47,025 research outputs found

    A Logic for Constraint-based Security Protocol Analysis

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    We propose PS-LTL, a pure-past security linear temporal logic that allows the specification of a variety of authentication, secrecy and data freshness properties. Furthermore, we present a sound and complete decision procedure to establish the validity of security properties for symbolic execution traces, and show the integration with constraint-based analysis techniques

    PS-LTL for constraint-based security protocol analysis

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    Several formal approaches have been proposed to analyse security protocols, e.g. [2,7,11,1,6,12]. Recently, a great interest has been growing on the use of constraint solving approach. Initially proposed by Millen and Shmatikov [9], this approach allows analysis of a finite number of protocol sessions. Yet, the representation of protocol runs by symbolic traces (as opposed to concrete traces) captures the possibility of having unbounded message space, allowing analysis over an infinite state space. A constraint is defined as a pair consisting of a message M and a set of messages K that represents the intruder¿s knowledge. Millen and Shmatikov present a procedure to solve a set of constraints, i.e. that in each constraint, M can be built from K. When a set of constraints is solved, then a concrete trace representing an attack over the protocol can be extracted. \ud Corin and Etalle [4] has improved the work of Millen and Shmatikov by presenting a more efficient procedure. However, none of these constraint-based systems provide enough flexibility and expresiveness in specifying security properties. For example, to check secrecy an artificial protocol role is added to simulate whether a secret can be learned by an intruder. Authentication cannot also be checked directly. Moreover, only a built-in notion of authentication is implemented by Millen and Shmatikov in his Prolog implementation [10]. This problem motivates our current work. \ud A logical formalism is considered to be an appropriate solution to improve the flexibility and expresiveness in specifying security properties. A preliminary attempt to use logic for specifying local security properties in a constraint-based setting has been carried out [3]. Inspired by this work and the successful NPATRL [11,8], we currently explores a variant of linear temporal logic (LTL) over finite traces, -LTL, standing for pure-past security LTL [5]. In contrast to standard LTL, this logic deals only with past events in a trace. In our current work, a protocol is modelled as in previous works [9,4,3], viz. by protocol roles. A protocol role is a sequence of send and receive events, together with status events to indicate, e.g. that a protocol role has completed her protocol run. A scenario is then used to deal with the number of sessions and protocol roles considered in the analysis. \ud Integrating -LTL into our constraint solving approach presents a challenge, since we need to develop a sound and complete decision procedure against symbolic traces, instead of concrete traces. Our idea to address this problem is by concretizing symbolic traces incrementally while deciding a formula. Basically, the decision procedure consists of two steps: transform and decide. The former step transforms a -LTL formula with respect to the current trace into a so-called elementary formula that is built from constraints and equalities using logical connectives and quantifiers. The decision is then performed by the latter step through solving the constraints and checking the equalities. \ud Although we define a decision procedure for a fragment of -LTL, this fragment is expressive enough to specify several security properties, like various notions of secrecy and authentication, and also data freshness. We provide a Prolog implementation and have analysed several security protocols. \ud There are many directions for improvement. From the implementation point of view, the efficiency of the decision procedure can still be improved. I would also like to investigate the expressiveness of the logic for speficying other security properties. This may result in an extension of the decision procedure for a larger fragment of the logic. Another direction is to characterize the expressivity power of -LTL compared to other security requirement languages

    A formal specification and verification framework for timed security protocols

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    Nowadays, protocols often use time to provide better security. For instance, critical credentials are often associated with expiry dates in system designs. However, using time correctly in protocol design is challenging, due to the lack of time related formal specification and verification techniques. Thus, we propose a comprehensive analysis framework to formally specify as well as automatically verify timed security protocols. A parameterized method is introduced in our framework to handle timing parameters whose values cannot be decided in the protocol design stage. In this work, we first propose timed applied π-calculus as a formal language for specifying timed security protocols. It supports modeling of continuous time as well as application of cryptographic functions. Then, we define its formal semantics based on timed logic rules, which facilitates efficient verification against various authentication and secrecy properties. Given a parameterized security protocol, our method either produces a constraint on the timing parameters which guarantees the security property satisfied by the protocol, or reports an attack that works for any parameter value. The correctness of our verification algorithm has been formally proved. We evaluate our framework with multiple timed and untimed security protocols and successfully find a previously unknown timing attack in Kerberos V

