386 research outputs found

    The Effects of Computer-assisted Pronunciation Readings on ESL Learners’ Use of Pausing, Stress, Intonation, and Overall Comprehensibility

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    With research showing the benefits of pronunciation instruction aimed at suprasegmentals (Derwing, Munro, & Wiebe, 1997, 1998; Derwing & Rossiter, 2003; Hahn, 2004; McNerney and Mendelsohn, 1992), more materials are needed to provide learners opportunities for self-directed practice. A 13-week experimental study was performed with 75 ESL learners divided into control and treatment groups. The treatment group was exposed to 11 weeks of self-directed computer-assisted practice using Cued Pronunciation Readings (CPRs). In the quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test design, speech perception and production samples were collected at Time 1 (week one of the study) and Time 2 (week 13). Researchers analyzed the treatment’s effect on the learners’ perception and production of key suprasegmental features (pausing, word stress, and sentence-final intonation), and the learners’ level of perceived comprehensibility. Results from the statistical tests revealed that the treatment had a significant effect on learners’ perception of pausing and word stress and controlled production of stress, even with limited time spent practicing CPRs in a self-directed environment

    Una herramienta de observación para la pedagogía de comprensión en contenido y de lenguaje integrado: ejemplos de la educación primaria

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    This article on principles and practices in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is also applicable for general foreign and second language instruction. Since there is no ‘one size fits all’ CLIL pedagogy, the origin of the article lies in the need of educators to obtain and exchange ideas of and tools for actual classroom practices (Pérez Cañado, 2017), and ensure that all key features of CLIL are present in instruction. Although there are a few handbooks available for launching CLIL and adopting CLIL pedagogy (e.g., Coyle, Hood, & Marsh, 2010; Mehisto, Marsh, & Frigols, 2008), these provide principles and general examples of content-based instruction at higher levels of education rather than more detailed advice on how to operate in the beginning phases with young language learners, hence the focus on primary education. The Observation Tool for Effective CLIL Teaching created by de Graaff, Koopman, Anikina, and Gerrit (2007) was chosen as the starting point and was complemented with three additional fields that were not markedly included in the original model: cultural aspects, affects, and assessment.Este artículo sobre principios y prácticas en el Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras (AICLE) también es aplicable para la enseñanza general de idiomas extranjeros y de segunda lengua. Dado que no existe una pedagogía de AICLE de tamaño único, el origen del artículo reside en la necesidad de los educadores de obtener e intercambiar ideas y herramientas para prácticas reales en el aula (Pérez Cañado, 2017) y aseguren que todas las características clave de AICLE están presentes en la instrucción. Aunque existen algunos manuales disponibles para poner en práctica AICLE y adoptar la pedagogía de AICLE (por ejemplo, Coyle, Hood y Marsh, 2010, Mehisto, Marsh y Frigols, 2008), estos proporcionan principios y ejemplos generales de instrucción basada en contenido en niveles más altos de educación en lugar de un asesoramiento más detallado sobre cómo operar en las fases iniciales con los estudiantes de idiomas jóvenes, por lo tanto, el enfoque en la educación primaria. La herramienta de observación para la enseñanza efectiva en CLIL creada por de Graaff, Koopman, Anikina y Gerrit (2007) fue elegida como punto de partida y fue complementada con tres campos adicionales que no fueron incluidos marcadamente en el modelo original: aspectos culturales, afectos y evaluación

    An Observation Tool for Comprehensive Pedagogy in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): Examples from Primary Education - Una herramienta de observación para la pedagogía de comprensión en contenido y de lenguaje integrado: ejemplos de la educación primaria

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    This article on principles and practices in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is also applicable for general foreign and second language instruction. Since there is no 'one size fits all' CLIL pedagogy, the origin of the article lies in the need of educators to obtain and exchange ideas of and tools for actual classroom practices (Perez Canado, 2017), and ensure that all key features of CLIL are present in instruction. Although there are a few handbooks available for launching CLIL and adopting CLIL pedagogy (e.g., Coyle, Hood, & Marsh, 2010; Mehisto, Marsh, & Frigols, 2008), these provide principles and general examples of content-based instruction at higher levels of education rather than more detailed advice on how to operate in the beginning phases with young language learners, hence the focus on primary education. The Observation Tool for Effective CLIL Teaching created by de Graaff, Koopman, Anikina, and Gerrit (2007) was chosen as the starting point and was complemented with three additional fields that were not markedly included in the original model: cultural aspects, affects, and assessment.Este artículo sobre principios y prácticas en el Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras (AICLE) también es aplicable para la enseñanza general de idiomas extranjeros y de segunda lengua. Dado que no existe una pedagogía de AICLE de tamaño único, el origen del artículo reside en la necesidad de los educadores de obtener e intercambiar ideas y herramientas para prácticas reales en el aula (Pérez Cañado, 2017) y aseguren que todas las características clave de AICLE están presentes en la instrucción. Aunque existen algunos manuales disponibles para poner en práctica AICLE y adoptar la pedagogía de AICLE (por ejemplo, Coyle, Hood y Marsh, 2010, Mehisto, Marsh y Frigols, 2008), estos proporcionan principios y ejemplos generales de instrucción basada en contenido en niveles más altos de educación en lugar de un asesoramiento más detallado sobre cómo operar en las fases iniciales con los estudiantes de idiomas jóvenes, por lo tanto, el enfoque en la educación primaria. La herramienta de observación para la enseñanza efectiva en CLIL creada por de Graaff, Koopman, Anikina y Gerrit (2007) fue elegida como punto de partida y fue complementada con tres campos adicionales que no fueron incluidos marcadamente en el modelo original: aspectos culturales, afectos y evaluación.</div

