556 research outputs found

    An Improved Bees Algorithm for Training Deep Recurrent Networks for Sentiment Classification

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    Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are powerful tools for learning information from temporal sequences. Designing an optimum deep RNN is difficult due to configuration and training issues, such as vanishing and exploding gradients. In this paper, a novel metaheuristic optimisation approach is proposed for training deep RNNs for the sentiment classification task. The approach employs an enhanced Ternary Bees Algorithm (BA-3+), which operates for large dataset classification problems by considering only three individual solutions in each iteration. BA-3+ combines the collaborative search of three bees to find the optimal set of trainable parameters of the proposed deep recurrent learning architecture. Local learning with exploitative search utilises the greedy selection strategy. Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) learning with singular value decomposition (SVD) aims to handle vanishing and exploding gradients of the decision parameters with the stabilisation strategy of SVD. Global learning with explorative search achieves faster convergence without getting trapped at local optima to find the optimal set of trainable parameters of the proposed deep recurrent learning architecture. BA-3+ has been tested on the sentiment classification task to classify symmetric and asymmetric distribution of the datasets from different domains, including Twitter, product reviews, and movie reviews. Comparative results have been obtained for advanced deep language models and Differential Evolution (DE) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithms. BA-3+ converged to the global minimum faster than the DE and PSO algorithms, and it outperformed the SGD, DE, and PSO algorithms for the Turkish and English datasets. The accuracy value and F1 measure have improved at least with a 30–40% improvement than the standard SGD algorithm for all classification datasets. Accuracy rates in the RNN model trained with BA-3+ ranged from 80% to 90%, while the RNN trained with SGD was able to achieve between 50% and 60% for most datasets. The performance of the RNN model with BA-3+ has as good as for Tree-LSTMs and Recursive Neural Tensor Networks (RNTNs) language models, which achieved accuracy results of up to 90% for some datasets. The improved accuracy and convergence results show that BA-3+ is an efficient, stable algorithm for the complex classification task, and it can handle the vanishing and exploding gradients problem of deep RNNs

    Review of automated time series forecasting pipelines

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    Time series forecasting is fundamental for various use cases in different domains such as energy systems and economics. Creating a forecasting model for a specific use case requires an iterative and complex design process. The typical design process includes the five sections (1) data pre-processing, (2) feature engineering, (3) hyperparameter optimization, (4) forecasting method selection, and (5) forecast ensembling, which are commonly organized in a pipeline structure. One promising approach to handle the ever-growing demand for time series forecasts is automating this design process. The present paper, thus, analyzes the existing literature on automated time series forecasting pipelines to investigate how to automate the design process of forecasting models. Thereby, we consider both Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) and automated statistical forecasting methods in a single forecasting pipeline. For this purpose, we firstly present and compare the proposed automation methods for each pipeline section. Secondly, we analyze the automation methods regarding their interaction, combination, and coverage of the five pipeline sections. For both, we discuss the literature, identify problems, give recommendations, and suggest future research. This review reveals that the majority of papers only cover two or three of the five pipeline sections. We conclude that future research has to holistically consider the automation of the forecasting pipeline to enable the large-scale application of time series forecasting

    Accurate metaheuristic deep convolutional structure for a robust human gait recognition

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    Gait recognition has become a developing technology in various security, industrial, medical, and military applications. This paper proposed a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) model to authenticate humans via their walking style. The proposed model has been applied to two commonly used standardized datasets, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA) and Osaka University-Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (OU-ISIR). After the silhouette images have been isolated from the gait image datasets, their features have been extracted using the proposed deep CNN and the traditional ones, including AlexNet, Inception (GoogleNet), VGGNet, ResNet50, and Xception. The best features were selected using genetic, grey wolf optimizer (GWO), particle swarm optimizer (PSO), and chi-square algorithms. Finally, recognize the selected features using the proposed deep neural network (DNN). Several performance evaluation parameters have been estimated to evaluate the model’s quality, including accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, false negative rate (FNR), and training time. Experiments have demonstrated that the suggested framework with a genetic feature selector outperforms previous selectors and recent research, scoring accuracy values of 99.46% and 99.09% for evaluating the CASIA and OU-ISIR datasets, respectively, in low time (19 seconds for training)

