49 research outputs found

    움직이는 물체 검출 및 추적을 위한 생체 모방 모델

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2014. 2. 최진영.In this thesis, we propose bio-mimetic models for motion detection and visual tracking to overcome the limitations of existing methods in actual environments. The models are inspired from the theory that there are four different forms of visual memory for human visual perception when representing a scenevisible persistence, informational persistence, visual short-term memory (VSTM), and visual long-term memory (VLTM). We view our problem as a problem of modeling and representing an observed scene with temporary short-term models (TSTM) and conservative long-term models (CLTM). We study on building efficient and effective models for TSTM and CLTM, and utilizing them together to obtain robust detection and tracking results under occlusions, clumsy initializations, background clutters, drifting, and non-rigid deformations encountered in actual environments. First, we propose an efficient representation of TSTM to be used for moving object detection on non-stationary cameras, which runs within 5.8 milliseconds (ms) on a PC, and real-time on mobile devices. To achieve real-time capability with robust performance, our method models the background through the proposed dual-mode kernel model (DMKM) and compensates the motion of the camera by mixing neighboring models. Modeling through DMKM prevents the background model from being contaminated by foreground pixels, while still allowing the model to be able to adapt to changes of the background. Mixing neighboring models reduces the errors arising from motion compensation and their influences are further reduced by keeping the age of the model. Also, to decrease computation load, the proposed method applies one DMKM to multiple pixels without performance degradation. Experimental results show the computational lightness and the real-time capability of our method on a smart phone with robust detection performances. Second, by using the concept from both TSTM and CLTM, a new visual tracking method using the novel tri-model is proposed. The proposed method aims to solve the problems of occlusions, background clutters, and drifting simultaneously with the new tri-model. The proposed tri-model is composed of three models, where each model learns the target object, the background, and other non-target moving objects online. The proposed scheme performs tracking by finding the best explanation of the scene with the three learned models. By utilizing the information in the background and the foreground models as well as the target object model, our method obtains robust results under occlusions and background clutters. Also, the target object model is updated in a conservative way to prevent drifting. Furthermore, our method is not restricted to bounding-boxes when representing the target object, and is able to give pixel-wise tracking results. Third, we go beyond pixel-wise modeling and propose a local feature based tracking model using both TSTM and CLTM to track objects in case of uncertain initializations and severe occlusions. To track objects accurately in such situations, the proposed scheme uses ``motion saliency'' and ``descriptor saliency'' of local features and performs tracking based on generalized Hough transform (GHT). The proposed motion saliency of a local feature utilizes instantaneous velocity of features to form TSTM and emphasizes features having distinctive motions, compared to the motions coming from local features which are not from the object. The descriptor saliency models local features as CLTM and emphasizes features which are likely to be of the object in terms of its feature descriptors. Through these saliencies, the proposed method tries to ``learn and find'' the target object rather than looking for what was given at initialization, becoming robust to