503 research outputs found

    Implementation and evaluation of the Level Set method: towards efficient and accurate simulation of wet etching for microengineering applications

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    The use of atomistic methods, such as the Continuous Cellular Automaton (CCA), is currently regarded as a computationally efficient and experimentally accurate approach for the simulation of anisotropic etching of various substrates in the manufacture of Micro-electro-mechanical Systems (MEMS). However, when the features of the chemical process are modified, a time-consuming calibration process needs to be used to transform the new macroscopic etch rates into a corresponding set of atomistic rates. Furthermore, changing the substrate requires a labor-intensive effort to reclassify most atomistic neighborhoods. In this context, the Level Set (LS) method provides an alternative approach where the macroscopic forces affecting the front evolution are directly applied at the discrete level, thus avoiding the need for reclassification and/or calibration. Correspondingly, we present a fully-operational Sparse Field Method (SFM) implementation of the LS approach, discussing in detail the algorithm and providing a thorough characterization of the computational cost and simulation accuracy, including a comparison to the performance by the most recent CCA model. We conclude that the SFM implementation achieves similar accuracy as the CCA method with less fluctuations in the etch front and requiring roughly 4 times less memory. Although SFM can be up to 2 times slower than CCA for the simulation of anisotropic etchants, it can also be up to 10 times faster than CCA for isotropic etchants. In addition, we present a parallel, GPU-based implementation (gSFM) and compare it to an optimized, multicore CPU version (cSFM), demonstrating that the SFM algorithm can be successfully parallelized and the simulation times consequently reduced, while keeping the accuracy of the simulations. Although modern multicore CPUs provide an acceptable option, the massively parallel architecture of modern GPUs is more suitable, as reflected by computational times for gSFM up to 7.4 times faster than for cSFM. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.We thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions. This work has been supported by the Spanish FPI-MICINN BES-2011-045940 grant and the Ramon y Cajal Fellowship Program by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Also, we acknowledge support by the JAE-Doc grant from the Junta para la Ampliacion de Estudios program co-funded by FSE and the Professor Partnership Program by NVIDIA Corporation.Montoliu Álvaro, C.; Ferrando Jódar, N.; Gosalvez, MÁ.; Cerdá Boluda, J.; Colom Palero, RJ. (2013). Implementation and evaluation of the Level Set method: towards efficient and accurate simulation of wet etching for microengineering applications. Computer Physics Communications. 184(10):2299-2309. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2013.05.016S229923091841

    Study, Modelling and Implementation of the Level Set Method Used in Micromachining Processes

