131 research outputs found

    Representing Guardedness in Call-By-Value

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    Like the notion of computation via (strong) monads serves to classify various flavours of impurity, including exceptions, non-determinism, probability, local and global store, the notion of guardedness classifies well-behavedness of cycles in various settings. In its most general form, the guardedness discipline applies to general symmetric monoidal categories and further specializes to Cartesian and co-Cartesian categories, where it governs guarded recursion and guarded iteration respectively. Here, even more specifically, we deal with the semantics of call-by-value guarded iteration. It was shown by Levy, Power and Thielecke that call-by-value languages can be generally interpreted in Freyd categories, but in order to represent effectful function spaces, such a category must canonically arise from a strong monad. We generalize this fact by showing that representing guarded effectful function spaces calls for certain parametrized monads (in the sense of Uustalu). This provides a description of guardedness as an intrinsic categorical property of programs, complementing the existing description of guardedness as a predicate on a category

    The under-performing unfold: a new approach to optimising corecursive programs

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    This paper presents a new approach to optimising corecursive programs by factorisation. In particular, we focus on programs written using the corecursion operator unfold. We use and expand upon the proof techniques of guarded coinduction and unfold fusion, capturing a pattern of generalising coinductive hypotheses by means of abstraction and representation functions. The pattern we observe is simple, has not been observed before, and is widely applicable. We develop a general program factorisation theorem from this pattern, demonstrating its utility with a range of practical examples

    Boxes Go Bananas: Encoding Higher-Order Abstract Syntax With Parametric Polymorphism (Extended Version)

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    Higher-order abstract syntax is a simple technique for implementing languages with functional programming. Object variables and binders are implemented by variables and binders in the host language. By using this technique, one can avoid implementing common and tricky routines dealing with variables, such as capture-avoiding substitution. However, despite the advantages this technique provides, it is not commonly used because it is difficult to write sound elimination forms (such as folds or catamorphisms) for higher-order abstract syntax. To fold over such a datatype, one must either simultaneously define an inverse operation (which may not exist) or show that all functions embedded in the datatype are parametric. In this paper, we show how first-class polymorphism can be used to guarantee the parametricity of functions embedded in higher-order abstract syntax. With this restriction, we implement a library of iteration operators over data-structures containing functionals. From this implementation, we derive fusion laws that functional programmers may use to reason about the iteration operator. Finally, we show how this use of parametric polymorphism corresponds to the Schürmann, Despeyroux and Pfenning method of enforcing parametricity through modal types. We do so by using this library to give a sound and complete encoding of their calculus into System Fω. This encoding can serve as a starting point for reasoning about higher-order structures in polymorphic languages

    Compositional software verification based on game semantics

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    One of the major challenges in computer science is to put programming on a firmer mathematical basis, in order to improve the correctness of computer programs. Automatic program verification is acknowledged to be a very hard problem, but current work is reaching the point where at least the foundational�· aspects of the problem can be addressed and it is becoming a part of industrial software development. This thesis presents a semantic framework for verifying safety properties of open sequ;ptial programs. The presentation is focused on an Algol-like programming language that embodies many of the core ingredients of imperative and functional languages and incorporates data abstraction in its syntax. Game semantics is used to obtain a compositional, incremental way of generating accurate models of programs. Model-checking is made possible by giving certain kinds of concrete automata-theoretic representations of the model. A data-abstraction refinement procedure is developed for model-checking safety properties of programs with infinite integer types. The procedure starts by model-checking the most abstract version of the program. If no counterexample, or a genuine one, is found, the procedure terminates. Otherwise, it uses a spurious counterexample to refine the abstraction for the next iteration. Abstraction refinement, assume-guarantee reasoning and the L* algorithm for learning regular languages are combined to yield a procedure for compositional verification. Construction of a global model is avoided using assume-guarantee reasoning and the L* algorithm, by learning assumptions for arbitrary subprograms. An implementation based on the FDR model checker for the CSP process algebra demonstrates practicality of the methods
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