10 research outputs found

    A New Fault Detection System Using Wireless Communication – Assisted With Analog Relays For Grid Electrical Lamp Pole Network

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    This paper explained about the functionality of designed and developed fault detection system for an electrical pole’s components. The proposed system aims to accelerate the maintenance process when any component attached to the electrical pole is detected faulty. Hence, the designing and development of the proposed project includes integrating of a fault sensing circuit, control switching and optimization which derives the complete methodology for the proposed system. The fault sensing circuit provides a HIGH output signal when any failure is detected at any component attached to the system. Tough the HIGH signal is to detect the fault of a component; this HIGH signal also identifies the respective failed component which provide information and analysis of the failed component. Hence, this newly formulated integrated system is consists of a smart microcontroller which simultaneously process a number of signals from the fault sensing circuitry to enable fast fault managing and reduce the outage time. Integrating the fault detection system which performs as fault detection tasks, fault classification and location, the maintenance team can achieve the fault repairing task in shorter time

    Design of a low-cost streetlight monitoring system using LoRa

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    Capstone Project submitted to the Department of Engineering, Ashesi University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering, April 2019Streetlights are public goods that beautify cities, ensure safety for road users and security for city neighborhoods. A delay in streetlight maintenance jeopardizes the safety and security of many. Also, when streetlights stay on throughout the day, it wastes power and energy and increases cost. This project presents the design of a low-cost streetlight monitoring system based on LoRa technology. In the design, a Dragino LoraWAN 868MHz (LoRa/GSM) gateway module was used alongside one LoRa shied (transceiver) and an Arduino Uno. The transceiver, Arduino, sensors, and relay formed a LoRa node which was mounted on a streetlight. There is a web application at a remote-control unit with an interface that monitors every node (streetlight) connected to the system. Data about each node was sent to the gateway which uploaded it to the LoRa App server. The LoRa App server decoded the data and made it available through the RESTful API. The data on the LoRa server was accessed via the API using an HTTP integration and was displayed on the web application at the remote monitoring centre. The test LoRa node was able to send accurate information about the state of the streetlight to the LoRa server, and it was accurately displayed at the monitoring unit web interface or dashboard. The node was also able to switch on/off or dim the streetlight at the right times. Key Words: Streetlight monitoring, LoRa, MQTT, remote-control, gateway, IoTAshesi Universit

    Comparison of VLP-16 and MRS-1000 LiDAR systems with absolute interferometer

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    Nowadays, LiDARs hold a relevant place in providing the environmental sensing required by most ADAS. Promoted by such increasing demand, many new manufacturers are emerging and, new LiDARs are continuously made available on the market. If, on the one hand, the availability of LiDARs with increasing performance and reducing cost has brought significant benefits also promoting the spread of such measuring systems in other areas such as industrial controls and agriculture, on the other, it has made it more difficult to extricate in the immense set of LiDARs present on the market today. In response to this growing need for standards and methods capable of comparing the various LiDARs, many international standards and scientific publications are being produced on the subject. In this paper, we continue our work on LiDARs characterization, focusing our attention on comparing the performances of two of the must popular systems - namely, the MRS 1000 by Sick and the VLP 16 by Velodyne. Starting from the analysis of the warm-up time and stability, such a comparison focused on analyzing the axial error of both systems. Such errors have been estimated by exploiting a custom rail system and an absolute interferometer. The obtained results revealed warm-up times of a few tens of minutes and maximum absolute axial errors of a few centimeters in the range [1.5,21] m

    Economic feasibilty of solar powered street lighting system in Somalia

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    Somalia is one of the rising countries that has suffered from an energy crisis due to high electricity losses, less qualified workers and a lack of productivity. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the technological possibilities and benefits of using solar energy to power streetlights in Via the combination of light emitting diode (LED) lights and photovoltaic cells. The cost of purchasing the equipment and operating a solar powered/LED device is consistent with the cost of running grid-connected street lights using electricity. The aim of the project was on the feasibility of using solar energy to power street lights. The functions of design and simulation was achieved through the assistance of HOMER software, the simulation model provides the monthly electricity provided by grid-connected street lights and solar street lights, as well as the best technically feasible solar energy system that is less net present cost (NPC), system energy cost and higher fraction of renewable energy, providing the lowest COE of 0.295/kWhandthetotalnetpresentcost(NPC)ofUS0.295/kWh and the total net present cost (NPC) of US40,03030. This work focuses on the domestic aspect and offers a feasibility analysis to use solar energy and LED lights to serve this purpose and to alleviate this enormous consumption of energy. Solar-powered LED lights create light with the same luminance as 250-watt sodium bulbs Although the initial cost of installing the solar street light is higher than the conventional street lights, the overall long-term effect is quietly remarkable. A research involving 40 lamps over a distance of 2 km showed that in addition to saving national electricity, solar street lights save 59 percent after 20 years of using solar street lights