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    [EN] The main topic of the present thesis is the improvement of fabrication processes simulation by means of the Level Set (LS) method. The LS is a mathematical approach used for evolving fronts according to a motion defined by certain laws. The main advantage of this method is that the front is embedded inside a higher dimensional function such that updating this function instead of directly the front itself enables a trivial handling of complex situations like the splitting or coalescing of multiple fronts. In particular, this document is focused on wet and dry etching processes, which are widely used in the micromachining process of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS). A MEMS is a system formed by mechanical elements, sensors, actuators, and electronics. These devices have gained a lot of popularity in last decades and are employed in several industry fields such as automotive security, motion sensors, and smartphones. Wet etching process consists in removing selectively substrate material (e.g. silicon or quartz) with a liquid solution in order to form a certain structure. This is a complex process since the result of a particular experiment depends on many factors, such as crystallographic structure of the material, etchant solution or its temperature. Similarly, dry etching processes are used for removing substrate material, however, gaseous substances are employed in the etching stage. In both cases, the usage of a simulator capable of predicting accurately the result of a certain experiment would imply a significant reduction of design time and costs. There exist a few LS-based wet etching simulators but they have many limitations and they have never been validated with real experiments. On the other hand, atomistic models are currently considered the most advanced simulators. Nevertheless, atomistic simulators present some drawbacks like the requirement of a prior calibration process in order to use the experimental data. Additionally, a lot of effort must be invested to create an atomistic model for simulating the etching process of substrate materials with different atomistic structures. Furthermore, the final result is always formed by unconnected atoms, which makes difficult a proper visualization and understanding of complex structures, thus, usually an additional visualization technique must be employed. For its part, dry etching simulators usually employ an explicit representation technique to evolve the surface being etched according to etching models. This strategy can produce unrealistic results, specially in complex situations like the interaction of multiple surfaces. Despite some models that use implicit representation have been published, they have never been directly compared with real experiments and computational performance of the implementations have not been properly analysed. The commented limitations are addressed in the various chapters of the present thesis, producing the following contributions: - An efficient LS implementation in order to improve the visual representation of atomistic wet etching simulators. This implementation produces continuous surfaces from atomistic results. - Definition of a new LS-based model which can directly use experimental data of many etchant solutions (such as KOH, TMAH, NH4HF2, and IPA and Triton additives) to simulate wet etching processes of various substrate materials (e.g. silicon and quartz). - Validation of the developed wet etching simulator by comparing it to experimental and atomistic simulator results. - Implementation of a LS-based tool which evolves the surface being etched according to dry etching models in order to enable the simulation of complex processes. This implementation is also validated experimentally. - Acceleration of the developed wet and dry etching simulators by using Graphics Processing Units (GPUs).[ES] El tema principal de la presente tesis consiste en mejorar la simulación de los procesos de fabricación utilizando el método Level Set (LS). El LS es una técnica matemática utilizada para la evolución de frentes según un movimiento definido por unas leyes. La principal ventaja de este método es que el frente está embebido dentro de una función definida en una dimensión superior. Actualizar dicha función en lugar del propio frente permite tratar de forma trivial situaciones complejas como la separación o la colisión de diversos frentes. En concreto, este documento se centra en los procesos de atacado húmedo y seco, los cuales son ampliamente utilizados en el proceso de fabricación de Sistemas Micro-Electro-Mecánicos (MEMS, de sus siglas en inglés). Un MEMS es un sistema formado por elementos mecánicos, sensores, actuadores y electrónica. Estos dispositivos hoy en día son utilizados en muchos campos de la industria como la seguridad automovilística, sensores de movimiento y teléfonos inteligentes. El proceso de atacado húmedo consiste en eliminar de forma selectiva el material del sustrato (por ejemplo, silicio o cuarzo) con una solución líquida con el fin de formar una estructura específica. Éste es un proceso complejo pues el resultado depende de muchos factores, tales como la estructura cristalográfica del material, la solución atacante o su temperatura. De forma similar, los procesos de atacado seco son utilizados para eliminar el material del sustrato, sin embargo, se utilizan sustancias gaseosas en la fase de atacado. En ambos casos, la utilización de un simulador capaz de predecir de forma precisa el resultado de un experimento concreto implicaría una reducción significativa del tiempo de diseño y de los costes. Existen unos pocos simuladores del proceso de atacado húmedo basados en el método LS, no obstante tienen muchas limitaciones y nunca han sido validados con experimentos reales. Por otro lado, los simuladores atomísticos son hoy en día considerados los simuladores más avanzados pero tienen