563 research outputs found

    Efficient FPGA implementation of high-throughput mixed radix multipath delay commutator FFT processor for MIMO-OFDM

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    This article presents and evaluates pipelined architecture designs for an improved high-frequency Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) processor implemented on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) for Multiple Input Multiple Output Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM). The architecture presented is a Mixed-Radix Multipath Delay Commutator. The presented parallel architecture utilizes fewer hardware resources compared to Radix-2 architecture, while maintaining simple control and butterfly structures inherent to Radix-2 implementations. The high-frequency design presented allows enhancing system throughput without requiring additional parallel data paths common in other current approaches, the presented design can process two and four independent data streams in parallel and is suitable for scaling to any power of two FFT size N. FPGA implementation of the architecture demonstrated significant resource efficiency and high-throughput in comparison to relevant current approaches within literature. The proposed architecture designs were realized with Xilinx System Generator (XSG) and evaluated on both Virtex-5 and Virtex-7 FPGA devices. Post place and route results demonstrated maximum frequency values over 400 MHz and 470 MHz for Virtex-5 and Virtex-7 FPGA devices respectively

    A survey on OFDM-based elastic core optical networking

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    Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is a modulation technology that has been widely adopted in many new and emerging broadband wireless and wireline communication systems. Due to its capability to transmit a high-speed data stream using multiple spectral-overlapped lower-speed subcarriers, OFDM technology offers superior advantages of high spectrum efficiency, robustness against inter-carrier and inter-symbol interference, adaptability to server channel conditions, etc. In recent years, there have been intensive studies on optical OFDM (O-OFDM) transmission technologies, and it is considered a promising technology for future ultra-high-speed optical transmission. Based on O-OFDM technology, a novel elastic optical network architecture with immense flexibility and scalability in spectrum allocation and data rate accommodation could be built to support diverse services and the rapid growth of Internet traffic in the future. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey on OFDM-based elastic optical network technologies, including basic principles of OFDM, O-OFDM technologies, the architectures of OFDM-based elastic core optical networks, and related key enabling technologies. The main advantages and issues of OFDM-based elastic core optical networks that are under research are also discussed

    Analysis of Bandwidth and Latency Constraints on a Packetized Cloud Radio Access Network Fronthaul