    Systematic Approaches for Telemedicine and Data Coordination for COVID-19 in Baja California, Mexico

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    Conference proceedings info: ICICT 2023: 2023 The 6th International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies Raleigh, HI, United States, March 24-26, 2023 Pages 529-542We provide a model for systematic implementation of telemedicine within a large evaluation center for COVID-19 in the area of Baja California, Mexico. Our model is based on human-centric design factors and cross disciplinary collaborations for scalable data-driven enablement of smartphone, cellular, and video Teleconsul-tation technologies to link hospitals, clinics, and emergency medical services for point-of-care assessments of COVID testing, and for subsequent treatment and quar-antine decisions. A multidisciplinary team was rapidly created, in cooperation with different institutions, including: the Autonomous University of Baja California, the Ministry of Health, the Command, Communication and Computer Control Center of the Ministry of the State of Baja California (C4), Colleges of Medicine, and the College of Psychologists. Our objective is to provide information to the public and to evaluate COVID-19 in real time and to track, regional, municipal, and state-wide data in real time that informs supply chains and resource allocation with the anticipation of a surge in COVID-19 cases. RESUMEN Proporcionamos un modelo para la implementación sistemática de la telemedicina dentro de un gran centro de evaluación de COVID-19 en el área de Baja California, México. Nuestro modelo se basa en factores de diseño centrados en el ser humano y colaboraciones interdisciplinarias para la habilitación escalable basada en datos de tecnologías de teleconsulta de teléfonos inteligentes, celulares y video para vincular hospitales, clínicas y servicios médicos de emergencia para evaluaciones de COVID en el punto de atención. pruebas, y para el tratamiento posterior y decisiones de cuarentena. Rápidamente se creó un equipo multidisciplinario, en cooperación con diferentes instituciones, entre ellas: la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, la Secretaría de Salud, el Centro de Comando, Comunicaciones y Control Informático. de la Secretaría del Estado de Baja California (C4), Facultades de Medicina y Colegio de Psicólogos. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar información al público y evaluar COVID-19 en tiempo real y rastrear datos regionales, municipales y estatales en tiempo real que informan las cadenas de suministro y la asignación de recursos con la anticipación de un aumento de COVID-19. 19 casos.ICICT 2023: 2023 The 6th International Conference on Information and Computer Technologieshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-3236-

    MOCAST 2021

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    The 10th International Conference on Modern Circuit and System Technologies on Electronics and Communications (MOCAST 2021) will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece, from July 5th to July 7th, 2021. The MOCAST technical program includes all aspects of circuit and system technologies, from modeling to design, verification, implementation, and application. This Special Issue presents extended versions of top-ranking papers in the conference. The topics of MOCAST include:Analog/RF and mixed signal circuits;Digital circuits and systems design;Nonlinear circuits and systems;Device and circuit modeling;High-performance embedded systems;Systems and applications;Sensors and systems;Machine learning and AI applications;Communication; Network systems;Power management;Imagers, MEMS, medical, and displays;Radiation front ends (nuclear and space application);Education in circuits, systems, and communications

