140 research outputs found

    A Maximum Likelihood Approach to Extract Polylines from 2-D Laser Range Scans

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    Man-made environments such as households, offices, or factory floors are typically composed of linear structures. Accordingly, polylines are a natural way to accurately represent their geometry. In this paper, we propose a novel probabilistic method to extract polylines from raw 2-D laser range scans. The key idea of our approach is to determine a set of polylines that maximizes the likelihood of a given scan. In extensive experiments carried out on publicly available real-world datasets and on simulated laser scans, we demonstrate that our method substantially outperforms existing state-of-the-art approaches in terms of accuracy, while showing comparable computational requirements. Our implementation is available under https://github.com/acschaefer/ple.Comment: 9 page

    Multi-Robot FastSLAM for Large Domains

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    For a robot to build a map of its surrounding area, it must have accurate position information within the area, and to obtain accurate position information within the area, the robot needs to have an accurate map of the area. This circular problem is the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) problem. An efficient algorithm to solve it is FastSLAM, which is based on the Rao-Blackwellized particle filter. FastSLAM solves the SLAM problem for single-robot mapping using particles to represent the posterior of the robot pose and the map. Each particle of the filter possesses its own global map which is likely to be a grid map. The memory space required for these maps poses a serious limitation to the algorithm\u27s capability when the problem space is large. The problem will only get worse if the algorithm is adapted to multi-robot mapping. This thesis presents an alternate mapping algorithm that extends the single-robot FastSLAM algorithm to a multi-robot mapping algorithm that uses Absolute Space Representations (ASR) to represent the world. But each particle still maintains a local grid to map its vicinity and periodically this grid map is converted into an ASR. An ASR expresses a world in polygons requiring only a minimal amount of memory space. By using this altered mapping strategy, the problem faced in FastSLAM when mapping a large domain can be alleviated. In this algorithm, each robot maps separately, and when two robots encounter each other they exchange range and odometry readings from their last encounter to this encounter. Each robot then sets up another filter for the other robot\u27s data and incrementally updates its own map, incorporating the passed data and its own data at the same time. The passed data is processed in reverse by the receiving robot as if a virtual robot is back-tracking the path of the other robot. The algorithm is demonstrated using three data sets collected using a single robot equipped with odometry and laser-range finder sensors

    Concurrent Cognitive Mapping and Localization Using Expectation Maximization

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    Robot mapping remains one of the most challenging problems in robot programming. Most successful methods use some form of occupancy grid for representing a mapped region. An occupancy grid is a two dimensional array in which the array cells represents (x,y) coordinates of a cartesian map. This approach becomes problematic in mapping large environments as the map quickly becomes too large for processing and storage. Rather than storing the map as an occupancy grid, our robot (equipped with ultrasonic sonars) views the world as a series of connected spaces. These spaces are initially mapped as an occupancy grid in a room-by-room fashion using a modified version of the Histogram In Motion Mapping (HIMM) algorithm extended in this thesis. As the robot leaves a space, denoted by passing through a doorway, it converts the grid to a polygonal representation using a novel edge detection technique. Then, it stores the polygonal representation as rooms and hallways in a set of Absolute Space Representations (ASRs) representing the space connections. Using this representation makes navigation and localization easier for the robot to process. The system also performs localization on the simplified cognitive version of the map using an iterative method of estimating the maximum likelihood of the robot\u27s correct position. This is accomplished using the Expectation Maximization algorithm. Treating vector directions from the polygonal map as a Gaussian distribution, the Expectation Maximization algorithm is applied, for the first time, to find the most probable correct pose while using a cognitive mapping approach

    LiDAR-Based Object Tracking and Shape Estimation

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    Umfeldwahrnehmung stellt eine Grundvoraussetzung für den sicheren und komfortablen Betrieb automatisierter Fahrzeuge dar. Insbesondere bewegte Verkehrsteilnehmer in der unmittelbaren Fahrzeugumgebung haben dabei große Auswirkungen auf die Wahl einer angemessenen Fahrstrategie. Dies macht ein System zur Objektwahrnehmung notwendig, welches eine robuste und präzise Zustandsschätzung der Fremdfahrzeugbewegung und -geometrie zur Verfügung stellt. Im Kontext des automatisierten Fahrens hat sich das Box-Geometriemodell über die Zeit als Quasistandard durchgesetzt. Allerdings stellt die Box aufgrund der ständig steigenden Anforderungen an Wahrnehmungssysteme inzwischen häufig eine unerwünscht grobe Approximation der tatsächlichen Geometrie anderer Verkehrsteilnehmer dar. Dies motiviert einen Übergang zu genaueren Formrepräsentationen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird daher ein probabilistisches Verfahren zur gleichzeitigen Schätzung von starrer Objektform und -bewegung mittels Messdaten eines LiDAR-Sensors vorgestellt. Der Vergleich dreier Freiform-Geometriemodelle mit verschiedenen Detaillierungsgraden (Polygonzug, Dreiecksnetz und Surfel Map) gegenüber dem einfachen Boxmodell zeigt, dass die Reduktion von Modellierungsfehlern in der Objektgeometrie eine robustere und präzisere Parameterschätzung von Objektzuständen ermöglicht. Darüber hinaus können automatisierte Fahrfunktionen, wie beispielsweise ein Park- oder Ausweichassistent, von einem genaueren Wissen über die Fremdobjektform profitieren. Es existieren zwei Einflussgrößen, welche die Auswahl einer angemessenen Formrepräsentation maßgeblich beeinflussen sollten: Beobachtbarkeit (Welchen Detaillierungsgrad lässt die Sensorspezifikation theoretisch zu?) und Modell-Adäquatheit (Wie gut bildet das gegebene Modell die tatsächlichen Beobachtungen ab?). Auf Basis dieser Einflussgrößen wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit eine Strategie zur Modellauswahl vorgestellt, die zur Laufzeit adaptiv das am besten geeignete Formmodell bestimmt. Während die Mehrzahl der Algorithmen zur LiDAR-basierten Objektverfolgung ausschließlich auf Punktmessungen zurückgreift, werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit zwei weitere Arten von Messungen vorgeschlagen: Information über den vermessenen Freiraum wird verwendet, um über Bereiche zu schlussfolgern, welche nicht von Objektgeometrie belegt sein können. Des Weiteren werden LiDAR-Intensitäten einbezogen, um markante Merkmale wie Nummernschilder und Retroreflektoren zu detektieren und über die Zeit zu verfolgen. Eine ausführliche Auswertung auf über 1,5 Stunden von aufgezeichneten Fremdfahrzeugtrajektorien im urbanen Bereich und auf der Autobahn zeigen, dass eine präzise Modellierung der Objektoberfläche die Bewegungsschätzung um bis zu 30%-40% verbessern kann. Darüber hinaus wird gezeigt, dass die vorgestellten Methoden konsistente und hochpräzise Rekonstruktionen von Objektgeometrien generieren können, welche die häufig signifikante Überapproximation durch das einfache Boxmodell vermeiden

