Introduction: Transport infrastructures have an important function in society and the development of a country. In Spain, the most used modes of traveler transport are road and rail, far ahead of other means of transport such as air or maritime transport. Both rail and road infrastructures can be affected by numerous hazards, endangering their performance and the safety of users. This study proposes a methodology with a multiscale top-down approach to identify the areas affected by fire, landslide, and safety in road and rail infrastructures in Galicia (Northwest Spain).Methodology: The methodology is developed in three steps, coinciding with the three scales considered in this work: network-, system-, and object-level. In the first step, risk areas are identified and prioritized, resulting in the most critical safety risk in a motorway section. This area defines a study scenario composed of a location (A-55 motorway) and the associated risk (road safety). In the second step, the road safety factors within this scenario are selected, hierarchized, and weighted using a combination of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making methods including the Analytical Hierarchy Process and the Best–Worst Method. Finally, a risk map is generated based on the weighting of infrastructure-related safety factors and compared to real historical accident data for validation. The methodology is based on road and risk assessment standards and only information in the public domain is used.Results: Results show that only 3 segments out of 153 were classified incorrectly, which supports a probability higher than 95% of agreement with real data (at 5% significance level). In a conclusion, the overall methodology exhibits a high potential for hazard prevention and road-safety enhancement.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019-108816RB-I00Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PRE2020-09622