878 research outputs found

    A multisensor SLAM for dense maps of large scale environments under poor lighting conditions

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    This thesis describes the development and implementation of a multisensor large scale autonomous mapping system for surveying tasks in underground mines. The hazardous nature of the underground mining industry has resulted in a push towards autonomous solutions to the most dangerous operations, including surveying tasks. Many existing autonomous mapping techniques rely on approaches to the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) problem which are not suited to the extreme characteristics of active underground mining environments. Our proposed multisensor system has been designed from the outset to address the unique challenges associated with underground SLAM. The robustness, self-containment and portability of the system maximize the potential applications.The multisensor mapping solution proposed as a result of this work is based on a fusion of omnidirectional bearing-only vision-based localization and 3D laser point cloud registration. By combining these two SLAM techniques it is possible to achieve some of the advantages of both approaches – the real-time attributes of vision-based SLAM and the dense, high precision maps obtained through 3D lasers. The result is a viable autonomous mapping solution suitable for application in challenging underground mining environments.A further improvement to the robustness of the proposed multisensor SLAM system is a consequence of incorporating colour information into vision-based localization. Underground mining environments are often dominated by dynamic sources of illumination which can cause inconsistent feature motion during localization. Colour information is utilized to identify and remove features resulting from illumination artefacts and to improve the monochrome based feature matching between frames.Finally, the proposed multisensor mapping system is implemented and evaluated in both above ground and underground scenarios. The resulting large scale maps contained a maximum offset error of ±30mm for mapping tasks with lengths over 100m

    Efficient Autonomous Navigation for Planetary Rovers with Limited Resources

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    Rovers operating on Mars are in need of more and more autonomous features to ful ll their challenging mission requirements. However, the inherent constraints of space systems make the implementation of complex algorithms an expensive and difficult task. In this paper we propose a control architecture for autonomous navigation. Efficient implementations of autonomous features are built on top of the current ExoMars navigation method, enhancing the safety and traversing capabilities of the rover. These features allow the rover to detect and avoid hazards and perform long traverses by following a roughly safe path planned by operators on ground. The control architecture implementing the proposed navigation mode has been tested during a field test campaign on a planetary analogue terrain. The experiments evaluated the proposed approach, autonomously completing two long traverses while avoiding hazards. The approach only relies on the optical Localization Cameras stereobench, a sensor that is found in all rovers launched so far, and potentially allows for computationally inexpensive long-range autonomous navigation in terrains of medium difficulty

    Adaptive remote visualization system with optimized network performance for large scale scientific data

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    This dissertation discusses algorithmic and implementation aspects of an automatically configurable remote visualization system, which optimally decomposes and adaptively maps the visualization pipeline to a wide-area network. The first node typically serves as a data server that generates or stores raw data sets and a remote client resides on the last node equipped with a display device ranging from a personal desktop to a powerwall. Intermediate nodes can be located anywhere on the network and often include workstations, clusters, or custom rendering engines. We employ a regression model-based network daemon to estimate the effective bandwidth and minimal delay of a transport path using active traffic measurement. Data processing time is predicted for various visualization algorithms using block partition and statistical technique. Based on the link measurements, node characteristics, and module properties, we strategically organize visualization pipeline modules such as filtering, geometry generation, rendering, and display into groups, and dynamically assign them to appropriate network nodes to achieve minimal total delay for post-processing or maximal frame rate for streaming applications. We propose polynomial-time algorithms using the dynamic programming method to compute the optimal solutions for the problems of pipeline decomposition and network mapping under different constraints. A parallel based remote visualization system, which comprises a logical group of autonomous nodes that cooperate to enable sharing, selection, and aggregation of various types of resources distributed over a network, is implemented and deployed at geographically distributed nodes for experimental testing. Our system is capable of handling a complete spectrum of remote visualization tasks expertly including post processing, computational steering and wireless sensor network monitoring. Visualization functionalities such as isosurface, ray casting, streamline, linear integral convolution (LIC) are supported in our system. The proposed decomposition and mapping scheme is generic and can be applied to other network-oriented computation applications whose computing components form a linear arrangement

    Past, Present, and Future of Simultaneous Localization And Mapping: Towards the Robust-Perception Age

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    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)consists in the concurrent construction of a model of the environment (the map), and the estimation of the state of the robot moving within it. The SLAM community has made astonishing progress over the last 30 years, enabling large-scale real-world applications, and witnessing a steady transition of this technology to industry. We survey the current state of SLAM. We start by presenting what is now the de-facto standard formulation for SLAM. We then review related work, covering a broad set of topics including robustness and scalability in long-term mapping, metric and semantic representations for mapping, theoretical performance guarantees, active SLAM and exploration, and other new frontiers. This paper simultaneously serves as a position paper and tutorial to those who are users of SLAM. By looking at the published research with a critical eye, we delineate open challenges and new research issues, that still deserve careful scientific investigation. The paper also contains the authors' take on two questions that often animate discussions during robotics conferences: Do robots need SLAM? and Is SLAM solved

    Vision Science and Technology at NASA: Results of a Workshop

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    A broad review is given of vision science and technology within NASA. The subject is defined and its applications in both NASA and the nation at large are noted. A survey of current NASA efforts is given, noting strengths and weaknesses of the NASA program

