243 research outputs found

    WSN and M2M for mountain biking performance assessment

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    The thesis describes the design and implementation of the "Smart Mountain Bike” monitoring system enables the acquisition, storage and visualization of data on athlete training referring the cycling activity. The signals provided by the measurement channels are acquired and processed in order to better understand of the variables involved in this sport and consecutively to improve the methodology for the training of athletes. The "Smart Mountain Bike" system consists of a wireless sensor network that acquire data related to the applied force and body position during a training session. Each network end node comprises a microcontroller, a conditioning circuit and a set of sensors. The coordinator node Zig Bee compatible is composed by microcomputer (eg. Raspberry PI or BeagleBone), a GPS and an IMU. The cloud interfacing is done using a 3G/UMTS USB module connected to the microcomputer board. As the main component of the cloud the implemented database is accessed through a mobile application implemented in an Android OS device. The mobile application allows the visualization of the acquired and processed data by the user expressed by the athlete or the coach. This system can be used for other sports and other activities in which it is necessary to monitor physical activities such as physical therapy.Este documento descreve o desenvolvimento de um protótipo "Smart Mountain Bike", este sistema de monitorização permite a recolha, armazenamento e visualização dos dados relativos aos treinos do atleta durante a atividade ciclismo. Esta informação contribui para um melhor entendimento das variáveis envolvidas da prática deste desporto e consecutivamente, melhorar a metodologia de treino dos atletas. O sistema "Smart Mountain Bike" é constituído por uma rede sensores sem fios que recolhe a dados sobre força aplicada e posição do corpo numa sessão de treino, cada nó final da rede é composto por um microcontrolador, um circuito condicionador e um conjunto de sensores. O nó coordenador é composto por um microcomputador, um recetor GPS, um IMU e um módulo de comunicação móvel, este módulo permite um cenário Machine-to-Machine, onde o microcomputador comunica com o a nuvem permitindo o armazenamento da informação recolhida numa base de dados. Esta informação é acedida através de uma aplicação móvel desenvolvida para este projeto, a aplicação móvel permite ao utilizador, atleta ou treinador, visualizar e correlacionar os dados. Este sistema pode ser utilizado noutros desportos e noutras atividades em que seja necessário monitorizar atividades físicas, como por exemplo, fisioterapi

    Federated Identity and Access Management for the Internet of Things

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    Study of the development of an Io T-based sensor platform for e-agriculture

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    E-agriculture, sometimes reffered as 'ICT in agriculture' (Information and Communication technologies) or simply "smart agriculture", is a relatively recent and emerging field focused on the enhacement on agricultural and rural development through improved information and communication processes. This concept, involves the design, development, evaluation and application of innovative ways to use IoT technologies in the rural domain, with a primary focus on agriculture, in order to achieve better ways of growing food for the masses with sustainability. In IoT-based agriculture, platforms are built for monitoring the crop field with the help of sensors (light, humidity, temperature, soil moisture, etc.) and automating the irrigation system. The farmers can monitor the field conditions from anywhere and highly more efficient compared to conventional approaches

    A Model-driven Architecture for Multi-protocol OBD Emulator

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) might be the next revolutionary technology to mark a generation. It could have a particularly strong influence on the automotive industry, changing people’s perception of what a vehicle can do. By connecting several things in a car, IoT empowers it to sense and communicate. Furthermore, this technology clearly opens the way to emerging applications such as automated driving, Vehicle-to-Vehicle and Vehicleto-Infrastructure communication. Vehicle’s information about its environment and surroundings is crucial to the development of existing and emerging applications. It is already possible to communicate directly (on-site) with vehicles through a built-in On Board Diagnostics (OBD), making it possible to obtain crucial information about the state of the vehicle in real environments. However, there is zero tolerance for error when developing new applications for vehicles that are, a priori, extremely costly and that must also safeguard human lives. Therefore, there is an increasing need for OBD emulators which can allow the development of new applications. This Thesis proposes a model-driven architecture for multi-protocol OBD emulator, encouraging the development of new emerging OBD systems in a safety environment, to promote the creation of applications to interact or use vehicles’ data. In this sense, the addressed specifications are: Less expensive comparing with today’s solutions; Compatible with different OBD protocols communication; Open Source Hardware and Software suitable for Do-It-Yourself (DIY) development

    The rising prospects of cloud robotic applications

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    Machine to Machine Communication for Health Care and Disaster Management

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    Machine to Machine communication for health and disaster management aims to develop a software module that will take data from the pulse or heart rate and temperature of a human being. The two machines involved here are a Raspberry pi and the own Personal Computer of the patient. The measured data is sent to one monitoring device via LAN as digital data and the samples will be analysed for a threshold level. If it exceeds it then person will not be allowed to drive the vehicle for these results will be compared with the parameters of a human body after alcohol consumption. This incorporates medical and disaster applications both. The video conferencing module is added so as to provide a direct communication between patient and health care professional. The data can be sent to medical professionals at the back end and the person can be warned of the health hazards as well as incorporating this will regulate and reduce the number of road accidents that take place due to reckless and drunk drivin