    3D Reconstruction of Building Rooftop and Power Line Models in Right-of-Ways Using Airborne LiDAR Data

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    The research objectives aimed to achieve thorough the thesis are to develop methods for reconstructing models of building and PL objects of interest in the power line (PL) corridor area from airborne LiDAR data. For this, it is mainly concerned with the model selection problem for which model is more optimal in representing the given data set. This means that the parametric relations and geometry of object shapes are unknowns and optimally determined by the verification of hypothetical models. Therefore, the proposed method achieves high adaptability to the complex geometric forms of building and PL objects. For the building modeling, the method of implicit geometric regularization is proposed to rectify noisy building outline vectors which are due to noisy data. A cost function for the regularization process is designed based on Minimum Description Length (MDL) theory, which favours smaller deviation between a model and observation as well as orthogonal and parallel properties between polylines. Next, a new approach, called Piecewise Model Growing (PMG), is proposed for 3D PL model reconstruction using a catenary curve model. It piece-wisely grows to capture all PL points of interest and thus produces a full PL 3D model. However, the proposed method is limited to the PL scene complexity, which causes PL modeling errors such as partial, under- and over-modeling errors. To correct the incompletion of PL models, the inner and across span analysis are carried out, which leads to replace erroneous PL segments by precise PL models. The inner span analysis is performed based on the MDL theory to correct under- and over-modeling errors. The across span analysis is subsequently carried out to correct partial-modeling errors by finding start and end positions of PLs which denotes Point Of Attachment (POA). As a result, this thesis addresses not only geometrically describing building and PL objects but also dealing with noisy data which causes the incompletion of models. In the practical aspects, the results of building and PL modeling should be essential to effectively analyze a PL scene and quickly alleviate the potentially hazardous scenarios jeopardizing the PL system

    Object and Pattern Association for Robot Localization

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    Object and Pattern Association for Robot Localization

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    State of research in automatic as-built modelling

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    This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aei.2015.01.001Building Information Models (BIMs) are becoming the official standard in the construction industry for encoding, reusing, and exchanging information about structural assets. Automatically generating such representations for existing assets stirs up the interest of various industrial, academic, and governmental parties, as it is expected to have a high economic impact. The purpose of this paper is to provide a general overview of the as-built modelling process, with focus on the geometric modelling side. Relevant works from the Computer Vision, Geometry Processing, and Civil Engineering communities are presented and compared in terms of their potential to lead to automatic as-built modelling.We acknowledge the support of EPSRC Grant NMZJ/114,DARPA UPSIDE Grant A13–0895-S002, NSF CAREER Grant N. 1054127, European Grant Agreements No. 247586 and 334241. We would also like to thank NSERC Canada, Aecon, and SNC-Lavalin for financially supporting some parts of this research

    A self-limiting bank erosion mechanism? Inferring temporal variations in bank form and skin drag from high resolution topographic data

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    Fluvial bank erosion rates are often quantified by assuming that the erosion rate is a function of the excess (above a critical threshold) boundary shear stress applied by the flow. Research has shown that the form roughness induced by natural topographic bank features, such as slumps, spurs and embayments, is the dominant component of the spatially-averaged total shear stress, meaning that form roughness provides an important control on bank erosion rates. However, measuring the relative components of the total shear stress for a natural system is not straightforward. In this paper we employ the method of Kean and Smith (2006a,b) to partition the form and skin drag components of river bank roughness using a time series (2005-2011) of high-resolution topographic surveys of an eroding bank of the Cecina River in central Italy. This method approximates the form drag component of the roughness along a longitudinal bank profile as a series of user defined Gaussian curves. The extracted metrics are used in conjunction with an estimate of the outer region flow velocity to partition the form and skin drag components of the total boundary shear stress according to the Kean and Smith analytical solution. The relative magnitude of the form and skin shear stress at each survey date is analysed alongside DEMs of difference to reveal that intense episodes of erosion are followed by periods of quiescence. We show that this is due to the protection offered by increased form drag roughness following erosion. We conceptualise the dynamic feedbacks that exist between river discharge, bank erosion processes and bank form roughness, into a simple model of the self-limiting nature of river bank erosio