initialization problems. Also, our tracking result is obtained by combining the results of each local features of the target and the surroundings, thus being robust against severe occlusions as well. The proposed method is compared against eight other methods, with nine image sequences, and hundred random initializations. The experimental results show that our method outperforms all other compared methods. Fourth and last, we focus on building robust CLTM with local patches and their neighboring structures. The proposed method is based on sequential Bayesian inference and focuses on solving both the problem of tracking under partial occlusions and the problem of non-rigid object tracking in real-time on desktop personal computers (PC). The proposed scheme is mainly composed of two parts: (1) modeling the target object using elastic structure of local patches for robust performanceand (2) efficient hierarchical diffusion method to perform the tracking process in real-time. The elastic structure of local patches allows the proposed scheme to handle partial occlusions and non-rigid deformations through the relationship among neighboring patches. The proposed hierarchical diffusion generates samples from the region where the posterior is concentrated to reduce computation time. The method is extensively tested on a number of challenging image sequences with occlusion and non-rigid deformation. The experimental results show the real-time capability and the robustness of the proposed scheme under various situations.1 Introduction 1.1 Background and Research Issues 1.1.1 Issues in Motion Detection 1.1.2 Issues in Object Tracking 1.2 The Human Visual Memory 1.2.1 Sensory Memory 1.2.2 Visual Short-Term Memory 1.2.3 Visual Long-Term Memory 1.3 Bio-mimetic Framework for Detection and Tracking 1.4 Contents of the Research 2 Detection by Pixel-wise Dual-Mode Kernel Model 2.1 Proposed Method 2.1.1 Approximated Gaussian Kernel Model 2.1.2 Dual-Mode Kernel Model (DMKM) 2.1.3 Motion Compensation by Mixing Models 2.1.4 Detection of Foreground Pixels 2.2 Experimental Results 2.2.1 Runtime Comparison 2.2.2 Qualitative Comparison 2.2.3 Quantitative Comparison 2.2.4 Effects of Dual-Mode Kernel Model 2.2.5 Effects of Motion Compensation 2.2.6 Mobile Results 2.3 Remarks and Discussion 3 Tracking by Pixel-wise Tri-Model Representation 3.1 Tri-Model Framework 3.1.1 Overall Scheme 3.1.2 Advantages 3.1.3 Practical Approximation 3.2 Tracking with the Tri-Model 3.2.1 Likelihood of the Tri-Model 3.2.2 Likelihood Maximization 3.2.3 Estimating Pixel-Wise Labels 3.3 Learning the Tri-Model 3.3.1 Target Model 3.3.2 Background Model 3.3.3 Foreground Model 3.4 Experimental Results 3.4.1 Experimental Settings 3.4.2 Tracking Accuracy: Bounding Box 3.4.3 Tracking Accuracy: Pixel-Wise 3.5 Remarks and Discussion 4 Tracking by Feature-point-wise Saliency Model 4.1 Proposed Method 4.1.1 Tracking based on GHT 4.1.2 Descriptor Saliency and Feature DB Update 4.1.3 Motion Saliency 4.2 Experimental Results 4.2.1 Tracking with Inaccurate Initializations 4.2.2 Tracking Under Occlusions 4.3 Remarks and Discussion 5 Tracking by Patch-wise Elastic Structure Model 5.1 Tracking with Elastic Structure of Local Patches 5.1.1 Sequential Bayesian Inference Framework 5.1.2 Elastic Structure of Local Patches 5.1.3 Modeling a Single Patch 5.1.4 Modeling the Relationship between Patches 5.1.5 Model Update 5.1.6 Hierarchical Diffusion 5.1.7 Summary of the Proposed Method 5.2 Experiments 5.2.1 Parameter Effects 5.2.2 Performance Evaluation 5.2.3 Discussion on Translation, Rotation, Illumination Changes 5.2.4 Discussion on Partial Occlusions 5.2.5 Discussion on Non-Rigid Deformations 5.2.6 Discussion on Additional Cases 5.2.7 Summary of Tracking Results 5.2.8 Effectiveness of Hierarchical Diffusion 5.2.9 Limitations 5.3 Remarks and Discussion 6 Concluding Remarks and Future Works Bibliography Abstract in KoreanDocto

