175 research outputs found

    An autoencoder-based neural network model for selectional preference: evidence from pseudo-disambiguation and cloze tasks

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    Intuitively, some predicates have a better fit with certain arguments than others. Usage-based models of language emphasize the importance of semantic similarity in shaping the structuring of constructions (form and meaning). In this study, we focus on modeling the semantics of transitive constructions in Finnish and present an autoencoder-based neural network model trained on semantic vectors based on Word2vec. This model builds on the distributional hypothesis according to which semantic information is primarily shaped by contextual information. Specifically, we focus on the realization of the object. The performance of the model is evaluated in two tasks: a pseudo-disambiguation and a cloze task. Additionally, we contrast the performance of the autoencoder with a previously implemented neural model. In general, the results show that our model achieves an excellent performance on these tasks in comparison to the other models. The results are discussed in terms of usage-based construction grammar.Kokkuvõte. Aki-Juhani Kyröläinen, M. Juhani Luotolahti ja Filip Ginter: Autokoodril põhinev närvivõrkude mudel valikulisel eelistamisel. Intuitiivselt tundub, et mõned argumendid sobivad teatud predikaatidega paremini kokku kui teised. Kasutuspõhised keelemudelid rõhutavad konstruktsioonide struktuuri (nii vormi kui tähenduse) kujunemisel tähendusliku sarnasuse olulisust. Selles uurimuses modelleerime soome keele transitiivsete konstruktsioonide semantikat ja esitame närvivõrkude mudeli ehk autokoodri. Mudel põhineb distributiivse semantika hüpoteesil, mille järgi kujuneb semantiline info peamiselt konteksti põhjal. Täpsemalt keskendume uurimuses objektile. Mudelit hindame nii valeühestamise kui ka lünkülesande abil. Kõrvutame autokoodri tulemusi varem välja töötatud neurovõrgumudelitega ja tõestame, et meie mudel töötab võrreldes teiste mudelitega väga hästi. Tulemused esitame kasutuspõhise konstruktsioonigrammatika kontekstis.Võtmesõnad: neurovõrk; autokooder; tähendusvektor; kasutuspõhine mudel; soome kee

    Is Structure Necessary for Modeling Argument Expectations in Distributional Semantics?

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    Despite the number of NLP studies dedicated to thematic fit estimation, little attention has been paid to the related task of composing and updating verb argument expectations. The few exceptions have mostly modeled this phenomenon with structured distributional models, implicitly assuming a similarly structured representation of events. Recent experimental evidence, however, suggests that human processing system could also exploit an unstructured "bag-of-arguments" type of event representation to predict upcoming input. In this paper, we re-implement a traditional structured model and adapt it to compare the different hypotheses concerning the degree of structure in our event knowledge, evaluating their relative performance in the task of the argument expectations update.Comment: conference paper, IWC

    Multimodal Event Knowledge in Online Sentence Comprehension: The Influence of Visual Context on Anticipatory Eye Movements

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    People predict incoming words during online sentence comprehension based on their knowledge of real-world events that is cued by preceding linguistic contexts. We used the visual world paradigm to investigate how event knowledge activated by an agent-verb pair is integrated with perceptual information about the referent that fits the patient role. During the verb time window participants looked significantly more at the referents that are expected given the agent-verb pair. Results are consistent with the assumption that event-based knowledge involves perceptual properties of typical participants. The knowledge activated by the agent is compositionally integrated with knowledge cued by the verb to drive anticipatory eye movements during sentence comprehension based on the expectations associated not only with the incoming word, but also with the visual features of its referent

    Inferring unobserved co-occurrence events in Anchored Packed Trees

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    Anchored Packed Trees (APTs) are a novel approach to distributional semantics that takes distributional composition to be a process of lexeme contextualisation. A lexeme’s meaning, characterised as knowledge concerning co-occurrences involving that lexeme, is represented with a higher-order dependency-typed structure (the APT) where paths associated with higher-order dependencies connect vertices associated with weighted lexeme multisets. The central innovation in the compositional theory is that the APT’s type structure enables the precise alignment of the semantic representation of each of the lexemes being composed. Like other count-based distributional spaces, however, Anchored Packed Trees are prone to considerable data sparsity, caused by not observing all plausible co-occurrences in the given data. This problem is amplified for models like APTs, that take the grammatical type of a co-occurrence into account. This results in a very sparse distributional space, requiring a mechanism for inferring missing knowledge. Most methods face this challenge in ways that render the resulting word representations uninterpretable, with the consequence that distributional composition becomes difficult to model and reason about. In this thesis, I will present a practical evaluation of the Apt theory, including a large-scale hyperparameter sensitivity study and a characterisation of the distributional space that APTs give rise to. Based on the empirical analysis, the impact of the problem of data sparsity is investigated. In order to address the data sparsity challenge and retain the interpretability of the model, I explore an alternative algorithm — distributional inference — for improving elementary representations. The algorithm involves explicitly inferring unobserved co-occurrence events by leveraging the distributional neighbourhood of the semantic space. I then leverage the rich type structure in APTs and propose a generalisation of the distributional inference algorithm. I empirically show that distributional inference improves elementary word representations and is especially beneficial when combined with an intersective composition function, which is due to the complementary nature of inference and composition. Lastly, I qualitatively analyse the proposed algorithms in order to characterise the knowledge that they are able to infer, as well as their impact on the distributional APT space
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