1,025 research outputs found

    An artificial life approach to evolutionary computation: from mobile cellular algorithms to artificial ecosystems

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    This thesis presents a new class of evolutionary algorithms called mobile cellular evolutionary algorithms (mcEAs). These algorithms are characterized by individuals moving around on a spatial population structure. As a primary objective, this thesis aims to show that by controlling the population density and mobility in mcEAs, it is possible to achieve much better control over the rate of convergence than what is already possible in existing cellular EAs. Using the observations and results from this investigation into selection pressure in mcEAs, a general architecture for developing agent-based evolutionary algorithms called Artificial Ecosystems (AES) is presented. A simple agent-based EA is developed within the scope of AES is presented with two individual-based bottom-up schemes to achieve dynamic population sizing. Experiments with a test suite of optimization problems show that both mcEAs and the agent-based EA produced results comparable to the best solutions found by cellular EAs --Abstract, page iii

    An Overview of Schema Theory

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    The purpose of this paper is to give an introduction to the field of Schema Theory written by a mathematician and for mathematicians. In particular, we endeavor to to highlight areas of the field which might be of interest to a mathematician, to point out some related open problems, and to suggest some large-scale projects. Schema theory seeks to give a theoretical justification for the efficacy of the field of genetic algorithms, so readers who have studied genetic algorithms stand to gain the most from this paper. However, nothing beyond basic probability theory is assumed of the reader, and for this reason we write in a fairly informal style. Because the mathematics behind the theorems in schema theory is relatively elementary, we focus more on the motivation and philosophy. Many of these results have been proven elsewhere, so this paper is designed to serve a primarily expository role. We attempt to cast known results in a new light, which makes the suggested future directions natural. This involves devoting a substantial amount of time to the history of the field. We hope that this exposition will entice some mathematicians to do research in this area, that it will serve as a road map for researchers new to the field, and that it will help explain how schema theory developed. Furthermore, we hope that the results collected in this document will serve as a useful reference. Finally, as far as the author knows, the questions raised in the final section are new.Comment: 27 pages. Originally written in 2009 and hosted on my website, I've decided to put it on the arXiv as a more permanent home. The paper is primarily expository, so I don't really know where to submit it, but perhaps one day I will find an appropriate journa

    An Evolutionary Computational Approach for Designing Micro Hydro Power Plants

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    Micro Hydro Power Plants (MHPP) constitute an effective, environmentally-friendly solution to deal with energy poverty in rural isolated areas, being the most extended renewable technology in this field. Nevertheless, the context of poverty and lack of qualified manpower usually lead to a poor usage of the resources, due to the use of thumb rules and user experience to design the layout of the plants, which conditions the performance. For this reason, the development of robust and efficient optimization strategies are particularly relevant in this field. This paper proposes a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to address the problem of finding the optimal layout for an MHPP based on real scenario data, obtained by means of a set of experimental topographic measurements. With this end in view, a model of the plant is first developed, in terms of which the optimization problem is formulated with the constraints of minimal generated power and maximum use of flow, together with the practical feasibility of the layout to the measured terrain. The problem is formulated in both single-objective (minimization of the cost) and multi-objective (minimization of the cost and maximization of the generated power) modes, the Pareto dominance being studied in this last case. The algorithm is first applied to an example scenario to illustrate its performance and compared with a reference Branch and Bound Algorithm (BBA) linear approach, reaching reductions of more than 70% in the cost of the MHPP. Finally, it is also applied to a real set of geographical data to validate its robustness against irregular, poorly sampled domains.Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo 2014 / ACDE / 00601

    Investigation into the applications of genetic algorithms to control engineering

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    Bibliography: pages 117-120.This thesis report presents the results of a study carried out to determine possible uses of genetic algorithms to problems in control engineering. This thesis reviewed the literature on the subject of genetics and genetic algorithms and applied the algorithms to the problems of systems parameter identification and Pl/D controller tuning. More specifically, the study had the following objectives: To investigate possible uses of genetic algorithms to the task of system identification and Pl/D controller tuning. To do an in depth comparison of the proposed uses with orthodox traditional engineering thinking which is based on mathematical optimisation and empirical studies. To draw conclusions and present the findings in the form of a thesis. Genetic algorithms are a class of artificial intelligence methods inspired by the Darwinian principles of natural selection and survival of the fittest. The algorithm encodes potential solutions into chromosome-like data structures that. are evolved using genetic ·operators to determine the optimal solution of the problem. Fundamentally, the evolutionary nature of the algorithm is introduced through the operators called crossover and mutation. Crossover fundamentally takes two strings, selects a crossing point randomly and swaps segments of the strings on either side of the crossover point to create two new individuals. There are three variations of crossover which were considered in this thesis: single point crossover, two point crossover and uniform crossover. It was important that these be given careful consideration since much of the outcome of the algorithm is influenced by both the choice and the amount with which they are applied