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    Cloud radio access network (C-RAN) is a promising architecture for the next-generation RAN to meet the diverse and stringent requirements envisioned by fifth generation mobile communication systems (5G) and future generation mobile networks. C-RAN offers several advantages, such as reduced capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operational expenditure (OPEX), increased spectral efficiency (SE), higher capacity and improved cell-edge performance, and efficient hardware utilization through resource sharing and network function virtualization (NFV). However, these centralization gains come with the need for a fronthaul, which is the transport link connecting remote radio units (RRUs) to the base band unit (BBU) pool. In conventional C-RAN, legacy common public radio interface (CPRI) protocol is used on the fronthaul network to transport the raw, unprocessed baseband in-phase/quadrature-phase (I/Q) samples between the BBU and the RRUs, and it demands a huge fronthaul bandwidth, a strict low-latency, in the order of a few hundred microseconds, and a very high reliability. Hence, in order to relax the excessive fronthaul bandwidth and stringent low-latency requirements, as well as to enhance the flexibility of the fronthaul, it is utmost important to redesign the fronthaul, while still profiting from the acclaimed centralization benefits. Therefore, a flexibly centralized C-RAN with different functional splits has been introduced. In addition, 5G mobile fronthaul (often also termed as an evolved fronthaul ) is envisioned to be packet-based, utilizing the Ethernet as a transport technology. In this thesis, to circumvent the fronthaul bandwidth constraint, a packetized fronthaul considering an appropriate functional split such that the fronthaul data rate is coupled with actual user data rate, unlike the classical C-RAN where fronthaul data rate is always static and independent of the traffic load, is justifiably chosen. We adapt queuing and spatial traffic models to derive the mathematical expressions for statistical multiplexing gains that can be obtained from the randomness in the user traffic. Through this, we show that the required fronthaul bandwidth can be reduced significantly, depending on the overall traffic demand, correlation distance and outage probability. Furthermore, an iterative optimization algorithm is developed, showing the impacts of number of pilots on a bandwidth-constrained fronthaul. This algorithm achieves additional reduction in the required fronthaul bandwidth. Next, knowing the multiplexing gains and possible fronthaul bandwidth reduction, it is beneficial for the mobile network operators (MNOs) to deploy the optical transceiver (TRX) modules in C-RAN cost efficiently. For this, using the same framework, a cost model for fronthaul TRX cost optimization is presented. This is essential in C-RAN, because in a wavelength division multiplexing-passive optical network (WDM-PON) system, TRXs are generally deployed to serve at a peak load. But, because of variations in the traffic demands, owing to tidal effect, the fronthaul can be dimensioned requiring a lower capacity allowing a reasonable outage, thus giving rise to cost saving by deploying fewer TRXs, and energy saving by putting the unused TRXs in sleep mode. The second focus of the thesis is the fronthaul latency analysis, which is a critical performance metric, especially for ultra-reliable and low latency communication (URLLC). An analytical framework to calculate the latency in the uplink (UL) of C-RAN massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system is presented. For this, a continuous-time queuing model for the Ethernet switch in the fronthaul network, which aggregates the UL traffic from several massive MIMO-aided RRUs, is considered. The closed-form solutions for the moment generating function (MGF) of sojourn time, waiting time and queue length distributions are derived using Pollaczek–Khinchine formula for our M/HE/1 queuing model, and evaluated via numerical solutions. In addition, the packet loss rate – due to the inability of the packets to reach the destination in a certain time – is derived. Due to the slotted nature of the UL transmissions, the model is extended to a discrete-time queuing model. The impact of the packet arrival rate, average packet size, SE of users, and fronthaul capacity on the sojourn time, waiting time and queue length distributions are analyzed. While offloading more signal processing functionalities to the RRU reduces the required fronthaul bandwidth considerably, this increases the complexity at the RRU. Hence, considering the 5G New Radio (NR) flexible numerology and XRAN functional split with a detailed radio frequency (RF) chain at the RRU, the total RRU complexity is computed first, and later, a tradeoff between the required fronthaul bandwidth and RRU complexity is analyzed. We conclude that despite the numerous C-RAN benefits, the stringent fronthaul bandwidth and latency constraints must be carefully evaluated, and an optimal functional split is essential to meet diverse set of requirements imposed by new radio access technologies (RATs).Ein cloud-basiertes Mobilfunkzugangsnetz (cloud radio access network, C-RAN) stellt eine vielversprechende Architektur fĂŒr das RAN der nĂ€chsten Generation dar, um die vielfĂ€ltigen und strengen Anforderungen der fĂŒnften (5G) und zukĂŒnftigen Generationen von Mobilfunknetzen zu erfĂŒllen. C-RAN bietet mehrere Vorteile, wie z.B. reduzierte Investitions- (CAPEX) und Betriebskosten (OPEX), erhöhte spektrale Effizienz (SE), höhere KapazitĂ€t und verbesserte