7,311 research outputs found

    Towards the Definition of Test Coverage Criteria for RESTful Web APIs

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    Web APIs following the REST architectural style (so-called RESTful Web APIs) have become the de-facto standard for software integration. As RESTful APIs gain momentum, so does the testing of them. However, there is a lack of mechanisms to assess the adequacy of testing approaches in this context, which makes it difficult to mea sure and compare the effectiveness of different testing techniques. In this work-in-progress paper, we take a step forward towards a framework for the assessment and comparison of testing approaches for RESTful Web APIs. To that end, we propose a preliminary catalogue of test coverage criteria. These criteria measure the adequacy of test suites based on the degree to which they exercise the different input and output elements of RESTful Web services. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first at tempt to measure the adequacy of testing approaches for RESTful Web APIs.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BELI (TIN2015-70560-R)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades RTI2018-101204-B-C21 (HORATIO)Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte FPU17/0407

    Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Inventor Menggunakan Web Service RESTful: Studi Kasus Toko Kosy Alat dan Bahan Kue Salatiga

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    Toko kosy adalah sebuah toko yang menyediakan alat dan bahan untuk kue. Pada saat ini toko kosy masih menggunakan pendataan secara pembukuan dengan cara mencatat barang sehingga membutuhkan waktu cukup lama untuk melakukan pengecekan data stok barang, sehingga permasalahan yang muncul adalah ketika melakukan pengecekan barang membutuhkan proses yang lama dan tidak efisien. Penelitian ini merancang sistem informasi inventory menggunakan Web Service Restful untuk memberikan kemudahan pendataan dan informasi bagi pemilik toko Kosy. Web service RESTful memiliki keuntungan dari segi peformace serta dapat digunakan pada banyak media seperti komputer karena berbasis web. Pada perancangan aplikasi ini menggunakan java spring framework serta pemanfaatan web service restful. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem yang dibangun untuk mempercepat proses pengolahan data stok barang sehingga perusahaan lebih efisien dan efektif.Kosy shop is a shop that provides tools and ingredients for cakes. At this time, the kosy store still uses data collection on how to open items that require a long time to check the stock data. This study discusses the design of inventory information systems using Restful Web Services to provide convenience and information for shop owners Kosy. In making this application methods are used with various stages, namely the first stage consisting of data analysis, then system design and system testing. Restfull web services have advantages in terms of performance and can be used on many media such as computers because they are web-based. In designing this application using java spring framework as well as the use of restfull web services. The system used to improve the processing of finished goods inventory data is more efficient and effective

    Penerapan RESTful API untuk Membangun Program Pembayaran Piutang Menggunakan Otentikasi OAuth 2.0

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    Retail business competition which is increasingly fast requires businesses to have a product sales strategy that is able to compete. Amigo Group convert this strategy by providing account receivable services for customers. The study " Penerapan RESTful API untuk Membangun Program Pembayaran Piutang Menggunakan Otentikasi OAuth 2.0", focused on how to use RESTful to provide the transaction API for accounts receivable payments, and the use of OAuth 2.0 as an authentication method, as well as load testing of API. The system design has been done with UML modeling language in the form of activity diagrams and sequence diagrams. Programming was done using the Laravel framework and MySQL database. Load testing was performed using the Locust application. These designs produced Back End functions that can be used on web and mobile platforms. As a result of load testing, the use of the OAuth 2.0 method is more advantageous than using Basic Auth. This is shown by the response time and request per second which is more stable in the use of OAuth 2.0.Persaingan bisnis ritel yang semakin pesat mengharuskan pelaku usaha untuk memiliki strategi penjualan produk yang mampu bersaing. Amigo Group menerjemahkan strategi tersebut dengan menyediakan layanan bon untuk pelanggan. Penelitian “Penerapan RESTful API untuk Membangun Program Pembayaran Piutang Menggunakan Otentikasi OAuth 2.0”, memiliki rumusan masalah baga imana pemanfaatan RESTful untuk menyediakan kebutuhan Back End transaksi pembayaran piutang, dan penggunaan OAuth 2.0 sebagai metode otentikasi, serta pengujian terhadap beban yang mampu dijalankan. Perancangan sistem dilakukan dengan Bahasa pemodelan UML (Unified Modeling Language) berupa activity diagram dan sequence diagram. Pemrograman dilakukan menggunakan framework Laravel dan basis data MySQL. Pengujian beban dilakukan menggunakan aplikasi Locust. Hasil perancangan tersebut menghasilkan fungsi-fungsi Back End yang dapat digunakan pada platform web dan mobile. Adapun hasil dari pengujian beban, menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan metode otentikasi OAuth 2.0 lebih menguntungkan dibanding penggunaan Basic Auth. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan oleh response time dan request per detik yang lebih stabil pada penggunan OAuth 2.0. &nbsp