    Scalable parallel evolutionary optimisation based on high performance computing

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    Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have been successfully applied to solve various challenging optimisation problems. Due to their stochastic nature, EAs typically require considerable time to find desirable solutions; especially for increasingly complex and large-scale problems. As a result, many works studied implementing EAs on parallel computing facilities to accelerate the time-consuming processes. Recently, the rapid development of modern parallel computing facilities such as the high performance computing (HPC) bring not only unprecedented computational capabilities but also challenges on designing parallel algorithms. This thesis mainly focuses on designing scalable parallel evolutionary optimisation (SPEO) frameworks which run efficiently on the HPC. Motivated by the interesting phenomenon that many EAs begin to employ increasingly large population sizes, this thesis firstly studies the effect of a large population size through comprehensive experiments. Numerical results indicate that a large population benefits to the solving of complex problems but requires a large number of maximal fitness evaluations (FEs). However, since sequential EAs usually requires a considerable computing time to achieve extensive FEs, we propose a scalable parallel evolutionary optimisation framework that can efficiently deploy parallel EAs over many CPU cores at CPU-only HPC. On the other hand, since EAs using a large number of FEs can produce massive useful information in the course of evolution, we design a surrogate-based approach to learn from this historical information and to better solve complex problems. Then this approach is implemented in parallel based on the proposed scalable parallel framework to achieve remarkable speedups. Since demanding a great computing power on CPU-only HPC is usually very expensive, we design a framework based on GPU-enabled HPC to improve the cost-effectiveness of parallel EAs. The proposed framework can efficiently accelerate parallel EAs using many GPUs and can achieve superior cost-effectiveness. However, since it is very challenging to correctly implement parallel EAs on the GPU, we propose a set of guidelines to verify the correctness of GPU-based EAs. In order to examine these guidelines, they are employed to verify a GPU-based brain storm optimisation that is also proposed in this thesis. In conclusion, the comprehensively experimental study is firstly conducted to investigate the impacts of a large population. After that, a SPEO framework based on CPU-only HPC is proposed and is employed to accelerate a time-consuming implementation of EA. Finally, the correctness verification of implementing EAs based on a single GPU is discussed and the SPEO framework is then extended to be deployed based on GPU-enabled HPC

    Models and Algorithms for the Optimisation of Replenishment, Production and Distribution Plans in Industrial Enterprises