    Effective symbolic protocol analysis via equational irreducibility conditions

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    We address a problem that arises in cryptographic protocol analysis when the equational properties of the cryptosystem are taken into account: in many situations it is necessary to guarantee that certain terms generated during a state exploration are in normal form with respect to the equational theory. We give a tool-independent methodology for state exploration, based on unification and narrowing, that generates states that obey these irreducibility constraints, called contextual symbolic reachability analysis, prove its soundness and completeness, and describe its implementation in the Maude-NPA protocol analysis tool. Contextual symbolic reachability analysis also introduces a new type of unification mechanism, which we call asymmetric unification, in which any solution must leave the right side of the solution irreducible. We also present experiments showing the effectiveness of our methodology.S. Escobar and S. Santiago have been partially supported by the EU (FEDER) and the Spanish MEC/MICINN under grant TIN 2010-21062-C02-02, and by Generalitat Valenciana PROMETEO2011/052. The following authors have been partially supported by NSF: S. Escobar, J. Meseguer and R. Sasse under grants CCF 09- 05584, CNS 09-04749, and CNS 09-05584; D. Kapur under grant CNS 09-05222; C. Lynch, Z. Liu, and C. Meadows under grant CNS 09-05378, and P. Narendran and S. Erbatur under grant CNS 09-05286.Erbatur, S.; Escobar Román, S.; Kapur, D.; Liu, Z.; Lynch, C.; Meadows, C.; Meseguer, J.... (2012). Effective symbolic protocol analysis via equational irreducibility conditions. En Computer Security - ESORICS 2012. Springer Verlag (Germany). 7459:73-90. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-33167-1_5S73907459IEEE 802.11 Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical (PHY) Specifications (1999)Abadi, M., Cortier, V.: Deciding knowledge in security protocols under equational theories. Theor. 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IOS Press (2011)Blanchet, B., Abadi, M., Fournet, C.: Automated verification of selected equivalences for security protocols. J. Log. Algebr. Program. 75(1), 3–51 (2008)Ciobâcă, Ş., Delaune, S., Kremer, S.: Computing Knowledge in Security Protocols under Convergent Equational Theories. In: Schmidt, R.A. (ed.) CADE-22. LNCS (LNAI), vol. 5663, pp. 355–370. Springer, Heidelberg (2009)Comon-Lundh, H., Delaune, S.: The Finite Variant Property: How to Get Rid of Some Algebraic Properties. In: Giesl, J. (ed.) RTA 2005. LNCS, vol. 3467, pp. 294–307. Springer, Heidelberg (2005)Comon-Lundh, H., Delaune, S., Millen, J.: Constraint solving techniques and enriching the model with equational theories. In: Cortier, V., Kremer, S. (eds.) Formal Models and Techniques for Analyzing Security Protocols. Cryptology and Information Security Series, vol. 5, pp. 35–61. IOS Press (2011)Comon-Lundh, H., Shmatikov, V.: Intruder deductions, constraint solving and insecurity decision in presence of exclusive or. In: LICS, pp. 271–280. IEEE Computer Society (2003)Ciobâcă, Ş.: Knowledge in security protocolsDolev, D., Yao, A.C.-C.: On the security of public key protocols (extended abstract). In: FOCS, pp. 350–357 (1981)Escobar, S., Meadows, C., Meseguer, J.: A rewriting-based inference system for the NRL protocol analyzer and its meta-logical properties. Theoretical Computer Science 367(1-2), 162–202 (2006)Escobar, S., Meadows, C., Meseguer, J.: State Space Reduction in the Maude-NRL Protocol Analyzer. In: Jajodia, S., Lopez, J. (eds.) ESORICS 2008. LNCS, vol. 5283, pp. 548–562. Springer, Heidelberg (2008)Escobar, S., Meadows, C., Meseguer, J.: Maude-NPA: Cryptographic Protocol Analysis Modulo Equational Properties. In: Aldini, A., Barthe, G., Gorrieri, R. (eds.) FOSAD 2007. LNCS, vol. 5705, pp. 1–50. Springer, Heidelberg (2009)Escobar, S., Meadows, C., Meseguer, J., Santiago, S.: State space reduction in the maude-nrl protocol analyzer. 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    Selection of an Attack-Construction Engine to Enhance Security Protocol Analysis

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    In the context of providing an integrated environment for engineering of security protocols, the incorporation of an attack-construction analysis engine has been investigated. The purpose of such an engine is to search protocol specifications for possible replay attacks against it, returning a description of the attack if found. This kind of analysis complements the logic analysis tool already present in the environment, since it can find protocol vulnerabilities that the existing analysis is unable to detect. An investigation of six publicly available attackconstruction tools was conducted, considering criteria such as capability, efficiency and usability. More project-specific factors, such as suitability for integration, also played an important part. The outcome of the investigation was that the constraint-based system by Corin & Etalle (based on an initial system by Millen & Shmatikov) was the most suitable

