304 research outputs found

    A Shannon wavelet method for pricing foreign exchange options under the Heston multi-factor CIR model

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    We present a robust and highly efficient Shannon wavelet pricing method for plain-vanilla foreign exchange European options under the jump-extended Heston model with multi-factor CIR interest rate dynamics. Under a Monte Carlo and partial differential equation hybrid computational framework, the option price can be expressed as an expectation, conditional on the variance factor, of a convolution product that involves the densities of the time-integrated domestic and foreign multi-factor CIR interest rate processes. We propose an efficient treatment to this convolution product that effectively results in a significant dimension reduction, from two multi-factor interest rate processes to only a single-factor process. By means of a state-of-the-art Shannon wavelet inverse Fourier technique, the resulting convolution product is approximated analytically and the conditional expectation can be computed very efficiently. We develop sharp approximation error bounds for the option price and hedging parameters. Numerical experiments confirm the robustness and efficiency of the method

    Highly efficient pricing of exotic derivatives under mean-reversion, jumps and stochastic volatility

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    The pricing of exotic derivatives continues to attract much attention from academics and practitioners alike. Despite the overwhelming interest, the task of finding a robust methodology that could derive closed-form solutions for exotic derivatives remains a difficult challenge. In addition, the level of sophistication is greatly enhanced when options are priced in a more realistic framework. This includes, but not limited to, utilising jump-diffusion models with mean-reversion, stochastic volatility, and/or stochastic jump intensity. More pertinently, these inclusions allow the resulting asset price process to capture the various empirical features, such as heavy tails and asymmetry, commonly observed in financial data. However, under such a framework, the density function governing the underlying asset price process is generally not available. This leads to a breakdown of the classical risk-neutral option valuation method via the discounted expectation of the final payoff. Furthermore, when an analytical expression for the option pricing formula becomes available, the solution is often complex and in semi closed-form. Hence, a substantial amount of computational time is required to obtain the value of the option, which may not satisfy the efficiency demanded in practice. Such drawbacks may be remedied by utilising numerical integration techniques to price options more efficiently in the Fourier domain instead, since the associated characteristic functions are more readily available. This thesis is concerned primarily with the efficient and accurate pricing of exotic derivatives under the aforementioned framework. We address the research opportunity by exploring the valuation of exotic options with numerical integration techniques once the associated characteristic functions are developed. In particular, we advocate the use of the novel Fourier-cosine (COS) expansions, and the more recent Shannon wavelet inverse Fourier technique (SWIFT). Once the option prices are obtained, the efficiency of the two techniques are benchmarked against the widely-acclaimed fast Fourier transform (FFT) method. More importantly, we perform extensive numerical experiments and error analyses to show that, under our proposed framework, not only is the COS and SWIFT methods more efficient, but are also highly accurate with exponential rate of error convergence. Finally, we conduct a set of sensitivity analyses to evaluate the models’ consistency and robustness under different market condition

    A highly efficient pricing method for European-style options based on Shannon wavelets

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    In the search for robust, accurate and highly efficient financial option valuation techniques, we present here the SWIFT method (Shannon Wavelets Inverse Fourier Technique), based on Shannon wavelets. SWIFT comes with control over approximation errors made by means of sharp quantitative error bounds. The nature of the local Shannon wavelets basis enables us to adaptively determine the proper size of the computational interval. Numerical experiments on European-style options confirm the bounds, robustness and efficiency

    Pricing early-exercise and discrete barrier options by Shannon wavelet expansions

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    We present a pricing method based on Shannon wavelet expansions for early-exercise and discretely-monitored barrier options under exponential LĂ©vy asset dynamics. Shannon wavelets are smooth, and thus approximate the densities that occur in finance well, resulting in exponential convergence. Application of the Fast Fourier Transform yields an efficient implementation and since wavelets give local approximations, the domain boundary errors can be naturally resolved, which is the main improvement over existing methods

    Pricing early-exercise and discrete barrier options by Shannon wavelet expansions

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    We present a pricing method based on Shannon wavelet expansions for early-exercise and discretely-monitored barrier options under exponential LĂ©vy asset dynamics. Shannon wavelets are smooth, and thus approximate the densities that occur in finance well, resulting in exponential convergence. Application of the Fast Fourier Transform yields an efficient implementation and since wavelets give local approximations, the domain boundary errors can be naturally resolved, which is the main improvement over existing methods

    Two-dimensional Shannon wavelet inverse Fourier technique for pricing European options

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    The SWIFT method for pricing European-style options on one underlying asset was recently published and presented as an accurate, robust and highly efficient technique. The purpose of this paper is to extend the method to higher dimensions by pricing exotic option contracts, called rainbow options, whose payoff depends on multiple assets. The multidimensional extension inherits the properties of the one-dimensional method, being the exponential convergence one of them. Thanks to the nature of local Shannon wavelets basis, we do not need to rely on a-priori truncation of the integration range, we have an error bound estimate and we use fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithms to speed up computations. We test the method for similar examples with state-of-the-art methods found in the literature, and we compare our results with analytical expressions when available

    Extension of the SWIFT option pricing scheme for european options calibration under Heston stochastic volatility model

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    A Heston model calibration technique is presented for European options under the Heston model. The novel Shannon Wavelets Inverse Fourier Technique (SWIFT) is extended for European option price calibration (previously it was used only for pricing European, Asian, barrier, and Bermudan options). This method has different expressions and speed-up techniques, adequate to different set-ups. These are discussed and new expressions and properties are presented for the gradient computation and option calibration. The Heston characteristic function expression recently proposed by \cite{cui17} is used in the SWIFT implementation due to its analytic gradient and its continuity properties. The time performance, robustness, and convergence under set-ups representative of real markets is studied for different implementations of the SWIFT technique and compared with the option calibration scheme presented by \cite{cui17} The SWIFT implementations are coded in C++ and uploaded to a public GitHub repository. The libray implements several of the different SWIFT expressions for GBM and Heston European options

    Shannon wavelets in computational finance

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    Derivative securities, when used correctly, allow investors to increase their expected profits and minimize their exposure to risk. Options offer leverage and insurance for risk-averse investors while they can be used as ways of speculation for the more risky investors. When an option is issued, we face the problem of determining the price of a product at the same time we must make sure to eliminate arbitrage opportunities. In this thesis, we introduce a robust, accurate, and highly efficient financial option valuation technique, the so-called SWIFT method (Shannon wavelets inverse Fourier technique), based on Shannon wavelets. SWIFT comes with control over approximation errors made by means of sharp quantitative error bounds. This method is adapted to the pricing of European options and Discrete Lookback options. Numerical experiments show exponential convergence and confirm the robustness, efficiency and versatility of the method
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