787 research outputs found

    Quantum Limits, Computational Complexity and Philosophy – A Review: Shamaila Shafiq

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    Quantum computing physics uses quantum qubits (or bits), for computer’s memory or processor. They can perform certain calculations much faster than a normal computer. The quantum computers have some limitations due to which the problems belonging to NP- Complete are not solved efficiently. This paper covers effective quantum algorithm for solving NP-Complete problems through some features of complexity theory, that we can simplify some of the philosophical interest problems

    Re-Thinking Supplier Risk Management With Case Studies and Agent-Based Simulation

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    This mixed method research uses a series of case studies and an agent based simulation to investigate how firms doand shouldacquire information to manage risks inherent in supplier processes. Managing this risk born from supplier non-compliance is important because it can not only threaten a firms reputation and bottom line, but it can also affect various stakeholders. Current literature on supplier risk management recommends that firms acquire comprehensive information on potential triggers of supplier non-compliance to mitigate this risk in an effective manner. Nevertheless, the literature fails to acknowledge that firms often choose not to obtain such information. In fact, the results from multiple case studies indicate that firms seek to acquire comprehensive information on potential triggers of supplier non-compliance only when they do not see other alternatives to address the risks of supplier non-compliance. The sampled firms reduce their need for comprehensive information on supplier processes because of close relational ties with suppliers or the presence of powerful external stakeholders, such as regulatory agencies, monitoring supplier processes. The agent-based simulation then reveals conditions under which firms should rely on the relational ties and powerful stakeholders to reduce the supplier risks they face

    Computability Theory

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    Computability and computable enumerability are two of the fundamental notions of mathematics. Interest in effectiveness is already apparent in the famous Hilbert problems, in particular the second and tenth, and in early 20th century work of Dehn, initiating the study of word problems in group theory. The last decade has seen both completely new subareas develop as well as remarkable growth in two-way interactions between classical computability theory and areas of applications. There is also a great deal of work on algorithmic randomness, reverse mathematics, computable analysis, and in computable structure theory/computable model theory. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers representing different aspects of computability theory to discuss recent advances, and to stimulate future work

    Quantum Tokens for Digital Signatures

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    The fisherman caught a quantum fish. "Fisherman, please let me go", begged the fish, "and I will grant you three wishes". The fisherman agreed. The fish gave the fisherman a quantum computer, three quantum signing tokens and his classical public key. The fish explained: "to sign your three wishes, use the tokenized signature scheme on this quantum computer, then show your valid signature to the king, who owes me a favor". The fisherman used one of the signing tokens to sign the document "give me a castle!" and rushed to the palace. The king executed the classical verification algorithm using the fish's public key, and since it was valid, the king complied. The fisherman's wife wanted to sign ten wishes using their two remaining signing tokens. The fisherman did not want to cheat, and secretly sailed to meet the fish. "Fish, my wife wants to sign ten more wishes". But the fish was not worried: "I have learned quantum cryptography following the previous story (The Fisherman and His Wife by the brothers Grimm). The quantum tokens are consumed during the signing. Your polynomial wife cannot even sign four wishes using the three signing tokens I gave you". "How does it work?" wondered the fisherman. "Have you heard of quantum money? These are quantum states which can be easily verified but are hard to copy. This tokenized quantum signature scheme extends Aaronson and Christiano's quantum money scheme, which is why the signing tokens cannot be copied". "Does your scheme have additional fancy properties?" the fisherman asked. "Yes, the scheme has other security guarantees: revocability, testability and everlasting security. Furthermore, if you're at sea and your quantum phone has only classical reception, you can use this scheme to transfer the value of the quantum money to shore", said the fish, and swam away.Comment: Added illustration of the abstract to the ancillary file


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    Recent years have witnessed an active research on cryptographic primitives with complex functionality beyond simple encryption or authentication. A cryptographic primitive is required to be proposed together with a formal model of its usage and a rigorous proof of security under that model.This approach has suffered from the two drawbacks: (1) security models are defined in a very specific manner for each primitive, which situation causes the relationship between these security models not to be very clear, and (2) no comprehensive ways to confirm that a formal model of security really captures every possible scenarios in practice.This research relaxes these two drawbacks by the following approach: (1) By observing the fact that a cryptographic primitive A should be crucial for constructing another primitive B, we identify an easy-to-understand approach for constructing various cryptographic primitives.(2) Consider a situation in which there are closely related cryptographic primitives A and B, and the primitive A has no known security requirement that corresponds to some wellknown security requirement (b) for the latter primitive B.We argue that this situation suggests that this unknown security requirement for A can capture some practical attack. This enables us to detect unknown threats for various cryptographic primitives that have been missed bythe current security models.Following this approach, we identify an overlooked security threat for a cryptographic primitive called group signature. Furthermore, we apply the methodology (2) to the “revocable”group signature and obtain a new extension of public-key encryption which allows to restrict a plaintext that can be securely encrypted.通常の暗号化や認証にとどまらず, 複雑な機能を備えた暗号要素技術の提案が活発になっている. 暗号要素技術の安全性は利用形態に応じて, セキュリティ上の脅威をモデル化して安全性要件を定め, 新方式はそれぞれ安全性定義を満たすことの証明と共に提案される.既存研究では, 次の問題があった: (1) 要素技術ごとに個別に安全性の定義を与えているため, 理論的な体系化が不十分であった. (2) 安全性定義が実用上の脅威を完全に捉えきれているかの検証が難しかった.本研究は上記の問題を次の考え方で解決する. (1) ある要素技術(A) を構成するには別の要素技術(B) を部品として用いることが不可欠であることに注目し, 各要素技術の安全性要件の関連を整理・体系化して, 新方式を見通し良く構成可能とする. (2) 要素技術(B)で考慮されていた安全性要件(b) に対応する要素技術(A) の安全性要件が未定義なら, それを(A) の新たな安全性要件(a) として定式化する. これにより未知の脅威の検出が容易になる.グループ署名と非対話開示機能付き公開鍵暗号という2 つの要素技術について上記の考え方を適用して, グループ署名について未知の脅威を指摘する.また, 証明書失効機能と呼ばれる拡張機能を持つグループ署名に上記の考え方を適用して, 公開鍵暗号についての新たな拡張機能である, 暗号化できる平文を制限できる公開鍵暗号の効率的な構成法を明らかにする.電気通信大学201