394,883 research outputs found

    Giving voice to Mandela: an analysis of accent acquisition intervention for the role of Nelson Mandela in the film Mandela: Long walk to freedom : a case study

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    Framed by the experiences of the dialogue coaching process for the accent acquisition of the IsiXhosa accent for the role of Nelson Mandela, this study aims to test the methodology I have devised. My tutelage has been rooted in, but not confined to, Western pedagogy, and is present and reflected in the embodied knowledge that I bring to the research. I investigate the use of Received Pronunciation to facilitate this process of accent acquisition and the role a medial point of articulation plays in aiding sound shifts for an accent. From a socio-linguistic perspective the study investigates the elements that constitute and contribute to an authentic accent and examines placement as one of these as action research. I am testing the methodology and as an active participant in the research, while at the same time conducting the research, I am investigating my praxis and process. Favouring a post-structuralist position, I deconstruct and identify good vocal production and question whether this influences the ability to acquire an accent and facilitates this process. The study analyses vocal coaching as a series of modified interventions, which require continual re-modification through the course of action. Language subsists and reflects the cultural paradigm within which it exists. Through an analysis of the characteristics and content of that paradigm I suggest how this knowledge can develop the process of accent acquisition. The study demonstrates the use of Received Pronunciation as a tool coupled with a technical precision and cultural accuracy as valuable and necessary in authentic accent acquisition

    Fostering reflection in the training of speech-receptive action

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    Dieser Aufsatz erörtert Möglichkeiten und Probleme der Förderung kommunikativer Fertigkeiten durch die Unterstützung der Reflexion eigenen sprachrezeptiven Handelns und des Einsatzes von computerunterstützten Lernumgebungen für dessen Förderung. Kommunikationstrainings widmen sich meistens der Förderung des beobachtbaren sprachproduktiven Handelns (Sprechen). Die individuellen kognitiven Prozesse, die dem sprachrezeptiven Handeln (Hören und Verstehen) zugrunde liegen, werden häufig vernachlässigt. Dies wird dadurch begründet, dass sprachrezeptives Handeln in einer kommunikativen Situation nur schwer zugänglich und die Förderung der individuellen Prozesse sprachrezeptiven Handelns sehr zeitaufwändig ist. Das zentrale Lernprinzip - die Reflexion des eigenen sprachlich-kommunikativen Handelns - wird aus verschiedenen Perspektiven diskutiert. Vor dem Hintergrund der Reflexionsmodelle wird die computerunterstützte Lernumgebung CaiMan© vorgestellt und beschrieben. Daran anschließend werden sieben Erfolgsfaktoren aus der empirischen Forschung zur Lernumgebung CaiMan© abgeleitet. Der Artikel endet mit der Vorstellung von zwei empirischen Studien, die Möglichkeiten der Reflexionsunterstützung untersucheThis article discusses the training of communicative skills by fostering the reflection of speech-receptive action and the opportunities for using software for this purpose. Most frameworks for the training of communicative behavior focus on fostering the observable speech-productive action (i.e. speaking); the individual cognitive processes underlying speech-receptive action (hearing and understanding utterances) are often neglected. Computer-supported learning environments employed as cognitive tools can help to foster speech-receptive action. Seven success factors for the integration of software into the training of soft skills have been derived from empirical research. The computer-supported learning environment CaiMan© based on these ideas is presented. One central learning principle in this learning environment reflection of one's own action will be discussed from different perspectives. The article concludes with two empirical studies examining opportunities to foster reflecti

    Technology: Servant or Master of the Online Teacher?