    Model-Based Environmental Visual Perception for Humanoid Robots

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    The visual perception of a robot should answer two fundamental questions: What? and Where? In order to properly and efficiently reply to these questions, it is essential to establish a bidirectional coupling between the external stimuli and the internal representations. This coupling links the physical world with the inner abstraction models by sensor transformation, recognition, matching and optimization algorithms. The objective of this PhD is to establish this sensor-model coupling

    Vision-Inertial SLAM using Natural Features in Outdoor Environments

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    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is a recursive probabilistic inferencing process used for robot navigation when Global Positioning Systems (GPS) are unavailable. SLAM operates by building a map of the robot environment, while concurrently localizing the robot within this map. The ultimate goal of SLAM is to operate anywhere using the environment's natural features as landmarks. Such a goal is difficult to achieve for several reasons. Firstly, different environments contain different types of natural features, each exhibiting large variance in its shape and appearance. Secondly, objects look differently from different viewpoints and it is therefore difficult to always recognize them. Thirdly, in most outdoor environments it is not possible to predict the motion of a vehicle using wheel encoders because of errors caused by slippage. Finally, the design of a SLAM system to operate in a large-scale outdoor setting is in itself a challenge. The above issues are addressed as follows. Firstly, a camera is used to recognize the environmental context (e. g. , indoor office, outdoor park) by analyzing the holistic spectral content of images of the robot's surroundings. A type of feature (e. g. , trees for a park) is then chosen for SLAM that is likely observable in the recognized setting. A novel tree detection system is introduced, which is based on perceptually organizing the content of images into quasi-vertical structures and marking those structures that intersect ground level as tree trunks. Secondly, a new tree recognition system is proposed, which is based on extracting Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) features on each tree trunk region and matching trees in feature space. Thirdly, dead-reckoning is performed via an Inertial Navigation System (INS), bounded by non-holonomic constraints. INS are insensitive to slippage and varying ground conditions. Finally, the developed Computer Vision and Inertial systems are integrated within the framework of an Extended Kalman Filter into a working Vision-INS SLAM system, named VisSLAM. VisSLAM is tested on data collected during a real test run in an outdoor unstructured environment. Three test scenarios are proposed, ranging from semi-automatic detection, recognition, and initialization to a fully automated SLAM system. The first two scenarios are used to verify the presented inertial and Computer Vision algorithms in the context of localization, where results indicate accurate vehicle pose estimation for the majority of its journey. The final scenario evaluates the application of the proposed systems for SLAM, where results indicate successful operation for a long portion of the vehicle journey. Although the scope of this thesis is to operate in an outdoor park setting using tree trunks as landmarks, the developed techniques lend themselves to other environments using different natural objects as landmarks

    Visual working memory in immersive visualization: a change detection experiment and an image-computable model

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    Visual working memory (VWM) is a cognitive mechanism essential for interacting with the environment and accomplishing ongoing tasks, as it allows fast processing of visual inputs at the expense of the amount of information that can be stored. A better understanding of its functioning would be beneficial to research fields such as simulation and training in immersive Virtual Reality or information visualization and computer graphics. The current work focuses on the design and implementation of a paradigm for evaluating VWM in immersive visualization and of a novel image-based computational model for mimicking the human behavioral data of VWM. We evaluated the VWM at the variation of four conditions: set size, spatial layout, visual angle (VA) subtending stimuli presentation space, and observation time. We adopted a full factorial design and analysed participants' performances in the change detection experiment. The analysis of hit rates and false alarm rates confirms the existence of a limit of VWM capacity of around 7 & PLUSMN; 2 items, as found in the literature based on the use of 2D videos and images. Only VA and observation time influence performances (p<0.0001). Indeed, with VA enlargement, participants need more time to have a complete overview of the presented stimuli. Moreover, we show that our model has a high level of agreement with the human data, r>0.88 (p<0.05)