Leistung am Zellrand sowie effiziente Hardwareauslastung durch Ressourcenteilung und Virtualisierung von Netzwerkfunktionen (network function virtualization, NFV). Diese Zentralisierungsvorteile erfordern jedoch eine Transportverbindung (Fronthaul), die die Antenneneinheiten (remote radio units, RRUs) mit dem Pool an Basisbandeinheiten (basisband unit, BBU) verbindet. Im konventionellen C-RAN wird das bestehende CPRI-Protokoll (common public radio interface) fĂŒr das Fronthaul-Netzwerk verwendet, um die rohen, unverarbeitet n Abtastwerte der In-Phaseund Quadraturkomponente (I/Q) des Basisbands zwischen der BBU und den RRUs zu transportieren. Dies erfordert eine enorme Fronthaul-Bandbreite, eine strenge niedrige Latenz in der GrĂ¶ĂŸenordnung von einigen hundert Mikrosekunden und eine sehr hohe ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit. Um die extrem große Fronthaul-Bandbreite und die strengen Anforderungen an die geringe Latenz zu lockern und die FlexibilitĂ€t des Fronthauls zu erhöhen, ist es daher Ă€ußerst wichtig, das Fronthaul neu zu gestalten und dabei trotzdem von den erwarteten Vorteilen der Zentralisierung zu profitieren. Daher wurde ein flexibel zentralisiertes CRAN mit unterschiedlichen Funktionsaufteilungen eingefĂŒhrt. Außerdem ist das mobile 5G-Fronthaul (oft auch als evolved Fronthaul bezeichnet) als paketbasiert konzipiert und nutzt Ethernet als Transporttechnologie. Um die BandbreitenbeschrĂ€nkung zu erfĂŒllen, wird in dieser Arbeit ein paketbasiertes Fronthaul unter BerĂŒcksichtigung einer geeigneten funktionalen Aufteilung so gewĂ€hlt, dass die Fronthaul-Datenrate mit der tatsĂ€chlichen Nutzdatenrate gekoppelt wird, im Gegensatz zum klassischen C-RAN, bei dem die Fronthaul-Datenrate immer statisch und unabhĂ€ngig von der Verkehrsbelastung ist. Wir passen Warteschlangen- und rĂ€umliche Verkehrsmodelle an, um mathematische AusdrĂŒcke fĂŒr statistische Multiplexing- Gewinne herzuleiten, die aus der ZufĂ€lligkeit im Benutzerverkehr gewonnen werden können. Hierdurch zeigen wir, dass die erforderliche Fronthaul-Bandbreite abhĂ€ngig von der Gesamtverkehrsnachfrage, der Korrelationsdistanz und der Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit deutlich reduziert werden kann. DarĂŒber hinaus wird ein iterativer Optimierungsalgorithmus entwickelt, der die Auswirkungen der Anzahl der Piloten auf das bandbreitenbeschrĂ€nkte Fronthaul zeigt. Dieser Algorithmus erreicht eine zusĂ€tzliche Reduktion der benötigte Fronthaul-Bandbreite. Mit dem Wissen ĂŒber die Multiplexing-Gewinne und die mögliche Reduktion der Fronthaul-Bandbreite ist es fĂŒr die Mobilfunkbetreiber (mobile network operators, MNOs) von Vorteil, die Module des optischen SendeempfĂ€ngers (transceiver, TRX) kostengĂŒnstig im C-RAN einzusetzen. Dazu wird unter Verwendung des gleichen Rahmenwerks ein Kostenmodell zur Fronthaul-TRX-Kostenoptimierung vorgestellt. Dies ist im C-RAN unerlĂ€sslich, da in einem WDM-PON-System (wavelength division multiplexing-passive optical network) die TRX im Allgemeinen bei Spitzenlast eingesetzt werden. Aufgrund der Schwankungen in den Verkehrsanforderungen (Gezeiteneffekt) kann das Fronthaul jedoch mit einer geringeren KapazitĂ€t dimensioniert werden, die einen vertretbaren Ausfall in Kauf nimmt, was zu Kosteneinsparungen durch den Einsatz von weniger TRXn und Energieeinsparungen durch den Einsatz der ungenutzten TRX im Schlafmodus fĂŒhrt. Der zweite Schwerpunkt der Arbeit ist die Fronthaul-Latenzanalyse, die eine kritische Leistungskennzahl liefert, insbesondere fĂŒr die hochzuverlĂ€ssige und niedriglatente Kommunikation (ultra-reliable low latency communications, URLLC). Ein analytisches Modell zur Berechnung der Latenz im Uplink (UL) des C-RAN mit massivem MIMO (multiple input multiple output) wird vorgestellt. Dazu wird ein Warteschlangen-Modell mit kontinuierlicher Zeit fĂŒr den Ethernet-Switch im Fronthaul-Netzwerk betrachtet, das den UL-Verkehr von mehreren RRUs mit massivem MIMO aggregiert. Die geschlossenen Lösungen fĂŒr die momenterzeugende Funktion (moment generating function, MGF) von Verweildauer-, Wartezeit- und WarteschlangenlĂ€ngenverteilungen werden mit Hilfe der Pollaczek-Khinchin-Formel fĂŒr unser M/HE/1-Warteschlangenmodell hergeleitet und mittels numerischer Verfahren ausgewertet. DarĂŒber hinaus wird die Paketverlustrate derjenigen Pakete, die das Ziel nicht in einer bestimmten Zeit erreichen, hergeleitet. Aufgrund der Organisation der UL-Übertragungen in Zeitschlitzen wird das Modell zu einem Warteschlangenmodell mit diskreter Zeit erweitert. Der Einfluss der Paketankunftsrate, der durchschnittlichen PaketgrĂ¶ĂŸe, der SE der Benutzer und der Fronthaul-KapazitĂ€t auf die Verweildauer-, dieWartezeit- und dieWarteschlangenlĂ€ngenverteilung wird analysiert. WĂ€hrend das Verlagern weiterer SignalverarbeitungsfunktionalitĂ€ten an die RRU die erforderliche Fronthaul-Bandbreite erheblich reduziert, erhöht sich dadurch im Gegenzug die KomplexitĂ€t der RRU. Daher wird unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der flexiblen Numerologie von 5G New Radio (NR) und der XRAN-Funktionenaufteilung mit einer detaillierten RF-Kette (radio frequency) am RRU zunĂ€chst die gesamte RRU-KomplexitĂ€t berechnet und spĂ€ter ein Kompromiss zwischen der erforderlichen Fronthaul-Bandbreite und der RRU-KomplexitĂ€t untersucht. Wir kommen zu dem Schluss, dass trotz der zahlreichen Vorteile von C-RAN die strengen Bandbreiten- und Latenzbedingungen an das Fronthaul sorgfĂ€ltig geprĂŒft werden mĂŒssen und eine optimale funktionale Aufteilung unerlĂ€sslich ist, um die vielfĂ€ltigen Anforderungen der neuen Funkzugangstechnologien (radio access technologies, RATs) zu erfĂŒllen