algunos inconvenientes como la necesidad de un proceso de calibración previo para poder utilizar los datos experimentales. Además, debe invertirse mucho esfuerzo para crear un modelo atomístico para la simulación de materiales de sustrato con distintas estructuras atomísticas. Asimismo, el resultado final siempre está formado por átomos inconexos que dificultan una correcta visualización y un correcto entendimiento de aquellas estructuras complejas, por tanto, normalmente debe emplearse una técnica adicional para la visualización de dichos resultados. Por su parte, los simuladores del proceso de atacado seco normalmente utilizan técnicas de representación explícita para evolucionar, según los modelos de atacado, la superficie que está siendo atacada. Esta técnica puede producir resultados poco realistas, sobre todo en situaciones complejas como la interacción de múltiples superficies. A pesar de que unos pocos modelos son capaces de solventar estos problemas, nunca han sido comparados con experimentos reales ni el rendimiento computacional de las correspondientes implementaciones ha sido adecuadamente analizado. Las expuestas limitaciones son abordadas en la presente tesis y se han producido las siguientes contribuciones: - Implementación eficiente del método LS para mejorar la representación visual de los simuladores atomísticos del proceso de atacado húmedo. - Definición de un nuevo modelo basado en el LS que pueda usar directamente los datos experimentales de muchos atacantes para simular el proceso de atacado húmedo de diversos materiales de sustrato. - Validación del simulador comparándolo con resultados experimentales y con los de simuladores atomísticos. - Implementación de una herramienta basada en el método LS que evolucione la superficie que está siendo atacada según los modelos de atacado seco para habilitar la simulación de procesos comple[CA] El tema principal de la present tesi consisteix en millorar la simulació de processos de fabricació mitjançant el mètode Level Set (LS). El LS és una tècnica matemàtica utilitzada per a l'evolució de fronts segons un moviment definit per unes lleis en concret. El principal avantatge d'aquest mètode és que el front està embegut dins d'una funció definida en una dimensió superior. D'aquesta forma, actualitzar la dita funció en lloc del propi front, permet tractar de forma trivial situacions complexes com la separació o la col·lisió de diversos fronts. En concret, aquest document es centra en els processos d'atacat humit i sec, els quals són àmpliament utilitzats en el procés de fabricació de Sistemes Micro-Electro-Mecànics (MEMS, de les sigles en anglès). Un MEMS és un sistema format per elements mecànics, sensors, actuadors i electrònica. Aquests dispositius han guanyat molta popularitat en les últimes dècades i són utilitzats en molts camps de la indústria, com la seguretat automobilística, sensors de moviment i telèfons intel·ligents. El procés d'atacat humit consisteix en eliminar de forma selectiva el material del substrat (per exemple, silici o quars) amb una solució líquida, amb la finalitat de formar una estructura específica. Aquest és un procés complex ja que el resultat de un determinat experiment depèn de molts factors, com l'estructura cristal·logràfica del material, la solució atacant o la seva temperatura. De manera similar, els processos d'atacat sec son utilitzats per a eliminar el material del substrat, no obstant, s'utilitzen substàncies gasoses en la fase d'atacat. En ambdós casos, la utilització d'un simulador capaç de predir de forma precisa el resultat d'un experiment en concret implicaria una reducció significativa del temps de disseny i dels costos. Existeixen uns pocs simuladors del procés d'atacat humit basats en el mètode LS, no obstant tenen moltes limitacions i mai han sigut validats amb experiments reals. Per la seva part, els simuladors atomístics tenen alguns inconvenients com la necessitat d'un procés de calibratge previ per a poder utilitzar les dades experimentals. A més, deu invertir-se molt d'esforç per crear un model atomístic per a la simulació de materials de substrat amb diferents estructures atomístiques. Així mateix, el resultat final sempre està format per àtoms inconnexos que dificulten una correcta visualització i un correcte enteniment d'aquelles estructures complexes, per tant, normalment deu emprar-se una tècnica addicional per a la visualització d'aquests resultats. D'altra banda, els simuladors del procés d'atacat sec normalment utilitzen tècniques de representació explícita per evolucionar, segons els models d'atacat, la superfície que està sent atacada. Aquesta tècnica pot introduir resultats poc realistes, sobretot en situacions complexes com per exemple la interacció de múltiples superfícies. A pesar que uns pocs models son capaços de resoldre aquests problemes, mai han sigut comparats amb experiments reals ni tampoc el rendiment computacional de les corresponents implementacions ha sigut adequadament analitzat. Les exposades limitacions son abordades en els diferents capítols de la present tesi i s'han produït les següents contribucions: - Implementació eficient del mètode LS per millorar la representació visual dels simuladors atomístics del procés d'atacat humit. - Definició d'un nou model basat en el mètode LS que puga utilitzar directament les dades experimentals de molts atacants per a simular el procés d'atacat humit de diversos materials de substrat. - Validació del simulador d'atacat humit desenvolupat comparant-lo amb resultats experimentals i amb els de simuladors atomístics. - Implementació d'una ferramenta basada en el mètode LS que evolucione la superfície que està sent atacada segons els models d'atacat sec per, d'aquesta forma, habilitar la simulació de processoMontoliu Álvaro, C. (2015). Study, Modelling and Implementation of the Level Set Method Used in Micromachining Processes [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/58609TESI