    Robust perceptual organization techniques for analysis of color images

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    Esta tesis aborda el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas de análisis robusto de imágenes estrechamente relacionadas con el comportamiento del sistema visual humano. Uno de los pilares de la tesis es la votación tensorial, una técnica robusta que propaga y agrega información codificada en tensores mediante un proceso similar a la convolución. Su robustez y adaptabilidad han sido claves para su uso en esta tesis. Ambas propiedades han sido verificadas en tres nuevas aplicaciones de la votación tensorial: estimación de estructura, detección de bordes y segmentación de imágenes adquiridas mediante estereovisión.El mayor problema de la votación tensorial es su elevado coste computacional. En esta línea, esta tesis propone dos nuevas implementaciones eficientes de la votación tensorial derivadas de un análisis en profundidad de esta técnica.A pesar de su capacidad de adaptación, esta tesis muestra que la formulación original de la votación tensorial (a partir de aquí, votación tensorial clásica) no es adecuada para algunas aplicaciones, dado que las hipótesis en las que se basa no se ajustan a todas ellas. Esto ocurre particularmente en el filtrado de imágenes en color. Así, esta tesis muestra que, más que un método, la votación tensorial es una metodología en la que la codificación y el proceso de votación pueden ser adaptados específicamente para cada aplicación, manteniendo el espíritu de la votación tensorial.En esta línea, esta tesis propone un marco unificado en el que se realiza a la vez el filtrado de imágenes y la detección robusta de bordes. Este marco de trabajo es una extensión de la votación tensorial clásica en la que el color y la probabilidad de encontrar un borde en cada píxel se codifican mediante tensores, y en el que el proceso de votación se basa en un conjunto de criterios perceptuales relacionados con el modo en que el sistema visual humano procesa información. Los avances recientes en la percepción del color han sido esenciales en el diseño de dicho proceso de votación.Este nuevo enfoque ha sido efectivo, obteniendo excelentes resultados en ambas aplicaciones. En concreto, el nuevo método aplicado al filtrado de imágenes tiene un mejor rendimiento que los métodos del estado del arte para ruido real. Esto lo hace más adecuado para aplicaciones reales, donde los algoritmos de filtrado son imprescindibles. Además, el método aplicado a detección de bordes produce resultados más robustos que las técnicas del estado del arte y tiene un rendimiento competitivo con relación a la completitud, discriminabilidad, precisión y rechazo de falsas alarmas.Además, esta tesis demuestra que este nuevo marco de trabajo puede combinarse con otras técnicas para resolver el problema de segmentación robusta de imágenes. Los tensores obtenidos mediante el nuevo método se utilizan para clasificar píxeles como probablemente homogéneos o no homogéneos. Ambos tipos de píxeles se segmentan a continuación por medio de una variante de un algoritmo eficiente de segmentación de imágenes basada en grafos. Los experimentos muestran que el algoritmo propuesto obtiene mejores resultados en tres de las cinco métricas de evaluación aplicadas en comparación con las técnicas del estado del arte, con un coste computacional competitivo.La tesis también propone nuevas técnicas de evaluación en el ámbito del procesamiento de imágenes. En concreto, se proponen dos métricas de filtrado de imágenes con el fin de medir el grado en que un método es capaz de preservar los bordes y evitar la introducción de defectos. Asimismo, se propone una nueva metodología para la evaluación de detectores de bordes que evita posibles sesgos introducidos por el post-procesado. Esta metodología se basa en cinco métricas para estimar completitud, discriminabilidad, precisión, rechazo de falsas alarmas y robustez. Por último, se proponen dos nuevas métricas no paramétricas para estimar el grado de sobre e infrasegmentación producido por los algoritmos de segmentación de imágenes.This thesis focuses on the development of new robust image analysis techniques more closely related to the way the human visual system behaves. One of the pillars of the thesis is the so called tensor voting technique. This is a robust perceptual organization technique that propagates and aggregates information encoded by means of tensors through a convolution like process. Its robustness and adaptability have been one of the key points for using tensor voting in this thesis. These two properties are verified in the thesis by applying tensor voting to three applications where it had not been applied so far: image structure estimation, edge detection and image segmentation of images acquired through stereo vision.The most important drawback of tensor voting is that its usual implementations are highly time consuming. In this line, this thesis proposes two new efficient implementations of tensor voting, both derived from an in depth analysis of this technique.Despite its adaptability, this thesis shows that the original formulation of tensor voting (hereafter, classical tensor voting) is not adequate for some applications, since the hypotheses from which it is based are not suitable for all applications. This is particularly certain for color image denoising. Thus, this thesis shows that, more than a method, tensor voting can be thought of as a methodology in which the encoding and voting process can be tailored for every specific application, while maintaining the tensor voting spirit.By following this reasoning, this thesis proposes a unified framework for both image denoising and robust edge detection.This framework is an extension of the classical tensor voting in which both color and edginess the likelihood of finding an edge at every pixel of the image are encoded through tensors, and where the voting process takes into account a set of plausible perceptual criteria related to the way the human visual system processes visual information. Recent advances in the perception of color have been essential for designing such a voting process.This new approach has been found effective, since it yields excellent results for both applications. In particular, the new method applied to image denoising has a better performance than other state of the art methods for real noise. This makes it more adequate for real applications, in which an image denoiser is indeed required. In addition, the method applied to edge detection yields more robust results than the state of the art techniques and has a competitive performance in recall, discriminability, precision, and false alarm rejection.Moreover, this thesis shows how the results of this new framework can be combined with other techniques to tackle the problem of robust color image segmentation. The tensors obtained by applying the new framework are utilized to classify pixels into likely homogeneous and likely inhomogeneous. Those pixels are then sequentially segmented through a variation of an efficient graph based image segmentation algorithm. Experiments show that the proposed segmentation algorithm yields better scores in three of the five applied evaluation metrics when compared to the state of the art techniques with a competitive computational cost.This thesis also proposes new evaluation techniques in the scope of image processing. First, two new metrics are proposed in the field of image denoising: one to measure how an algorithm is able to preserve edges, and the second to measure how a method is able not to introduce undesirable artifacts. Second, a new methodology for assessing edge detectors that avoids possible bias introduced by post processing is proposed. It consists of five new metrics for assessing recall, discriminability, precision, false alarm rejection and robustness. Finally, two new non parametric metrics are proposed for estimating the degree of over and undersegmentation yielded by image segmentation algorithms

