279,250 research outputs found

    IST Austria Thesis

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    The human ability to recognize objects in complex scenes has driven research in the computer vision field over couple of decades. This thesis focuses on the object recognition task in images. That is, given the image, we want the computer system to be able to predict the class of the object that appears in the image. A recent successful attempt to bridge semantic understanding of the image perceived by humans and by computers uses attribute-based models. Attributes are semantic properties of the objects shared across different categories, which humans and computers can decide on. To explore the attribute-based models we take a statistical machine learning approach, and address two key learning challenges in view of object recognition task: learning augmented attributes as mid-level discriminative feature representation, and learning with attributes as privileged information. Our main contributions are parametric and non-parametric models and algorithms to solve these frameworks. In the parametric approach, we explore an autoencoder model combined with the large margin nearest neighbor principle for mid-level feature learning, and linear support vector machines for learning with privileged information. In the non-parametric approach, we propose a supervised Indian Buffet Process for automatic augmentation of semantic attributes, and explore the Gaussian Processes classification framework for learning with privileged information. A thorough experimental analysis shows the effectiveness of the proposed models in both parametric and non-parametric views

    Gait recognition and understanding based on hierarchical temporal memory using 3D gait semantic folding

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    Gait recognition and understanding systems have shown a wide-ranging application prospect. However, their use of unstructured data from image and video has affected their performance, e.g., they are easily influenced by multi-views, occlusion, clothes, and object carrying conditions. This paper addresses these problems using a realistic 3-dimensional (3D) human structural data and sequential pattern learning framework with top-down attention modulating mechanism based on Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM). First, an accurate 2-dimensional (2D) to 3D human body pose and shape semantic parameters estimation method is proposed, which exploits the advantages of an instance-level body parsing model and a virtual dressing method. Second, by using gait semantic folding, the estimated body parameters are encoded using a sparse 2D matrix to construct the structural gait semantic image. In order to achieve time-based gait recognition, an HTM Network is constructed to obtain the sequence-level gait sparse distribution representations (SL-GSDRs). A top-down attention mechanism is introduced to deal with various conditions including multi-views by refining the SL-GSDRs, according to prior knowledge. The proposed gait learning model not only aids gait recognition tasks to overcome the difficulties in real application scenarios but also provides the structured gait semantic images for visual cognition. Experimental analyses on CMU MoBo, CASIA B, TUM-IITKGP, and KY4D datasets show a significant performance gain in terms of accuracy and robustness


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    The amount of visual data such as images and videos available over web has increased exponentially over the last few years. In order to efficiently organize and exploit these massive collections, a system, apart from being able to answer simple classification based questions such as whether a specific object is present (or absent) in an image, should also be capable of searching images and videos based on more complex descriptive questions. There is also a considerable amount of structure present in the visual world which, if effectively utilized, can help achieve this goal. To this end, we first present an approach for image ranking and retrieval based on queries consisting of multiple semantic attributes. We further show that there are significant correlations present between these attributes and accounting for them can lead to superior performance. Next, we extend this by proposing an image retrieval framework for descriptive queries composed of object categories, semantic attributes and spatial relationships. The proposed framework also includes a unique multi-view hashing technique, which enables query specification in three different modalities - image, sketch and text. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of leveraging contextual information to reduce the supervision requirements for learning object and scene recognition models. We present an active learning framework to simultaneously learn appearance and contextual models for scene understanding. Within this framework we introduce new kinds of labeling questions that are designed to collect appearance as well as contextual information and which mimic the way in which humans actively learn about their environment. Furthermore we explicitly model the contextual interactions between the regions within an image and select the question which leads to the maximum reduction in the combined entropy of all the regions in the image (image entropy)

    Viewpoint invariant semantic object and scene categorization with RGB-D sensors

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    Understanding the semantics of objects and scenes using multi-modal RGB-D sensors serves many robotics applications. Key challenges for accurate RGB-D image recognition are the scarcity of training data, variations due to viewpoint changes and the heterogeneous nature of the data. We address these problems and propose a generic deep learning framework based on a pre-trained convolutional neural network, as a feature extractor for both the colour and depth channels. We propose a rich multi-scale feature representation, referred to as convolutional hypercube pyramid (HP-CNN), that is able to encode discriminative information from the convolutional tensors at different levels of detail. We also present a technique to fuse the proposed HP-CNN with the activations of fully connected neurons based on an extreme learning machine classifier in a late fusion scheme which leads to a highly discriminative and compact representation. To further improve performance, we devise HP-CNN-T which is a view-invariant descriptor extracted from a multi-view 3D object pose (M3DOP) model. M3DOP is learned from over 140,000 RGB-D images that are synthetically generated by rendering CAD models from different viewpoints. Extensive evaluations on four RGB-D object and scene recognition datasets demonstrate that our HP-CNN and HP-CNN-T consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods for several recognition tasks by a significant margin

