2,183 research outputs found

    Consumer attitudes toward personalization features and intention to purchase online

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    In this study, a model of attitude toward personalization and purchase intention is developed to investigate how consumer attitudes and intention to purchase using personalization features are influenced by privacy and security concerns and by previous online purchase experiences. The behavioral intention model (Fishbein, 197 5) has been adopted for theoretical model building. To collect data, an e-mail survey was distributed to 7,000 online consumers who had at least online shopping experience and a sample of 1140 usable responses were used for data analysis. The results indicated that 1) attitudes toward personalization features were important determinants of consumer intentions to purchase online, 2) consumer concerns about privacy and security had a significant influence on consumer attitudes toward personalization features, and 3) previous online purchase experience had no influence on consumer attitudes toward personalization features. Implications and directions for future research are discussed

    Internationally targeted digital marketing in business-to-business context : Case of a Finnish event venue company

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    Digital marketing is a buzzword that is on everyone’s lips. Everyone should know what it is, every company should do it and know how to do it right. However, the huge number of digital marketing channels has gotten many companies confused. The channels are not being used effectively and the knowledge on all the potential of online marketing is minimal. This is especially the case with companies operating in B2B marketing, in amongst whom notably social media has been neglected as a marketing tool of affordable reach and brand building. The research is done from the point of view of event management and B2B service marketing, and the research method was qualitative. The research was conducted with utilizing a semi-structured interview and secondary-data analysis, and it was done as an assignment to a Finnish company, operating in the field of event management and venue services. The aim of the research was to find best practices utilized in B2B digital marketing, that the assignment company could utilize to enhance their own digital marketing operations. Overall 12 Nordic companies were researched to offer a comprehensive understanding of the prevalence practices in the field of event management regarding digital marketing. In the study was revealed, that many companies still lack a cohesive online strategy and that the value of utilizing different channels has not been understood. Social medias are acquired just for the sake of having them, but they are not updated regularly and the content is not necessary relevant to its’ context. The decision makers in B2B are becoming younger and are the ones that have not lived without the Internet, hence the proficient utilization if it is becoming crucial to B2B marketers as well

    The influence of marketing communications on the youth's adoption of m-payments in KwaZulu-Natal.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.There has been poor subscription and usage of m-payments in the recent past in South Africa (RSA), especially with the failure of Vodacom M-Pesa and MTN Mobile Money. Presumably, this is attributed to a lack of knowledge on the functionality and benefits of such services and the fact that ‘cash is king’. This study places integrated marketing communications (IMC) at the centre of the adoption of m-payments, as it plays a key role in informing users on the effect of reducing user uncertainties and risks as knowledge structures are built. The study adopted a survey research design to determine the influence of IMC on the adoption and use of mpayments among the youth in KwaZulu-Natal. The questionnaire utilised in the study adopted scale items from constructs embedded within the Unified Technology Acceptance and Use Theory 2 (UTAUT2) and the communication performance construct, to obtain quantitative data. Quota sampling was used to draw a sample of 383 respondents from three institutions of higher learning located in the cities of Durban and Pietermaritzburg. With a 73% response rate, analysis of the gathered data was carried out using descriptive and inferential techniques. Hypotheses were tested using multiple linear regression, Student’s t Test, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling, so as to refine and develop a conceptual model. The structural model was found to have a good fit with all but two hypotheses-linked paths being statistically significant and hence supported. IMC measured in the form of communication performance was found to have a strong direct positive impact on the risk factors (functional risk, social influence, price value and facilitating conditions). Communication performance had the greatest positive impact on price value, suggesting that the youth are a rational user market segment with a need for utilitarian motivation within m-payment purchase or use situations, regardless of gender. This study explored the relationship between IMC and innovation adoption, thereby extending the body of knowledge in a multidisciplinary field of marketing and information technology, producing a model that may be used in probing m-payments use behaviour from a marketing perspective. Key words: Integrated marketing communications, mobile payments, structural equation modelling, technology adoption, youth market.List of Exhibits on page xvi of thesis

