258 research outputs found

    AI augmented approach to identify shared ideas from large format public consultation

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    Public data, contributed by citizens, stakeholders and other potentially affected parties, are becoming increasingly used to collect the shared ideas of a wider community. Having collected large quantities of text data from public consultation, the challenge is often how to interpret the dataset without resorting to lengthy time-consuming manual analysis. One approach gaining ground is the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies. Based on machine learning technology applied to analysis of human natural languages, NLP provides the opportunity to automate data analysis for large volumes of texts at a scale that would be virtually impossible to analyse manually. Using NLP toolkits, this paper presents a novel approach for identifying and visualising shared ideas from large format public consultation. The approach analyses grammatical structures of public texts to discover shared ideas from sentences comprising subject + verb + object and verb + object that express public options. In particular, the shared ideas are identified by extracting noun, verb, adjective phrases and clauses from subjects and objects, which are then categorised by urban infrastructure categories and terms. The results are visualised in a hierarchy chart and a word tree using cascade and tree views. The approach is illustrated using data collected from a public consultation exercise called “Share an Idea” undertaken in Christchurch, New Zealand, after the 2011 earthquake. The approach has the potential to upscale public participation to identify shared design values and associated qualities for a wide range of public initiatives including urban planning

    Human Today, Posthuman Tomorrow in Margaret Atwood\u27s \u3ci\u3eMaddAddam\u3c/i\u3e Trilogy

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    Human Today, Posthuman Tomorrow explores the relationship between the human and the nonhuman in Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam trilogy through the lens of posthuman theory. Atwood’s trilogy depicts a dystopian, anthropocentric world that hinges upon an apocalyptic, man-made epidemic known as the Waterless Flood. Through posthuman theory, this thesis looks at ways to reconcile the oppositional and hierarchical relationship between the human and the nonhuman. The thesis is split into three main chapters, each of which engages a different posthuman theory. The first chapter addresses the concept of hybridity as it is elaborated by Rosi Braidotti’s The Posthuman. Next, the thesis turns to Donna Haraway’s “The Companion Species Manifesto” to address the ways human-animal relations in the trilogy are imagined as mutual and non-hierarchical. The last chapter turns to the pigoon/human relationship through Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s concept of becoming to understand the ways in which humans and pigoons build a new, non-oppositional relationship. In all, this thesis works to understand the stakes of the trilogy through posthumanism to argue that only through a posthuman understanding of the world are we able to erode oppositional differences between humans and nonhumans and create a future inhabitable for all


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 伊藤 たかね, 東京大学教授 楊 凱栄, 東京大学教授 矢田部 修一, 東京大学准教授 広瀬 友紀, 明治大学教授 佐野 哲也University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Movie101: A New Movie Understanding Benchmark

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    To help the visually impaired enjoy movies, automatic movie narrating systems are expected to narrate accurate, coherent, and role-aware plots when there are no speaking lines of actors. Existing works benchmark this challenge as a normal video captioning task via some simplifications, such as removing role names and evaluating narrations with ngram-based metrics, which makes it difficult for automatic systems to meet the needs of real application scenarios. To narrow this gap, we construct a large-scale Chinese movie benchmark, named Movie101. Closer to real scenarios, the Movie Clip Narrating (MCN) task in our benchmark asks models to generate role-aware narration paragraphs for complete movie clips where no actors are speaking. External knowledge, such as role information and movie genres, is also provided for better movie understanding. Besides, we propose a new metric called Movie Narration Score (MNScore) for movie narrating evaluation, which achieves the best correlation with human evaluation. Our benchmark also supports the Temporal Narration Grounding (TNG) task to investigate clip localization given text descriptions. For both two tasks, our proposed methods well leverage external knowledge and outperform carefully designed baselines. The dataset and codes are released at https://github.com/yuezih/Movie101.Comment: Accepted to ACL 202

