867 research outputs found

    Factoring nonnegative matrices with linear programs

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    This paper describes a new approach, based on linear programming, for computing nonnegative matrix factorizations (NMFs). The key idea is a data-driven model for the factorization where the most salient features in the data are used to express the remaining features. More precisely, given a data matrix X, the algorithm identifies a matrix C such that X approximately equals CX and some linear constraints. The constraints are chosen to ensure that the matrix C selects features; these features can then be used to find a low-rank NMF of X. A theoretical analysis demonstrates that this approach has guarantees similar to those of the recent NMF algorithm of Arora et al. (2012). In contrast with this earlier work, the proposed method extends to more general noise models and leads to efficient, scalable algorithms. Experiments with synthetic and real datasets provide evidence that the new approach is also superior in practice. An optimized C++ implementation can factor a multigigabyte matrix in a matter of minutes.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures. Modified theorem statement for robust recovery conditions. Revised proof techniques to make arguments more elementary. Results on robustness when rows are duplicated have been superseded by arxiv.org/1211.668

    Direction of Arrival with One Microphone, a few LEGOs, and Non-Negative Matrix Factorization

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    Conventional approaches to sound source localization require at least two microphones. It is known, however, that people with unilateral hearing loss can also localize sounds. Monaural localization is possible thanks to the scattering by the head, though it hinges on learning the spectra of the various sources. We take inspiration from this human ability to propose algorithms for accurate sound source localization using a single microphone embedded in an arbitrary scattering structure. The structure modifies the frequency response of the microphone in a direction-dependent way giving each direction a signature. While knowing those signatures is sufficient to localize sources of white noise, localizing speech is much more challenging: it is an ill-posed inverse problem which we regularize by prior knowledge in the form of learned non-negative dictionaries. We demonstrate a monaural speech localization algorithm based on non-negative matrix factorization that does not depend on sophisticated, designed scatterers. In fact, we show experimental results with ad hoc scatterers made of LEGO bricks. Even with these rudimentary structures we can accurately localize arbitrary speakers; that is, we do not need to learn the dictionary for the particular speaker to be localized. Finally, we discuss multi-source localization and the related limitations of our approach.Comment: This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language processing (TASLP

    Speeding up Permutation Testing in Neuroimaging

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    Multiple hypothesis testing is a significant problem in nearly all neuroimaging studies. In order to correct for this phenomena, we require a reliable estimate of the Family-Wise Error Rate (FWER). The well known Bonferroni correction method, while simple to implement, is quite conservative, and can substantially under-power a study because it ignores dependencies between test statistics. Permutation testing, on the other hand, is an exact, non-parametric method of estimating the FWER for a given α\alpha-threshold, but for acceptably low thresholds the computational burden can be prohibitive. In this paper, we show that permutation testing in fact amounts to populating the columns of a very large matrix P{\bf P}. By analyzing the spectrum of this matrix, under certain conditions, we see that P{\bf P} has a low-rank plus a low-variance residual decomposition which makes it suitable for highly sub--sampled --- on the order of 0.5%0.5\% --- matrix completion methods. Based on this observation, we propose a novel permutation testing methodology which offers a large speedup, without sacrificing the fidelity of the estimated FWER. Our evaluations on four different neuroimaging datasets show that a computational speedup factor of roughly 50×50\times can be achieved while recovering the FWER distribution up to very high accuracy. Further, we show that the estimated α\alpha-threshold is also recovered faithfully, and is stable.Comment: NIPS 1

    Collaborative Perception From Data Association To Localization

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    During the last decade, visual sensors have become ubiquitous. One or more cameras can be found in devices ranging from smartphones to unmanned aerial vehicles and autonomous cars. During the same time, we have witnessed the emergence of large scale networks ranging from sensor networks to robotic swarms. Assume multiple visual sensors perceive the same scene from different viewpoints. In order to achieve consistent perception, the problem of correspondences between ob- served features must be first solved. Then, it is often necessary to perform distributed localization, i.e. to estimate the pose of each agent with respect to a global reference frame. Having everything set in the same coordinate system and everything having the same meaning for all agents, operation of the agents and interpretation of the jointly observed scene become possible. The questions we address in this thesis are the following: first, can a group of visual sensors agree on what they see, in a decentralized fashion? This is the problem of collaborative data association. Then, based on what they see, can the visual sensors agree on where they are, in a decentralized fashion as well? This is the problem of cooperative localization. The contributions of this work are five-fold. We are the first to address the problem of consistent multiway matching in a decentralized setting. Secondly, we propose an efficient decentralized dynamical systems approach for computing any number of smallest eigenvalues and the associated eigenvectors of a weighted graph with global convergence guarantees with direct applications in group synchronization problems, e.g. permutations or rotations synchronization. Thirdly, we propose a state-of-the art framework for decentralized collaborative localization for mobile agents under the presence of unknown cross-correlations by solving a minimax optimization prob- lem to account for the missing information. Fourthly, we are the first to present an approach to the 3-D rotation localization of a camera sensor network from relative bearing measurements. Lastly, we focus on the case of a group of three visual sensors. We propose a novel Riemannian geometric representation of the trifocal tensor which relates projections of points and lines in three overlapping views. The aforemen- tioned representation enables the use of the state-of-the-art optimization methods on Riemannian manifolds and the use of robust averaging techniques for estimating the trifocal tensor

