150 research outputs found

    A robust high-sensitivity algorithm for automated detection of proteins in two-dimensional electrophoresis gels

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    The automated interpretation of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis images used in protein separation and analysis presents a formidable problem in the detection and characterization of ill-defined spatial objects. We describe in this paper a hierarchical algorithm that provides a robust, high-sensitivity solution to this problem, which can be easily adapted to a variety of experimental situations. The software implementation of this algorithm functions as part of a complete package designed for general protein gel analysis applications

    Dynamic spot analysis in the 2D electrophoresis gels images

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    Práce shrnuje faktory a parametry, které ovlivňují výsledky 2D elektroforézy, se zaměřením na zpracování obrazu jako jeden ze způsobů snížení nesprávné interpretace jejích výstupů. Proces zpracování obrazu využívá jako zdroj dat především obrazů z opakovaných provedení téhož pokusu, neboli víceplik. Pomocí analýzy obrazů víceplik je možno pozorovat nebo korigovat změny jednoho pokusu a také porovnávat je s výstupy jiných pokusů. Cílem práce je poskytnout podporu specialistovi, který má na starosti popsat vlastnosti struktur nacházejících se v elektroforetických obrazech.The text briefly describes factors and parameters which influence the results of 2D electrophoresis focusing on image processing as one manner to reduce incorrect interpretation of its outputs. As dataset, image processing performance uses images from repeated execution of one experiment also known as multiplicates. Using multiplicates analysis it is possible to observe or lower the changes of one experiment and to compare them with outputs of other experiments. The aim of this work is to provide support for specialist who takes care about describing the character patterns located in electrophoretic images.

    Computational Methods on Study of Differentially Expressed Proteins in Maize Proteomes Associated with Resistance to Aflatoxin Accumulation

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    Plant breeders have focused on improving maize resistance to Aspergillus flavus infection and aflatoxin accumulation by breeding with genotypes having the desirable traits. Various maize inbred lines have been developed for the breeding of resistance. Identification of differentially expressed proteins among such maize inbred lines will facilitate the development of gene markers and expedite the breeding process. Computational biology and proteomics approaches on the investigation of differentially expressed proteins were explored in this research. The major research objectives included 1) application of computational methods in homology and comparative modeling to study 3D protein structures and identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) involved in changes of protein structures and functions, which can in turn increase the efficiency of the development of DNA markers; 2) investigation of methods on total protein profiling including purification, separation, visualization, and computational analysis at the proteome level. Special research goals were set on the development of open source computational methods using Matlab image processing tools to quantify and compare protein expression levels visualized by 2D protein electrophoresis gel techniques

    A cooperative framework for molecular biology database integration using image object selection

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    The theme and the concept of 'Molecular Biology Database Integration' and the problems associated with this concept initiated the idea for this Ph.D research. The available technologies facilitate to analyse the data independently and discretely but it fails to integrate the data resources for more meaningful information. This along with the integration issues created the scope for this Ph.D research. The research has reviewed the 'database interoperability' problems and it has suggested a framework for integrating the molecular biology databases. The framework has proposed to develop a cooperative environment to share information on the basis of common purpose for the molecular biology databases. The research has also reviewed other implementation and interoperability issues for laboratory based, dedicated and target specific database. The research has addressed the following issues: diversity of molecular biology databases schemas, schema constructs and schema implementation multi-database query using image object keying, database integration technologies using context graph, automated navigation among these databases. This thesis has introduced a new approach for database implementation. It has introduced an interoperable component database concept to initiate multidatabase query on gene mutation data. A number of data models have been proposed for gene mutation data which is the basis for integrating the target specific component database to be integrated with the federated information system. The proposed data models are: data models for genetic trait analysis, classification of gene mutation data, pathological lesion data and laboratory data. The main feature of this component database is non-overlapping attributes and it will follow non-redundant integration approach as explained in the thesis. This will be achieved by storing attributes which will not have the union or intersection of any attributes that exist in public domain molecular biology databases. Unlike data warehousing technique, this feature is quite unique and novel. The component database will be integrated with other biological data sources for sharing information in a cooperative environment. This involves developing new tools. The thesis explains the role of these new tools which are: meta data extractor, mapping linker, query generator and result interpreter. These tools are used for a transparent integration without creating any global schema of the participating databases. The thesis has also established the concept of image object keying for multidatabase query and it has proposed a relevant algorithm for matching protein spot in gel electrophoresis image. An object spot in gel electrophoresis image will initiate the query when it is selected by the user. It matches the selected spot with other similar spots in other resource databases. This image object keying method is an alternative to conventional multidatabase query which requires writing complex SQL scripts. This method also resolve the semantic conflicts that exist among molecular biology databases. The research has proposed a new framework based on the context of the web data for interactions with different biological data resources. A formal description of the resource context is described in the thesis. The implementation of the context into Resource Document Framework (RDF) will be able to increase the interoperability by providing the description of the resources and the navigation plan for accessing the web based databases. A higher level construct is developed (has, provide and access) to implement the context into RDF for web interactions. The interactions within the resources are achieved by utilising an integration domain to extract the required information with a single instance and without writing any query scripts. The integration domain allows to navigate and to execute the query plan within the resource databases. An extractor module collects elements from different target webs and unify them as a whole object in a single page. The proposed framework is tested to find specific information e.g., information on Alzheimer's disease, from public domain biology resources, such as, Protein Data Bank, Genome Data Bank, Online Mendalian Inheritance in Man and local database. Finally, the thesis proposes further propositions and plans for future work