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    Data mining technology for the evaluation of learning content interaction

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    Interactivity is central for the success of learning. In e-learning and other educational multimedia environments, the evaluation of interaction and behaviour is particularly crucial. Data mining – a non-intrusive, objective analysis technology – shall be proposed as the central evaluation technology for the analysis of the usage of computer-based educational environments and in particular of the interaction with educational content. Basic mining techniques are reviewed and their application in a Web-based third-level course environment is illustrated. Analytic models capturing interaction aspects from the application domain (learning) and the software infrastructure (interactive multimedia) are required for the meaningful interpretation of mining results

    Simulación y competencias no técnicas en el contexto de emergencia pre-hospitalar: estudio cualitativo

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    Unidade de Monitorização em Indicadores de Saúde - UMISAbstract - To understand the importance that nurses assign to simulation in the development of non-technical skills in cardiac arrest event in pre-hospital setting. Background Nursing is projected in the future, developing a patient centred approach consistent with the values, needs and desires of patients, considering process of care as a complex intervention. Simulation based on scenarios is an opportunity to recreate this complexity in a virtual way, to develop the non-technical skills. Methods This study uses an inductive, interpretative and constructivist qualitative research. 7 nurses were interviewed. It was developed a thematic analysis content. Results Three themes were identified: Simulation scenarios in pre-hospital emergencies; The acquisition of knowledge to skills development and Construction of the virtual from the real Conclusions The interviewed nurses present weakness of knowledge about simulation types. Debriefing is relevant to the learning skills: critical thinking. thinking, clinical judgement and decision making.Resumo - Compreender a importância que os enfermeiros atribuem à simulação no desenvolvimento de competências não técnicas no evento paragem cardíaca em ambiente préhospitalar. Enquadramento A enfermagem é projetada no futuro, desenvolvendo uma abordagem centrada na pessoa consistente com a valorização de valores, necessidades e desejos destes, considerando o processo de cuidados como intervenção complexa. A simulação baseada em cenários é uma oportunidade para recriar essa complexidade de forma virtual, no desenvolvimento de competências não-técnicas. Metodologia Este estudo utiliza uma pesquisa qualitativa indutiva, interpretativa e construtivista. Foram entrevistados 7 enfermeiros. Foi desenvolvida análise de conteúdo temática. Resultados Foram identificados três temas: cenários de simulação em emergências pré-hospitalares; A aquisição de conhecimento para o desenvolvimento de habilidades e Construção do virtual a partir do real. Conclusões Os enfermeiros entrevistados apresentam conhecimentos a melhorar em relação aos tipos de simulação. Consideram o Debriefing relevante para as habilidades de aprendizagem: pensamento crítico, julgamento clínico e a tomada de decisão.Resumen - Comprender la importancia que los enfermeros atribuyen a la simulación en el desarrollo de competencias no técnicas en el evento paro cardíaco en ambiente prehospitalario. Background La enfermería se proyecta en el futuro, desarrollando un enfoque centrado en la persona consistente con la valorización de valores, necesidades y deseos de éstos, considerando el proceso de cuidar como intervención compleja. La simulación basada en escenarios es una oportunidad para recrear esta complejidad de forma virtual, en el desarrollo de competencias no técnicas. Metodología Este estudio utiliza una investigación cualitativa inductiva, interpretativa y constructivista. Se entrevistaron a 7 enfermeros. Se desarrolló un análisis de contenido temático. Resultados Se identificaron tres temas: escenarios de simulación en emergencias prehospitalarias; La adquisición de conocimiento para el desarrollo de habilidades y la construcción del virtual a partir del real. Conclusiones Los enfermeros entrevistados presentan conocimientos a mejorar en relación a los tipos de simulación. El Debriefing es considerado como relevante para las habilidades de aprendizaje: el pensamiento crítico, el juicio clínico y la toma de decisiones.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Rethinking Assessment: Information Literacy Instruction and the ACRL Framework

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    Most information literacy instruction (ILI) done in academic libraries today is based on the ACRL’s Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education, but with the replacement of these standards by the new Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, there is a need to re-evaluate current teaching strategies and instructional techniques so that they can better serve the Framework’s goals. This paper explores current trends in ILI instruction and in the area of assessment in particular, since ILI assessment provides an opportunity not only to evaluate teaching effectiveness but also to reinforce the learning goals of the new Framework itself. It proposes several ways that assessment strategies can be aligned with the goals of the Framework by using guided group discussion, online discussion platforms, and social media platforms, and proposes further avenues for research in the evaluation of such strategies