    Application of the level set method for the visual representation of continuous cellular automata oriented to anisotropic wet etching

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    [EN] Atomistic models are a very valuable simulation tool in the field of material science. Among them are the continuous cellular automata (CCA), which can simulate accurately the process of chemical etching used in micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) micromachining. Due to the CCA intrinsic atomistic nature, simulation results are obtained in the form of a cloud of points, so data visualization has been usually problematic. When using these models as a part of a computer aided design tool, good data visualization is very important. In this paper, a minimum energy model implemented with the level set (LS) method for improving the visual representation of simulated MEMS is presented. Additionally, the sparse field method has been applied to reduce the high computational cost of the original LS. Finally, some reconstructed surfaces with completely different topologies are presented, proving the effectiveness of our implementation and the fact that it is capable of producing any real surface, flat and smooth ones.We thank Miguel Angel Gosalvez for his collaboration in the early stages of this research. This work has been supported by the Spanish FPI-MICINN BES-2011-045940 grant. Also, we acknowledge support by the JAE-Doc grant form the Junta para la Ampliacion de Estudios program co-funded by FSE.Montoliu Álvaro, C.; Ferrando Jódar, N.; Cerdá Boluda, J.; Colom Palero, RJ. (2014). Application of the level set method for the visual representation of continuous cellular automata oriented to anisotropic wet etching. International Journal of Computer Mathematics. 91(1):124-134. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207160.2013.801464S12413491

    Evolutionary continuous cellular automaton for the simulation of wet etching of quartz

