1,024 research outputs found

    Requirements for a Research-oriented IC Design System

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    Computer-aided design techniques for integrated circuits grown in an incremental way, responding to various perceived needs, so that today there are a number of useful programs for logic generation, simulation at various levels, test preparation, artwork generation and analysis (including design rule checking), and interactive graphical editing. While the design of many circuits has benefitted from these programs, when industry wants to produce a high-volume part, the design and layout are done manually, followed by digitizing and perhaps some graphic editing before it is converted to pattern generation format, leading to the often heard statement that computer-aided design of integrated circuits doesn't work. If progress is to be made, it seems clear that the entire design process has to be thought through in basic terms, and much more attention must be paid to the way in which computational techniques can complement the designer's abilities. Currently, it is appropriate to try to characterize the design process in abstract terms, so that implementation and technological biases don't cloud the view of a desired system. In this paper, we briefly describe the conversion of algorithms to masks at a very general level, and then describe several projects at MIT which aim to provide contributions to an integrated design system. It is emphasized that no complete system design exists now at MIT, and that we believe that general design considerations must constantly be tested by building (and rebuilding) the various subcomponents, the structure of which is guided by our view of the overall design process

    Flight deck engine advisor

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    The focus of this project is on alerting pilots to impending events in such a way as to provide the additional time required for the crew to make critical decisions concerning non-normal operations. The project addresses pilots' need for support in diagnosis and trend monitoring of faults as they affect decisions that must be made within the context of the current flight. Monitoring and diagnostic modules developed under the NASA Faultfinder program were restructured and enhanced using input data from an engine model and real engine fault data. Fault scenarios were prepared to support knowledge base development activities on the MONITAUR and DRAPhyS modules of Faultfinder. An analysis of the information requirements for fault management was included in each scenario. A conceptual framework was developed for systematic evaluation of the impact of context variables on pilot action alternatives as a function of event/fault combinations

    Supporting Massive Mobility with stream processing software

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    The goal of this project is to design a solution for massive mobility using LISP protocol and scalable database systems like Apache Kafka. The project consists of three steps: rst, understanding the requirements of the massive mobility scenario; second, designing a solution based on a stream processing software that integrates with OOR (open-source LISP implementation). Third, building a prototype with OOR and a stream processing software (or a similar technology) and evaluating its performance. Our objectives are: Understand the requirements in an environment for massive mo- bility;Learn and evaluate the architecture of Apache Kafka and similar broker messages to see if these tools could satisfy the requirements; Propose an architecture for massive mobility using protocol LISP and Kafka as mapping system, and nally; Evaluate the performance of Apache Kafka using such architecture. In chapters 3 and 4 we will provide a summary of LISP protocol, Apache Kafka and other message brokers. On these chapters we describe the components of these tools and how we can use such components to achieve our objective. We will be evaluating the di erent mechanisms to 1) authenticate users, 2) access control list, 3) protocols to assure the delivery of the message, 4)integrity and 5)communication patterns. Because we are interested only in the last message of the queue, it is very important that the broker message provides a capability to obtain this message. Regarding the proposed architecture, we will see how we adapted Kafka to store the information managed by the mapping system in LISP. The EID in LISP will be repre- sented by topics in Apache Kafka., It will use the pattern publish-subscribe to spread the noti cation between all the subscribers. xTRs or Mobile devices will be able to play the role of Consumers and Publisher of the message brokers. Every topic will use only one partition and every subscriber will have its own consumer group to avoid competition to consume the messages. Finally we evaluate the performance of Apache Kafka. As we will see, Kafka escalates in a Linear way in the following cases: number of packets in the network in relation with the number of topics, number of packets in the network in relation with the number of subscribers, number of opened les by the server in relation with the number of topics time elapsed between the moment when publisher sends a message and subscriber receives it, regarding to the number of topics. In the conclusion we explain which objectives were achieved and why there are some challenges to be faced by kafka especially in two points: 1) we need only the last location (message) stored in the broker since Kafka does not provide an out of the box mechanism to obtain such messages, and 2) the amount of opened les that have to be managed simultaneously by the server. More study is required to compare the performance of Kafka against other tools

    Threat expert system technology advisor

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    A prototype expert system was developed to determine the feasibility of using expert system technology to enhance the performance and survivability of helicopter pilots in a combat threat environment while flying NOE (Nap of the Earth) missions. The basis for the concept is the potential of using an Expert System Advisor to reduce the extreme overloading of the pilot who flies NOE mission below treetop level at approximately 40 knots while performing several other functions. The ultimate goal is to develop a Threat Expert System Advisor which provides threat information and advice that are better than even a highly experienced copilot. The results clearly show that the NOE pilot needs all the help in decision aiding and threat situation awareness that he can get. It clearly shows that heuristics are important and that an expert system for combat NOE helicopter missions can be of great help to the pilot in complex threat situations and in making decisions
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