    Computational Models of Perceptual Organization and Bottom-up Attention in Visual and Audio-Visual Environments

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    Figure Ground Organization (FGO) - inferring spatial depth ordering of objects in a visual scene - involves determining which side of an occlusion boundary (OB) is figure (closer to the observer) and which is ground (further away from the observer). Attention, the process that governs how only some part of sensory information is selected for further analysis based on behavioral relevance, can be exogenous, driven by stimulus properties such as an abrupt sound or a bright flash, the processing of which is purely bottom-up; or endogenous (goal-driven or voluntary), where top-down factors such as familiarity, aesthetic quality, etc., determine attentional selection. The two main objectives of this thesis are developing computational models of: (i) FGO in visual environments; (ii) bottom-up attention in audio-visual environments. In the visual domain, we first identify Spectral Anisotropy (SA), characterized by anisotropic distribution of oriented high frequency spectral power on the figure side and lack of it on the ground side, as a novel FGO cue, that can determine Figure/Ground (FG) relations at an OB with an accuracy exceeding 60%. Next, we show a non-linear Support Vector Machine based classifier trained on the SA features achieves an accuracy close to 70% in determining FG relations, the highest for a stand-alone local cue. We then show SA can be computed in a biologically plausible manner by pooling the Complex cell responses of different scales in a specific orientation, which also achieves an accuracy greater than or equal to 60% in determining FG relations. Next, we present a biologically motivated, feed forward model of FGO incorporating convexity, surroundedness, parallelism as global cues and SA, T-junctions as local cues, where SA is computed in a biologically plausible manner. Each local cue, when added alone, gives statistically significant improvement in the model's performance. The model with both local cues achieves higher accuracy than those of models with individual cues in determining FG relations, indicating SA and T-Junctions are not mutually contradictory. Compared to the model with no local cues, the model with both local cues achieves greater than or equal to 8.78% improvement in determining FG relations at every border location of images in the BSDS dataset. In the audio-visual domain, first we build a simple computational model to explain how visual search can be aided by providing concurrent, co-spatial auditory cues. Our model shows that adding a co-spatial, concurrent auditory cue can enhance the saliency of a weakly visible target among prominent visual distractors, the behavioral effect of which could be faster reaction time and/or better search accuracy. Lastly, a bottom-up, feed-forward, proto-object based audiovisual saliency map (AVSM) for the analysis of dynamic natural scenes is presented. We demonstrate that the performance of proto-object based AVSM in detecting and localizing salient objects/events is in agreement with human judgment. In addition, we show the AVSM computed as a linear combination of visual and auditory feature conspicuity maps captures a higher number of valid salient events compared to unisensory saliency maps