    Issues on topics

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    The present volume contains papers that bear mainly on issues concerning the topic concept. This concept is of course very broad and diverse. Also, different views are expressed in this volume. Some authors concentrate on the status of topics and non-topics in so-called topic prominent languages (i.e. Chinese), others focus on the syntactic behavior of topical constituents in specific European languages (German, Greek, Romance languages). The last contribution tries to bring together the concept of discourse topic (a non-syntactic notion) and the concept of sentence topic, i.e. that type of topic that all the preceding papers are concerned with

    A Grammar of Eastern Geshiza : A Culturally Anchored Description

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    This dissertation describes Eastern Geshiza, a previously insufficiently known Trans-Himalayan (Sino-Tibetan) Horpa language spoken primarily in eastern Geshiza Valley of Danba County in the People’s Republic of China. The approximately 5000 speakers of Eastern Geshiza are categorised as ethnic Tibetans, practice agriculture, and follow the religious traditions of Bön and Tibetan Buddhism. Adopting a functional-typological framework and following an approach that emphasises linguistic ecology, the dissertation aims to anchor the grammatical description to the various contexts of the language. Eastern Geshiza is currently endangered. Almost all speakers of the language are bilingual: Eastern Geshiza functions as an in-group language while Sichuanese Mandarin, also acquired since childhood, is used for external communication as a regional lingua franca. Knowledge of Tibetan lects and Written Tibetan, however, is low among the speakers. A substantial influx of new lexical loans from Chinese and a gradual language shift towards Chinese among the young constitute issues that will greatly affect both the future shape and vitality of the language. Eastern Geshiza exhibits complex phonology. It possesses an extensive phoneme inventory that contains 8 fully phonemic vowels and 37 fully phonemic consonant phonemes. The language abounds in complex consonant clusters of up to three members. Eastern Geshiza is morphologically complex. The complexity is particularly prominent in verb morphology that is characterised by an argument indexation system based on accessibility hierarchy and a set of multi-functional verbal prefixes that encode orientation, aspect, and mood. Like many of the other regional languages, Eastern Geshiza is also rich in evidential categories and includes the grammatical category of engagement. Typological peculiarities of the language make it an important source of data for typological research. The dissertation is based on first-hand field data collected on five major field trips during 2015-18 with the total duration of approximately eight months. The fieldwork was primarily carried out in Balang Village and the surrounding area, the easternmost Geshiza communities closest to Danba County Town. As its theoretical foundations, the description builds on Basic