3 research outputs found

    Transactional Sapphire: Lessons in High Performance, On-the-fly Garbage Collection

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    Constructing a high-performance garbage collector is hard. Constructing a fully concurrent 'on-the-fly', compacting collector is much more so. We describe our experience of implementing the Sapphire algorithm as the first on-the-fly, parallel, replication copying, garbage collector for the Jikes RVM Java virtual machine. In part, we explain our innovations such as copying with hardware and software transactions, on-the-fly management of Java's reference types and simple, yet correct, lock-free management of volatile fields in a replicating collector. We fully evaluate, for the first time, and using realistic benchmarks, Sapphire's performance and suitability as a low latency collector. An important contribution of this work is a detailed description of our experience of building an on-the-fly copying collector for a complete JVM with some assurance that it is correct. A key aspect of this is model checking of critical components of this complicated and highly concurrent system

    On the fly type specialization without type analysis

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    Les langages de programmation typés dynamiquement tels que JavaScript et Python repoussent la vérification de typage jusqu’au moment de l’exécution. Afin d’optimiser la performance de ces langages, les implémentations de machines virtuelles pour langages dynamiques doivent tenter d’éliminer les tests de typage dynamiques redondants. Cela se fait habituellement en utilisant une analyse d’inférence de types. Cependant, les analyses de ce genre sont souvent coûteuses et impliquent des compromis entre le temps de compilation et la précision des résultats obtenus. Ceci a conduit à la conception d’architectures de VM de plus en plus complexes. Nous proposons le versionnement paresseux de blocs de base, une technique de compilation à la volée simple qui élimine efficacement les tests de typage dynamiques redondants sur les chemins d’exécution critiques. Cette nouvelle approche génère paresseusement des versions spécialisées des blocs de base tout en propageant de l’information de typage contextualisée. Notre technique ne nécessite pas l’utilisation d’analyses de programme coûteuses, n’est pas contrainte par les limitations de précision des analyses d’inférence de types traditionnelles et évite la complexité des techniques d’optimisation spéculatives. Trois extensions sont apportées au versionnement de blocs de base afin de lui donner des capacités d’optimisation interprocédurale. Une première extension lui donne la possibilité de joindre des informations de typage aux propriétés des objets et aux variables globales. Puis, la spécialisation de points d’entrée lui permet de passer de l’information de typage des fonctions appellantes aux fonctions appellées. Finalement, la spécialisation des continuations d’appels permet de transmettre le type des valeurs de retour des fonctions appellées aux appellants sans coût dynamique. Nous démontrons empiriquement que ces extensions permettent au versionnement de blocs de base d’éliminer plus de tests de typage dynamiques que toute analyse d’inférence de typage statique.Dynamically typed programming languages such as JavaScript and Python defer type checking to run time. In order to maximize performance, dynamic language virtual machine implementations must attempt to eliminate redundant dynamic type checks. This is typically done using type inference analysis. However, type inference analyses are often costly and involve tradeoffs between compilation time and resulting precision. This has lead to the creation of increasingly complex multi-tiered VM architectures. We introduce lazy basic block versioning, a simple just-in-time compilation technique which effectively removes redundant type checks from critical code paths. This novel approach lazily generates type-specialized versions of basic blocks on the fly while propagating context-dependent type information. This does not require the use of costly program analyses, is not restricted by the precision limitations of traditional type analyses and avoids the implementation complexity of speculative optimization techniques. Three extensions are made to the basic block versioning technique in order to give it interprocedural optimization capabilities. Typed object shapes give it the ability to attach type information to object properties and global variables. Entry point specialization allows it to pass type information from callers to callees, and call continuation specialization makes it possible to pass return value type information back to callers without dynamic overhead. We empirically demonstrate that these extensions enable basic block versioning to exceed the capabilities of static whole-program type analyses

    Implementation of an AMIDAR-based Java Processor

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    This thesis presents a Java processor based on the Adaptive Microinstruction Driven Architecture (AMIDAR). This processor is intended as a research platform for investigating adaptive processor architectures. Combined with a configurable accelerator, it is able to detect and speed up hot spots of arbitrary applications dynamically. In contrast to classical RISC processors, an AMIDAR-based processor consists of four main types of components: a token machine, functional units (FUs), a token distribution network and an FU interconnect structure. The token machine is a specialized functional unit and controls the other FUs by means of tokens. These tokens are delivered to the FUs over the token distribution network. The tokens inform the FUs about what to do with input data and where to send the results. Data is exchanged among the FUs over the FU interconnect structure. Based on the virtual machine architecture defined by the Java bytecode, a total of six FUs have been developed for the Java processor, namely a frame stack, a heap manager, a thread scheduler, a debugger, an integer ALU and a floating-point unit. Using these FUs, the processor can already execute the SPEC JVM98 benchmark suite properly. This indicates that it can be employed to run a broad variety of applications rather than embedded software only. Besides bytecode execution, several enhanced features have also been implemented in the processor to improve its performance and usability. First, the processor includes an object cache using a novel cache index generation scheme that provides a better average hit rate than the classical XOR-based scheme. Second, a hardware garbage collector has been integrated into the heap manager, which greatly reduces the overhead caused by the garbage collection process. Third, thread scheduling has been realized in hardware as well, which allows it to be performed concurrently with the running application. Furthermore, a complete debugging framework has been developed for the processor, which provides powerful debugging functionalities at both software and hardware levels