    A cooperative framework for molecular biology database integration using image object selection.

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    The theme and the concept of 'Molecular Biology Database Integration’ and the problems associated with this concept initiated the idea for this Ph.D research. The available technologies facilitate to analyse the data independently and discretely but it fails to integrate the data resources for more meaningful information. This along with the integration issues created the scope for this Ph.D research. The research has reviewed the 'database interoperability' problems and it has suggested a framework for integrating the molecular biology databases. The framework has proposed to develop a cooperative environment to share information on the basis of common purpose for the molecular biology databases. The research has also reviewed other implementation and interoperability issues for laboratory based, dedicated and target specific database. The research has addressed the following issues: - diversity of molecular biology databases schemas, schema constructs and schema implementation -multi-database query using image object keying -database integration technologies using context graph - automated navigation among these databases This thesis has introduced a new approach for database implementation. It has introduced an interoperable component database concept to initiate multidatabase query on gene mutation data. A number of data models have been proposed for gene mutation data which is the basis for integrating the target specific component database to be integrated with the federated information system. The proposed data models are: data models for genetic trait analysis, classification of gene mutation data, pathological lesion data and laboratory data. The main feature of this component database is non-overlapping attributes and it will follow non-redundant integration approach as explained in the thesis. This will be achieved by storing attributes which will not have the union or intersection of any attributes that exist in public domain molecular biology databases. Unlike data warehousing technique, this feature is quite unique and novel. The component database will be integrated with other biological data sources for sharing information in a cooperative environment. This/involves developing new tools. The thesis explains the role of these new tools which are: meta data extractor, mapping linker, query generator and result interpreter. These tools are used for a transparent integration without creating any global schema of the participating databases. The thesis has also established the concept of image object keying for multidatabase query and it has proposed a relevant algorithm for matching protein spot in gel electrophoresis image. An object spot in gel electrophoresis image will initiate the query when it is selected by the user. It matches the selected spot with other similar spots in other resource databases. This image object keying method is an alternative to conventional multidatabase query which requires writing complex SQL scripts. This method also resolve the semantic conflicts that exist among molecular biology databases. The research has proposed a new framework based on the context of the web data for interactions with different biological data resources. A formal description of the resource context is described in the thesis. The implementation of the context into Resource Document Framework (RDF) will be able to increase the interoperability by providing the description of the resources and the navigation plan for accessing the web based databases. A higher level construct is developed (has, provide and access) to implement the context into RDF for web interactions. The interactions within the resources are achieved by utilising an integration domain to extract the required information with a single instance and without writing any query scripts. The integration domain allows to navigate and to execute the query plan within the resource databases. An extractor module collects elements from different target webs and unify them as a whole object in a single page. The proposed framework is tested to find specific information e.g., information on Alzheimer's disease, from public domain biology resources, such as, Protein Data Bank, Genome Data Bank, Online Mendalian Inheritance in Man and local database. Finally, the thesis proposes further propositions and plans for future work

