22 research outputs found

    Naor-Yung paradigm with shared randomness and applications

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    The Naor-Yung paradigm (Naor and Yung, STOC’90) allows to generically boost security under chosen-plaintext attacks (CPA) to security against chosen-ciphertext attacks (CCA) for public-key encryption (PKE) schemes. The main idea is to encrypt the plaintext twice (under independent public keys), and to append a non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proof that the two ciphertexts indeed encrypt the same message. Later work by Camenisch, Chandran, and Shoup (Eurocrypt’09) and Naor and Segev (Crypto’09 and SIAM J. Comput.’12) established that the very same techniques can also be used in the settings of key-dependent message (KDM) and key-leakage attacks (respectively). In this paper we study the conditions under which the two ciphertexts in the Naor-Yung construction can share the same random coins. We find that this is possible, provided that the underlying PKE scheme meets an additional simple property. The motivation for re-using the same random coins is that this allows to design much more efficient NIZK proofs. We showcase such an improvement in the random oracle model, under standard complexity assumptions including Decisional Diffie-Hellman, Quadratic Residuosity, and Subset Sum. The length of the resulting ciphertexts is reduced by 50%, yielding truly efficient PKE schemes achieving CCA security under KDM and key-leakage attacks. As an additional contribution, we design the first PKE scheme whose CPA security under KDM attacks can be directly reduced to (low-density instances of) the Subset Sum assumption. The scheme supports keydependent messages computed via any affine function of the secret ke

    KDM Security for Identity-Based Encryption: Constructions and Separations

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    For encryption schemes, key dependent message (KDM) security requires that ciphertexts preserve secrecy even when the messages to be encrypted depend on the secret keys. While KDM security has been extensively studied for public-key encryption (PKE), it receives much less attention in the setting of identity-based encryption (IBE). In this work, we focus on the KDM security for IBE. Our results are threefold. We first propose a generic approach to transfer the KDM security results (both positive and negative) from PKE to IBE. At the heart of our approach is a neat structure-mirroring PKE-to-IBE transformation based on indistinguishability obfuscation and puncturable PRFs, which establishes a connection between PKE and IBE in general. However, the obtained results are restricted to selective-identity sense. We then concentrate on results in adaptive-identity sense. On the positive side, we present two constructions that achieve KDM security in the adaptive-identity sense for the first time. One is built from identity-based hash proof system (IB-HPS) with homomorphic property, which indicates that the IBE schemes of Gentry (Eurocrypt 2006), Coron (DCC 2009), Chow et al. (CCS 2010) are actually KDM-secure in the single-key setting. The other is built from indistinguishability obfuscation and a new notion named puncturable unique signature, which is bounded KDM-secure in the single-key setting. On the negative side, we separate CPA/CCA security from nn-circular security (which is a prototypical case of KDM security) for IBE by giving a counterexample based on differing-inputs obfuscation and a new notion named puncturable IBE. We further propose a general framework for generating nn-circular security counterexamples in identity-based setting, which might be of independent interest

    Cryptographic Primitives with Hinting Property

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    A hinting pseudorandom generator (PRG) is a potentially stronger variant of PRG with a ``deterministic\u27\u27 form of circular security with respect to the seed of the PRG (Koppula and Waters, CRYPTO 2019). Hinting PRGs enable many cryptographic applications, most notably CCA-secure public-key encryption and trapdoor functions. In this paper, we study cryptographic primitives with the hinting property, yielding the following results: We present a novel and conceptually simpler approach for designing hinting PRGs from certain decisional assumptions over cyclic groups or isogeny-based group actions, which enables simpler security proofs as compared to the existing approaches for designing such primitives. We introduce hinting weak pseudorandom functions (wPRFs), a natural extension of the hinting property to wPRFs, and show how to realize circular/KDM-secure symmetric-key encryption from any hinting wPRF. We demonstrate that our simple approach for building hinting PRGs can be extended to realize hinting wPRFs from the same set of decisional assumptions. We propose a stronger version of the hinting property, which we call the functional hinting property, that guarantees security even in the presence of hints about functions of the secret seed/key. We show how to instantiate functional hinting PRGs/wPRFs for certain (families of) functions by building upon our simple techniques for realizing plain hinting PRGs/wPRFs. We also demonstrate the applicability of a functional hinting wPRF with certain algebraic properties in realizing KDM-secure public-key encryption in a black-box manner. We show the first black-box separation between hinting wPRFs (and hinting PRGs) from public-key encryption using simple realizations of these primitives given only a random oracle