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La optimización en las empresas manufactureras es especialmente importante, debido a las grandes inversiones que realizan, ya que a veces estas inversiones no obtienen el rendimiento esperado porque los márgenes de beneficio de los productos son muy ajustados. Por ello, las empresas tratan de maximizar el uso de los recursos productivos y financieros minimizando el tiempo perdido y, al mismo tiempo, mejorando los flujos de los procesos y satisfaciendo las necesidades del mercado. El proceso de planificación es una actividad crítica para las empresas. Esta tarea implica grandes retos debido a los cambios del mercado, las alteraciones en los procesos de producción dentro de la empresa y en la cadena de suministro, y los cambios en la legislación, entre otros. La planificación del aprovisionamiento, la producción y la distribución desempeña un papel fundamental en el rendimiento de las empresas manufactureras, ya que una planificación ineficaz de los proveedores, los procesos de producción y los sistemas de distribución contribuye a aumentar los costes de los productos, a alargar los plazos de entrega y a reducir los beneficios. La planificación eficaz es un proceso complejo que abarca una amplia gama de actividades para garantizar que los equipos, los materiales y los recursos humanos estén disponibles en el momento y el lugar adecuados. Motivados por la complejidad de la planificación en las empresas manufactureras, esta tesis estudia y desarrolla herramientas cuantitativas para ayudar a los planificadores en los procesos de la planificación del aprovisionamiento, producción y distribución. Desde esta perspectiva, se proponen modelos realistas y métodos eficientes para apoyar la toma de decisiones en las empresas industriales, principalmente en las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES). Las aportaciones de esta tesis suponen un avance científico basado en una exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica sobre la planificación del aprovisionamiento, la producción y la distribución que ayuda a comprender los principales modelos y algoritmos utilizados para resolver estos planes, y pone en relieve las tendencias y las futuras direcciones de investigación. También proporciona un marco holístico para caracterizar los modelos y algoritmos centrándose en la planificación de la producción, la programación y la secuenciación. Esta tesis también propone una herramienta de apoyo a la decisión para seleccionar un algoritmo o método de solución para resolver problemas concretos de la planificación del aprovisionamiento, producción y distribución en función de su complejidad, lo que permite a los planificadores no duplicar esfuerzos de modelización o programación de técnicas de solución. Por último, se desarrollan nuevos modelos matemáticos y enfoques de solución de última generación, como los algoritmos matheurísticos, que combinan la programación matemática y las técnicas metaheurísticas. Los nuevos modelos y algoritmos comprenden mejoras en términos de rendimiento computacional, e incluyen características realistas de los problemas del mundo real a los que se enfrentan las empresas de fabricación. Los modelos matemáticos han sido validados con un caso de una importante empresa del sector de la automoción en España, lo que ha permitido evaluar la relevancia práctica de estos novedosos modelos utilizando instancias de gran tamaño, similares a las existentes en la empresa objeto de estudio. Además, los algoritmos matheurísticos han sido probados utilizando herramientas libres y de código abierto. Esto también contribuye a la práctica de la investigación operativa, y proporciona una visión de cómo desplegar estos métodos de solución y el tiempo de cálculo y rendimiento de la brecha que se puede obtener mediante el uso de software libre o de código abierto.[CA] L'optimització a les empreses manufactureres és especialment important, a causa de les grans inversions que realitzen, ja que de vegades aquestes inversions no obtenen el rendiment esperat perquè els marges de benefici dels productes són molt ajustats. Per això, les empreses intenten maximitzar l'ús dels recursos productius i financers minimitzant el temps perdut i, alhora, millorant els fluxos dels processos i satisfent les necessitats del mercat. El procés de planificació és una activitat crítica per a les empreses. Aquesta tasca implica grans reptes a causa dels canvis del mercat, les alteracions en els processos de producció dins de l'empresa i la cadena de subministrament, i els canvis en la legislació, entre altres. La planificació de l'aprovisionament, la producció i la distribució té un paper fonamental en el rendiment de les empreses manufactureres, ja que una planificació ineficaç dels proveïdors, els processos de producció i els sistemes de distribució contribueix a augmentar els costos dels productes, allargar els terminis de lliurament i reduir els beneficis. La planificació eficaç és un procés complex que abasta una àmplia gamma d'activitats per garantir que els equips, els materials i els recursos humans estiguen disponibles al moment i al lloc adequats. Motivats per la complexitat de la planificació a les empreses manufactureres, aquesta tesi estudia i desenvolupa eines quantitatives per ajudar als planificadors en els processos de la planificació de l'aprovisionament, producció i distribució. Des d'aquesta perspectiva, es proposen models realistes i mètodes eficients per donar suport a la presa de decisions a les empreses industrials, principalment a les petites i mitjanes empreses (PIMES). Les aportacions d'aquesta tesi suposen un avenç científic basat en una exhaustiva revisió bibliogràfica sobre la planificació de