523 research outputs found

    Métodos discriminativos para la optimización de modelos en la Verificación del Hablante

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    La creciente necesidad de sistemas de autenticación seguros ha motivado el interés de algoritmos efectivos de Verificación de Hablante (VH). Dicha necesidad de algoritmos de alto rendimiento, capaces de obtener tasas de error bajas, ha abierto varias ramas de investigación. En este trabajo proponemos investigar, desde un punto de vista discriminativo, un conjunto de metodologías para mejorar el desempeño del estado del arte de los sistemas de VH. En un primer enfoque investigamos la optimización de los hiper-parámetros para explícitamente considerar el compromiso entre los errores de falsa aceptación y falso rechazo. El objetivo de la optimización se puede lograr maximizando el área bajo la curva conocida como ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) por sus siglas en inglés. Creemos que esta optimización de los parámetros no debe de estar limitada solo a un punto de operación y una estrategia más robusta es optimizar los parámetros para incrementar el área bajo la curva, AUC (Area Under the Curve por sus siglas en inglés) de modo que todos los puntos sean maximizados. Estudiaremos cómo optimizar los parámetros utilizando la representación matemática del área bajo la curva ROC basada en la estadística de Wilcoxon Mann Whitney (WMW) y el cálculo adecuado empleando el algoritmo de descendente probabilístico generalizado. Además, analizamos el efecto y mejoras en métricas como la curva detection error tradeoff (DET), el error conocido como Equal Error Rate (EER) y el valor mínimo de la función de detección de costo, minimum value of the detection cost function (minDCF) todos ellos por sue siglas en inglés. En un segundo enfoque, investigamos la señal de voz como una combinación de atributos que contienen información del hablante, del canal y el ruido. Los sistemas de verificación convencionales entrenan modelos únicos genéricos para todos los casos, y manejan las variaciones de estos atributos ya sea usando análisis de factores o no considerando esas variaciones de manera explícita. Proponemos una nueva metodología para particionar el espacio de los datos de acuerdo a estas carcterísticas y entrenar modelos por separado para cada partición. Las particiones se pueden obtener de acuerdo a cada atributo. En esta investigación mostraremos como entrenar efectivamente los modelos de manera discriminativa para maximizar la separación entre ellos. Además, el diseño de algoritimos robustos a las condiciones de ruido juegan un papel clave que permite a los sistemas de VH operar en condiciones reales. Proponemos extender nuestras metodologías para mitigar los efectos del ruido en esas condiciones. Para nuestro primer enfoque, en una situación donde el ruido se encuentre presente, el punto de operación puede no ser solo un punto, o puede existir un corrimiento de forma impredecible. Mostraremos como nuestra metodología de maximización del área bajo la curva ROC es más robusta que la usada por clasificadores convencionales incluso cuando el ruido no está explícitamente considerado. Además, podemos encontrar ruido a diferentes relación señal a ruido (SNR) que puede degradar el desempeño del sistema. Así, es factible considerar una descomposición eficiente de las señales de voz que tome en cuenta los diferentes atributos como son SNR, el ruido y el tipo de canal. Consideramos que en lugar de abordar el problema con un modelo unificado, una descomposición en particiones del espacio de características basado en atributos especiales puede proporcionar mejores resultados. Esos atributos pueden representar diferentes canales y condiciones de ruido. Hemos analizado el potencial de estas metodologías que permiten mejorar el desempeño del estado del arte de los sistemas reduciendo el error, y por otra parte controlar los puntos de operación y mitigar los efectos del ruido