    Adaptive Baseband Pro cessing and Configurable Hardware for Wireless Communication

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    The world of information is literally at one’s fingertips, allowing access to previously unimaginable amounts of data, thanks to advances in wireless communication. The growing demand for high speed data has necessitated theuse of wider bandwidths, and wireless technologies such as Multiple-InputMultiple-Output (MIMO) have been adopted to increase spectral efficiency.These advanced communication technologies require sophisticated signal processing, often leading to higher power consumption and reduced battery life.Therefore, increasing energy efficiency of baseband hardware for MIMO signal processing has become extremely vital. High Quality of Service (QoS)requirements invariably lead to a larger number of computations and a higherpower dissipation. However, recognizing the dynamic nature of the wirelesscommunication medium in which only some channel scenarios require complexsignal processing, and that not all situations call for high data rates, allowsthe use of an adaptive channel aware signal processing strategy to provide adesired QoS. Information such as interference conditions, coherence bandwidthand Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) can be used to reduce algorithmic computations in favorable channels. Hardware circuits which run these algorithmsneed flexibility and easy reconfigurability to switch between multiple designsfor different parameters. These parameters can be used to tune the operations of different components in a receiver based on feedback from the digitalbaseband. This dissertation focuses on the optimization of digital basebandcircuitry of receivers which use feedback to trade power and performance. Aco-optimization approach, where designs are optimized starting from the algorithmic stage through the hardware architectural stage to the final circuitimplementation is adopted to realize energy efficient digital baseband hardwarefor mobile 4G devices. These concepts are also extended to the next generation5G systems where the energy efficiency of the base station is improved.This work includes six papers that examine digital circuits in MIMO wireless receivers. Several key blocks in these receiver include analog circuits thathave residual non-linearities, leading to signal intermodulation and distortion.Paper-I introduces a digital technique to detect such non-linearities and calibrate analog circuits to improve signal quality. The concept of a digital nonlinearity tuning system developed in Paper-I is implemented and demonstratedin hardware. The performance of this implementation is tested with an analogchannel select filter, and results are presented in Paper-II. MIMO systems suchas the ones used in 4G, may employ QR Decomposition (QRD) processors tosimplify the implementation of tree search based signal detectors. However,the small form factor of the mobile device increases spatial correlation, whichis detrimental to signal multiplexing. Consequently, a QRD processor capableof handling high spatial correlation is presented in Paper-III. The algorithm and hardware implementation are optimized for carrier aggregation, which increases requirements on signal processing throughput, leading to higher powerdissipation. Paper-IV presents a method to perform channel-aware processingwith a simple interpolation strategy to adaptively reduce QRD computationcount. Channel properties such as coherence bandwidth and SNR are used toreduce multiplications by 40% to 80%. These concepts are extended to usetime domain correlation properties, and a full QRD processor for 4G systemsfabricated in 28 nm FD-SOI technology is presented in Paper-V. The designis implemented with a configurable architecture and measurements show thatcircuit tuning results in a highly energy efficient processor, requiring 0.2 nJ to1.3 nJ for each QRD. Finally, these adaptive channel-aware signal processingconcepts are examined in the scope of the next generation of communicationsystems. Massive MIMO systems increase spectral efficiency by using a largenumber of antennas at the base station. Consequently, the signal processingat the base station has a high computational count. Paper-VI presents a configurable detection scheme which reduces this complexity by using techniquessuch as selective user detection and interpolation based signal processing. Hardware is optimized for resource sharing, resulting in a highly reconfigurable andenergy efficient uplink signal detector