    image analysis and processing with applications in proteomics and medicine

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    This thesis introduces unsupervised image analysis algorithms for the segmentation of several types of images, with an emphasis on proteomics and medical images. Τhe presented algorithms are tailored upon the principles of deformable models and more specific region-based active contours. Two different objectives are pursued. The first is the core issue of unsupervised parameterization in image segmentation, whereas the second is the formulation of a complete model for the segmentation of proteomics images, which is the first to exploit the appealing attributes of active contours. The first major contribution of this thesis is a novel framework for the automated parameterization of region-based active contours. The presented framework aims to endow segmentation results with objectivity and robustness as well as to set domain users free from the cumbersome and time-consuming process of empirical adjustment. It is applicable on various medical imaging modalities and remains insensitive on alterations in the settings of the acquisition devices. The experimental results demonstrate that the presented framework maintains a segmentation quality which is comparable to the one obtained with empirical parameterization. The second major contribution of this thesis is an unsupervised active contour-based model for the segmentation of proteomics images. The presented model copes with crucial issues in 2D-GE image analysis including streaks, artifacts, faint and overlapping spots. In addition, it provides an alternate to the laborious, error-prone process of manual editing, which is required in state-of-the-art 2D-GE image analysis software packages. The experimental results demonstrate that the presented model outperforms 2D-GE image analysis software packages in terms of detection and segmentation quantity metrics

    Image Analysis and Processing With Applications in Proteomics and Medicine

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    Στην παρούσα διατριβή παρουσιάζονται αυτόματοι αλγόριθμοι ανάλυσης εικόνας για την κατάτμηση διαφόρων τύπων εικόνων, με έμφαση στις εικόνες πρωτεομικής και στις ιατρικές εικόνες. Οι προτεινόμενοι αλγόριθμοι βασίζονται στις αρχές των παραμορφώσιμων μοντέλων. Η διατριβή εστιάζει σε δύο κυρίως στόχους: 1) στην επίλυση του σημαντικού προβλήματος της αυτόματης παραμετροποίησης στην κατάτμηση εικόνας, 2) στην διατύπωση ενός ολοκληρωμένου μοντέλου κατάτμησης εικόνων πρωτεομικής. Η πρώτη συνεισφορά είναι ένα πρωτότυπο πλαίσιο αυτόματης παραμετροποίησης των ενεργών περιγραμμάτων περιοχής. Το πλαίσιο εμπλουτίζει τα αποτελέσματα με αντικειμενικότητα και απελευθερώνει τους τελικούς χρήστες από την επίπονη διαδικασία της εμπειρικής ρύθμισης. Εφαρμόζεται σε διάφορους τύπους ιατρικών εικόνων και παραμένει ανεπηρέαστο στις τροποποιήσεις των ρυθμίσεων των συσκευών λήψης των εικόνων αυτών. Τα πειραματικά αποτελέσματα καταδεικνύουν ότι το προτεινόμενο πλαίσιο διατηρεί υψηλή την ποιότητα κατάτμησης, συγκρίσιμη με εκείνη που επιτυγχάνεται με εμπειρική παραμετροποίηση. Η δεύτερη συνεισφορά είναι ένα αυτόματο μοντέλο βασιζόμενο στα ενεργά περιγράμματα για την κατάτμηση εικόνων πρωτεομικής. Το μοντέλο αντιμετωπίζει σημαντικά προβλήματα συμπεριλαμβανομένων των γραμμών, τεχνουργημάτων, αχνών και επικαλυπτομένων κηλίδων. Ακόμη, παρέχει εναλλακτική λύση στην επιρρεπή σε σφάλματα διαδικασία της χειρωνακτικής επεξεργασίας που απαιτείται στα υπάρχοντα πακέτα λογισμικού. Τα πειραματικά αποτελέσματα καταδεικνύουν ότι το προτεινόμενο μοντέλο υπερτερεί των υπαρχόντων πακέτων λογισμικού σε ποσοτικές μετρικές εντοπισμού και κατάτμησης.This thesis introduces unsupervised image analysis algorithms for the segmentation of several types of images, with an emphasis on proteomics and medical images. Τhe presented algorithms are tailored upon the principles of deformable models. Two objectives are pursued: 1) the core issue of unsupervised parameterization in image segmentation, 2) the formulation of a complete model for the segmentation of proteomics images. The first contribution is a novel framework for automated parameterization of region-based active contours. The presented framework endows segmentation results with objectivity and sets domain users free from the cumbersome process of empirical adjustment. It is applicable on various medical imaging modalities and remains insensitive on alterations in the settings of acquisition devices. The experimental results demonstrate that the presented framework maintains a high segmentation quality, comparable to the one obtained with empirical parameterization. The second contribution is an unsupervised active contour-based model for the segmentation of proteomics images. The presented model copes with crucial issues including streaks, artifacts, faint and overlapping spots. Moreover, it provides an alternate to the error-prone process of manual editing, required in state-of-the-art software packages. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model outperforms software packages in terms of detection and segmentation quantity metrics