    A detection-based pattern recognition framework and its applications

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    The objective of this dissertation is to present a detection-based pattern recognition framework and demonstrate its applications in automatic speech recognition and broadcast news video story segmentation. Inspired by the studies of modern cognitive psychology and real-world pattern recognition systems, a detection-based pattern recognition framework is proposed to provide an alternative solution for some complicated pattern recognition problems. The primitive features are first detected and the task-specific knowledge hierarchy is constructed level by level; then a variety of heterogeneous information sources are combined together and the high-level context is incorporated as additional information at certain stages. A detection-based framework is a â divide-and-conquerâ design paradigm for pattern recognition problems, which will decompose a conceptually difficult problem into many elementary sub-problems that can be handled directly and reliably. Some information fusion strategies will be employed to integrate the evidence from a lower level to form the evidence at a higher level. Such a fusion procedure continues until reaching the top level. Generally, a detection-based framework has many advantages: (1) more flexibility in both detector design and fusion strategies, as these two parts can be optimized separately; (2) parallel and distributed computational components in primitive feature detection. In such a component-based framework, any primitive component can be replaced by a new one while other components remain unchanged; (3) incremental information integration; (4) high level context information as additional information sources, which can be combined with bottom-up processing at any stage. This dissertation presents the basic principles, criteria, and techniques for detector design and hypothesis verification based on the statistical detection and decision theory. In addition, evidence fusion strategies were investigated in this dissertation. Several novel detection algorithms and evidence fusion methods were proposed and their effectiveness was justified in automatic speech recognition and broadcast news video segmentation system. We believe such a detection-based framework can be employed in more applications in the future.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Lee, Chin-Hui; Committee Member: Clements, Mark; Committee Member: Ghovanloo, Maysam; Committee Member: Romberg, Justin; Committee Member: Yuan, Min

    Phoneme and Sub-Phoneme T-Normalization for Text-Dependent Speaker Recognition

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    Test normalization (T-Norm) is a score normalization technique that is regularly and successfully applied in the context of text-independent speaker recognition. It is less frequently applied, however, to text-dependent or textprompted speaker recognition, mainly because its improvement in this context is more modest. In this paper we present a novel way to improve the performance of T-Norm for text-dependent systems. It consists in applying score TNormalization at the phoneme or sub-phoneme level instead of at the sentence level. Experiments on the YOHO corpus show that, while using standard sentence-level T-Norm does not improve equal error rate (EER), phoneme and sub-phoneme level T-Norm produce a relative EER reduction of 18.9% and 20.1% respectively on a state-of-the-art HMM based textdependent speaker recognition system. Results are even better for working points with low false acceptance rates

    Deep Generative Variational Autoencoding for Replay Spoof Detection in Automatic Speaker Verification

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    Automatic speaker verification (ASV) systems are highly vulnerable to presentation attacks, also called spoofing attacks. Replay is among the simplest attacks to mount - yet difficult to detect reliably. The generalization failure of spoofing countermeasures (CMs) has driven the community to study various alternative deep learning CMs. The majority of them are supervised approaches that learn a human-spoof discriminator. In this paper, we advocate a different, deep generative approach that leverages from powerful unsupervised manifold learning in classification. The potential benefits include the possibility to sample new data, and to obtain insights to the latent features of genuine and spoofed speech. To this end, we propose to use variational autoencoders (VAEs) as an alternative backend for replay attack detection, via three alternative models that differ in their class-conditioning. The first one, similar to the use of Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) in spoof detection, is to train independently two VAEs - one for each class. The second one is to train a single conditional model (C-VAE) by injecting a one-hot class label vector to the encoder and decoder networks. Our final proposal integrates an auxiliary classifier to guide the learning of the latent space. Our experimental results using constant-Q cepstral coefficient (CQCC) features on the ASVspoof 2017 and 2019 physical access subtask datasets indicate that the C-VAE offers substantial improvement in comparison to training two separate VAEs for each class. On the 2019 dataset, the C-VAE outperforms the VAE and the baseline GMM by an absolute 9-10% in both equal error rate (EER) and tandem detection cost function (t-DCF) metrics. Finally, we propose VAE residuals --- the absolute difference of the original input and the reconstruction as features for spoofing detection. The proposed frontend approach augmented with a convolutional neural network classifier demonstrated substantial improvement over the VAE backend use case