    An FPGA-Based MIMO and Space-Time Processing Platform

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    Faced with the need to develop a research unit capable of up to twelve 20MHz bandwidth channels of real-time, space-time,and MIMO processing, the authors developed the STAR (space-time array research) platform. Analysis indicated that the possibledegree of processing complexity required in the platform was beyond that available from contemporary digital signal processors,and thus a novel approach was required toward the provision of baseband signal processing. This paper follows the analysis andthe consequential development of a flexible FPGA-based processing system. It describes the STAR platform and its use throughseveral novel implementations performed with it. Various pitfalls associated with the implementation of MIMO algorithms in realtime are highlighted, and finally, the development requirements for this FPGA-based solution are given to aid comparison withtraditional DSP development

    Efficient DSP and Circuit Architectures for Massive MIMO: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions

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    Massive MIMO is a compelling wireless access concept that relies on the use of an excess number of base-station antennas, relative to the number of active terminals. This technology is a main component of 5G New Radio (NR) and addresses all important requirements of future wireless standards: a great capacity increase, the support of many simultaneous users, and improvement in energy efficiency. Massive MIMO requires the simultaneous processing of signals from many antenna chains, and computational operations on large matrices. The complexity of the digital processing has been viewed as a fundamental obstacle to the feasibility of Massive MIMO in the past. Recent advances on system-algorithm-hardware co-design have led to extremely energy-efficient implementations. These exploit opportunities in deeply-scaled silicon technologies and perform partly distributed processing to cope with the bottlenecks encountered in the interconnection of many signals. For example, prototype ASIC implementations have demonstrated zero-forcing precoding in real time at a 55 mW power consumption (20 MHz bandwidth, 128 antennas, multiplexing of 8 terminals). Coarse and even error-prone digital processing in the antenna paths permits a reduction of consumption with a factor of 2 to 5. This article summarizes the fundamental technical contributions to efficient digital signal processing for Massive MIMO. The opportunities and constraints on operating on low-complexity RF and analog hardware chains are clarified. It illustrates how terminals can benefit from improved energy efficiency. The status of technology and real-life prototypes discussed. Open challenges and directions for future research are suggested.Comment: submitted to IEEE transactions on signal processin

    Algorithm Development and VLSI Implementation of Energy Efficient Decoders of Polar Codes

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    With its low error-floor performance, polar codes attract significant attention as the potential standard error correction code (ECC) for future communication and data storage. However, the VLSI implementation complexity of polar codes decoders is largely influenced by its nature of in-series decoding. This dissertation is dedicated to presenting optimal decoder architectures for polar codes. This dissertation addresses several structural properties of polar codes and key properties of decoding algorithms that are not dealt with in the prior researches. The underlying concept of the proposed architectures is a paradigm that simplifies and schedules the computations such that hardware is simplified, latency is minimized and bandwidth is maximized. In pursuit of the above, throughput centric successive cancellation (TCSC) and overlapping path list successive cancellation (OPLSC) VLSI architectures and express journey BP (XJBP) decoders for the polar codes are presented. An arbitrary polar code can be decomposed by a set of shorter polar codes with special characteristics, those shorter polar codes are referred to as constituent polar codes. By exploiting the homogeneousness between decoding processes of different constituent polar codes, TCSC reduces the decoding latency of the SC decoder by 60% for codes with length n = 1024. The error correction performance of SC decoding is inferior to that of list successive cancellation decoding. The LSC decoding algorithm delivers the most reliable decoding results; however, it consumes most hardware resources and decoding cycles. Instead of using multiple instances of decoding cores in the LSC decoders, a single SC decoder is used in the OPLSC architecture. The computations of each path in the LSC are arranged to occupy the decoder hardware stages serially in a streamlined fashion. This yields a significant reduction of hardware complexity. The OPLSC decoder has achieved about 1.4 times hardware efficiency improvement compared with traditional LSC decoders. The hardware efficient VLSI architectures for TCSC and OPLSC polar codes decoders are also introduced. Decoders based on SC or LSC algorithms suffer from high latency and limited throughput due to their serial decoding natures. An alternative approach to decode the polar codes is belief propagation (BP) based algorithm. In BP algorithm, a graph is set up to guide the beliefs propagated and refined, which is usually referred to as factor graph. BP decoding algorithm allows decoding in parallel to achieve much higher throughput. XJBP decoder facilitates belief propagation by utilizing the specific constituent codes that exist in the conventional factor graph, which results in an express journey (XJ) decoder. Compared with the conventional BP decoding algorithm for polar codes, the proposed decoder reduces the computational complexity by about 40.6%. This enables an energy-efficient hardware implementation. To further explore the hardware consumption of the proposed XJBP decoder, the computations scheduling is modeled and analyzed in this dissertation. With discussions on different hardware scenarios, the optimal scheduling plans are developed. A novel memory-distributed micro-architecture of the XJBP decoder is proposed and analyzed to solve the potential memory access problems of the proposed scheduling strategy. The register-transfer level (RTL) models of the XJBP decoder are set up for comparisons with other state-of-the-art BP decoders. The results show that the power efficiency of BP decoders is improved by about 3 times