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    Anisotropic wet chemical etching of quartz is a bulk micromachining process for the fabrication of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), such as resonators and temperature sensors. Despite the success of the continuous cellular automaton for the simulation of wet etching of silicon, the simulation of the same process for quartz has received little attention-especially from an atomistic perspective-resulting in a lack of accurate modeling tools. This paper analyzes the crystallographic structure of the main surface orientations of quartz and proposes a novel classification of the surface atoms as well as an evolutionary algorithm to determine suitable values for the corresponding atomistic removal rates. Not only does the presented evolutionary continuous cellular automaton reproduce the correct macroscopic etch rate distribution for quartz hemispheres, but it is also capable of performing fast and accurate 3D simulations of MEMS structures. This is shown by several comparisons between simulated and experimental results and, in particular, by a detailed, quantitative comparison for an extensive collection of trench profiles. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.We are grateful to D Cheng and K Sato (Nagoya University, Japan) for providing part of the experimental data. We acknowledge support by the JAE-Doc grant form the Junta para la Ampliacion de Estudios program co-funded by FSE, the Ramon y Cajal Fellowship Program by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, NANO-IKER Project (IE11-304) from the ETORTEK program by the Basque Government and the Professor Partnership Program by NVIDIA Corporation.Ferrando Jódar, N.; Gosalvez Ayuso, MA.; Colom Palero, RJ. (2012). Evolutionary continuous cellular automaton for the simulation of wet etching of quartz. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 22(2). https://doi.org/10.1088/0960-1317/22/2/025021S222Hida, H., Shikida, M., Fukuzawa, K., Murakami, S., Sato, K., Asaumi, K., … Sato, K. (2008). Fabrication of a quartz tuning-fork probe with a sharp tip for AFM systems. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 148(1), 311-318. doi:10.1016/j.sna.2008.08.021Oh, H., Kim, G., Seo, H., Song, Y., Lee, K., & Yang, S. S. (2010). Fabrication of micro-lens array using quartz wet etching and polymer. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 164(1-2), 161-167. doi:10.1016/j.sna.2010.10.003Xing, Y., Gosálvez, M. A., & Sato, K. (2007). Step flow-based cellular automaton for the simulation of anisotropic etching of complex MEMS structures. New Journal of Physics, 9(12), 436-436. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/9/12/436Zhou, Z., Huang, Q., Li, W., & Deng, W. (2007). A cellular automaton-based simulator for silicon anisotropic etching processes considering high index planes. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 17(4), S38-S49. doi:10.1088/0960-1317/17/4/s03Gosalvez, M. A., Yan Xing, & Sato, K. (2008). Analytical Solution of the Continuous Cellular Automaton for Anisotropic Etching. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 17(2), 410-431. doi:10.1109/jmems.2008.916339Zhou, Z., Huang, Q., & Li, W. (2009). Modeling and Simulations of Anisotropic Etching of Silicon in Alkaline Solutions with Experimental Verification. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 156(2), F29. doi:10.1149/1.3031485Rangsten, P., Hedlund, C., Katardjiev, I. V., & Bäcklund, Y. (1998). Etch rates of crystallographic planes inZ-cut quartz - experiments and simulation. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 8(1), 1-6. doi:10.1088/0960-1317/8/1/001Tellier, C. R., & Leblois, T. G. (2000). Micromachining of quartz plates: determination of a database by combined stereographic analysis and 3-D simulation of etching shapes. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 47(5), 1204-1216. doi:10.1109/58.869067Hedlund, C., Lindberg, U., Bucht, U., & Soderkvist, J. (1993). Anisotropic etching of Z-cut quartz. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 3(2), 65-73. doi:10.1088/0960-1317/3/2/006Liang, J., Kohsaka, F., Matsuo, T., & Ueda, T. (2007). Wet Etched High Aspect Ratio Microstructures on Quartz for MEMS Applications. IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines, 127(7), 337-342. doi:10.1541/ieejsmas.127.337Gosálvez, M. A., Xing, Y., Sato, K., & Nieminen, R. M. (2009). Discrete and continuous cellular automata for the simulation of propagating surfaces. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 155(1), 98-112. doi:10.1016/j.sna.2009.08.012Zhenjun Zhu, & Chang Liu. (2000). Micromachining process simulation using a continuous cellular automata method. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 9(2), 252-261. doi:10.1109/84.846706Gosálvez, M. A., Xing, Y., Sato, K., & Nieminen, R. M. (2008). Atomistic methods for the simulation of evolving surfaces. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 18(5), 055029. doi:10.1088/0960-1317/18/5/055029Ferrando, N., Gosálvez, M. A., Cerdá, J., Gadea, R., & Sato, K. (2011). Octree-based, GPU implementation of a continuous cellular automaton for the simulation of complex, evolving surfaces. Computer Physics Communications, 182(3), 628-640. doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2010.11.004Mühlenbein, H., & Schlierkamp-Voosen, D. (1993). Predictive Models for the Breeder Genetic Algorithm I. Continuous Parameter Optimization. Evolutionary Computation, 1(1), 25-49. doi:10.1162/evco.1993.1.1.25Kohsaka, F., Liang, J., Matsuo, T., & Ueda, T. (2007). High Sensitive Tilt Sensor for Quartz Micromachining. IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines, 127(10), 431-436. doi:10.1541/ieejsmas.127.43

    Multilayer Ferromagnetic Spintronic Devices for Neuromorphic Computing Applications