    Civil Good - A Platform For Sustainable and Inclusive Online Discussion

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    Civil Good is a website concept proposed by Alan Mandel with the goal of enabling safe, anonymous, productive, and civil discourse without the disruptive behavior and language common to much of the Internet. The goal of Civil Good is to improve the critical thinking and discussion skills of its users while combating the effects of political polarization and misinformation in society. This paper analyzes Mandel\u27s proposed concept, providing additional research to either support or refute the various features proposed, and recommendations to simplify user interactions. It also examines topics mentioned only briefly or not discussed by Mandel, such as data protection methods, the psychology of Web browsing, marketing, operational costs, legal issues, monetization options, and mobile presence

    Reinvestigating millennial shopping behavior on the sharing economy platform: The moderating role of COVID-19 awareness level

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    Drawing from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2), this study aims to develop a predictive model concerning the shopping behaviour of millennials within the realm of the sharing economy (SE) mobile application. To accommodate prior research findings while providing novelty, this study integrates hedonic enjoyment and price-saving orientation as predictive factors, alongside the level of COVID-19 awareness as a moderating variable. An online survey was administered, and primary data was collected by distributing an electronic questionnaire link randomly via email and social media platforms. Employing a sampling judgement technique, 260 millennials in Indonesia who utilize the SE (Gojek) mobile app were identified as participants. Results from the PLS-SEM analysis reveal that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence,  price-saving orientation, and habits exert a favorable and significant impact on behavioral intentions. Furthermore, habits and behavioral intentions were found to significantly influence the actual usage of the SE app among millennials. Conversely, hedonic enjoyment demonstrated no significant influence on behavioral intentions. Moreover, the moderating role of COVID-19 awareness was observed to both enhance and diminish direct relationships. The implications, both theoretical and practical, along with recommendations for future research, are deliberated upon

    Importance-Performance (IPMA) Analysis of Loyalty in Indonesia Cellular Operator During COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Abstract. During the pandemic of Covid-19, customer loyalty becomes the crucial thing that needs to be concerned by cellular operators due to the internet usage is growing rapidly in the activities of work from home and study from home. In dealing with this, the company can find out from the user response regarding to their experience, satisfaction, switching barriers, and corporate image. User experience consists of functionality, social, monetary, trustworthiness, and perceived service quality. This research was conducted to 385 respondents of Indonesian cellular operators that was spread by internet survey. expert opinion was conducted before distributing questionnaires as many as 75 items with quota sampling technique. Based on Importance and Performance Matrix Analysis (IPMA) results, it was found that companies must concentrate first on trustworthiness, satisfaction, and corporate image. Then pay attention to monetary, switching barriers, and social. Variables that were considered low priority are functionality and perceived service quality, this is because the company's performance was very high compared to the level of importance of the user.Keywords: Corporate image, COVID-19, IPMA, loyalty, user experienceAbstrak. Saat pandemi Covid-19, loyalitas pelanggan menjadi hal krusial yang perlu diperhatikan oleh operator seluler karena penggunaan internet berkembang pesat dalam aktivitas bekerja dari rumah dan belajar dari rumah. Dalam menghadapi hal ini, perusahaan dapat mengetahui dari tanggapan pengguna mengenai pengalaman, kepuasan, peralihan hambatan, dan citra perusahaan mereka. Pengalaman pengguna terdiri dari fungsionalitas, sosial, moneter, kepercayaan, dan kualitas layanan yang dirasakan. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 385 responden operator seluler Indonesia yang disebarkan melalui survei internet. Pendapat ahli dilakukan sebelum menyebarkan kuesioner sebanyak 75 item dengan teknik quota sampling. Berdasarkan hasil Importance and Performance Matrix Analysis (IPMA), ditemukan bahwa perusahaan harus berkonsentrasi terlebih dahulu pada kepercayaan, kepuasan, dan citra perusahaan. Kemudian perhatikan moneter, peralihan hambatan, dan sosial. Variabel yang dianggap prioritas rendah adalah fungsionalitas dan persepsi kualitas layanan, hal ini dikarenakan kinerja perusahaan sangat tinggi dibandingkan dengan tingkat kepentingan pengguna.Kata Kunci: Citra perusahaan, COVID-19, loyalitas, pengalaman penggun