l'aprovisionament, la producció i la distribució que ajuda a comprendre els principals models i algorismes utilitzats per resoldre aquests plans, i posa de relleu les tendències i les futures direccions de recerca. També proporciona un marc holístic per caracteritzar els models i algorismes centrant-se en la planificació de la producció, la programació i la seqüenciació. Aquesta tesi també proposa una eina de suport a la decisió per seleccionar un algorisme o mètode de solució per resoldre problemes concrets de la planificació de l'aprovisionament, producció i distribució en funció de la seua complexitat, cosa que permet als planificadors no duplicar esforços de modelització o programació de tècniques de solució. Finalment, es desenvolupen nous models matemàtics i enfocaments de solució d'última generació, com ara els algoritmes matheurístics, que combinen la programació matemàtica i les tècniques metaheurístiques. Els nous models i algoritmes comprenen millores en termes de rendiment computacional, i inclouen característiques realistes dels problemes del món real a què s'enfronten les empreses de fabricació. Els models matemàtics han estat validats amb un cas d'una important empresa del sector de l'automoció a Espanya, cosa que ha permés avaluar la rellevància pràctica d'aquests nous models utilitzant instàncies grans, similars a les existents a l'empresa objecte d'estudi. A més, els algorismes matheurístics han estat provats utilitzant eines lliures i de codi obert. Això també contribueix a la pràctica de la investigació operativa, i proporciona una visió de com desplegar aquests mètodes de solució i el temps de càlcul i rendiment de la bretxa que es pot obtindre mitjançant l'ús de programari lliure o de codi obert.[EN] Optimisation in manufacturing companies is especially important, due to the large investments they make, as sometimes these investments do not obtain the expected return because the profit margins of products are very tight. Therefore, companies seek to maximise the use of productive and financial resources by minimising lost time and, at the same time, improving process flows while meeting market needs. The planning process is a critical activity for companies. This task involves great challenges due to market changes, alterations in production processes within the company and in the supply chain, and changes in legislation, among others. Planning of replenishment, production and distribution plays a critical role in the performance of manufacturing companies because ineffective planning of suppliers, production processes and distribution systems contributes to higher product costs, longer lead times and less profits. Effective planning is a complex process that encompasses a wide range of activities to ensure that equipment, materials and human resources are available in the right time and the right place. Motivated by the complexity of planning in manufacturing companies, this thesis studies and develops quantitative tools to help planners in the replenishment, production and delivery planning processes. From this perspective, realistic models and efficient methods are proposed to support decision making in industrial companies, mainly in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The contributions of this thesis represent a scientific breakthrough based on a comprehensive literature review about replenishment, production and distribution planning that helps to understand the main models and algorithms used to solve these plans, and highlights trends and future research directions. It also provides a holistic framework to characterise models and algorithms by focusing on production planning, scheduling and sequencing. This thesis also proposes a decision support tool for selecting an algorithm or solution method to solve concrete replenishment, production and distribution planning problems according to their complexity, which allows planners to not duplicate efforts modelling or programming solution techniques. Finally, new state-of-the-art mathematical models and solution approaches are developed, such as matheuristic algorithms, which combine mathematical programming and metaheuristic techniques. The new models and algorithms comprise improvements in computational performance terms, and include realistic features of real-world problems faced by manufacturing companies. The mathematical models have been validated with a case of an important company in the automotive sector in Spain, which allowed to evaluate the practical relevance of these novel models using large instances, similarly to those existing in the company under study. In addition, the matheuristic algorithms have been tested using free and open-source tools. This also helps to contribute to the practice of operations research, and provides insight into how to deploy these solution methods and the computational time and gap performance that can be obtained by using free or open-source software.This work would not have been possible without the following funding sources: Conselleria de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte, Generalitat Valenciana for hiring predoctoral research staff with Grant (ACIF/2018/170) and the European Social Fund with the Grant Operational Programme of FSE 2014-2020. Conselleria de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte, Generalitat Valenciana for predoctoral contract students to stay in research centers outside the research centers outside the Valencian Community (BEFPI/2021/040) and the European Social Fund.Guzmán Ortiz, BE. (2022). Models and Algorithms for the Optimisation of Replenishment, Production and Distribution Plans in Industrial Enterprises [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/187461Compendi