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    Spintronics has gone through substantial progress due to its applications in energy-efficient memory, logic and unconventional computing paradigms. Multilayer ferromagnetic thin films are extensively studied for understanding the domain wall and skyrmion dynamics. However, most of these studies are confined to the materials and domain wall/skyrmion physics. In this paper, we present the experimental and micromagnetic realization of a multilayer ferromagnetic spintronic device for neuromorphic computing applications. The device exhibits multilevel resistance states and the number of resistance states increases with lowering temperature. This is supported by the multilevel magnetization behavior observed in the micromagnetic simulations. Furthermore, the evolution of resistance states with spin-orbit torque is also explored in experiments and simulations. Using the multi-level resistance states of the device, we propose its applications as a synaptic device in hardware neural networks and study the linearity performance of the synaptic devices. The neural network based on these devices is trained and tested on the MNIST dataset using a supervised learning algorithm. The devices at the chip level achieve 90\% accuracy. Thus, proving its applications in neuromorphic computing. Furthermore, we lastly discuss the possible application of the device in cryogenic memory electronics for quantum computers

    Close to the metal: Towards a material political economy of the epistemology of computation

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    This paper investigates the role of the materiality of computation in two domains: blockchain technologies and artificial intelligence (AI). Although historically designed as parallel computing accelerators for image rendering and videogames, graphics processing units (GPUs) have been instrumental in the explosion of both cryptoasset mining and machine learning models. The political economy associated with video games and Bitcoin and Ethereum mining provided a staggering growth in performance and energy efficiency and this, in turn, fostered a change in the epistemological understanding of AI: from rules-based or symbolic AI towards the matrix multiplications underpinning connectionism, machine learning and neural nets. Combining a material political economy of markets with a material epistemology of science, the article shows that there is no clear-cut division between software and hardware, between instructions and tools, and between frameworks of thought and the material and economic conditions of possibility of thought itself. As the microchip shortage and the growing geopolitical relevance of the hardware and semiconductor supply chain come to the fore, the paper invites social scientists to engage more closely with the materialities and hardware architectures of ‘virtual’ algorithms and software