    Algorithm Development and VLSI Implementation of Energy Efficient Decoders of Polar Codes

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    With its low error-floor performance, polar codes attract significant attention as the potential standard error correction code (ECC) for future communication and data storage. However, the VLSI implementation complexity of polar codes decoders is largely influenced by its nature of in-series decoding. This dissertation is dedicated to presenting optimal decoder architectures for polar codes. This dissertation addresses several structural properties of polar codes and key properties of decoding algorithms that are not dealt with in the prior researches. The underlying concept of the proposed architectures is a paradigm that simplifies and schedules the computations such that hardware is simplified, latency is minimized and bandwidth is maximized. In pursuit of the above, throughput centric successive cancellation (TCSC) and overlapping path list successive cancellation (OPLSC) VLSI architectures and express journey BP (XJBP) decoders for the polar codes are presented. An arbitrary polar code can be decomposed by a set of shorter polar codes with special characteristics, those shorter polar codes are referred to as constituent polar codes. By exploiting the homogeneousness between decoding processes of different constituent polar codes, TCSC reduces the decoding latency of the SC decoder by 60% for codes with length n = 1024. The error correction performance of SC decoding is inferior to that of list successive cancellation decoding. The LSC decoding algorithm delivers the most reliable decoding results; however, it consumes most hardware resources and decoding cycles. Instead of using multiple instances of decoding cores in the LSC decoders, a single SC decoder is used in the OPLSC architecture. The computations of each path in the LSC are arranged to occupy the decoder hardware stages serially in a streamlined fashion. This yields a significant reduction of hardware complexity. The OPLSC decoder has achieved about 1.4 times hardware efficiency improvement compared with traditional LSC decoders. The hardware efficient VLSI architectures for TCSC and OPLSC polar codes decoders are also introduced. Decoders based on SC or LSC algorithms suffer from high latency and limited throughput due to their serial decoding natures. An alternative approach to decode the polar codes is belief propagation (BP) based algorithm. In BP algorithm, a graph is set up to guide the beliefs propagated and refined, which is usually referred to as factor graph. BP decoding algorithm allows decoding in parallel to achieve much higher throughput. XJBP decoder facilitates belief propagation by utilizing the specific constituent codes that exist in the conventional factor graph, which results in an express journey (XJ) decoder. Compared with the conventional BP decoding algorithm for polar codes, the proposed decoder reduces the computational complexity by about 40.6%. This enables an energy-efficient hardware implementation. To further explore the hardware consumption of the proposed XJBP decoder, the computations scheduling is modeled and analyzed in this dissertation. With discussions on different hardware scenarios, the optimal scheduling plans are developed. A novel memory-distributed micro-architecture of the XJBP decoder is proposed and analyzed to solve the potential memory access problems of the proposed scheduling strategy. The register-transfer level (RTL) models of the XJBP decoder are set up for comparisons with other state-of-the-art BP decoders. The results show that the power efficiency of BP decoders is improved by about 3 times