    On Improving Communication Complexity in Cryptography

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    Cryptography grew to be much more than "the study of secret writing". Modern cryptography is concerned with establishing properties such as privacy, integrity and authenticity in protocols for secure communication and computation. This comes at a price: Cryptographic tools usually introduce an overhead, both in terms of communication complexity (that is, number and size of messages transmitted) and computational efficiency (that is, time and memory required). As in many settings communication between the parties involved is the bottleneck, this thesis is concerned with improving communication complexity in cryptographic protocols. One direction towards this goal is scalable cryptography: In many cryptographic schemes currently deployed, the security degrades linearly with the number of instances (e.g. encrypted messages) in the system. As this number can be huge in contexts like cloud computing, the parameters of the scheme have to be chosen considerably larger - and in particular depending on the expected number of instances in the system - to maintain security guarantees. We advance the state-of-the-art regarding scalable cryptography by constructing schemes where the security guarantees are independent of the number of instances. This allows to choose smaller parameters, even when the expected number of instances is immense. - We construct the first scalable encryption scheme with security against active adversaries which has both compact public keys and ciphertexts. In particular, we significantly reduce the size of the public key to only about 3% of the key-size of the previously most efficient scalable encryption scheme. (Gay,Hofheinz, and Kohl, CRYPTO, 2017) - We present a scalable structure-preserving signature scheme which improves both in terms of public-key and signature size compared to the previously best construction to about 40% and 56% of the sizes, respectively. (Gay, Hofheinz, Kohl, and Pan, EUROCRYPT, 2018) Another important area of cryptography is secure multi-party computation, where the goal is to jointly evaluate some function while keeping each party’s input private. In traditional approaches towards secure multi-party computation either the communication complexity scales linearly in the size of the function, or the computational efficiency is poor. To overcome this issue, Boyle, Gilboa, and Ishai (CRYPTO, 2016) introduced the notion of homomorphic secret sharing. Here, inputs are shared between parties such that each party does not learn anything about the input, and such that the parties can locally evaluate functions on the shares. Homomorphic secret sharing implies secure computation where the communication complexity only depends on the size of the inputs, which is typically much smaller than the size of the function. A different approach towards efficient secure computation is to split the protocol into an input-independent preprocessing phase, where long correlated strings are generated, and a very efficient online phase. One example for a useful correlation are authenticated Beaver triples, which allow to perform efficient multiplications in the online phase such that privacy of the inputs is preserved and parties deviating the protocol can be detected. The currently most efficient protocols implementing the preprocessing phase require communication linear in the number of triples to be generated. This results typically in high communication costs, as the online phase requires at least one authenticated Beaver triple per multiplication. We advance the state-of-the art regarding efficient protocols for secure computation with low communication complexity as follows. - We construct the first homomorphic secret sharing scheme for computing arbitrary functions in NC 1 (that is, functions that are computably by circuits with logarithmic depth) which supports message spaces of arbitrary size, has only negligible correctness error, and does not require expensive multiplication on ciphertexts. (Boyle, Kohl, and Scholl, EUROCRYPT, 2019) - We introduce the notion of a pseudorandom correlation generator for general correlations. Pseudorandom correlation generators allow to locally extend short correlated seeds into long pseudorandom correlated strings. We show that pseudorandom correlation generators can replace the preprocessing phase in many protocols, leading to a preprocessing phase with sublinear communication complexity. We show connections to homomorphic secret sharing schemes and give the first instantiation of pseudorandom correlation generators for authenticated Beaver triples at reasonable computational efficiency. (Boyle, Couteau, Gilboa, Ishai, Kohl, and Scholl, CRYPTO, 2019