Linguistic Theory and linguistic typology. I hope that this description of the language’s most prominent features will be helpful in advancing our knowledge of Horpa studies and Trans-Himalayan linguistics together with providing new material for linguistic typology and other branches of linguistics.Tämä väitöskirja kuvaa itäisen geshizan kielen. Geshiza on aiemmin riittämättömästi tunnettu sinotiibetiläinen (transhimalajalainen) horpakieli, jota puhutaan pääasiallisesti Geshizan laakson itäosissa Danban läänissä Kiinan kansantasavallassa. Itäisen geshizan noin 5000 puhujaa luokitellaan etnisesti tiibetiläisiksi. He harjoittavat maanviljelystä ja seuraavat uskontoinaan sekä böniä että tiibetinbuddhalaisuutta. Lähestymistavaltaan tämä funktionaalis-typologiseen viitekehykseen nojaava deskriptiivinen kielioppi painottaa kieliekologiaa ja pyrkii ankkuroimaan geshizan kielen sen moninaisiin konteksteihin. Itäinen geshiza on muuttunut uhanalaiseksi. Lähes kaikki itäisen geshizan puhujat ovat kaksikielisiä: itäinen geshiza toimii ryhmän sisäisenä kielenä, kun taas sichuanin mandariinia, jonka geshizat myös oppivat lapsuudessaan, käytetään ryhmän ulkoiseen kommunikaatioon lingua francana. Tiibetin kielimuotoja tai kirjoitettua tiibetiä ei kuitenkaan tunneta laajalti geshizojen keskuudessa. Suuri määrä uusia lainasanoja kiinasta ja asteittainen kielenvaihto kohti kiinaa nuorten geshizojen parissa ovat tällä hetkellä kaksi keskeistä asiaa, jotka vaikuttavat geshizan kielen tulevaan muotoon sekä sen elinvoimaisuuteen jatkossa. Itäisen geshizan kielessä on kompleksinen fonologia. Kielessä on laaja foneemi-inventaario, joka sisältää 8 täysin foneemista vokaalia sekä 37 täysin foneemista konsonanttifoneemia. Konsonantit muodostavat laajan kirjon konsonanttiyhtymiä, joissa voi olla jopa kolme jäsentä. Lisäksi itäinen geshiza on morfologisesti kompleksinen kieli. Tämä kompleksisuus tulee vahvasti esille verbimorfologiassa, jossa keskeistä osaa näyttelee saavutettavuushierarkiaan (accessibility hierarchy) perustuva argumentti-indeksaatio ja monikäyttöiset verbiprefiksit, jotka merkitsevät orientaatiota, aspektia, sekä modusta. Kuten monet muut alueen kielet, itäinen geshiza sisältää runsaasti evidentiaalisuuden kategorioita ja kielessä on tämän lisäksi myös hiljattain tunnistettu engagement-kategoria. Kielen typologiset ominaispiirteet tekevät siitä tärkeän lähteen typologiselle tutkimukselle. Tämä väitöskirja perustuu ensikäden kenttätutkimusaineistoon, jonka keräsin viiden keskeisen aineistonkeruumatkan aikana vuosina 2015-2018. Aineistonkeruumatkojen yhteenlaskettu kokonaiskesto oli noin kahdeksan kuukautta. Suoritin kenttätutkimuksen pääasiallisesti Balangin kylässä sekä sitä ympäröivällä alueella, jotka muodostavat itäisimmät geshizankieliset yhteisöt Danban läänikaupungin läheisyydessä. Teoreettisena pohjana kieliopille toimii Basic Linguistic Theory ja kielitypologia. Toivon, että laatimani kielioppi geshizan keskeisimmistä ominaisuuksista auttaa edistämään horpakielten ja sinotiibetiläisten (transhimalajalaisten) kielten tutkimusta sekä tarjoaa lisäksi uutta materiaalia kielitypologialle ja muille kielitieteen haaroille

