175 research outputs found

    Filozofski aspekti problema Maksvelovog demona

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    In this thesis, we will analyze Maxwell’s thought experiment from few different points of view. First, we will analyze the relation of Maxwell’s demon with the causality on the one side and indeterminism on the other. Then, we will examine it from the point of view of philosophy of time, thermodynamics, information theory, biology and quantum mechanics. The central part of the thesis will be the analysis between entropy and information in which we will conclude that information and entropy cannot be the same, and that any exorcism that counts on this relationship must be invalid. We will make several conclusions on different aspects of the problem of Maxwell’s demon. We explore these different aspects of the problem of Maxwell’s demon through chapters that can be read independently, but they also form a bigger picture by showing us the heuristic value that Maxwell’s thought experiment bears for both philosophy and physics, but also biology, quantum computation, history of science, cosmology, etc. Instead of exorcising the demon, we can continue Maxwell’s project of analyzing validity of second law through this thought experiment, by using it much wider, in many other fields to draw some new conclusions and pay attention to some unperceived aspects of old phenomena.U ovoj disertaciji analiziraću Maksvelov misaoni eksperiment sa nekoliko različitih tački gledišta. Najpre ću analizirati odnos Maksvelovog demona i pojma kauzalnosti na jednoj strani, kao i pojma indeterminizma, na drugoj. Nakon toga ću analizirati problem Maksvelovog demona sa tačke gledišta filozofije vremena, termodinamike, informatike, biologije i kvantne mehanike. Centralni deo teze biće analiza odnosa entropije i informacije u okviru koje ću zaključiti da informacija i entropija nisu i ne mogu biti isto, kao i da egzorcizam koji se oslanja na izjednačavanje ova dva pojma ne može biti validan. Doneću još neke zaključke koji se tiču raznih aspekata problema Maksvelovog demona. Istražiću ove različite aspekte kroz odeljke koji se mogu čitati nezavisno, ali koji takođe zajedno čine širu sliku, ukazujući nam heurističku vrednost koju ovaj Maksvelov misaoni eksperiment donosi kako na polju filozofije fizike, tako i na polju biologije, kvantne fizike, istorije nauke, kosmologije i tako dalje. Umesto da prognamo demona, mi možemo nastaviti Maksvelov projekat analiziranja validnosti drugog zakona termodinamike, koristeći ga mnogo šire, kao i u mnogim drugim poljima kako bismo došli do novih zaključaka i obratili pažnju na neke nove, ranije neopažene, aspekte starog fenomena

    Interactive Medical Image Registration With Multigrid Methods and Bounded Biharmonic Functions

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    Interactive image registration is important in some medical applications since automatic image registration is often slow and sometimes error-prone. We consider interactive registration methods that incorporate user-specified local transforms around control handles. The deformation between handles is interpolated by some smooth functions, minimizing some variational energies. Besides smoothness, we expect the impact of a control handle to be local. Therefore we choose bounded biharmonic weight functions to blend local transforms, a cutting-edge technique in computer graphics. However, medical images are usually huge, and this technique takes a lot of time that makes itself impracticable for interactive image registration. To expedite this process, we use a multigrid active set method to solve bounded biharmonic functions (BBF). The multigrid approach is for two scenarios, refining the active set from coarse to fine resolutions, and solving the linear systems constrained by working active sets. We\u27ve implemented both weighted Jacobi method and successive over-relaxation (SOR) in the multigrid solver. Since the problem has box constraints, we cannot directly use regular updates in Jacobi and SOR methods. Instead, we choose a descent step size and clamp the update to satisfy the box constraints. We explore the ways to choose step sizes and discuss their relation to the spectral radii of the iteration matrices. The relaxation factors, which are closely related to step sizes, are estimated by analyzing the eigenvalues of the bilaplacian matrices. We give a proof about the termination of our algorithm and provide some theoretical error bounds. Another minor problem we address is to register big images on GPU with limited memory. We\u27ve implemented an image registration algorithm with virtual image slices on GPU. An image slice is treated similarly to a page in virtual memory. We execute a wavefront of subtasks together to reduce the number of data transfers. Our main contribution is a fast multigrid method for interactive medical image registration that uses bounded biharmonic functions to blend local transforms. We report a novel multigrid approach to refine active set quickly and use clamped updates based on weighted Jacobi and SOR. This multigrid method can be used to efficiently solve other quadratic programs that have active sets distributed over continuous regions

    Variational image registration by a total fractional-order variation model

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    In this paper, a new framework of nonlocal deformation in non-rigid image registration is presented. It is well known that many non-rigid image registration techniques may lead to unsteady deformation (e.g. not one to one) if the dissimilarity between the reference and template images is too large. We present a novel variational framework of the total fractional-order variation to derive the underlying fractional Euler-Lagrange equations and a numerical implementation combining the semi-implicit update and conjugate gradients (CG) solution to solve the nonlinear systems. Numerical experiments show that the new registration not only produces accurate and smooth solutions but also allows for a large rigid alignment, the evaluations of the new model demonstrate substantial improvements in accuracy and robustness over the conventional image registration approaches