    A distributed SDP-based algorithm for large noisy anchor-free graph realization

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    Network Inference from Co-Occurrences

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    The recovery of network structure from experimental data is a basic and fundamental problem. Unfortunately, experimental data often do not directly reveal structure due to inherent limitations such as imprecision in timing or other observation mechanisms. We consider the problem of inferring network structure in the form of a directed graph from co-occurrence observations. Each observation arises from a transmission made over the network and indicates which vertices carry the transmission without explicitly conveying their order in the path. Without order information, there are an exponential number of feasible graphs which agree with the observed data equally well. Yet, the basic physical principles underlying most networks strongly suggest that all feasible graphs are not equally likely. In particular, vertices that co-occur in many observations are probably closely connected. Previous approaches to this problem are based on ad hoc heuristics. We model the experimental observations as independent realizations of a random walk on the underlying graph, subjected to a random permutation which accounts for the lack of order information. Treating the permutations as missing data, we derive an exact expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm for estimating the random walk parameters. For long transmission paths the exact E-step may be computationally intractable, so we also describe an efficient Monte Carlo EM (MCEM) algorithm and derive conditions which ensure convergence of the MCEM algorithm with high probability. Simulations and experiments with Internet measurements demonstrate the promise of this approach.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. An extended version is available as University of Wisconsin Technical Report ECE-06-

    Self-localizing Smart Cameras and Their Applications

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    As the prices of cameras and computing elements continue to fall, it has become increasingly attractive to consider the deployment of smart camera networks. These networks would be composed of small, networked computers equipped with inexpensive image sensors. Such networks could be employed in a wide range of applications including surveillance, robotics and 3D scene reconstruction. One critical problem that must be addressed before such systems can be deployed effectively is the issue of localization. That is, in order to take full advantage of the images gathered from multiple vantage points it is helpful to know how the cameras in the scene are positioned and oriented with respect to each other. To address the localization problem we have proposed a novel approach to localizing networks of embedded cameras and sensors. In this scheme the cameras and the nodes are equipped with controllable light sources (either visible or infrared) which are used for signaling. Each camera node can then automatically determine the bearing to all the nodes that are visible from its vantage point. By fusing these measurements with the measurements obtained from onboard accelerometers, the camera nodes are able to determine the relative positions and orientations of other nodes in the network. This localization technology can serve as a basic capability on which higher level applications can be built. The method could be used to automatically survey the locations of sensors of interest, to implement distributed surveillance systems or to analyze the structure of a scene based on the images obtained from multiple registered vantage points. It also provides a mechanism for integrating the imagery obtained from the cameras with the measurements obtained from distributed sensors. We have successfully used our custom made self localizing smart camera networks to implement a novel decentralized target tracking algorithm, create an ad-hoc range finder and localize the components of a self assembling modular robot

    System Level Synthesis

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    This article surveys the System Level Synthesis framework, which presents a novel perspective on constrained robust and optimal controller synthesis for linear systems. We show how SLS shifts the controller synthesis task from the design of a controller to the design of the entire closed loop system, and highlight the benefits of this approach in terms of scalability and transparency. We emphasize two particular applications of SLS, namely large-scale distributed optimal control and robust control. In the case of distributed control, we show how SLS allows for localized controllers to be computed, extending robust and optimal control methods to large-scale systems under practical and realistic assumptions. In the case of robust control, we show how SLS allows for novel design methodologies that, for the first time, quantify the degradation in performance of a robust controller due to model uncertainty -- such transparency is key in allowing robust control methods to interact, in a principled way, with modern techniques from machine learning and statistical inference. Throughout, we emphasize practical and efficient computational solutions, and demonstrate our methods on easy to understand case studies.Comment: To appear in Annual Reviews in Contro