    Towards property-based testing of RESTful web services

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    Developing APIs as Web Services over HTTP implies adding an extra layer to software, compared to the ones that we would need to develop an API distributed as, for example, a library. This additional layer must be included in testing too, but this implies that the software under test has an additional complexity due both to the need to use an intermediate protocol in tests and to the need to test compliance with the constraints imposed by that protocol: in this case the constraints defined by the REST architectural style. On the other hand, these requirements are common to all the Web Services, and because of that, we should be able to abstract this aspect of the testing model so that we can reuse it in testing any Web Service. In this paper, as a first step towards automating the testing of Web Services over HTTP, we describe a practical mechanism and model for testing RESTful Web Services without side effects and give an example of how we successfully adapted that mechanism to test two different existing Web Services: Storage Room by Thriventures and Google Tasks by Google. For this task we have used Erlang together with state machine models in the property-based testing tool Quviq QuickCheck, implemented using the statem module. 1

    Resource Oriented Modelling: Describing Restful Web Services Using Collaboration Diagrams

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    The popularity of Resource Oriented and RESTful Web Services is increasing rapidly. In these, resources are key actors in the interfaces, in contrast to other approaches where services, messages or objects are. This distinctive feature necessitates a new approach for modelling RESTful interfaces providing a more intuitive mapping from model to implementation than could be achieved with non-resource methods. With this objective we propose an approach to describe Resource Oriented and RESTful Web Services based on UML collaboration diagrams. Then use it to model scenarios from several problem domains, arguing that Resource Oriented and RESTful Web Services can be used in systems which go beyond ad-hoc integration. Using the scenarios we demonstrate how the approach is useful for: eliciting domain ontologies; identifying recurring patterns; and capturing static and dynamic aspects of the interface

    Global-Scale Resource Survey and Performance Monitoring of Public OGC Web Map Services

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    One of the most widely-implemented service standards provided by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) to the user community is the Web Map Service (WMS). WMS is widely employed globally, but there is limited knowledge of the global distribution, adoption status or the service quality of these online WMS resources. To fill this void, we investigated global WMSs resources and performed distributed performance monitoring of these services. This paper explicates a distributed monitoring framework that was used to monitor 46,296 WMSs continuously for over one year and a crawling method to discover these WMSs. We analyzed server locations, provider types, themes, the spatiotemporal coverage of map layers and the service versions for 41,703 valid WMSs. Furthermore, we appraised the stability and performance of basic operations for 1210 selected WMSs (i.e., GetCapabilities and GetMap). We discuss the major reasons for request errors and performance issues, as well as the relationship between service response times and the spatiotemporal distribution of client monitoring sites. This paper will help service providers, end users and developers of standards to grasp the status of global WMS resources, as well as to understand the adoption status of OGC standards. The conclusions drawn in this paper can benefit geospatial resource discovery, service performance evaluation and guide service performance improvements.Comment: 24 pages; 15 figure

    Efficient HTTP based I/O on very large datasets for high performance computing with the libdavix library

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    Remote data access for data analysis in high performance computing is commonly done with specialized data access protocols and storage systems. These protocols are highly optimized for high throughput on very large datasets, multi-streams, high availability, low latency and efficient parallel I/O. The purpose of this paper is to describe how we have adapted a generic protocol, the Hyper Text Transport Protocol (HTTP) to make it a competitive alternative for high performance I/O and data analysis applications in a global computing grid: the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid. In this work, we first analyze the design differences between the HTTP protocol and the most common high performance I/O protocols, pointing out the main performance weaknesses of HTTP. Then, we describe in detail how we solved these issues. Our solutions have been implemented in a toolkit called davix, available through several recent Linux distributions. Finally, we describe the results of our benchmarks where we compare the performance of davix against a HPC specific protocol for a data analysis use case.Comment: Presented at: Very large Data Bases (VLDB) 2014, Hangzho