627 research outputs found

    Statistical-Based WCET Estimation and Validation

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    In this paper we present a measurement-based approach that produces both a WCET (Worst Case Execution Time) estimate, and a prediction of the probability that a future execution time will exceed our estimate. Our statistical-based approach uses extreme value theory to build a model of the tail behavior of the measured execution time value. We validate our approach using an industrial data set comprised of over 150 sampled components and nearly 200 million sample execution times. Each trace is divided into two segments, with one used to make the WCET estimate, and the second used check our prediction of the fraction of future execution time samples that exceed our WCET estimate. We show that compared to WCET estimates derived from the worst-case observed time, our WCET estimates significantly improve the ability to predict the probability that our WCET estimate is exceeded

    Mixed-criticality real-time task scheduling with graceful degradation

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    ”The mixed-criticality real-time systems implement functionalities of different degrees of importance (or criticalities) upon a shared platform. In traditional mixed-criticality systems, under a hi mode switch, no guaranteed service is provided to lo-criticality tasks. After a mode switch, only hi-criticality tasks are considered for execution while no guarantee is made to the lo-criticality tasks. However, with careful optimistic design, a certain degree of service guarantee can be provided to lo-criticality tasks upon a mode switch. This concept is broadly known as graceful degradation. Guaranteed graceful degradation provides a better quality of service as well as it utilizes the system resource more efficiently. In this thesis, we study two efficient techniques of graceful degradation. First, we study a mixed-criticality scheduling technique where graceful degradation is provided in the form of minimum cumulative completion rates. We present two easy-to-implement admission-control algorithms to determine which lo-criticality jobs to complete in hi mode. The scheduling is done by following deadline virtualization, and two heuristics are shown for virtual deadline settings. We further study the schedulability analysis and the backward mode switch conditions, which are proposed and proved in (Guo et al., 2018). Next, we present a probabilistic scheduling technique for mixed-criticality tasks on multiprocessor systems where a system-wide permitted failure probability is known. The schedulability conditions are derived along with the processor allocation scheme. The work is extended from (Guo et al., 2015), where the probabilistic model is first introduced for independent task scheduling on a uniprocessor platform. We further consider the failure dependency between tasks while scheduling on multiprocessor platforms. We provide related theoretical analysis to show the correctness of our work. To show the effectiveness of our proposed techniques, we conduct a detailed experimental evaluation under different circumstances”--Abstract, page iii

    WCET-aware prefetching of unlocked instruction caches: a technique for reconciling real-time guarantees and energy efficiency

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Automação e Sistemas, Florianópolis, 2015.A computação embarcada requer crescente vazão sob baixa potência. Ela requer um aumento de eficiência energética quando se executam programas de crescente complexidade. Muitos sistemas embarcados são também sistemas de tempo real, cuja correção temporal precisa ser garantida através de análise de escalonabilidade, a qual costuma assumir que o WCET de uma tarefa é conhecido em tempo de projeto. Como resultado da crescente complexidade do software, uma quantidade significativa de energia é gasta ao se prover instruções através da hierarquia de memória. Como a cache de instruções consome cerca de 40% da energia gasta em um processador embarcado e afeta a energia consumida em memória principal, ela se torna um relevante alvo para otimização. Entretanto, como ela afeta substancialmente o WCET, o comportamento da cache precisa ser restrito via  cache locking ou previsto via análise de WCET. Para obter eficiência energética sob restrições de tempo real, é preciso estender a consciência que o compilador tem da plataforma de hardware. Entretanto, compiladores para tempo real ignoram a energia, embora determinem rapidamente limites superiores para o WCET, enquanto compiladores para sistemas embarcados estimem com precisão a energia, mas gastem muito tempo em  profiling . Por isso, esta tese propõe um método unificado para estimar a energia gasta em memória, o qual é baseado em Interpretação Abstrata, exatamente o mesmo substrato matemático usado para a análise de WCET em caches. As estimativas mostram derivadas que são tão precisas quanto as obtidas via  profiling , mas são computadas 1000 vezes mais rápido, sendo apropriadas para induzir otimização de código através de melhoria iterativa. Como  cache locking troca eficiência energética por previsibilidade, esta tese propõe uma nova otimização de código, baseada em pré-carga por software, a qual reduz a taxa de faltas de caches de instruções e, provadamente, não aumenta o WCET. A otimização proposta é comparada com o estado-da-arte em  cache locking parcial para 37 programas do  Malardalen WCET benchmark para 36 configurações de cache e duas tecnologias distintas (2664 casos de uso). Em média, para obter uma melhoria de 68% no WCET,  cache locking parcial requer 8% mais energia. Por outro lado, a pré-carga por software diminui o consumo de energia em 11% enquanto melhora em 15% o WCET, reconciliando assim eficiência energética e garantias de tempo real.Abstract : Embedded computing requires increasing throughput at low power budgets. It asks for growing energy efficiency when executing programs of rising complexity. Many embedded systems are also real-time systems, whose temporal correctness is asserted through schedulability analysis, which often assumes that the WCET of each task is known at design-time. As a result of the growing software complexity, a significant amount of energy is spent in supplying instructions through the memory hierarchy. Since an instruction cache consumes around 40% of an embedded processor s energy and affects the energy spent in main memory, it becomes a relevant optimization target. However, since it largely impacts the WCET, cache behavior must be either constrained via cache locking or predicted by WCET analysis. To achieve energy efficiency under real-time constraints, a compiler must have extended awareness of the hardware platform. However, real-time compilers ignore energy, although they quickly determine bounds for WCET, whereas embedded compilers accurately estimate energy but require time-consuming profiling. That is why this thesis proposes a unifying method to estimate memory energy consumption that is based on Abstract Interpretation, the very same mathematical framework employed for the WCET analysis of caches. The estimates exhibit derivatives that are as accurate as those obtained by profiling, but are computed 1000 times faster, being suitable for driving code optimization through iterative improvement. Since cache locking gives up energy efficiency for predictability, this thesis proposes a novel code optimization, based on software prefetching, which reduces miss rate of unlocked instruction caches and, provenly, does not increase the WCET. The proposed optimization is compared with a state-of-the-art partial cache locking technique for the 37 programs of the Malardalen WCET benchmarks under 36 cache configurations and two distinct target technologies (2664 use cases). On average, to achieve an improvement of 68% in the WCET, partial cache locking required 8% more energy. On the other hand, software prefetching decreased the energy consumption by 11% while leading to an improvement of 15% in the WCET, thereby reconciling energy efficiency and real-time guarantees

    Estimation of WCET using a little language to describe microcontrollers and DSPs architectures

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    A method for analysing and predicting the timing properties of a program fragment will be described. First a little language implemented to describe a processor’s architecture is presented followed by the presentation of a new static WCET estimation method. The timing analysis starts by compiling a processor’s architecture program followed by the disassembling of the program fragment. After sectioning the assembler program into basic blocks call graphs are generated and these data are later used to evaluate the pipeline hazards and cache miss that penalize the real-time performance. Some experimental results of using the developed tool to predict the WCET of code segments using some Intel microcontroller are presented. Finally, some conclusions and future work are presented
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