    Going Deeper with Convolutional Neural Network for Intelligent Transportation

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    Over last several decades, computer vision researchers have been devoted to find good feature to solve different tasks, object recognition, object detection, object segmentation, activity recognition and so forth. Ideal features transform raw pixel intensity values to a representation in which these computer vision problems are easier to solve. Recently, deep feature from covolutional neural network(CNN) have attracted many researchers to solve many problems in computer vision. In the supervised setting, these hierarchies are trained to solve specific problems by minimizing an objective function for different tasks. More recently, the feature learned from large scale image dataset have been proved to be very effective and generic for many computer vision task. The feature learned from recognition task can be used in the object detection task. This work aims to uncover the principles that lead to these generic feature representations in the transfer learning, which does not need to train the dataset again but transfer the rich feature from CNN learned from ImageNet dataset. This work aims to uncover the principles that lead to these generic feature representations in the transfer learning, which does not need to train the dataset again but transfer the rich feature from CNN learned from ImageNet dataset. We begin by summarize some related prior works, particularly the paper in object recognition, object detection and segmentation. We introduce the deep feature to computer vision task in intelligent transportation system. First, we apply deep feature in object detection task, especially in vehicle detection task. Second, to make fully use of objectness proposals, we apply proposal generator on road marking detection and recognition task. Third, to fully understand the transportation situation, we introduce the deep feature into scene understanding in road. We experiment each task for different public datasets, and prove our framework is robust

    Context Driven Scene Understanding

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    Understanding objects in complex scenes is a fundamental and challenging problem in computer vision. Given an image, we would like to answer the questions of whether there is an object of a particular category in the image, where is it, and if possible, locate it with a bounding box or pixel-wise labels. In this dissertation, we present context driven approaches leveraging relationships between objects in the scene to improve both the accuracy and efficiency of scene understanding. In the first part, we describe an approach to jointly solve the segmentation and recognition problem using a multiple segmentation framework with context. Our approach formulates a cost function based on contextual information in conjunction with appearance matching. This relaxed cost function formulation is minimized using an efficient quadratic programming solver and an approximate solution is obtained by discretizing the relaxed solution. Our approach improves labeling performance compared to other segmentation based recognition approaches. Secondly, we introduce a new problem called object co-labeling where the goal is to jointly annotate multiple images of the same scene which do not have temporal consistency. We present an adaptive framework for joint segmentation and recognition to solve this problem. We propose an objective function that considers not only appearance but also appearance and context consistency across images of the scene. A relaxed form of the cost function is minimized using an efficient quadratic programming solver. Our approach improves labeling performance compared to labeling each image individually. We also show the application of our co-labeling framework to other recognition problems such as label propagation in videos and object recognition in similar scenes. In the third part, we propose a novel general strategy for simultaneous object detection and segmentation. Instead of passively evaluating all object detectors at all possible locations in an image, we develop a divide-and-conquer approach by actively and sequentially evaluating contextual cues related to the query based on the scene and previous evaluations---like playing a ``20 Questions'' game---to decide where to search for the object. Such questions are dynamically selected based on the query, the scene and current observed responses given by object detectors and classifiers. We first present an efficient object search policy based on information gain of asking a question. We formulate the policy in a probabilistic framework that integrates current information and observation to update the model and determine the next most informative action to take next. We further enrich the power and generalization capacity of the Twenty Questions strategy by learning the Twenty Questions policy driven by data. We formulate the problem as a Markov Decision Process and learn a search policy by imitation learning

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationScene labeling is the problem of assigning an object label to each pixel of a given image. It is the primary step towards image understanding and unifies object recognition and image segmentation in a single framework. A perfect scene labeling framework detects and densely labels every region and every object that exists in an image. This task is of substantial importance in a wide range of applications in computer vision. Contextual information plays an important role in scene labeling frameworks. A contextual model utilizes the relationships among the objects in a scene to facilitate object detection and image segmentation. Using contextual information in an effective way is one of the main questions that should be answered in any scene labeling framework. In this dissertation, we develop two scene labeling frameworks that rely heavily on contextual information to improve the performance over state-of-the-art methods. The first model, called the multiclass multiscale contextual model (MCMS), uses contextual information from multiple objects and at different scales for learning discriminative models in a supervised setting. The MCMS model incorporates crossobject and interobject information into one probabilistic framework, and thus is able to capture geometrical relationships and dependencies among multiple objects in addition to local information from each single object present in an image. The second model, called the contextual hierarchical model (CHM), learns contextual information in a hierarchy for scene labeling. At each level of the hierarchy, a classifier is trained based on downsampled input images and outputs of previous levels. The CHM then incorporates the resulting multiresolution contextual information into a classifier to segment the input image at original resolution. This training strategy allows for optimization of a joint posterior probability at multiple resolutions through the hierarchy. We demonstrate the performance of CHM on different challenging tasks such as outdoor scene labeling and edge detection in natural images and membrane detection in electron microscopy images. We also introduce two novel classification methods. WNS-AdaBoost speeds up the training of AdaBoost by providing a compact representation of a training set. Disjunctive normal random forest (DNRF) is an ensemble method that is able to learn complex decision boundaries and achieves low generalization error by optimizing a single objective function for each weak classifier in the ensemble. Finally, a segmentation framework is introduced that exploits both shape information and regional statistics to segment irregularly shaped intracellular structures such as mitochondria in electron microscopy images
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