    A Study of Separations in Cryptography: New Results and New Models

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    For more than 20 years, black-box impossibility results have been used to argue the infeasibility of constructing certain cryptographic primitives (e.g., key agreement) from others (e.g., one-way functions). In this dissertation we further extend the frontier of this field by demonstrating several new impossibility results as well as a new framework for studying a more general class of constructions. Our first two results demonstrate impossibility of black-box constructions of two commonly used cryptographic primitives. In our first result we study the feasibility of black-box constructions of predicate encryption schemes from standard assumptions and demonstrate strong limitations on the types of schemes that can be constructed. In our second result we study black-box constructions of constant-round zero-knowledge proofs from one-way permutations and show that, under commonly believed complexity assumptions, no such constructions exist. A widely recognized limitation of black-box impossibility results, however, is that they say nothing about the usefulness of (known) non-black-box techniques. This state of affairs is unsatisfying as we would at least like to rule out constructions using the set of techniques we have at our disposal. With this motivation in mind, in the final result of this dissertation we propose a new framework for black-box constructions with a non-black-box flavor, specifically, those that rely on zero-knowledge proofs relative to some oracle. Our framework is powerful enough to capture a large class of known constructions, however we show that the original black-box separation of key agreement from one-way functions still holds even in this non-black-box setting that allows for zero-knowledge proofs

    On Improving Communication Complexity in Cryptography

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    Towards compact bandwidth and efficient privacy-preserving computation

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    In traditional cryptographic applications, cryptographic mechanisms are employed to ensure the security and integrity of communication or storage. In these scenarios, the primary threat is usually an external adversary trying to intercept or tamper with the communication between two parties. On the other hand, in the context of privacy-preserving computation or secure computation, the cryptographic techniques are developed with a different goal in mind: to protect the privacy of the participants involved in a computation from each other. Specifically, privacy-preserving computation allows multiple parties to jointly compute a function without revealing their inputs and it has numerous applications in various fields, including finance, healthcare, and data analysis. It allows for collaboration and data sharing without compromising the privacy of sensitive data, which is becoming increasingly important in today's digital age. While privacy-preserving computation has gained significant attention in recent times due to its strong security and numerous potential applications, its efficiency remains its Achilles' heel. Privacy-preserving protocols require significantly higher computational overhead and bandwidth when compared to baseline (i.e., insecure) protocols. Therefore, finding ways to minimize the overhead, whether it be in terms of computation or communication, asymptotically or concretely, while maintaining security in a reasonable manner remains an exciting problem to work on. This thesis is centred around enhancing efficiency and reducing the costs of communication and computation for commonly used privacy-preserving primitives, including private set intersection, oblivious transfer, and stealth signatures. Our primary focus is on optimizing the performance of these primitives.Im Gegensatz zu traditionellen kryptografischen Aufgaben, bei denen Kryptografie verwendet wird, um die Sicherheit und Integrität von Kommunikation oder Speicherung zu gewährleisten und der Gegner typischerweise ein Außenstehender ist, der versucht, die Kommunikation zwischen Sender und Empfänger abzuhören, ist die Kryptografie, die in der datenschutzbewahrenden Berechnung (oder sicheren Berechnung) verwendet wird, darauf ausgelegt, die Privatsphäre der Teilnehmer voreinander zu schützen. Insbesondere ermöglicht die datenschutzbewahrende Berechnung es mehreren Parteien, gemeinsam eine Funktion zu berechnen, ohne ihre Eingaben zu offenbaren. Sie findet zahlreiche Anwendungen in verschiedenen Bereichen, einschließlich Finanzen, Gesundheitswesen und Datenanalyse. Sie ermöglicht eine Zusammenarbeit und Datenaustausch, ohne die Privatsphäre sensibler Daten zu kompromittieren, was in der heutigen digitalen Ära immer wichtiger wird. Obwohl datenschutzbewahrende Berechnung aufgrund ihrer starken Sicherheit und zahlreichen potenziellen Anwendungen in jüngster Zeit erhebliche Aufmerksamkeit erregt hat, bleibt ihre Effizienz ihre Achillesferse. Datenschutzbewahrende Protokolle erfordern deutlich höhere Rechenkosten und Kommunikationsbandbreite im Vergleich zu Baseline-Protokollen (d.h. unsicheren Protokollen). Daher bleibt es eine spannende Aufgabe, Möglichkeiten zu finden, um den Overhead zu minimieren (sei es in Bezug auf Rechen- oder Kommunikationsleistung, asymptotisch oder konkret), während die Sicherheit auf eine angemessene Weise gewährleistet bleibt. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Verbesserung der Effizienz und Reduzierung der Kosten für Kommunikation und Berechnung für gängige datenschutzbewahrende Primitiven, einschließlich private Schnittmenge, vergesslicher Transfer und Stealth-Signaturen. Unser Hauptaugenmerk liegt auf der Optimierung der Leistung dieser Primitiven