    Affective Music Information Retrieval

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    Much of the appeal of music lies in its power to convey emotions/moods and to evoke them in listeners. In consequence, the past decade witnessed a growing interest in modeling emotions from musical signals in the music information retrieval (MIR) community. In this article, we present a novel generative approach to music emotion modeling, with a specific focus on the valence-arousal (VA) dimension model of emotion. The presented generative model, called \emph{acoustic emotion Gaussians} (AEG), better accounts for the subjectivity of emotion perception by the use of probability distributions. Specifically, it learns from the emotion annotations of multiple subjects a Gaussian mixture model in the VA space with prior constraints on the corresponding acoustic features of the training music pieces. Such a computational framework is technically sound, capable of learning in an online fashion, and thus applicable to a variety of applications, including user-independent (general) and user-dependent (personalized) emotion recognition and emotion-based music retrieval. We report evaluations of the aforementioned applications of AEG on a larger-scale emotion-annotated corpora, AMG1608, to demonstrate the effectiveness of AEG and to showcase how evaluations are conducted for research on emotion-based MIR. Directions of future work are also discussed.Comment: 40 pages, 18 figures, 5 tables, author versio

    Voice biometric system security: Design and analysis of countermeasures for replay attacks.

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    PhD ThesisVoice biometric systems use automatic speaker veri cation (ASV) technology for user authentication. Even if it is among the most convenient means of biometric authentication, the robustness and security of ASV in the face of spoo ng attacks (or presentation attacks) is of growing concern and is now well acknowledged by the research community. A spoo ng attack involves illegitimate access to personal data of a targeted user. Replay is among the simplest attacks to mount | yet di cult to detect reliably and is the focus of this thesis. This research focuses on the analysis and design of existing and novel countermeasures for replay attack detection in ASV, organised in two major parts. The rst part of the thesis investigates existing methods for spoo ng detection from several perspectives. I rst study the generalisability of hand-crafted features for replay detection that show promising results on synthetic speech detection. I nd, however, that it is di cult to achieve similar levels of performance due to the acoustically di erent problem under investigation. In addition, I show how class-dependent cues in a benchmark dataset (ASVspoof 2017) can lead to the manipulation of class predictions. I then analyse the performance of several countermeasure models under varied replay attack conditions. I nd that it is di cult to account for the e ects of various factors in a replay attack: acoustic environment, playback device and recording device, and their interactions. Subsequently, I developed and studied a convolutional neural network (CNN) model that demonstrates comparable performance to the one that ranked rst in the ASVspoof 2017 challenge. Here, the experiment analyses what the CNN has learned for replay detection using a method from interpretable machine learning. The ndings suggest that the model highly attends at the rst few milliseconds of test recordings in order to make predictions. Then, I perform an in-depth analysis of a benchmark dataset (ASVspoof 2017) for spoo ng detection and demonstrate that any machine learning countermeasure model can still exploit the artefacts I identi ed in this dataset. The second part of the thesis studies the design of countermeasures for ASV, focusing on model robustness and avoiding dataset biases. First, I proposed an ensemble model combining shallow and deep machine learning methods for spoo ng detection, and then demonstrate its e ectiveness on the latest benchmark datasets (ASVspoof 2019). Next, I proposed the use of speech endpoint detection for reliable and robust model predictions on the ASVspoof 2017 dataset. For this, I created a publicly available collection of hand-annotations of speech endpoints for the same dataset, and new benchmark results for both frame-based and utterance-based countermeasures are also developed. I then proposed spectral subband modelling using CNNs for replay detection. My results indicate that models that learn subband-speci c information substantially outperform models trained on complete spectrograms. Finally, I proposed to use variational autoencoders | deep unsupervised generative models | as an alternative backend for spoo ng detection and demonstrate encouraging results when compared with the traditional Gaussian mixture mode