    Analysis and Comparison of Smart Homes

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    Tark maja on kodu, mis on osaliselt automatiseeritud. Targa maja peamine ülesanne on kõik seadmed koondada tsentraalse juhtimise alla, mis võimaldab programmeerida erinevate sündmuste korral tegevusi, mis kõige paremini maja ja omaniku soovidega kokku sobivad. Käesolev bakalaureusetöö analüüsib ning võrdleb erinevaid tehnoloogiad, mille abil on võimalik enda kodu automatiseerida. Võrreldakse kuut lahendust milleks on: Insteon, X10, Z-Wave, Android@Home, Zigbee ning DomoticHome. Lisaks on teises peatükis välja toodud kodu automatiseerimise lühiajalugu, mida siiamaani pole veel keegi kirja pannud. Samuti rakendame kaks juhtmeta ühendusega lahendust. Mõlemad süsteemid põhinevad Arduino mikrokontrolleril ning Android operatsioonisüsteemiga mobiiltelefonil. Erinevus seisneb suhtlusprotokollis. Esimene süsteem, DomoticHome, kasutab suhtlemiseks Wi-Fi tehnoloogiat. Teine põhineb Amarino toolkit-il ning Bluetooth suhtlusprotokollil. Mõlema süsteemiga saab ühendada valgusteid, temperatuuri andureid ning muud vajalikku, mis võib ühes kodus vaja minna. Seejärel saab telefoni abil neid seadmeid sisse- ja välja lülitada ning saada erinevaid mõõtmisi Arduino sensoritelt. Analüüsis sai välja toodud kõikide võrreldud tehnoloogiate plussid ning miinused vastavalt kriteeriumitele, mis lõputöö algul said ära otsustatud. Rakendamisel valmisid kaks lahendust. Mõlemaga sai sisse- ja välja lülitada Arduino külge ühendatud LED-valgustit ning mõõta toatemperatuuri thermistor-mooduli abil. Kuna DomoticHome tehnoloogia genereerib automaatselt Arduino mikrokontrollerile juhtimiskoodi, siis selle seadistamine oli võrdlemisi lihtsam kui Bluetooth ühendusega süsteemi ülespanemine. Amarino lahenduse jaoks oli vaja algul õppida Arduino mikrokontrollerit programmeerida. Tavainimese jaoks võib see osutuda keeruliseks. DomoticHome lahenduse Arduino mikrokontroller saab voolu seinapistikust või ruuterist, mille külge ta on ühendatud. Erinevalt DomoticHome-st saab Amarino Arduino mikrokontroller voolu 3-lt AA-tüüpi patareilt. Paralleelselt valminud Steve Mägi bakalaureusetöö eksperimendid näitasid, et süsteem võib mõõdukal kasutamisel järjest töötada 39 tundi ning 20 minutit. Kui inimesel pole võimalik sellise aja tagant vahetada patareisid, siis see süsteem ei sobi antud isikule ja peab valima DomoticHome lahenduse. Arvestades, et praeguseni on kodu automatsioon olnud suhteliselt kallis, siis võib loota, et kui Google enda süsteemi turule toob, siis tarkade majade arv kasvad hüppeliselt. Põhjus on selles, et süsteem toimib Androidi operatsioonisüsteemi põhjal ning tänaseks on maailmas juba 300 miljonit aktiveeritud Android seadet. üleüldiselt on tegu kiiresti areneva ning huvitava valdkonnaga. Kindlasti vajab see edasist uurimist ning arendamist

    Internet of Things Based Technology for Smart Home System: A Generic Framework

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology which enables computing devices, physical and virtual objects/devices to be connected to the internet so that users can control and monitor devices. The IoT offers huge potential for development of various applications namely: e-governance, environmental monitoring, military applications, infrastructure management, industrial applications, energy management, healthcare monitoring, home automation and transport systems. In this paper, the brief overview of existing frameworks for development of IoT applications, techniques to develop smart home applications using existing IoT frameworks, and a new generic framework for the development of IoTbasedsmart home system is presented. The proposed generic framework comprises various modules such as Auto-Configuration and Management, Communication Protocol, Auto-Monitoring and Control, and Objects Access Control. The architecture of the new generic framework and the functionality of various modules in the framework are also presented. The proposed generic framework is helpful for making every house as smart house to increase the comfort of inhabitants. Each of the components of generic framework is robust in nature in providing services at any time. The components of smart home system are designed to take care of various issues such as scalability, interoperability, device adaptability, security and privacy. The proposed generic framework is designed to work on all vendor boards and variants of Linux and Windows operating system