    The noisy and marvelous molecular world of biology

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    At the molecular level biology is intrinsically noisy. The forces that regulate the myriad of molecular reactions in the cell are tiny, on the order of piconewtons (10−12 Newtons), yet they proceed in concerted action making life possible. Understanding how this is possible is one of the most fundamental questions biophysicists would like to understand. Single molecule experiments offer an opportunity to delve into the fundamental laws that make biological complexity surface in a physical world governed by the second law of thermodynamics. Techniques such as force spectroscopy, fluorescence, microfluidics, molecular sequencing, and computational studies project a view of the biomolecular world ruled by the conspiracy between the disorganizing forces due to thermal motion and the cosmic evolutionary drive. Here we will digress on some of the evidences in support of this view and the role of physical information in biology

    Reasoning and Logical-Proofs of the Fundamental Laws: 'No Hope' for the Challengers of the Second Law of Thermodynamics

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    This comprehensive treatise is written for the special occasion of the author's 70th birthday. It presents his lifelong endeavors and reflections with original reasoning and re-interpretations of the most critical and misleading issues in thermodynamics; since now, we have the advantage to look at the historical developments more comprehensively and objectively than the pioneers. Starting from Carnot (grandfather of thermodynamics-to-be) to Kelvin and Clausius (fathers of thermodynamics), and other followers, the most relevant issues are critically examined and put in historical and contemporary perspective. From original reasoning of energy forcing and displacement to logical proofs of the fundamental laws, to ubiquity of thermal motion and heat, and indestructibility of entropy, including the new concept of "thermal roughness" and the inevitability of dissipative irreversibility, to "dissecting Carnot true reversible-equivalency" and critical concept of "Carnot-Clausius heat-work equivalency (CCHWE)" regarding the interchangeability of heat and work, and to demonstrating "no hope" for the "challengers" of the Second Law of thermodynamics, among others, are offered. It is hoped that the novel contributions presented will enhance comprehension and resolve some of the fundamental issues, as well as promote collaboration and future progress.Comment: This comprehensive treatise is written for the special occasion of the author's 70th birthday, to be submitted for review and publication. It presents his lifelong endeavors and reflections with original reasoning and re-interpretations of the most critical and misleading issues in thermodynamics, and especially the Second Law of thermodynamics and entrop

    Historical and Conceptual Foundations of Information Physics

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    The main objective of this dissertation is to philosophically assess how the use of informational concepts in the field of classical thermostatistical physics has historically evolved from the late 1940s to the present day. I will first analyze in depth the main notions that form the conceptual basis on which 'informational physics' historically unfolded, encompassing (i) different entropy, probability and information notions, (ii) their multiple interpretative variations, and (iii) the formal, numerical and semantic-interpretative relationships among them. In the following, I will assess the history of informational thermophysics during the second half of the twentieth century. Firstly, I analyse the intellectual factors that gave rise to this current in the late forties (i.e., popularization of Shannon's theory, interest in a naturalized epistemology of science, etc.), then study its consolidation in the Brillouinian and Jaynesian programs, and finally claim how Carnap (1977) and his disciples tried to criticize this tendency within the scientific community. Then, I evaluate how informational physics became a predominant intellectual current in the scientific community in the nineties, made possible by the convergence of Jaynesianism and Brillouinism in proposals such as that of Tribus and McIrvine (1971) or Bekenstein (1973) and the application of algorithmic information theory into the thermophysical domain. As a sign of its radicality at this historical stage, I explore the main proposals to include information as part of our physical reality, such as Wheeler’s (1990), Stonier’s (1990) or Landauer’s (1991), detailing the main philosophical arguments (e.g., Timpson, 2013; Lombardi et al. 2016a) against those inflationary attitudes towards information. Following this historical assessment, I systematically analyze whether the descriptive exploitation of informational concepts has historically contributed to providing us with knowledge of thermophysical reality via (i) explaining thermal processes such as equilibrium approximation, (ii) advantageously predicting thermal phenomena, or (iii) enabling understanding of thermal property such as thermodynamic entropy. I argue that these epistemic shortcomings would make it impossible to draw ontological conclusions in a justified way about the physical nature of information. In conclusion, I will argue that the historical exploitation of informational concepts has not contributed significantly to the epistemic progress of thermophysics. This would lead to characterize informational proposals as 'degenerate science' (à la Lakatos 1978a) regarding classical thermostatistical physics or as theoretically underdeveloped regarding the study of the cognitive dynamics of scientists in this physical domain

    Neti-Neti-Onomasiological Onerousness And E Pluribus Unum La Escallonia Adventitious Ad Infinitum Model