    Local Short Term Electricity Load Forecasting: Automatic Approaches

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    Short-Term Load Forecasting (STLF) is a fundamental component in the efficient management of power systems, which has been studied intensively over the past 50 years. The emerging development of smart grid technologies is posing new challenges as well as opportunities to STLF. Load data, collected at higher geographical granularity and frequency through thousands of smart meters, allows us to build a more accurate local load forecasting model, which is essential for local optimization of power load through demand side management. With this paper, we show how several existing approaches for STLF are not applicable on local load forecasting, either because of long training time, unstable optimization process, or sensitivity to hyper-parameters. Accordingly, we select five models suitable for local STFL, which can be trained on different time-series with limited intervention from the user. The experiment, which consists of 40 time-series collected at different locations and aggregation levels, revealed that yearly pattern and temperature information are only useful for high aggregation level STLF. On local STLF task, the modified version of double seasonal Holt-Winter proposed in this paper performs relatively well with only 3 months of training data, compared to more complex methods

    Improving Demand Forecasting: The Challenge of Forecasting Studies Comparability and a Novel Approach to Hierarchical Time Series Forecasting

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    Bedarfsprognosen sind in der Wirtschaft unerlässlich. Anhand des erwarteten Kundenbe-darfs bestimmen Firmen beispielsweise welche Produkte sie entwickeln, wie viele Fabri-ken sie bauen, wie viel Personal eingestellt wird oder wie viel Rohmaterial geordert wer-den muss. Fehleinschätzungen bei Bedarfsprognosen können schwerwiegende Auswir-kungen haben, zu Fehlentscheidungen führen, und im schlimmsten Fall den Bankrott einer Firma herbeiführen. Doch in vielen Fällen ist es komplex, den tatsächlichen Bedarf in der Zukunft zu antizipie-ren. Die Einflussfaktoren können vielfältig sein, beispielsweise makroökonomische Ent-wicklung, das Verhalten von Wettbewerbern oder technologische Entwicklungen. Selbst wenn alle Einflussfaktoren bekannt sind, sind die Zusammenhänge und Wechselwirkun-gen häufig nur schwer zu quantifizieren. Diese Dissertation trägt dazu bei, die Genauigkeit von Bedarfsprognosen zu verbessern. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird im Rahmen einer überfassenden Übersicht über das gesamte Spektrum der Anwendungsfelder von Bedarfsprognosen ein neuartiger Ansatz eingeführt, wie Studien zu Bedarfsprognosen systematisch verglichen werden können und am Bei-spiel von 116 aktuellen Studien angewandt. Die Vergleichbarkeit von Studien zu verbes-sern ist ein wesentlicher Beitrag zur aktuellen Forschung. Denn anders als bspw. in der Medizinforschung, gibt es für Bedarfsprognosen keine wesentlichen vergleichenden quan-titativen Meta-Studien. Der Grund dafür ist, dass empirische Studien für Bedarfsprognosen keine vereinheitlichte Beschreibung nutzen, um ihre Daten, Verfahren und Ergebnisse zu beschreiben. Wenn Studien hingegen durch systematische Beschreibung direkt miteinan-der verglichen werden können, ermöglicht das anderen Forschern besser zu analysieren, wie sich Variationen in Ansätzen auf die Prognosegüte auswirken – ohne die aufwändige Notwendigkeit, empirische Experimente erneut durchzuführen, die bereits in Studien beschrieben wurden. Diese Arbeit führt erstmals eine solche Systematik zur Beschreibung ein. Der weitere Teil dieser Arbeit behandelt Prognoseverfahren für intermittierende Zeitreihen, also Zeitreihen mit wesentlichem Anteil von Bedarfen gleich Null. Diese Art der Zeitreihen erfüllen die Anforderungen an Stetigkeit der meisten Prognoseverfahren nicht, weshalb gängige Verfahren häufig ungenügende Prognosegüte erreichen. Gleichwohl ist die Rele-vanz intermittierender Zeitreihen hoch – insbesondere Ersatzteile weisen dieses Bedarfs-muster typischerweise auf. Zunächst zeigt diese Arbeit in drei Studien auf, dass auch die getesteten Stand-der-Technik Machine Learning Ansätze bei einigen bekannten Datensät-zen keine generelle Verbesserung herbeiführen. Als wesentlichen Beitrag zur Forschung zeigt diese Arbeit im Weiteren ein neuartiges Verfahren auf: Der Similarity-based Time Series Forecasting (STSF) Ansatz nutzt ein Aggregation-Disaggregationsverfahren basie-rend auf einer selbst erzeugten Hierarchie statistischer Eigenschaften der Zeitreihen. In Zusammenhang mit dem STSF Ansatz können alle verfügbaren Prognosealgorithmen eingesetzt werden – durch die Aggregation wird die Stetigkeitsbedingung erfüllt. In Expe-rimenten an insgesamt sieben öffentlich bekannten Datensätzen und einem proprietären Datensatz zeigt die Arbeit auf, dass die Prognosegüte (gemessen anhand des Root Mean Square Error RMSE) statistisch signifikant um 1-5% im Schnitt gegenüber dem gleichen Verfahren ohne Einsatz von STSF verbessert werden kann. Somit führt das Verfahren eine wesentliche Verbesserung der Prognosegüte herbei. Zusammengefasst trägt diese Dissertation zum aktuellen Stand der Forschung durch die zuvor genannten Verfahren wesentlich bei. Das vorgeschlagene Verfahren zur Standardi-sierung empirischer Studien beschleunigt den Fortschritt der Forschung, da sie verglei-chende Studien ermöglicht. Und mit dem STSF Verfahren steht ein Ansatz bereit, der zuverlässig die Prognosegüte verbessert, und dabei flexibel mit verschiedenen Arten von Prognosealgorithmen einsetzbar ist. Nach dem Erkenntnisstand der umfassenden Literatur-recherche sind keine vergleichbaren Ansätze bislang beschrieben worden