    A Morettian literary atlas of Naguib Mahfouz\u27s Cairo in three early realist novels: Cairo modern, Khan al-Khalili, and Midaq alley

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    This thesis includes a variey of “literary map experiements” on a dataset of mappable, non-generic, places found in three early realist “Cairo novels” by Naguib Mahfouz: Cairo Modern (1945), Khan al-Khalili (1946) and Midaq Alley (1947) and analyses of the mapped results. Experiments in the “atlas” are conducted on each novel separately and – in a more ‘distant” reading – on combinations of the three novels. The methodology is one originated by Stanford literary historian Franco Moretti in his Atlas of the European Novel 1800-1900 and Graphs, Maps, Trees: Abstract Models for a Lierary History. To the researcher’s knowledge, this is the first time Moretti’s map methodology has been applied to Arab realist literature. The final discussion section compares places in the author’s own life up to 1947 with those included in the three novels. The original dataset, included in the appendices as a series of spreadsheets, is based on AUC Press’s English translations of the three novels and offers lists of “Major Plot Places,” “All Mentioned Places” in both alphabetical and frequency order, and autobiographical places mentioned by the author in al-Ghitani’s Mahfouz Dialogues

    Open design : práticas atuais e implicações para a arquitetura e desenho urbano

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    Orientador: Evandro Ziggiatti MonteiroTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e UrbanismoResumo: O conceito de Design Aberto (OD) tem atraído cada vez mais atenção de pesquisadores, comunidades e empresas. Os seus benefícios são frequentemente associados à democratização do design, melhoria mais rápida de projetos, customização em massa e aos processos de inovação alternativos. No campo da construção, diferentes exemplos que levam em consideração o conceito do OD, podem ser encontrados. As possibilidades vão desde o compartilhamento de componentes de rápida fabricação e de baixo custo para a construção de casas (Wikihouse), passando pela fabricação de móveis (Opendesk) até as ferramentas de jardinagem (AKER). No contexto de comunidades mais pobres, a abordagem OD desperta interesse. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar o conceito de DO como fenômeno emergente e suas implicações no campo da Arquitetura e do Design Urbano. Atualmente, existem poucas pesquisas sobre OD, principalmente se o limitarmos à prática da arquitetura. Proponho uma análise de pesquisa multi-método, utilizando estratégias qualitativas e quantitativas no estudo do mesmo fenômeno. A estrutura da pesquisa aborda quatro questões principais: (1) Como os diferentes aspectos de abertura afetam a fabricação de artefatos? (2) Como o OD se relaciona com o desenvolvimento sustentável? Quais são as limitações atuais e os caminhos possíveis para superá-las? (3) Quais são os desafios atuais para replicabilidade no OD e como superá-los? (4) Qual é a estrutura de uma comunidade colaborativa de OD? Com base nos resultados, é possível argumentar que que o OD possa alterar a maneira como os arquitetos e os urbanistas trabalham. Os obstáculos atuais, no entanto, precisam ser enfrentados antes que o conceito possa ser adotado por um público maior, especialmente nas comunidades mais pobres. Dos resultados transversais de quatro questões propostas, quatro sugestões foram feitas: (1) a adoção de uma abordagem de metadesign, (2) a adoção de projetos modulares, (3) a educação para a abertura e (4) o uso de microfábricas móveis como infraestrutura urbana. Por fim, a pesquisa contribui para as discussões sobre OD e visa construir uma estrutura conceitual para a prática profissional da arquitetura com uma abordagem voltada ao ODAbstract: The concept of Open Design (OD) has increasingly gathered attention amongst scholars, grassroots communities and companies during the last ten years. OD benefits are often associated to the design democratization, faster improvement of design artifacts, mass customization and alternative innovation processes. In the construction field, a number of examples that take knowledge and digital commons into account already exists. The possibilities go from sharing low-cost and rapid-assembly components for building houses (Wikihouse), furniture fabrication (Opendesk) and gardening tools (AKER)). In the context of a developing country, the OD approach arouses interest. This research aims to investigate the concept of OD as an emergent phenomenon and its implications to the field of Architecture and Urban Design. Despite the emergence, little research on OD currently exists, especially if we limit it to the scope of the architecture practice. I propose a multi-method research analysis, using qualitative and quantitative strategies in the study of the same phenoma. The research structure addresses four main questions: (1) How do the different aspects of openness affect artefact manufacturing? (2) How does Open Design relate to sustainable development? What are the current limitations and possible pathways to overcome such limitations? (3) What are the current challenges for replicability in OD and how to overcome them? (4) What is the structure of an OD collaborative community? How and Why users collaborate? Based on the findings, it is possible to argue for the viability of OD to change the way architects and urban designers work. Current hurdles however need to be tackled before it can be adopted by a larger audience, especially in poorer communities. From cross-cutting results of four RQs, four suggestions were made: (1) the adoption of a metadesign approach, (2) the adoption of modular designs, (3) the education for openness and (4) mobile microfactories as urban infrastructure. The research contributes to discussions on Open Design and aims to build a conceptual framework for the professional practice within the emergence of ODDoutoradoArquitetura, Tecnologia e CidadeDoutor em Arquitetura, Tecnologia e Cidade01-P-04375-2015CAPE

    Frame semantics for the field of climate change : d iscovering frames based on chinese and english terms

