1,773 research outputs found

    Integration Protocol Student Academic Information to Campus RFID Gate Pass System

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    Nowadays, security is a part that consent by many institution including academic for example in University campus, some  of  campus  have  been  implement  automatic  system  in campus area to control visitor to enter University also for   the staffs and students, but the system is in standalone with introduce new gate pass. Most of University has been use Information Technology (IT) in application for academic system such as student information, registration, results information, etc. In this paper discuss on integration of student information to gate pass system then do not require new card or pass for every student to enter campus area. Gate pass system is required information to match to database that who allow entering to campus, normally a new database is create for the system. In this case, University has student and staff database including lecturer, thus to be efficient the data in existing database can be use and integration using protocol that gate pass system give a command to database as request then verification of those data. Currently, student database stored in server room and the place far away from gate pass system, in order to make it transaction faster for visitor to enter then a mini database is setup onsite of gate system, but periodic updating is require or every new update in database. Results shows, database stored in student information system is more than 30,000 number of student and transaction time is less than 1 second and in average cycle time is 5.5 seconds for motorcycle lane and 7 seconds for car, that mean time for visitor to access gate pass system for entry campus is most reasonable

    PEEK Wear Test System

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    The wear characteristics of PEEK carbon fiber composites are not well understood in comparison to high strength materials in common use such as steel, aluminum, and carbon fiber epoxy. This lack of understanding limits the applications in which the superior strength to weight ratio and stiffness of PEEK carbon fiber composites may be utilized with confidence to situations in which there are no significant bearing surface interactions between nearby components. The objective of this project was to design, build, and test a machine that is capable of evaluating the behavior of PEEK carbon fiber composites in a long term, high contact environment, and compare their performance directly against more familiar materials, like steel, aluminum, and carbon fiber epox

    Engine Fuel Injection Timing : A Design for an Automatic Verification System

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    This thesis describes the development of an automatic testing system for the timing of the fuel injection of a 4-stroke engine. The fuel injection timing is managed by an electronic engine control unit which has a distributed modular design. New software and hardware updates are released every few months for the engine control unit. Furthermore, fuel injection timing must be tested for each new software release, because incorrect timing could potentially lead to engine failure. Thus, automating this frequent testing procedure, which can take 2–5 days manually, is expected to save both time and money. Therefore, the object of this work is to develop a design of an automatic fuel injection timing testing system. There are already abundant scientific studies available related to fuel injection timing and engine control unit. The majority of these studies in the literature review cover various topics about the effects of alternative injection technologies and fuels. A limited number of them comprise the subject of automatic fuel injection timing. Design science was chosen as the research method because of its suitability for product development projects. The most important research question is what the design architecture must be like for testing injection timing. This work started with a comprehensive analysis of the different factors that could affect the design. Underlying motivation for developing an automatic testing system, stakeholders involved, alternative ways for testing implementation, and various other points of view were covered. After defining the system requirements, the setup was built to measure the timing of fuel injection pulses from the engine control unit, which utilized the National Instruments Compact RIO hardware and software programmed with LabVIEW. This program automatically generates an Excel report of the timing test. The design of a testing system architecture that would allow measurements to be made from any of the 112 fuel injection terminals of the control unit was successfully developed. Measurements performed with Compact RIO hardware proved to be accurate and could determine the crankshaft angle with the required accuracy. The accuracy of the testing system was ±5 μs. Next, the development of communication between the testing hardware and the engine control unit’s configuration software was identified as the most important issue for future development of the testing system. The proposed testing system principle is probably feasible for developing any further automatic testing systems for any electric engine control unit in which fuel injection timing needs to be verified. Moreover, Compact RIO hardware and LabVIEW software can be recommended as a tool for developing similar verification systems because they are relatively easy to use, flexible, reliable, and capable of high-speed measurements.Tämä diplomityö kuvaa automaattisen testausjärjestelmän kehittämistä nelitahtimoottorin polttoaineen ruiskutussignaalien ajoitukselle. Ruiskutuksen ajoitusta hallitaan sähköisellä moottorinohjausyksiköllä, millä on hajautettu modulaarinen rakenne. Uusia moottorinohjausyksikön ohjelmisto- ja laitteistoversioita julkaistaan muutaman kuukauden välein. Polttoaineensyötön oikea ajoitus täytyy testata aina, kun uusia versioita julkaistaan, koska väärä ajoitus saattaa aiheuttaa moottorihäiriön. Usein toistuvan testauksen automatisoinnin odotetaan lyhentävän siihen käytettävää aikaa ja kustannuksia merkittävästi, mikä manuaalisesti tehtynä voi kestää 2–5 päivää. Työn tavoitteena on kehittää suunnitelma automaattisesta testausjärjestelmästä polttoaineen ruiskutuksen ajoitukselle. Polttoaineenruiskutukseen ja moottorinohjausyksiköihin liittyviä tieteellisiä julkaisuja on saatavilla runsaasti. Suurin osa kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käsitellyistä tutkimuksista kattaa eri aiheita vaihtoehtoisten ruiskutustekniikoiden ja polttoaineiden vaikutuksista polttomoottoriin. Vain muutama niistä käsittelee polttoaineensyötön automaattista testausta. Tutkimusmenetelmäksi valittiin suunnittelutiede, koska se soveltuu hyvin tuotekehitysprojekteihin. Tärkein tutkimuskysymys on: ”Minkälainen järjestelmän arkkitehtuurin täytyy olla ruiskutuksen ajoituksen testaamista varten?” Kysymyksen tutkiminen aloitettiin analysoimalla perusteellisesti eri tekijöitä, jotka voisivat vaikuttaa toteutukseen. Mikä on se perimmäinen syy miksi automaattinen testausjärjestelmä halutaan kehittää, mukana olevat sidosryhmät, vaihtoehtoiset toteutustavat sekä useita muita näkökulmia huomioitiin. Järjestelmävaatimusten määrittelyn jälkeen rakennettiin koelaite, jolla mitattiin polttoaineensyötön pulssien ajoitusta moottorinohjausyksiköstä, mikä hyödynsi National Instruments Compact RIO laitteistoa ja ohjelmistoa mikä kehitettiin LabVIEW -kehitysympäristössä. Ohjelma luo automaattisesti Excel raportin ajoitustesteistä. Onnistuneesti luotiin testausjärjestelmän arkkitehtuuri, mikä mahdollistaa mittausten tekemisen mistä tahansa hajautetun moottorinohjausyksikön 112 polttoaineensyötön liittimestä. Compact RIO laitteistolla tehdyt mittaukset osoittautuivat tarkoiksi ja se pystyy määrittämään kampiakselin kulman vaaditulla tarkkuudella. Testausjärjestelmän tarkkuus oli ±5 μs. Kommunikaation kehittäminen testauslaitteiston ja moottorinohjausyksikön konfigurointi ohjelmiston välille tunnistettiin kaikkein tärkeimmäksi asiaksi testausjärjestelmän jatkokehitykselle. Ehdotettu arkkitehtuuri on todennäköisesti sopiva ratkaisu automaattisen testausjärjestelmän kehittämiseksi mille tahansa sähköiselle moottorinohjausyksikölle, jonka polttoaineen ruiskutuksen ajoitus halutaan varmentaa. Lisäksi Compact RIO laitteistoa ja LabVIEW ohjelmistoa voidaan suositella työkaluiksi vastaavien testausjärjestelmien kehittämiseen koska ne ovat kohtuullisen helppokäyttöisiä, joustavia, luotettavia ja pystyvät nopeisiin mittauksiin