    A survey of digital television broadcast transmission techniques

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    This paper is a survey of the transmission techniques used in digital television (TV) standards worldwide. With the increase in the demand for High-Definition (HD) TV, video-on-demand and mobile TV services, there was a real need for more bandwidth-efficient, flawless and crisp video quality, which motivated the migration from analogue to digital broadcasting. In this paper we present a brief history of the development of TV and then we survey the transmission technology used in different digital terrestrial, satellite, cable and mobile TV standards in different parts of the world. First, we present the Digital Video Broadcasting standards developed in Europe for terrestrial (DVB-T/T2), for satellite (DVB-S/S2), for cable (DVB-C) and for hand-held transmission (DVB-H). We then describe the Advanced Television System Committee standards developed in the USA both for terrestrial (ATSC) and for hand-held transmission (ATSC-M/H). We continue by describing the Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting standards developed in Japan for Terrestrial (ISDB-T) and Satellite (ISDB-S) transmission and then present the International System for Digital Television (ISDTV), which was developed in Brazil by adopteding the ISDB-T physical layer architecture. Following the ISDTV, we describe the Digital Terrestrial television Multimedia Broadcast (DTMB) standard developed in China. Finally, as a design example, we highlight the physical layer implementation of the DVB-T2 standar

    Baseband Processing for 5G and Beyond: Algorithms, VLSI Architectures, and Co-design

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    In recent years the number of connected devices and the demand for high data-rates have been signiïŹcantly increased. This enormous growth is more pronounced by the introduction of the Internet of things (IoT) in which several devices are interconnected to exchange data for various applications like smart homes and smart cities. Moreover, new applications such as eHealth, autonomous vehicles, and connected ambulances set new demands on the reliability, latency, and data-rate of wireless communication systems, pushing forward technology developments. Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) is a technology, which is employed in the 5G standard, offering the beneïŹts to fulïŹll these requirements. In massive MIMO systems, base station (BS) is equipped with a very large number of antennas, serving several users equipments (UEs) simultaneously in the same time and frequency resource. The high spatial multiplexing in massive MIMO systems, improves the data rate, energy and spectral efïŹciencies as well as the link reliability of wireless communication systems. The link reliability can be further improved by employing channel coding technique. Spatially coupled serially concatenated codes (SC-SCCs) are promising channel coding schemes, which can meet the high-reliability demands of wireless communication systems beyond 5G (B5G). Given the close-to-capacity error correction performance and the potential to implement a high-throughput decoder, this class of code can be a good candidate for wireless systems B5G. In order to achieve the above-mentioned advantages, sophisticated algorithms are required, which impose challenges on the baseband signal processing. In case of massive MIMO systems, the processing is much more computationally intensive and the size of required memory to store channel data is increased signiïŹcantly compared to conventional MIMO systems, which are due to the large size of the channel state information (CSI) matrix. In addition to the high computational complexity, meeting latency requirements is also crucial. Similarly, the decoding-performance gain of SC-SCCs also do come at the expense of increased implementation complexity. Moreover, selecting the proper choice of design parameters, decoding algorithm, and architecture will be challenging, since spatial coupling provides new degrees of freedom in code design, and therefore the design space becomes huge. The focus of this thesis is to perform co-optimization in different design levels to address the aforementioned challenges/requirements. To this end, we employ system-level characteristics to develop efïŹcient algorithms and architectures for the following functional blocks of digital baseband processing. First, we present a fast Fourier transform (FFT), an inverse FFT (IFFT), and corresponding reordering scheme, which can signiïŹcantly reduce the latency of orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) demodulation and modulation as well as the size of reordering memory. The corresponding VLSI architectures along with the application speciïŹc integrated circuit (ASIC) implementation results in a 28 nm CMOS technology are introduced. In case of a 2048-point FFT/IFFT, the proposed design leads to 42% reduction in the latency and size of reordering memory. Second, we propose a low-complexity massive MIMO detection scheme. The key idea is to exploit channel sparsity to reduce the size of CSI matrix and eventually perform linear detection followed by a non-linear post-processing in angular domain using the compressed CSI matrix. The VLSI architecture for a massive MIMO with 128 BS antennas and 16 UEs along with the synthesis results in a 28 nm technology are presented. As a result, the proposed scheme reduces the complexity and required memory by 35%–73% compared to traditional detectors while it has better detection performance. Finally, we perform a comprehensive design space exploration for the SC-SCCs to investigate the effect of different design parameters on decoding performance, latency, complexity, and hardware cost. Then, we develop different decoding algorithms for the SC-SCCs and discuss the associated decoding performance and complexity. Also, several high-level VLSI architectures along with the corresponding synthesis results in a 12 nm process are presented, and various design tradeoffs are provided for these decoding schemes