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    La plupart des dictionnaires spécialisés de termes environnementaux en mandarin sont des dictionnaires papier, compilés et révisés il y a plus de dix ans, et contiennent principalement des termes nominaux. Les informations terminologiques se limitent aux connaissances véhiculées par le terme et son ou ses équivalents anglais. Pour les lecteurs qui souhaitent connaître les propriétés sémantiques ou syntaxiques des termes et pour les lecteurs qui veulent voir l’usage des termes dans des contextes réels de textes spécialisés, les informations fournies par les dictionnaires existants sont insuffisantes. Dans cette recherche, nous avons compilé une ressource terminologique en ligne du mandarin, décrivant les termes verbaux chinois dans le domaine du changement climatique. Cette ressource comble certaines des lacunes des dictionnaires environnementaux mandarin existants, en révélant le(s) sens du terme à travers la(les) structure(s) actantielle(s) et en montrant, à travers des contextes annotés, les propriétés sémantiques et syntaxiques du terme ainsi que ses usages pratiques dans des textes spécialisés. Cette ressource répondra mieux aux besoins du public. La base théorique qui sous-tend cette recherche est la Sémantique des cadres (Fillmore, 1976, 1977, 1982, 1985; Fillmore & Atkins, 1992), et le FrameNet construit à partir de celle-ci. L’objectif principal de cette recherche est de découvrir et de définir des cadres sémantiques chinois dans le domaine du changement climatique, et d’établir des relations entre les cadres chinois définis. Les cadres sémantiques chinois sont découverts à l’aide de la méthodologie du dictionnaire environnemental multilingue DiCoEnviro (et de sa ressource d’accompagnement Framed DiCoEnviro) (L’Homme, 2018; L’Homme et al., 2020). Afin de rendre cette méthodologie applicable à une langue sino-tibétaine, le chinois, nous avons modifié et adapté cette méthodologie pour qu’elle convienne à la description des termes chinois et à la définition des cadres sémantiques chinois. Certaines de ces modifications et adaptations sont basées sur le Chinese FrameNet (CFN) (Liu & You, 2015). Afin de découvrir les cadres sémantiques chinois, un corpus monolingue en chinois mandarin sur le changement climatique (MCCC) a d’abord été compilé. Ce corpus contient 224 textes iv authentiques chinois spécialisés dans le domaine du changement climatique, qui totalisent 1,228,333 caractères chinois, soit 547,592 mots chinois. Puis, les termes candidats ont été automatiquement extraits du MCCC à l’aide du logiciel de gestion et d’analyse de corpus – Sketch Engine. Après une analyse et une validation manuelle, nous avons déterminé quels termes candidats sont des termes réels. Par la suite, la structure actancielle de chaque terme a été écrite en analysant les contextes où le terme apparaît. Ensuite, chaque sens d’un terme polysémique a été placé dans une entrée séparée et 16-20 contextes ont été sélectionnés pour chaque entrée. Puis, chaque contexte a été annoté en fonction de trois couches – structure sémantique, fonction syntaxique et groupe syntaxique. Ensuite, les termes ont été classés en fonction des scénarios qu’ils évoquent. Les termes qui dépeignent la même scène ou situation dans le domaine du changement climatique, qui ont une structure actantielle similaire et qui partagent la majorité des circonstants sont classés dans un seul cadre sémantique (critères basés sur le projet DiCoEnviro (L’Homme, 2018; L’Homme et al., 2020)). Après avoir identifié les cadres sémantiques chinois, chaque cadre a été défini. Enfin, les cadres chinois découverts ont été reliés selon les huit types de relations entre cadres proposés par Ruppenhofer et al. (2016). Pour être affichés en ligne, les entrées de termes et les cadres sémantiques ont été encodés dans des fichiers XML. Guidés par cette méthodologie de recherche, nous avons finalement relevé 23 cadres sémantiques chinois et nous les avons définis. Le résultat final de cette recherche est une ressource terminologique en chinois mandarin basée sur des cadres et spécialisée dans le domaine du changement climatique. Cette ressource terminologique se compose de deux parties. La première partie est la description d’un total de 39 termes verbaux chinois. Chaque sens d’un terme verbal polysémique étant placé dans une entrée