    Research on Upgrading and Building of Public Technology Service Platform for SMES in Jiangsu Province under the Background of “Internet +”

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    With the full popularization and rapid development of Internet technology, Jiangsu small and medium-sized enterprises are facing great opportunities and challenges. The public technical service platform for small and medium enterprises can effectively respond to the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises and strive for necessary government resources when conducting corporate guidance. At the same time, for government agencies, relying on the platform\u27s appeal and social relations is conducive to the effective publicity and promotion of government policies, so upgrading the public technology service platform for SMEs is the key to connect the government and enterprises. This paper breaks through the description of traditional technology service platform confined to geographic space, extends the technology service function to the Internet area, and introduces the “Internet +” concept and platform agglomeration theory to the upgrading and construction of public technology service platform of Jiangsu small and medium-sized enterprises

    Mobile Security Vehicle’s based on Internet of Things

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    The purpose of this research is to design and build a mobile security vehicle based on the Internet of Things (IoT) that combines to Arduino-based microcontroller, internet networks, and the needed hardware. The design is intended to monitor and control the vehicle condition and monitor the vehicle location based on IoT. This research uses hardware and software components. The hardware uses the Arduino-based microcontroller that connects to some modules. This research uses Relay Module 2 Channel HL-525 to control the vehicle machine, GPS Module Neo-7M to get the vehicle location, SIM800L Module to connect to the internet network, and ACS-712 Voltage sensor to detect the voltage in the vehicle electricity. This research uses multi-platform (web application) as the component software to monitor and control the vehicle condition and its location. The result of this research is Mobile Security Vehicle’s System Based on Arduino where the system can satisfy some functional needs such as can monitoring motorcycle location, controlling alarm, and motorcycle electricity to avoid theft through a web application that can be used in multi-platform

    Cruise control development and hardware-in-the-loop validation for electric motorcycles

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    In electric motorcycle applications, speed tracking and speed limiting are important features of the vehicle supervisory control (VSC) system that allows the rider to minimize the control effort and avoid over speeding when riding on highway. In this paper, a cruise control (CC) system is developed allowing the vehicles to follow any desired speed limits within their capability. The proposed system employs a classical Proportional-Integral (PI) controller, which enables the vehicle to match the desired cruise speed set when CC function is active. The developed CC system is verified and validated using Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) simulation testing. The HiL results demonstrate that the proposed CC logic function effectively, with a maximum percentage of error between the vehicle speed and the cruise reference speed is less than 7%

    Hybrid systems in automotive electronics design

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    Automotive electronic design is certainly one of the most attractive and promising application domains for hybrid system techniques. Some successful hybrid system applications to automotive model development and control algorithm design have already been reported in the literature. However, despite the significant advances achieved in the past few years, hybrid methods are in general still not mature enough for their effective introduction in the automotive industry design processes at large. In this paper, we take a broad view of the development process for embedded control systems in the automotive industry with the purpose of identifying challenges and additional opportunities for hybrid systems. We identify critical steps in the design flow and extract a number of open problems where hybrid system technology might play an important role