    The use of distribution channels by the accommodation sector in the Algarve

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    Neste trabalho estudamos o problema da dependência do setor do alojamento turístico face aos seus canais de distribuição, uma vez que é um problema relevante para vários países europeus. Uma das razões é o rápido crescimento da influência das principais OTA (Online Travel Agencies) no setor de alojamento turístico. Estas agências tendem a pressionar os fornecedores de alojamento a aceitar os seus termos e condições através da sua posição oligopólica no mercado. Após tomar medidas preventivas a Comissão Europeia e as entidades reguladoras a nível nacional sentem necessidade de continuar a monitorizar a situação do mercado de distribuição de alojamento turístico. De dois em dois anos a HOTREC (Confederação Europeia das Associações de Hotelaria, Restauração, Cafetaria e Similares), efectua um estudo que tem como objectivo a identificação da quota de mercado dos diferentes canais de distribuição no setor hoteleiro europeu. Dado que os resultados deste estudo não incluem Portugal, decidimos realizar um estudo semelhante no Algarve, a região portuguesa que registou maior número de dormidas no setor, com o objectivo de avaliar a relação entre os fornecedores de alojamento no Algarve e os canais de distribuição que utilizam. Com base na replicação do estudo da HOTREC sobre a distribuição de hotéis Europeu (Schegg, 2018) no Algarve (com algumas adaptações), os principais objetivos deste estudo são (1) determinar a quota de mercado dos canais de distribuição utilizados pelo setor de alojamento no Algarve; (2) identificar o canal de distribuição dominante; (3) avaliar a quota de mercado das principais agências de viagens online; (4) identificar a provável pressão exercida pela OTA sobre os fornecedores de alojamento, e por fim, (5) avaliar a quota de mercado dos principais canais de distribuição nos diferentes segmentos de alojamento. A investigação empírica analiza dados fornecidos por 50 estabelecimentos de alojamento do Algarve, durante os meses de janeiro a março 2019. Os dados permitiram definir as quotas de mercado de cada canal de distribuição e identificadar os três principais canais utilizados pelo setor de alojamento no Algarve: canais directos (com quota de mercado de 35,2%), operadores turísticos/agentes de viagens (quota de mercado de 29,1%) e OTA (16,6%). Os resultados do estudo demonstram, ainda, que os fornecedores de alojamento no Algarve se apresentam bastante dependentes de operadores turísticos, embora tentem diversificar a sua carteira de distribuição de modo a diminuir a pressão excessiva dos intermediários. Assim o nosso estudo permitiu demonstrar que, comparativamente com o estudo da HOTREC, não existe nenhum canal de distribuição particularmente dominante no Algarve. A análise da quota de mercado das agências de viagens online revela que os líderes de mercado são a Booking.com (38,5% de reservas) e a Expedia (14,2%), que também lideram no mercado europeu. Contudo, e contrariamente à maioria dos países europeus, as agências de viagens online não são o canal de distribuição dominante no Algarve. Consequentemente,a maioria dos participantes do inquérito (67,4%) respondeu que não se sente pressionada pelas principais agências de viagens online. Além disso, a maioria dos participantes afirma não ter qualquer tipo de conflito com as agências de viagens online (54,7%) e outros 40,4% dos participantes consideram que existe um método justo e efetivo para resolver desentendimentos com agências de viagens online caso venham a ocorrer. A análise por segmentos demonstra que os operadores turísticos dominam entre os hotéis que estão abertos todo o ano. A sua quota de mercado é mais elevada entre hotéis de 3 e 4 estrelas. Além disso, os números demonstram que a quota de mercado dos operadores turísticos aumenta de acordo com o tamanho de hotel. Por sua vez, a quota de reserva de operadores turísticos é maior para cadeias de hotéis do que hotéis independentes. A relação entre as OTA e os fornecedores de alojamento turístico é inversamente proporcional às destes com os operadores turísticos, ou seja, os segmentos com menor utilização dos operadores turísticos dependem mais das OTA e vice-versa. Por exemplo, hotéis com negócios sazonais, hotéis de tamanho pequeno e médio, hotéis de duas estrelas e alojamentos sem classificação por estrela (hosteis e apartamentos turísticos), ou hotéis independentes (sem cadeia) têm maior dependência das OTA do que operadores turísticos. O presente estudo também inclui um teste de hipóteses para