séparée, il y a au total 59 entrées (chaque entrée contient la structure actantielle et les contextes annotés). Au total, 1,027 contextes ont été annotés. La deuxième partie de cette ressource présente les 23 cadres sémantiques chinois identifiés ainsi que les relations entre les cadres.Most of the existing Mandarin Chinese specialised dictionaries of environmental terms are paper dictionaries, compiled and revised more than ten years ago, and contain mainly noun terms. Terminological information is restricted to knowledge conveyed by the term and its English equivalent(s). For readers who want to learn about semantic or syntactic properties of terms and for readers who want to see usage of terms in real contexts of specialised texts, information provided in existing dictionaries is insufficient. In this research, we compiled an online Mandarin Chinese terminological resource, describing Chinese verb terms in the field of climate change. This resource makes up for some of the deficiencies of existing Chinese environmental dictionaries, revealing meaning(s) of the term through actantial structure(s) and showing, through annotated contexts, semantic and syntactic properties of the term as well as its practical usages in specialised texts. This resource better meets the needs of the audience. The theoretical basis underpinning this research is Frame Semantics (Fillmore, 1976, 1977, 1982, 1985; Fillmore & Atkins, 1992), and the FrameNet built from it. The main objective of this research is to discover and define Chinese semantic frames in the field of climate change, and to establish relations between the Chinese frames defined. The Chinese semantic frames are discovered with the help of the methodology of the multilingual environmental dictionary DiCoEnviro (and its accompanying resource Framed DiCoEnviro) (L’Homme, 2018; L’Homme et al., 2020). In order to make this methodology applicable to a Sino-Tibetan language, Chinese, we modified and adapted this methodology to suit the description of Chinese terms and definition of Chinese semantic frames. Some of the changes and adaptations are based on the Chinese FrameNet (CFN) (Liu & You, 2015). In order to discover Chinese semantic frames, a monolingual Mandarin (Chinese) Climate Change Corpus (MCCC) was first compiled. This corpus contains 224 authentic Chinese specialised texts in the field of climate change, totaling 1,228,333 Chinese characters, which is 547,592 Chinese words. Following this, candidate terms were automatically extracted from MCCC using the corpus ii management and analysing software – Sketch Engine. After manual analysis and validation, which of the candidate terms are true terms was clarified. Subsequently, the actantial structure of each term was written by analysing the contexts where the term occurs. Next, each sense of a polysemous term was placed in a separate entry and 16-20 contexts were selected for each entry. Then, each context was annotated in terms of three layers – semantic structure, syntactic function and syntactic group. After this, the terms were classified according to the scenarios they evoke. Terms that depict the same scene or situation in the field of climate change, have similar actantial structure, and share the majority of circumstants are categorised into one semantic frame (criteria based on the project DiCoEnviro (L’Homme, 2018; L’Homme et al., 2020)). After Chinese semantic frames were identified, each frame was defined. Finally, the discovered Chinese frames were linked according to the eight types of frame relations proposed by Ruppenhofer et al. (2016). To be displayed online, term entries and semantic frames were encoded in XML files. Guided by this research methodology, we eventually discovered and defined 23 Chinese semantic frames. The end result of this research is a frame-based Mandarin Chinese terminological resource specialised in the field of climate change. This terminological resource consists of two parts. The first part is the description of a total of 39 Chinese verb terms. With each meaning of a polysemous verb term placed in a separate entry, there are a total of 59 entries (each entry contains the actantial structure and annotated contexts). A total of 1,027 contexts were annotated. The second part of this resource presents the 23 Chinese semantic frames identified as well as the relations between frames