    A Field Guide to Genetic Programming

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    xiv, 233 p. : il. ; 23 cm.Libro ElectrónicoA Field Guide to Genetic Programming (ISBN 978-1-4092-0073-4) is an introduction to genetic programming (GP). GP is a systematic, domain-independent method for getting computers to solve problems automatically starting from a high-level statement of what needs to be done. Using ideas from natural evolution, GP starts from an ooze of random computer programs, and progressively refines them through processes of mutation and sexual recombination, until solutions emerge. All this without the user having to know or specify the form or structure of solutions in advance. GP has generated a plethora of human-competitive results and applications, including novel scientific discoveries and patentable inventions. The authorsIntroduction -- Representation, initialisation and operators in Tree-based GP -- Getting ready to run genetic programming -- Example genetic programming run -- Alternative initialisations and operators in Tree-based GP -- Modular, grammatical and developmental Tree-based GP -- Linear and graph genetic programming -- Probalistic genetic programming -- Multi-objective genetic programming -- Fast and distributed genetic programming -- GP theory and its applications -- Applications -- Troubleshooting GP -- Conclusions.Contents xi 1 Introduction 1.1 Genetic Programming in a Nutshell 1.2 Getting Started 1.3 Prerequisites 1.4 Overview of this Field Guide I Basics 2 Representation, Initialisation and GP 2.1 Representation 2.2 Initialising the Population 2.3 Selection 2.4 Recombination and Mutation Operators in Tree-based 3 Getting Ready to Run Genetic Programming 19 3.1 Step 1: Terminal Set 19 3.2 Step 2: Function Set 20 3.2.1 Closure 21 3.2.2 Sufficiency 23 3.2.3 Evolving Structures other than Programs 23 3.3 Step 3: Fitness Function 24 3.4 Step 4: GP Parameters 26 3.5 Step 5: Termination and solution designation 27 4 Example Genetic Programming Run 4.1 Preparatory Steps 29 4.2 Step-by-Step Sample Run 31 4.2.1 Initialisation 31 4.2.2 Fitness Evaluation Selection, Crossover and Mutation Termination and Solution Designation Advanced Genetic Programming 5 Alternative Initialisations and Operators in 5.1 Constructing the Initial Population 5.1.1 Uniform Initialisation 5.1.2 Initialisation may Affect Bloat 5.1.3 Seeding 5.2 GP Mutation 5.2.1 Is Mutation Necessary? 5.2.2 Mutation Cookbook 5.3 GP Crossover 5.4 Other Techniques 32 5.5 Tree-based GP 39 6 Modular, Grammatical and Developmental Tree-based GP 47 6.1 Evolving Modular and Hierarchical Structures 47 6.1.1 Automatically Defined Functions 48 6.1.2 Program Architecture and Architecture-Altering 50 6.2 Constraining Structures 51 6.2.1 Enforcing Particular Structures 52 6.2.2 Strongly Typed GP 52 6.2.3 Grammar-based Constraints 53 6.2.4 Constraints and Bias 55 6.3 Developmental Genetic Programming 57 6.4 Strongly Typed Autoconstructive GP with PushGP 59 7 Linear and Graph Genetic Programming 61 7.1 Linear Genetic Programming 61 7.1.1 Motivations 61 7.1.2 Linear GP Representations 62 7.1.3 Linear GP Operators 64 7.2 Graph-Based Genetic Programming 65 7.2.1 Parallel Distributed GP (PDGP) 65 7.2.2 PADO 67 7.2.3 Cartesian GP 67 7.2.4 Evolving Parallel Programs using Indirect Encodings 68 8 Probabilistic Genetic Programming 8.1 Estimation of Distribution Algorithms 69 8.2 Pure EDA GP 71 8.3 Mixing Grammars and Probabilities 74 9 Multi-objective Genetic Programming 75 9.1 Combining Multiple Objectives into a Scalar Fitness Function 75 9.2 Keeping the Objectives Separate 76 9.2.1 Multi-objective Bloat and Complexity Control 77 9.2.2 Other Objectives 78 9.2.3 Non-Pareto Criteria 80 9.3 Multiple Objectives via Dynamic and Staged Fitness Functions 80 9.4 Multi-objective Optimisation via Operator Bias 81 10 Fast and Distributed Genetic Programming 83 10.1 Reducing Fitness Evaluations/Increasing their Effectiveness 83 10.2 Reducing Cost of Fitness with Caches 86 10.3 Parallel and Distributed GP are Not Equivalent 88 10.4 Running GP on Parallel Hardware 89 10.4.1 Master–slave GP 89 10.4.2 GP Running on GPUs 90 10.4.3 GP on FPGAs 92 10.4.4 Sub-machine-code GP 93 10.5 Geographically Distributed GP 93 11 GP Theory and its Applications 97 11.1 Mathematical Models 98 11.2 Search Spaces 99 11.3 Bloat 101 11.3.1 Bloat in Theory 101 11.3.2 Bloat Control in Practice 104 III Practical Genetic Programming 12 Applications 12.1 Where GP has Done Well 12.2 Curve Fitting, Data Modelling and Symbolic Regression 12.3 Human Competitive Results – the Humies 12.4 Image and Signal Processing 12.5 Financial Trading, Time Series, and Economic Modelling 12.6 Industrial Process Control 12.7 Medicine, Biology and Bioinformatics 12.8 GP to Create Searchers and Solvers – Hyper-heuristics xiii 12.9 Entertainment and Computer Games 127 12.10The Arts 127 12.11Compression 128 13 Troubleshooting GP 13.1 Is there a Bug in the Code? 13.2 Can you Trust your Results? 13.3 There are No Silver Bullets 13.4 Small Changes can have Big Effects 13.5 Big Changes can have No Effect 13.6 Study your Populations 13.7 Encourage Diversity 13.8 Embrace Approximation 13.9 Control Bloat 13.10 Checkpoint Results 13.11 Report Well 13.12 Convince your Customers 14 Conclusions Tricks of the Trade A Resources A.1 Key Books A.2 Key Journals A.3 Key International Meetings A.4 GP Implementations A.5 On-Line Resources 145 B TinyGP 151 B.1 Overview of TinyGP 151 B.2 Input Data Files for TinyGP 153 B.3 Source Code 154 B.4 Compiling and Running TinyGP 162 Bibliography 167 Inde