identificar a dependência da quota de mercado dos três maiores canais de distribuição (canais diretos, operadores turísticos e OTA ) de fatores como o tamanho do estabelecimento, tipo de gestão, e localização. Os resultados demonstram que existe uma diferença estatística relevante na quota de mercado de operadores turísticos em grupos com diferentes tamanhos. Por exemplo, entre hotéis pequenos, a quota de mercado média dos operadores turísticos é de 12,0%, entre hotéis de tamanho médio 26,6% e entre hotéis grandes 32,5%. A relação de dependência entrequota de mercado dos canais diretos e OTA e o tamanho do estabelecimento não foi confirmada. Existe, também, dependência entre a quota das reservas dos operadores turísticos e o tipo de gestão hoteleira. Por exemplo, os hotéis independentes têm apenas 21,9% da quota de mercado dos operadores turísticos, enquanto que para as cadeias hoteleiras este indicador é, em média, 30,7%. A relação de dependência da quota de mercado dos canais diretos e das OTA e o tipo de gestão do estabelecimento não foi confirmada. A análise da localização geográfica confirma que a quota de mercado das OTA entre os hotéis localizados junto à costa marítima é, em média, 27,4% enquanto que os estabelecimentos situados noutros locais apresenta uma quota das reservas através das agências de viagens mais baixa – 16,9%. A relação de dependência da quota de mercado dos canais diretos e dos operadores turísticos e a localização do estabelecimento não foi confirmada. Concluímos que os estabelecimentos de alojamento no Algarve têm um diversificado portfólio de canais de distribuição. Estes resultados são encorajadores, porque isso significa que os fornecedores de alojamento no Algarve podem evitar a sobrepressão dos canais de distribuição. Isto pode também indicar que os hotéis têm um grau relativamente alto de liberdade para estabelecer e conduzir negociações com canais de distribuição, evitando conflitos e discriminação de preços. Podemos ainda afirmar que para além do conhecimento que adquirimos sobre as relações de (in)dependência dos alojamentos turísticos do Algarve face aos seus canais de distribuição, até aqui inexistente este estudo contribui significativamente para a reflexão sobre a abordagem metodológica, nomeadamente apresenta procedimentos úteis sobre como melhorar o desenhodo questionário e o processo de recolha de dados, para a realização futura de estudos semelhantes a nível nacional.This work addresses the problem of the dependence of the tourism accommodation sector on its distribution channels. As some channels tend to dominate the market, they abuse their oligopoly position to force accommodation suppliers to accept their terms and conditions. This is why we aim to evaluate the situation related to the relationships between accommodation providers in the Algarve and the distribution channels they use. Aiming to reproduce the European Hotel Distribution Study (Schegg, 2018) in the Algarve (with some adaptations) the main goals of this study are (1) to determine the market share of distribution channels used by the accommodation sector in the Algarve; (2) to identify the dominant distribution channel; (3) to assess the market share of major online travel agencies; (4) to uncover the probable pressure of online travel agencies on the accommodation suppliers; (5) to evaluate the market share of major distribution channels within different accommodation segments. The empirical investigation analyzes data provided by 50 accommodation establishments of the Algarve, during the months of January-March 2019, through which we defined the market share of each distribution channel. As a result, three main distribution channels used by the Algarve accommodation sector were identified: direct channels, tour operators/travel agents and online travel agencies. The analysis of the market share of leading online travel agencies revealed as market leaders, Booking.com and Expedia, which are also the market leaders across Europe. The results allowed to characterize the distribution channels’ market share within different accommodation segments, classified by seasonality, stars, size, location, main customer segment, and type of management. The research indicates that accommodation suppliers in the Algarve are still significantly dependent on tour operators. However, they try to diversify their distribution portfolio to avoid overpressure from intermediaries. This study concludes by presenting a portfolio of distribution channels used by the accommodation suppliers in the Algarve and the definition of main factors influencing channels’ market share