    양성 피드백 전계 효과 트랜지스터를 활용한 저전력 시냅스 소자

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    학위논문 (박사) -- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 전기·정보공학부, 2020. 8. 박병국.신경망 모방 시스템은 폰 노이만 구조의 계산 시스템이 가지는 약점인 복잡한 인식 문제를 해결과 에너지 소비의 효율성의 가능성으로 수년간 많은 분야에서 연구되고 있고 일부는 상용화 단계에까지 이르렀다. 이 신경 모방 시스템은 시냅스 모방 소자와 뉴런 회로로 이루어 지는데 시냅스 모방 소자는 신호전달과 기억 기능을 담당하고 있다. 시냅스는 전체 신경모방 시스템에서 가장 큰 부분을 차지 한다. 따라서 시스템내 대부분의 전력 소비가 시냅스 부분에서 일어나게 되므로 저전력 구현이 필수적인 요소다. 이런 이유로 저전력 소자에 특화된 소자인 터널 전계 효과 트랜지스터 (TFET), 네거티브 커페시터 전계효과 트랜지스터 (NCFET), 강유전계 효과 트랜지스터 (FeFET) 및 피드백 전계 효과 트랜지스터 (FBFET) 등이 연구되고 있다. 이런 다양한 소자중에 현재의 상보형 금속-산화물-반도체 (CMOS) 공정을 그대로 사용할 수 있는 피드백 전계 효과 트랜지스터는 뉴런 회로와 동시에 제작이 필요한 신경망 모방 시스템에서 대량 생산 가능성에 있어서 매우 유리하다. 본 논문에서는 이 피드백 전계 효과 트랜지스터를 기반으로 하고 NAND 플래시 메모리 구조에서 사용하는 파울러 노르다임 터널링(Fowler-Nordheim tunneling)을 방식으로 차치 트랩 층에 시냅스 소자의 가중치를 기억하는 방식의 시냅스 장치를 제안하고 있다. 해당 소자의 저전력 특성과 구동 방법을 테크놀로지 컴퓨터 지원 설계 (TCAD) 시뮬레이션을 사용하여 유효성을 확인 하였고, 서울대 반도체 공동 연구소 (ISRC) 의 CMOS 공정을 사용하여 소자를 제작하였고 전기적 특성 측정을 통해 제안된 방법을 확인 및 검증 하였다.The neuromorphic system has been widely used and commercialized in many fields in recent years due to its potential for complex problem solving and low energy consumption. The basic elements of this neuromorphic system are synapse and neuron circuit, in which synapse research is focused on emerging electronic devices such as resistive change memory (RRAM), phase-change memory (PCRAM), magnetoresistive random-access memory (MRAM), and FET-based devices. Synapse is responsible for the memory function of the neuromorphic system, that is, the current sum quantization with the specific weight value. and the neuron is responsible for integrating signals that have passed through the synapse and transmitting information to the next synapse. Since the synapse element is the largest portion of the whole system, It consumes most of the power of the entire system. So low power implementation is essential for the synapse device. In order to reduce power consumption, it is necessary to lower the off-current leakage and operate on low voltage. To overcome the limitation of MOSFETs in terms of ION/IOFF ratio, small sub-threshold swing and power consumption, various devices such as a tunneling field-effect transistor (TFET), negative capacitor field-effect transistor (NCFET), ferroelectric field-effect transistor (FeFET), and feedback field-effect transistor (FBFET) have been studied. Another important factor in synapse devices is the cost aspect. The deep learning technology that made Alpha-go exist is also an expensive system. As we can see from the coexistence of supercomputers and personal computers in the past, the development of low-cost chips that can be used by individuals, in the end, is inevitable. Because a CMOS compatible process must be possible since the neuron circuit is needed to fabricate at the same time, which helps to ensure mass productivity. FET-based devices are CMOS process compatible, which is suitable for the mass production environment. A positive FBFET (Feedback Field Effect Transistor) device has a very low sub-threshold current, SS (subthreshold swing) performance, and ION/IOFF ratio at the low operating voltage. We are proposing the synaptic device with a positive FBFET with a storage layer. From the simulation study, the operation method is studied for the weight modulation of the synaptic device and electrical measurement confirms accumulated charge change by program and erase condition each. These results for the synaptic transistor in this dissertation can be one of the candidates in low power neuromorphic systems.1 Introduction 1 1.1 Limitation of von Neumann Architecture computing 1 1.2 Biological Synapse 3 1.3 Spiking Neural Network (SNN) 5 1.4 Requirements of synaptic device 7 1.5 Advantage of Feedback Field-effect transistor (FBFET) 9 1.6 Outline of the Dissertation 10 2 Positive Feedback FET with storage layer 11 2.1 Normal operation Principle of FBFET 14 2.2 Operation Mechanism by Drain Input Pulse 16 2.3 Weight Modulation Mechanism 20 2.4 TCAD Simulation Result for Weighted Sum 23 2.5 TCAD Simulation Result for Program and Erase 28 2.6 Array structure and Inhibition scheme 31 3 Fabrication and Measurement 36 3.1 Fabrication process of FBFET synapse 37 3.2 Measurement result 41 3.3 Hysteresis Reduction 49 3.4 Temperature Compensation method 53 4 Modeling and High level simulation 56 4.1 Compact modeling for SPICE 56 4.2 SPICE simulation for VMM 60 5 Conclusion 64 5.1 Review of Overall Work 64 5.2 Future work 65 Abstract (In Korean) 75Docto

    Heterogeneous 2.5D integration on through silicon interposer

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    © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC. Driven by the need to reduce the power consumption of mobile devices, and servers/data centers, and yet continue to deliver improved performance and experience by the end consumer of digital data, the semiconductor industry is looking for new technologies for manufacturing integrated circuits (ICs). In this quest, power consumed in transferring data over copper interconnects is a sizeable portion that needs to be addressed now and continuing over the next few decades. 2.5D Through-Si-Interposer (TSI) is a strong candidate to deliver improved performance while consuming lower power than in previous generations of servers/data centers and mobile devices. These low-power/high-performance advantages are realized through achievement of high interconnect densities on the TSI (higher than ever seen on Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) or organic substrates), and enabling heterogeneous integration on the TSI platform where individual ICs are assembled at close proximity