    Abstract Interpretation of Temporal Concurrent Constraint Programs

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    International audienceTimed Concurrent Constraint Programming (tcc) is a declarative model for concurrency offering a logic for specifying reactive systems, i.e. systems that continuously interact with the environment. The universal tcc formalism (utcc) is an extension of tcc with the abil- ity to express mobility. Here mobility is understood as communication of private names as typically done for mobile systems and security protocols. In this paper we consider the denotational semantics for tcc, and we extend it to a "collecting" semantics for utcc based on closure operators over sequences of constraints. Relying on this semantics, we formalize a general framework for data flow analyses of tcc and utcc programs by abstract inter- pretation techniques. The concrete and abstract semantics we propose are compositional, thus allowing us to reduce the complexity of data flow analyses. We show that our method is sound and parametric with respect to the abstract domain. Thus, different analyses can be performed by instantiating the framework. We illustrate how it is possible to reuse abstract domains previously defined for logic programming to perform, for instance, a groundness analysis for tcc programs. We show the applicability of this analysis in the context of reactive systems. Furthermore, we make also use of the abstract semantics to exhibit a secrecy flaw in a security protocol. We also show how it is possible to make an analysis which may show that tcc programs are suspension free. This can be useful for several purposes, such as for optimizing compilation or for debugging

    A Level Dependent Authentication for IoT Paradigm

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) based services are getting a widespread expansion in all the directions and dimensions of the 21st century. The IoT based deployment involves an internet-connected sensor, mobiles, laptops, and other networking and computing de- vices. In most IoT based applications, the sensor collects the data and communicates it to the end-user via gateway device or fog device over a precarious internet channel. The attacker can use this open channel to capture the sensing device or the gateway device to collect the IoT data or control the IoT system. For a long time, numerous researchers are working towards designing the authentication mechanism for the sen- sor network to achieve reliable and computationally feasible security. For the resource constraint environment of the IoT, it is essential to design reliable, ecient, and secure authentication protocol. In this paper, we propose a novel approach of authentication in the IoT paradigm called a Level-Dependent Authentication(LDA). In the LDA protocol, we propose a security reliable and resource ecient key sharing mechanism in which users at level li can communicate with the sensor at level lj if and only if the level of user in the organizational hierarchy is lower or equal to the level of sensor deployment. We pro- vide a security analysis for the proposed LDA protocol using random oracle based games & widely accepted AVISPA tools. We prove mutual authentication for the proposed protocol using BAN logic. In this paper, we also discuss a comparative analysis of the proposed protocol with other existing IoT authentication systems based on communica- tion cost, computation cost, and security index. We provide an implementation for the proposed protocol using a globally adopted IoT protocol called MQTT protocol. Finally, we present the collected data related to the networking parameters like throughput and round trip delay

    Analysis of the IBM CCA Security API Protocols in Maude-NPA

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    Standards for cryptographic protocols have long been attractive candidates for formal verification. It is important that such standards be correct, and cryptographic protocols are tricky to design and subject to non-intuitive attacks even when the underlying cryptosystems are secure. Thus a number of general-purpose cryptographic protocol analysis tools have been developed and applied to protocol standards. However, there is one class of standards, security application programming interfaces (security APIs), to which few of these tools have been applied. Instead, most work has concentrated on developing special-purpose tools and algorithms for specific classes of security APIs. However, there can be much advantage gained from having general-purpose tools that could be applied to a wide class of problems, including security APIs. One particular class of APIs that has proven difficult to analyze using general-purpose tools is that involving exclusive-or. In this paper we analyze the IBM 4758 Common Cryptographic Architecture (CCA) protocol using an advanced automated protocol verification tool with full exclusive-or capabilities, the Maude-NPA tool. This is the first time that API protocols have been satisfactorily specified and analyzed in the Maude-NPA, and the first time XOR-based APIs have been specified and analyzed using a general-purpose unbounded session cryptographic protocol verification tool that provides direct support for AC theories. We describe our results and indicate what further research needs to be done to make such protocol analysis generally effective.Antonio González-Burgueño, Sonia Santiago and Santiago Escobar have been partially supported by the EU (FEDER) and the Spanish MINECO under grants TIN 2010-21062-C02-02 and TIN 2013-45732-C4-1-P, and by Generalitat Valenciana PROMETEO2011/052. José Meseguer has been partially supported by NSF Grant CNS 13-10109.González Burgueño, A.; Santiago Pinazo, S.; Escobar Román, S.; Meadows, C.; Meseguer, J. (2014). Analysis of the IBM CCA Security API Protocols in Maude-NPA. En Security Standardisation Research. Springer International Publishing. 111-130. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-14054-4_8S111130Abadi, M., Blanchet, B., Fournet, C.: Just fast keying in the pi calculus. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 10(3) (2007)Blanchet, B.: An Efficient Cryptographic Protocol Verifier Based on Prolog Rules. In: 14th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop (CSFW 2014), Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 2001, pp. 82–96. IEEE Computer Society (2014)Bond, M.: Attacks on cryptoprocessor transaction sets. In: Koç, Ç.K., Naccache, D., Paar, C. (eds.) CHES 2001. LNCS, vol. 2162, pp. 220–234. Springer, Heidelberg (2001)Butler, F., Cervesato, I., Jaggard, A.D., Scedrov, A.: A formal analysis of some properties of kerberos 5 using msr. 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