    Promotional strategies in the internet age

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    The Internet and e-Business has experienced exponential growth over the past few years, generating significant challenges to organizations using the Internet for business, or as a communications medium. Along with the proliferation of the Internet, a number of new online-based promotional tools have been added to the overall promotional mix. This research aims at investigating successful online promotional strategies through a comparison of a synthesis of contemporary literature and information collected from a case study based on the online recruitment industry. The findings from the case study confirmed and built upon several key points identified in the literature. However, the responses also identified contradictions between the practices of the organizations involved in the case study, and the framework developed from the synthesis of the literature. Based on the findings, a provisional set of guidelines and procedures for successful online promotion were developed, with the aim of contributing to existing literature to help inform small to medium sized businesses how to implement an online promotional strategy

    Privacy Relinquishing and Safeguarding: When are Consumers Willing to Disclose or Protect Their Information?

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    This dissertation explores consumer privacy, an issue that has received substantial attention recently. The first aim of this dissertation is to redefine consumer privacy. Research in marketing has focused primarily on consumer privacy concern but has not explicitly defined consumer privacy itself. Further, research on consumer privacy has resulted in fragmented definitions, which are siloed across disciplines, organizations, ethical and legal realms. This fragmented approach to consumer privacy research has left more gaps than the answers it seeks to provide. A more fitting definition of privacy, conceptualized along a continuum of total exposure to total anonymity, is offered. Actual privacy is defined as an individual’s state or condition concerning the degree to which information about a person is not known by others and ranges on a continuum from total exposure (low privacy) to total anonymity (high privacy).” Further, a differentiation between actual privacy (i.e., an individual’s state of privacy) versus perceived privacy (i.e., an individual’s belief of their privacy state) is also presented. Perceived privacy is defined as the degree to which an individual believes that information about themselves is not known by others and ranges on a continuum from total exposure (low privacy) to total anonymity (high privacy). Also, a framework of consumer’s information privacy levels, consisting of seven levels, is presented. Knowledge of the different levels of consumers’ information privacy provides marketers with a definite approach on how to handle consumers’ information, and what level of privacy is most concerning for consumers. Finally, this dissertation reports the results of an experimental study (n = 631), conducted through Qualtrics. The study contained two parts. Part 1 was a 2 (relationship quality) x 2 (perceived convenience) between subjects design. Part 2 manipulated privacy violation. Data were analyzed using SEM. Results of part 1 show that relationship quality positively influences privacy relinquishing intentions and negatively influences privacy safeguarding intentions. Similarly, perceived convenience has a positive effect on relinquishing and a negative effect on safeguarding. In addition, disposition to value privacy has a moderating effect on the relationship between relationship quality and safeguarding intentions, where respondents in the high disposition to value privacy were less willing to relinquish information. Interestingly, respondents in the high disposition to value privacy reported lower intention to safeguard their privacy. This finding is consistent with the privacy paradox phenomena, which suggests that while consumers may express their concern for privacy, their behaviors are contradicting and do not employ any protective privacy measures. Results of part 2 show that privacy violation caused a positive effect on betrayal, and betrayal led to less privacy relinquishing intentions and high safeguarding intentions. Theoretical and managerial implications are also included

    Sex Education in the Digital Era

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    Exploring sex and sexual relationships is an important part of adolescence, and therefore sex education should have a central role in adolescent emotional development as well as dealing with crucial public-health issues. Good sex education reduces maternal and child mortality by helping to prevent unwanted, early and risky pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, yet in many parts of the world unmarried teenagers are excluded from receiving information and sexual health services because – according to unrealistic and conservative religious and socio-cultural norms – they are not supposed to be sexually active. Much of the research on sexuality in the digital era is moralistic and slanted, so for those working on sexual/reproductive health and youth/digital development issues, learning more about the subject is a major challenge. There has never been a collection of scholarly work on this topic for a mixed audience of researchers, policymakers and practitioners until this issue of the IDS Bulletin. A collaboration between Love Matters and IDS, articles discuss experiences with digital sex education in many countries and in a range of settings. The issues confronted are diverse, yet the common themes encountered are often as striking as the differences. Young people need help in critically examining the sexual messages they receive, as well as access to new types of digital sex education environments that are realistic, emotionally attuned, non-judgemental and open to the messages they themselves create. Contributions in this IDS Bulletin suggest an urgency for academics and practitioners to understand and develop digital literacy skills in order to help build such environments