    Musofun: Joseph Schillinger's Musical Game between American Music, the Soviet Avant-Garde, and Combinatorics

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    The Use of Singing, Storytelling and Chanting in the Primary EFL Classroom: Aesthetic Experience and Participation in FL Learning

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    This longitudinal small-scale study, which is based on data collected between 2007 and 2010in Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany, analyses the use of songs, stories and chants in primaryEFL classrooms. A multi-method design is applied involving quantitative researchinstruments, such as a questionnaire distributed to primary school teachers, as well asqualitative research instruments, such as extensive participant observation and in-depthinterviews with learners as well as teachers.Questionnaire data indicates regular use of songs, stories and chants in primary FLclassrooms in the area under investigation. Audio-recorded classroom and interview discoursereveals that musical and literary texts spark learners’ interest due to the aesthetic qualities theyexhibit. Learners’ non-verbal and verbal responses show that they construct meaning fromvisual and acoustic cues that accompany songs, stories and chants and that they are eager toparticipate in the performance of these texts. Learners imitate language items immediately,their verbal participation increasing with every encounter of a song, chant or story. Learnersare able to recall individual and multi-word sequences from high-interest musical and literarytexts shortly after repeated exposure as well as 12 to 15 months later. There is evidence ofthem breaking up memorized language chunks and recombining them for generative languageuse. Furthermore, learners are able to jointly reconstruct the storyline of a picture book 12months after their first and only encounter with it, suggesting that a meaningful context hasbeen created which is accessible over an extended period of time.On the basis of these findings, it is argued that the aesthetic qualities of songs, storiesand chants foster FL learning in various ways. They support comprehension and retrieval,sustain learners’ interest and invite joint performances, all of which paves the way for themastery of multi-word sequences and creative FL use

    Multiple frameworks for creative instruction: academic content taught through music-infused instruction and integrated arts

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    Thesis (D.M.A.)--Boston UniversityThe purpose of this collective case study was to examine the manner in which teachers delivered content-specific lessons using music as a medium of instruction. All three participants graduated from the Creative Arts and Learning Masters program at Lesley University and received training in their degree programs on the use of music as an instructional tool. Two of the participants had elementary teaching assignments and one taught high school Spanish. All three participants expressed enthusiasm about the use of arts and music-infused techniques in their classrooms and were willing to share both their practical and philosophical approaches to instruction. Participants exhibited their capacity to teach core subject matter by implementing music-infused instructional strategies across an array of different grade levels. Investigating how teachers applied these techniques, examining their philosophical beliefs and practices regarding integration, and exploring how they prepared and implemented these instructional approaches established a clearer understanding of their professional practice. The central research questions were: (a) How do participants make use of music-infused techniques? (b) In what ways, if any, do participants use music-infused techniques? (c) How are the music-infused techniques that participants use aligned with the Techniques of Music-Infused Instruction (TOMI) inventory scale? (d) How does the use of music-infused techniques reflect participants' attitudes and beliefs and the training they received? Data was collected through observation, reflective responses, interviews, and written artifacts to discover how teachers applied instructional styles and techniques reflected in the literature. Patterns of behavior among case study participants revealed practical application of music-infused techniques in their classrooms including subservient techniques, experiential activities, historical, cultural, and thematic approaches to integrated music-infused instruction. The study revealed that TOMI functioned best when taught in a synchronized manner. When teachers focused together on thematic and conceptual ideas that integrated music and art across the curriculum, students developed a deeper understanding of the material through the multiple perspectives they used to explore different academic subjects

    Speaking Music: A Historical Study of Edwin Gordon\u27s Music Learning Theory

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    Music Learning Theory, conceived, researched, and developed by Dr. Edwin Elias Gordan, has been on the periphery of music education for decades and is the only extant comprehensive theoretical framework that fully addresses the development of music literacy from early childhood through maturity. The concurrent research gap suggests that a Fordist approach may exist throughout music education – one that insists upon behavioral goals, direct instruction, and educational, artistic, and ideological exclusivity. This historical study elucidates Gordan’s work in order to understand the stages and processes that are like spokes of a wheel between his idea of audiation at the core and Music Learning Theory on the outer rim. Conclusions bring Gordon’s concepts within Music Learning Theory to the fore to address this potential gap in practice and exclusion in music education by revealing the theory’s usefulness in explaining how learning occurs while guiding instruction individual student project. The information gleaned is practical and displays Music Learning Theory as a possibility for all forms of music education but particularly for instrumental instruction. It represents possibilities in music instruction beyond those associated with traditional teaching and application of musical concepts and skills

    Student-Friendly Professional Training of a New Generation School Teacher. Студенто-сприятлива професійна підготовка майбутнього вчителя англійської мови нового покоління

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    Навчальний посібник до курсу «Методика навчання англійської мови» побудований на основі нової типової програми МОН України і Британської ради в Україні, яка охоплює всі теми курсу. У навчальному посібнику майбутні вчителі англійської мови можуть знайти основну теоретичну інформацію за темами, що вивчаються; додаткову літературу та онлайн-посилання для самостійного опрацювання, методичні практичні завдання для професійного розвитку студентів - майбутніх вчителів англійської мови як на заняттях в класі, так і при змішаному чи онлайн-навчанні; тести для перевірки здобутих професійно-наукових знань, умінь та навичок, а також завдання для дітей з особливими потребами. Навчальний посібник призначений для використання в самопідготовці студентів другого магістерського) рівня вищої освіти денної форми навчання до практичних занять, комунікативних майстерень, модульних робіт та екзамену з курсу «Методика навчання англійської мови