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    In knowledge, there are logical contradictions and a logical incompatibilities, divergential affirmation and dialectic transformation. Brahmn is not the universe, nor sky, nor senses, nor mind. By Brahman we understand the one agency that stimulates the human being in to action. Good. And Anti Brahman is a part of Brahman and this is the agency of stimulus response of individuals based on their Rajas and Tamás equilibrium or proportion of disequilibrium (Kind attention drawn to the author’s articles on the subject matter. And we have to recapitulate the bank example given wherein the conservativeness generalisationality do not abnegate or revoke applicability to the individual systems which are conservation or which might be unconservational,like in self transformational, system mutational, syllogistically disintegrational, configurationally changeable. Anti Brahman stimulates one to do bad things. All individual records of commission and omission of Gratification or deprivation to others are assumed to be recorded in Neuron DNA (in space). We will not repeat this explanation again and holds good for the entire monograph. Separate Papers are written (Free will and Destiny, Natures general Ledger, A Model for God etc.,) and bad. This depends on freewill and destiny. We have already defined freewill as the in discretionary usage of power be it financial embezzlement, pecuniary misappropriation or fiscal defalcation. The other person might have been desensitized for such actions and might have been taught by reference groups (See Merton) to take things in his “stride”. But our General Ledger of all actionable and actions accounts. The General Ledger is the General Theory Of all actions of all individual human beings. It is also assumed that the reactionary potentiality depends on the genes (See Neurobiology by John Smith). This is a very important aspect not to be overlooked. Because Schrodinger’s equation is applicable to general system of the Universe, it does not mean its inapplicability to individual systems and the conservativeness and /or non conservativeness notwithstanding. In consideration to the fact that we have already built a model encompassing Brahman-Anti Brahman, Rajas-Tamás, we shall not include this in the model. Instead we take “Neti Neti concept” by its representation in the Schrodinger’s form (See Penrose on Schrödinger’s cat) and stimulus-response as the further constituents to tie up with the cosmic thread. One sentence about association need be said. Einstein said that matter is the one that gives rise to space time world lines. In our case human beings with their pen chance, predilections, proclivities, and propensities “svabhava” are responsible for the world lines of space time. The characteristics we have already stated depend on Rajas-Tamás-Sattva combination of the individual (all the three qualities are in the individual and in disequilibrium state, albeit we are not sure about the conservativeness of the states holistically. This we have codified in the General Ledger which is the General Theory of actions in the Universe. So we have the structure of space and time is determined by “Svabhava”. Like they say: “That area is not OK”. This is true of all characteristics, inertia, static, dynamic (Rajas, Tamás, Sattva means those words). These are most salient and perennial concepts that are to be remembered in the read of monograph.  This is ‘neti/ neti’ process, repeating which one becomes thoughtless. In jnana the entire world is illusory like a dream; only Brahmn is real- ‘Brahma satya jagat mithya.’ The world is neither unreal nor real. This means that reality is equivalent to unreality. Here let us go by the usual definition of “reality” and “unreality”. Unreality is pathological. Many philosophers like Constantine and Lester have said, it is schizophrenics who are suffering from the Truth. we shall marginalize the proposition in so fact as the study of monograph is concerned. This implies that Unreality is a part of reality. Further we assume that Objective reality and subjective experience are necessary to realize the Truth. Lest probably a courtesan would have become “enlightened” or a Professor had attained “Nirvikalpa Samadhi”. The world is mere projection of self. Jnana requires strong discriminating ability. Krishna says, “It is more difficult to realize the formless God than One with form”. We reiterate that formlessness is nothing but more than mere loss of style and substance and is well within space time. This is “subjective experience “most recruitment agency calls for. You can see without staring, and can hear without cupping your ears. Dealings with fellow people, bonhomie, and joie de vivre are the ones that could tackle a tricky situation involving a belligerent, cantankerous and recalcitrant person. Here the importance of zero is to be emphasized.” Experience “is nothing but the “experience” so assiduously and avidly asked by recruiter agencies while they recruit people. When they say that whether you know the proficiency in anagrammatism like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division And may be differentiation and integration, which a probationer does, but something more, a knack to deal with people, know them, adjustable temperament, which comes by subjective experience. Both “Objective Reality” and “Subjective Experience” are necessary for the determination of Truth. And Schrödinger and Wagner have said that Truth is always elusive. That we state in Model form. It is not “emptiness”, but “Nothing” which is zero. And this zero is the cancellation of two opposite terms or particle-antiparticle duality, and the zyphera that is written with so much of gusto and aplomb in every equation. An equation equivalent to zero means that all the constituents cancel out each other in some form. We shall for our purpose choose one permutation and combination. It is to be mentioned in this connection that waking state is one of the three states of dream state and dreamless state and space time is only projection on the screen of consciousness (which we have defined as collection of all knowledge –individuals-his peer group references, belief systems etc., including visual representations, with anagrammatic mind acting on its to fabricate concoct realistic, consistent, surrealistic, unreal dreams and actual “thinking”. Like a movie being watched. Mind doth act upon it and weaves a web like a spider. Lastly we state that “association’ is the part and parcel of space and time and once taught. The “association” fails to leave you. Even eminent scientists fall prey for this defending their theories till the end instead of applying their minds to the twists their own theories have taken. This statement is made in a dispassionate manner of witness consciousness and not participatory consciousness. When over thinking about association takes place in the spatio temporal actualization of events it becomes pathological. Be it love, murder, mayhem, we have various psychiatric cases. And we want to “renormalize them”. So there is reality, surrealism, unreality, inconsistencies, contradictions in the waking state, dream state-note you experience in dream state also- and dreamless state.