    Reinforcement Learning Applied to Trading Systems: A Survey

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    Financial domain tasks, such as trading in market exchanges, are challenging and have long attracted researchers. The recent achievements and the consequent notoriety of Reinforcement Learning (RL) have also increased its adoption in trading tasks. RL uses a framework with well-established formal concepts, which raises its attractiveness in learning profitable trading strategies. However, RL use without due attention in the financial area can prevent new researchers from following standards or failing to adopt relevant conceptual guidelines. In this work, we embrace the seminal RL technical fundamentals, concepts, and recommendations to perform a unified, theoretically-grounded examination and comparison of previous research that could serve as a structuring guide for the field of study. A selection of twenty-nine articles was reviewed under our classification that considers RL's most common formulations and design patterns from a large volume of available studies. This classification allowed for precise inspection of the most relevant aspects regarding data input, preprocessing, state and action composition, adopted RL techniques, evaluation setups, and overall results. Our analysis approach organized around fundamental RL concepts allowed for a clear identification of current system design best practices, gaps that require further investigation, and promising research opportunities. Finally, this review attempts to promote the development of this field of study by facilitating researchers' commitment to standards adherence and helping them to avoid straying away from the RL constructs' firm ground.Comment: 38 page

    ECG classification using an optimal temporal convolutional network for remote health monitoring

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    Increased life expectancy in most countries is a result of continuous improvements at all levels, starting from medicine and public health services, environmental and personal hygiene to the use of the most advanced technologies by healthcare providers. Despite these significant improvements, especially at the technological level in the last few decades, the overall access to healthcare services and medical facilities worldwide is not equally distributed. Indeed, the end beneficiary of these most advanced healthcare services and technologies on a daily basis are mostly residents of big cities, whereas the residents of rural areas, even in developed countries, have major difficulties accessing even basic medical services. This may lead to huge deficiencies in timely medical advice and assistance and may even cause death in some cases. Remote healthcare is considered a serious candidate for facilitating access to health services for all; thus, by using the most advanced technologies, providing at the same time high quality diagnosis and ease of implementation and use. ECG analysis and related cardiac diagnosis techniques are the basic healthcare methods providing rapid insights in potential health issues through simple visualization and interpretation by clinicians or by automatic detection of potential cardiac anomalies. In this paper, we propose a novel machine learning (ML) architecture for the ECG classification regarding five heart diseases based on temporal convolution networks (TCN). The proposed design, which implements a dilated causal one-dimensional convolution on the input heartbeat signals, seems to be outperforming all existing ML methods with an accuracy of 96.12% and an F1 score of 84.13%, using a reduced number of parameters (10.2 K). Such results make the proposed TCN architecture a good candidate for low power consumption hardware platforms, and thus its potential use in low cost embedded devices for remote health monitoring
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