3,054 research outputs found

    Streaming Tree Transducers

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    Theory of tree transducers provides a foundation for understanding expressiveness and complexity of analysis problems for specification languages for transforming hierarchically structured data such as XML documents. We introduce streaming tree transducers as an analyzable, executable, and expressive model for transforming unranked ordered trees in a single pass. Given a linear encoding of the input tree, the transducer makes a single left-to-right pass through the input, and computes the output in linear time using a finite-state control, a visibly pushdown stack, and a finite number of variables that store output chunks that can be combined using the operations of string-concatenation and tree-insertion. We prove that the expressiveness of the model coincides with transductions definable using monadic second-order logic (MSO). Existing models of tree transducers either cannot implement all MSO-definable transformations, or require regular look ahead that prohibits single-pass implementation. We show a variety of analysis problems such as type-checking and checking functional equivalence are solvable for our model.Comment: 40 page

    Probabilistic parsing

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    On Dependency Analysis via Contractions and Weighted FSTs

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    Arc contractions in syntactic dependency graphs can be used to decide which graphs are trees. The paper observes that these contractions can be expressed with weighted finite-state transducers (weighted FST) that operate on string-encoded trees. The observation gives rise to a finite-state parsing algorithm that computes the parse forest and extracts the best parses from it. The algorithm is customizable to functional and bilexical dependency parsing, and it can be extended to non-projective parsing via a multi-planar encoding with prior results on high recall. Our experiments support an analysis of projective parsing according to which the worst-case time complexity of the algorithm is quadratic to the sentence length, and linear to the overlapping arcs and the number of functional categories of the arcs. The results suggest several interesting directions towards efficient and highprecision dependency parsing that takes advantage of the flexibility and the demonstrated ambiguity-packing capacity of such a parser.Peer reviewe

    36th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science: STACS 2019, March 13-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany

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    Hazard-free clock synchronization

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    The growing complexity of microprocessors makes it infeasible to distribute a single clock source over the whole processor with a small clock skew. Hence, chips are split into multiple clock regions, each covered by a single clock source. This poses a problem for communication between these clock regions. Clock synchronization algorithms promise an advantage over state-of-the-art solutions, such as GALS systems. When clock regions are synchronous the communication latency improves significantly over handshake-based solutions. We focus on the implementation of clock synchronization algorithms. A major obstacle when implementing circuits on clock domain crossings are hazardous signals. We can formally define hazards by extending the Boolean logic by a third value u. In this thesis, we describe a theory for designing and analyzing hazard-free circuits. We develop strategies for hazard-free encoding and construction of hazard-free circuits from finite state machines. Furthermore, we discuss clock synchronization algorithms and a possible combination of them. In the end, we present two implementations of the GCS algorithm by Lenzen, Locher, and Wattenhofer (JACM 2010). We prove by rigorous analysis that the systems implement the algorithm. The theory described above is used to prove that our clock synchronization circuits are hazard-free (in the sense that they compute the most precise output possible). Simulation of our GCS system shows that it achieves a skew between neighboring clock regions that is smaller than a few inverter delays.Aufgrund der zunehmenden KomplexitĂ€t von Mikroprozessoren ist es unmöglich, mit einer einzigen Taktquelle den gesamten Prozessor ohne großen Versatz zu takten. Daher werden Chips in mehrere Regionen aufgeteilt, die jeweils von einer einzelnen Taktquelle abgedeckt werden. Dies stellt ein Problem fĂŒr die Kommunikation zwischen diesen Taktregionen dar. Algorithmen zur Taktsynchronisation bieten einen Vorteil gegenĂŒber aktuellen Lösungen, wie z.B. GALS-Systemen. Synchronisiert man die Taktregionen, so verbessert sich die Latenz der Kommunikation erheblich. In Schaltkreisen zwischen zwei Taktregionen können undefinierte Signale, sogenannte Hazards auftreten. Indem wir die boolesche Algebra um einen dritten Wert u erweitern, können wir diese Hazards formal definieren. In dieser Arbeit zeigen wir eine Methode zum Entwurf und zur Analyse von hazard-freien Schaltungen. Wir entwickeln Strategien fĂŒr Kodierungen die Hazards vermeiden und zur Konstruktion von hazard-freien Schaltungen. DarĂŒber hinaus stellen wir Algorithmen Taktsynchronisation vor und wie diese kombiniert werden können. Zum Schluss stellen wir zwei Implementierungen des GCS-Algorithmus von Lenzen, Locher und Wattenhofer (JACM 2010) vor. Oben genannte Mechanismen werden verwendet, um formal zu beweisen, dass diese Implementierungen korrekt sind. Die Implementierung hat keine Hazards, das heißt sie berechnet die bestmo ̈gliche Ausgabe. Anschließende Simulation der GCS Implementierung erzielt einen Versatz zwischen benachbarten Taktregionen, der kleiner als ein paar Gatter-Laufzeiten ist