    Spacecraft/Rover Hybrids for the Exploration of Small Solar System Bodies

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    This study investigated a mission architecture that allows the systematic and affordable in-situ exploration of small solar system bodies, such as asteroids, comets, and Martian moons (Figure 1). The architecture relies on the novel concept of spacecraft/rover hybrids,which are surface mobility platforms capable of achieving large surface coverage (by attitude controlled hops, akin to spacecraft flight), fine mobility (by tumbling), and coarse instrument pointing (by changing orientation relative to the ground) in the low-gravity environments(micro-g to milli-g) of small bodies. The actuation of the hybrids relies on spinning three internal flywheels. Using a combination of torques, the three flywheel motors can produce a reaction torque in any orientation without additional moving parts. This mobility concept allows all subsystems to be packaged in one sealed enclosure and enables the platforms to be minimalistic. The hybrids would be deployed from a mother spacecraft, which would act as a communication relay to Earth and would aid the in-situ assets with tasks such as localization and navigation (Figure 1). The hybrids are expected to be more capable and affordable than wheeled or legged rovers, due to their multiple modes of mobility (both hopping and tumbling), and have simpler environmental sealing and thermal management (since all components are sealed in one enclosure, assuming non-deployable science instruments). In summary, this NIAC Phase II study has significantly increased the TRL (Technology Readiness Level) of the mobility and autonomy subsystems of spacecraft/rover hybrids, and characterized system engineering aspects in the context of a reference mission to Phobos. Future studies should focus on improving the robustness of the autonomy module and further refine system engineering aspects, in view of opportunities for technology infusion

    Map-based localization for urban service mobile robotics

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    Mobile robotics research is currently interested on exporting autonomous navigation results achieved in indoor environments, to more challenging environments, such as, for instance, urban pedestrian areas. Developing mobile robots with autonomous navigation capabilities in such urban environments supposes a basic requirement for a upperlevel service set that could be provided to an users community. However, exporting indoor techniques to outdoor urban pedestrian scenarios is not evident due to the larger size of the environment, the dynamism of the scene due to pedestrians and other moving obstacles, the sunlight conditions, and the high presence of three dimensional elements such as ramps, steps, curbs or holes. Moreover, GPS-based mobile robot localization has demonstrated insufficient performance for robust long-term navigation in urban environments. One of the key modules within autonomous navigation is localization. If localization supposes an a priori map, even if it is not a complete model of the environment, localization is called map-based. This assumption is realistic since current trends of city councils are on building precise maps of their cities, specially of the most interesting places such as city downtowns. Having robots localized within a map allows for a high-level planning and monitoring, so that robots can achieve goal points expressed on the map, by following in a deliberative way a previously planned route. This thesis deals with the mobile robot map-based localization issue in urban pedestrian areas. The thesis approach uses the particle filter algorithm, a well-known and widely used probabilistic and recursive method for data fusion and state estimation. The main contributions of the thesis are divided on four aspects: (1) long-term experiments of mobile robot 2D and 3D position tracking in real urban pedestrian scenarios within a full autonomous navigation framework, (2) developing a fast and accurate technique to compute on-line range observation models in 3D environments, a basic step required by the real-time performance of the developed particle filter, (3) formulation of a particle filter that integrates asynchronous data streams and (4) a theoretical proposal to solve the global localization problem in an active and cooperative way, defining cooperation as either information sharing among the robots or planning joint actions to solve a common goal.Actualment, la recerca en robòtica mòbil té un interés creixent en exportar els resultats de navegació autònoma aconseguits en entorns interiors cap a d'altres tipus d'entorns més exigents, com, per exemple, les àrees urbanes peatonals. Desenvolupar capacitats de navegació autònoma en aquests entorns urbans és un requisit bàsic per poder proporcionar un conjunt de serveis de més alt nivell a una comunitat d'usuaris. Malgrat tot, exportar les tècniques d'interiors cap a entorns exteriors peatonals no és evident, a causa de la major dimensió de l'entorn, del dinamisme de l'escena provocada pels peatons i per altres obstacles en moviment, de la resposta de certs sensors a la il.luminació natural, i de la constant presència d'elements tridimensionals tals com rampes, escales, voreres o forats. D'altra banda, la localització de robots mòbils basada en GPS ha demostrat uns resultats insuficients de cara a una navegació robusta i de llarga durada en entorns urbans. Una de les peces clau en la navegació autònoma és la localització. En el cas que la localització consideri un mapa conegut a priori, encara que no sigui un model complet de l'entorn, parlem d'una localització basada en un mapa. Aquesta assumpció és realista ja que la tendència actual de les administracions locals és de construir mapes precisos de les ciutats, especialment dels llocs d'interés tals com les zones més cèntriques. El fet de tenir els robots localitzats en un mapa permet una planificació i una monitorització d'alt nivell, i així els robots poden arribar a destinacions indicades sobre el mapa, tot seguint de forma deliberativa una ruta prèviament planificada. Aquesta tesi tracta el tema de la localització de robots mòbils, basada en un mapa i per entorns urbans peatonals. La proposta de la tesi utilitza el filtre de partícules, un mètode probabilístic i recursiu, ben conegut i àmpliament utilitzat per la fusió de dades i l'estimació d'estats. Les principals contribucions de la tesi queden dividides en quatre aspectes: (1) experimentació de llarga durada del seguiment de la posició, tant en 2D com en 3D, d'un robot mòbil en entorns urbans reals, en el context de la navegació autònoma, (2) desenvolupament d'una tècnica ràpida i precisa per calcular en temps d'execució els models d'observació de distàncies en entorns 3D, un requisit bàsic pel rendiment del filtre de partícules a temps real, (3) formulació d'un filtre de partícules que integra conjunts de dades asíncrones i (4) proposta teòrica per solucionar la localització global d'una manera activa i cooperativa, entenent la cooperació com el fet de compartir informació, o bé com el de planificar accions conjuntes per solucionar un objectiu comú