65 research outputs found

    Face enumeration on simplicial complexes

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    Let MM be a closed triangulable manifold, and let Δ\Delta be a triangulation of MM. What is the smallest number of vertices that Δ\Delta can have? How big or small can the number of edges of Δ\Delta be as a function of the number of vertices? More generally, what are the possible face numbers (ff-numbers, for short) that Δ\Delta can have? In other words, what restrictions does the topology of MM place on the possible ff-numbers of triangulations of MM? To make things even more interesting, we can add some combinatorial conditions on the triangulations we are considering (e.g., flagness, balancedness, etc.) and ask what additional restrictions these combinatorial conditions impose. While only a few theorems in this area of combinatorics were known a couple of decades ago, in the last ten years or so, the field simply exploded with new results and ideas. Thus we feel that a survey paper is long overdue. As new theorems are being proved while we are typing this chapter, and as we have only a limited number of pages, we apologize in advance to our friends and colleagues, some of whose results will not get mentioned here.Comment: Chapter for upcoming IMA volume Recent Trends in Combinatoric

    Integrality in the Steinberg module and the top-dimensional cohomology of SL_n(O_K)

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    We prove a new structural result for the spherical Tits building attached to SL_n(K) for many number fields K, and more generally for the fraction fields of many Dedekind domains O: the Steinberg module St_n(K) is generated by integral apartments if and only if the ideal class group cl(O) is trivial. We deduce this integrality by proving that the complex of partial bases of O^n is Cohen-Macaulay. We apply this to prove new vanishing and nonvanishing results for H^{vcd}(SL_n(O_K); Q), where O_K is the ring of integers in a number field and vcd is the virtual cohomological dimension of SL_n(O_K). The (non)vanishing depends on the (non)triviality of the class group of O_K. We also obtain a vanishing theorem for the cohomology H^{vcd}(SL_n(O_K); V) with twisted coefficients V.Comment: 36 pages; final version; to appear in Amer. J. Mat

    Simplicial bounded cohomology and stability

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    We introduce a set of combinatorial techniques for studying the simplicial bounded cohomology of semi-simplicial sets, simplicial complexes and posets. We apply these methods to prove several new bounded acyclicity results for semi-simplicial sets appearing in the homological stability literature. Our strategy is to recast classical arguments (due to Bestvina, Maazen, van der Kallen, Vogtmann, Charney and, recently, Galatius--Randal-Williams) in the setting of bounded cohomology using uniformly bounded refinements of well-known simplicial tools. Combined with ideas developed by Monod and De la Cruz Mengual--Hartnick, we deduce slope-1/21/2 stability results for the bounded cohomology of two large classes of linear groups: general linear groups over any ring with finite Bass stable rank and certain automorphism groups of quadratic modules over the integers or any field of characteristic zero. We expect that many other results in the literature on homological stability admit bounded cohomological analogues by applying the blueprint provided in this work.Comment: 53 pages. Comments welcome

    The homology of the Higman-Thompson groups

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    We prove that Thompson's group VV is acyclic, answering a 1992 question of Brown in the positive. More generally, we identify the homology of the Higman-Thompson groups Vn,rV_{n,r} with the homology of the zeroth component of the infinite loop space of the mod n−1n-1 Moore spectrum. As V=V2,1V = V_{2,1}, we can deduce that this group is acyclic. Our proof involves establishing homological stability with respect to rr, as well as a computation of the algebraic K-theory of the category of finitely generated free Cantor algebras of any type nn.Comment: 49 page

    Reflect-Push Methods Part I: Two Dimensional Techniques

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    We determine all maximum weight downsets in the product of two chains, where the weight function is a strictly increasing function of the rank. Many discrete isoperimetric problems can be reduced to the maximum weight downset problem. Our results generalize Lindsay's edge-isoperimetric theorem in two dimensions in several directions. They also imply and strengthen (in several directions) a result of Ahlswede and Katona concerning graphs with maximal number of adjacent pairs of edges. We find all optimal shifted graphs in the Ahlswede-Katona problem. Furthermore, the results of Ahlswede-Katona are extended to posets with a rank increasing and rank constant weight function. Our results also strengthen a special case of a recent result by Keough and Radcliffe concerning graphs with the fewest matchings. All of these results are achieved by applications of a key lemma that we call the reflect-push method. This method is geometric and combinatorial. Most of the literature on edge-isoperimetric inequalities focuses on finding a solution, and there are no general methods for finding all possible solutions. Our results give a general approach for finding all compressed solutions for the above edge-isoperimetric problems. By using the Ahlswede-Cai local-global principle, one can conclude that lexicographic solutions are optimal for many cases of higher dimensional isoperimetric problems. With this and our two dimensional results we can prove Lindsay's edge-isoperimetric inequality in any dimension. Furthermore, our results show that lexicographic solutions are the unique solutions for which compression techniques can be applied in this general setting

    Cumulative author—Title index for volumes 74–79

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