188,227 research outputs found

    A graph partition problem

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    Given a graph GG on nn vertices, for which mm is it possible to partition the edge set of the mm-fold complete graph mKnmK_n into copies of GG? We show that there is an integer m0m_0, which we call the \emph{partition modulus of GG}, such that the set M(G)M(G) of values of mm for which such a partition exists consists of all but finitely many multiples of m0m_0. Trivial divisibility conditions derived from GG give an integer m1m_1 which divides m0m_0; we call the quotient m0/m1m_0/m_1 the \emph{partition index of GG}. It seems that most graphs GG have partition index equal to 11, but we give two infinite families of graphs for which this is not true. We also compute M(G)M(G) for various graphs, and outline some connections between our problem and the existence of designs of various types

    Semidefinite programming and eigenvalue bounds for the graph partition problem

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    The graph partition problem is the problem of partitioning the vertex set of a graph into a fixed number of sets of given sizes such that the sum of weights of edges joining different sets is optimized. In this paper we simplify a known matrix-lifting semidefinite programming relaxation of the graph partition problem for several classes of graphs and also show how to aggregate additional triangle and independent set constraints for graphs with symmetry. We present an eigenvalue bound for the graph partition problem of a strongly regular graph, extending a similar result for the equipartition problem. We also derive a linear programming bound of the graph partition problem for certain Johnson and Kneser graphs. Using what we call the Laplacian algebra of a graph, we derive an eigenvalue bound for the graph partition problem that is the first known closed form bound that is applicable to any graph, thereby extending a well-known result in spectral graph theory. Finally, we strengthen a known semidefinite programming relaxation of a specific quadratic assignment problem and the above-mentioned matrix-lifting semidefinite programming relaxation by adding two constraints that correspond to assigning two vertices of the graph to different parts of the partition. This strengthening performs well on highly symmetric graphs when other relaxations provide weak or trivial bounds

    The Complexity of the List Partition Problem for Graphs

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    The k-partition problem is as follows: Given a graph G and a positive integer k, partition the vertices of G into at most k parts A1, A2, . . . , Ak, where it may be specified that Ai induces a stable set, a clique, or an arbitrary subgraph, and pairs Ai, Aj (i≠j) be completely nonadjacent, completely adjacent, or arbitrarily adjacent. The list k-partition problem generalizes the k-partition problem by specifying for each vertex x, a list L(x) of parts in which it is allowed to be placed. Many well-known graph problems can be formulated as list k-partition problems: e.g., 3-colorability, clique cutset, stable cutset, homogeneous set, skew partition, and 2-clique cutset. We classify, with the exception of two polynomially equivalent problems, each list 4-partition problem as either solvable in polynomial time or NP-complete. In doing so, we provide polynomial-time algorithms for many problems whose polynomial-time solvability was open, including the list 2-clique cutset problem. This also allows us to classify each list generalized 2-clique cutset problem and list generalized skew partition problem as solvable in polynomial time or NP-complete

    Streaming Graph Challenge: Stochastic Block Partition

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    An important objective for analyzing real-world graphs is to achieve scalable performance on large, streaming graphs. A challenging and relevant example is the graph partition problem. As a combinatorial problem, graph partition is NP-hard, but existing relaxation methods provide reasonable approximate solutions that can be scaled for large graphs. Competitive benchmarks and challenges have proven to be an effective means to advance state-of-the-art performance and foster community collaboration. This paper describes a graph partition challenge with a baseline partition algorithm of sub-quadratic complexity. The algorithm employs rigorous Bayesian inferential methods based on a statistical model that captures characteristics of the real-world graphs. This strong foundation enables the algorithm to address limitations of well-known graph partition approaches such as modularity maximization. This paper describes various aspects of the challenge including: (1) the data sets and streaming graph generator, (2) the baseline partition algorithm with pseudocode, (3) an argument for the correctness of parallelizing the Bayesian inference, (4) different parallel computation strategies such as node-based parallelism and matrix-based parallelism, (5) evaluation metrics for partition correctness and computational requirements, (6) preliminary timing of a Python-based demonstration code and the open source C++ code, and (7) considerations for partitioning the graph in streaming fashion. Data sets and source code for the algorithm as well as metrics, with detailed documentation are available at GraphChallenge.org.Comment: To be published in 2017 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC

    A Quasi-Polynomial Time Partition Oracle for Graphs with an Excluded Minor

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    Motivated by the problem of testing planarity and related properties, we study the problem of designing efficient {\em partition oracles}. A {\em partition oracle} is a procedure that, given access to the incidence lists representation of a bounded-degree graph G=(V,E)G= (V,E) and a parameter \eps, when queried on a vertex v∈Vv\in V, returns the part (subset of vertices) which vv belongs to in a partition of all graph vertices. The partition should be such that all parts are small, each part is connected, and if the graph has certain properties, the total number of edges between parts is at most \eps |V|. In this work we give a partition oracle for graphs with excluded minors whose query complexity is quasi-polynomial in 1/\eps, thus improving on the result of Hassidim et al. ({\em Proceedings of FOCS 2009}) who gave a partition oracle with query complexity exponential in 1/\eps. This improvement implies corresponding improvements in the complexity of testing planarity and other properties that are characterized by excluded minors as well as sublinear-time approximation algorithms that work under the promise that the graph has an excluded minor.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Unique Perfect Phylogeny Characterizations via Uniquely Representable Chordal Graphs

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    The perfect phylogeny problem is a classic problem in computational biology, where we seek an unrooted phylogeny that is compatible with a set of qualitative characters. Such a tree exists precisely when an intersection graph associated with the character set, called the partition intersection graph, can be triangulated using a restricted set of fill edges. Semple and Steel used the partition intersection graph to characterize when a character set has a unique perfect phylogeny. Bordewich, Huber, and Semple showed how to use the partition intersection graph to find a maximum compatible set of characters. In this paper, we build on these results, characterizing when a unique perfect phylogeny exists for a subset of partial characters. Our characterization is stated in terms of minimal triangulations of the partition intersection graph that are uniquely representable, also known as ur-chordal graphs. Our characterization is motivated by the structure of ur-chordal graphs, and the fact that the block structure of minimal triangulations is mirrored in the graph that has been triangulated
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