    Long Life Single Stage PFC/SLC Converter driving LEDs

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    Licht emittierende Dioden (LEDs) sind heutzutage für Beleuchtungsanwendungen Stand der Technik und daher allgegenwärtig. Langlebige Beleuchtungsanwendungen erfordern allerdings ein robustes Systemdesign. Daher wurde die typische Ausfallursache von LED-Leuchten ermittelt: Die Stromversorgung ist mit 52% die wahrscheinlichste Ausfallursache. In manchen Anwendungen muss der LED Treiber theoretisch zehn Mal ausgetauscht werden, bevor die Lebensdauergrenze des LED-Moduls erreicht wird. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich daher mit der Entwicklung eines langlebigen, einstufigen LED Treibers, welcher aus einer Leistungsfaktorkorrektur (PFC) und einem Serien LC (SLC) Wandler besteht. Ein Großteil der Ausfälle des LED-Treibers wird dabei durch den Elektrolytkondensator verursacht. Durch den Ersatz des Elektrolytkondensators durch einen Filmkondensator wird prognostiziert, dass die Lebensdauer der Leuchte deutlich erhöht werden kann. Im Abschnitt 4 werden verschiedene LED-Treibertechnologien und Topologien analysiert. Nach einer ganzheitlichen Topologieanalyse wurde die PFC/SLC-Topologie gewählt. Die dabei verwendete diskontinuierliche totem pole Leistungsfaktorkorrektur (PFC) und der Serien LC Wandler wurden im Zeitbereich analysiert. Für beide Wandler wird der durchschnittliche Eingangsstrom bzw. der durchschnittliche Ausgangsstrom bestimmt. Da zwei Stellgrößen gleichzeitig eingestellt werden müssen, der AC-Eingangsstrom und der DC-Ausgangsstrom, sind für die Steuerung zwei Freiheitsgrade erforderlich. Die PFC- und SLC-Übertragungsfunktionen werden jeweils durch Frequenz und Tastgrad gesteuert. Dazu wurde eine Lösungsfunktion entwickelt, welche die Frequenz und den Tastgrad in Abhängigkeit von Eingangsleitwert, Ausgangsstrom und mehreren Messwerten berechnet. Durch die Erfassung der Zwischenkreisspannung und der Ausgangsspannung wirken sich deren Änderungen nur minimal auf den Ausgangsstrom aus. Dies erlaubt einen höheren Spannungsripple am Zwischenkreiskondensator, und damit den Ersatz von Elektrolytkondensatoren durch Folienkondensatoren. Die Lebensdauer des LED-Treibers wird dadurch deutlich steigert. Für den verwendeten Regelalgorithmus müssen mehrere Spannungen und Ströme gleichzeitig gemessen und digital gefiltert werden. Beispielsweise wird die Zwischenkreisspannung zuerst analog gefiltert, dann AD gewandelt und erneut digital durch einen resonanten Beobachter gefiltert. So kann die doppelte Netzfrequenz im Zwischenkreiskondensator herausgefiltert werden. Weiterhin wird ein Verfahren zur galvanisch getrennten Spannungsmessung entwickelt. Dadurch kann die Steuerung auf der Primärseite platziert werden, während die Sekundärseite genau gemessen werden kann. Auf Grundlage der vorgeschlagenen Messschaltung werden Schutzkonzepte entwickelt, um eine Selbstzerstörung oder Schädigung während des Betriebs vorzubeugen. Um die Anzahl der LEDs in einem LED-Modules zu erhöhen, z. B. um kleinere MidPower-LEDs anstelle von HighPower-LEDs einzusetzen, wird eine neuartige Parallelschaltungskonzept für LEDs entwickelt. Die Schaltung misst die einzelnen Strangströme, bildet dann einen Mittelwert aus den einzelnen Strangströmen, welcher wiederum dann als Vorgabewert genutzt wird. Auf diese Weise können LEDs sicher, und ohne Beeinträchtigung der Effizienz und Lebensdauer parallel geschaltet werden. Für den Betrieb des LED-Treibers wird ein ausgeklügeltes Hilfsspannungskonzept zur Selbstversorgung entwickelt. Da die Regelung digital implementiert ist, ist ein tiefgreifendes Softwareengineering erforderlich, um die Echtzeitperformance der CPU sicherzustellen. Eine unzureichende Implementierung der Regelungssoftware führt zu einem instabilen Regelkreis. Die Messungen am Ende der Arbeit zeigen, dass ein langlebiger, flimmerfreier LED-Treiber entwickelt wurde. Der Netzeingangsstrom ist dabei sinusförmig, während der LED Ausgangsstrom nahezu konstant ist. Der maximale Wirkungsgrad des LED-Treibers wurde zu 93% bestimmt

    Social work with airports passengers

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    Social work at the airport is in to offer to passengers social services. The main methodological position is that people are under stress, which characterized by a particular set of characteristics in appearance and behavior. In such circumstances passenger attracts in his actions some attention. Only person whom he trusts can help him with the documents or psychologically

    Libro de actas. XXXV Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica

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    596 p.CASEIB2017 vuelve a ser el foro de referencia a nivel nacional para el intercambio científico de conocimiento, experiencias y promoción de la I D i en Ingeniería Biomédica. Un punto de encuentro de científicos, profesionales de la industria, ingenieros biomédicos y profesionales clínicos interesados en las últimas novedades en investigación, educación y aplicación industrial y clínica de la ingeniería biomédica. En la presente edición, más de 160 trabajos de alto nivel científico serán presentados en áreas relevantes de la ingeniería biomédica, tales como: procesado de señal e imagen, instrumentación biomédica, telemedicina, modelado de sistemas biomédicos, sistemas inteligentes y sensores, robótica, planificación y simulación quirúrgica, biofotónica y biomateriales. Cabe destacar las sesiones dedicadas a la competición por el Premio José María Ferrero Corral, y la sesión de competición de alumnos de Grado en Ingeniería biomédica, que persiguen fomentar la participación de jóvenes estudiantes e investigadores