32,638 research outputs found

    A Mathematical Model of Dialog

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    AbstractComputer Science is currently undergoing a paradigm shift, from viewing computer systems as isolated programs to viewing them as dynamic multi-agent societies. Evidence of this shift is the significant effort devoted recently to the design and implementation of languages and protocols for communications and interaction between software agents. Despite this effort, no formal mathematical theory of agent interaction languages and protocols yet exists. We argue that such a theory needs to account for the semantics of agent interaction, and propose the first mathematical theory which does this. Our framework incorporates category-theoretic entities for the utterances made in an agent dialog and for the commitments incurred by those utterances, together with maps between these

    Комплексний підхід до розв’язання задачі щільного розміщення об’єктів складної форми на площині

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    Запропонована математична модель задачі. Представлені методи комплексного розв’язку задачі шляхом розбиття її на складові структурні компоненти. На основі цих методів розроблене програмне забезпечення, яке дозволяє автоматизувати процес проектування раціональних розкрійних схем і коригувати побудовані схеми у діалоговому режимі.The mathematical model of task is in research offered. The methods of complex solution of task by decomposition it on finer structural components are presented. On basis of these methods a software which allows to automatize the process of rational cuting out patterns design and correct the built cuting out patterns in the dialog mode is developed

    Interactive analysis of high-dimensional association structures with graphical models

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    Graphical chain models are a capable tool for analyzing multivariate data. However, their practical use may still be cumbersome in some respect since fitting the model requires the application of an intensive selection strategy based on the calculation of an enormous number of different regressions. In this paper, we present a computer system especially designed for the calculation of graphical chain models which is not only planned to automatically carry out the model search but also to visualize the corresponding graph at each stage of the model fit on request by the user. It additionally allows to modify the graph and the model fit interactively