108 research outputs found

    TABSAOND: A technique for developing agent-based simulation apps and online tools with nondeterministic decisions

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    Agent-based simulators (ABSs) have successfully allowed practitioners to estimate the outcomes of certain input circumstances in several domains. Although some techniques and processes provide hints about the construction of these systems, some aspects have not been discussed yet in the literature. In this context, the current approach presents a technique for developing ABSs. Its focus is to guide practitioners in designing and implementing the decision-making processes of agents in nondeterministic scenarios. As an additional technological innovation, the ABSs are deployed as both mobile apps and online tools. This work illustrates the current approach with two case studies in the fields of (a) health and welfare and (b) tourism. These case studies have also been developed with the most similar technique from the literature for comparing both techniques. The presented technique improved the simulated outcomes in terms of their similarity with the real ones. The obtained ABSs were more efficient and reliable for large amounts of agents (e.g. 10,000 – 400,000 agents). The development time was lower. Both the framework and the implementation of a case study are freely distributed as open-source to facilitate the reproducibility of the experiments and to assist practitioners in applying the current approach

    Labour Protection and Civil Defense

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    Загальні питання безпеки, ідентифікація та класифікація потенційних небезпек,їх властивості, а також способи та засоби захисту від їх впливу, основи санітарно-гігієнічні умови праці, методи профілактики профзахворювання, загрози, що призводять до надзвичайних ситуацій, характер їх проявів і вплив на люди та господарські об'єкти, методи та засоби цивільного захисту населення та території на випадок надзвичайної ситуації, викладено принципи надання першої допомоги. Особлива увага приділяється питанням особистої та колективної безпеки на виробництві, в повсякденному житті та під час надзвичайних ситуацій та воєнного стану. Призначений для студентів вищих навчальні заклади, які здобувають технічні спеціальності в рамках комплексна дисципліна «Охорона праці та цивільний захист», пов’язана з питаннями безпеки на роботі, у побуті та надзвичайних ситуаціях.General safety issues, identification and classification of potential hazards,their properties as well as methods and means of protection against their impact, basics of sanitary and hygienic working conditions, methods of prevention of occupational diseases, threats leading to emergencies, the nature of their manifestations and effects on humans and economic objects, methods and means of civil protection of the population and territories in case of an emergency, the principles of first aid have been set out. Particular attention is paid to the issues of personal and collective safety at work, in everyday life and during emergencies and martial law. Designed for students of higher educational institutions acquiring technical specialties within the framework of the complex discipline “Labour protection and civil defense”, related to issues of safety at work, in everyday life and emergencies

    An exploration of the cultural context and consequences of perceptions of illness and health-seeking behaviour of the Baloch

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    Human beliefs about health and illness structure the explanations for health and illness in a society and these explanations rationalise preventive or therapeutic strategies. The purpose of this research was to discover, identify and understand the perceptions of health, illness and health seeking behaviour of the Baloch people in a cultural perspective. More specifically, it was to document their perception regarding the origin and cause of illness and disease as revealed in their system of disease-classification and their etiological categories. It was also to describe the context in which Baloch access the traditional health care system as well as conventional health care. Participant observations and in-depth interviews were the tools for data collection in this ethnographic study. Four districts of Pakistani Balochistan were selected for fieldwork. Traditional or folk healers of different categories, medical professionals, sufferers, family heads, community elders, tribal chiefs and medical doctors were interviewed in depth during fieldwork and many socio-cultural phenomena and ritual healing practices were participated in and observed. It was observed that Baloch beliefs regarding health and illness revolve either on the concept of natural causes that are mainly due to humoral imbalance or supernatural causes: spirit possession, sorcery or evil eye. In contemporary Balochistan, despite the availability of the basic health care system in the majority of Baloch settlements, for all practical purposes, Baloch use their traditional medical practices alongside biomedicine. These medical practices mainly consist of herbal remedies and spiritual healing practices. Folk medical beliefs are inseparable from other elements of Baloch cultural life and in this context health planners and medical practitioners in Balochistan, mutually can do much to balance and integrate biomedicine and folk and traditional medicine. Working together, they can optimise the benefits for their client populations

    Szociológiai Szemle 28.

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