421 research outputs found

    Multi-Sensor Historical Climatology of Satellite-Derived Global Land Surface Moisture

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    A historical climatology of continuous satellite-derived global land surface soil moisture is being developed. The data consist of surface soil moisture retrievals derived from all available historical and active satellite microwave sensors, including Nimbus-7 Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer, Defense Meteorological Satellites Program Special Sensor Microwave Imager, Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Microwave Imager, and Aqua Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS, and span the period from November 1978 through the end of 2007. This new data set is a global product and is consistent in its retrieval approach for the entire period of data record. The moisture retrievals are made with a radiative transfer-based land parameter retrieval model. The various sensors have different technical specifications, including primary wavelength, spatial resolution, and temporal frequency of coverage. These sensor specifications and their effect on the data retrievals are discussed. The model is described in detail, and the quality of the data with respect to the different sensors is discussed as well. Examples of the different sensor retrievals illustrating global patterns are presented. Additional validation studies were performed with large-scale observational soil moisture data sets and are also presented. The data will be made available for use by the general science community

    Modeling L-Band Microwave Emission From Soil-Vegetation System

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    During a field campaign covering the 2002 corn growing season, a dual polarized tower mounted L-band (1.4 GHz) radiometer (LRAD) provided brightness temperature (T¬B) measurements at preset intervals, incidence and azimuth angles. These radiometer measurements were supported by an extensive characterization of land surface variables including soil moisture, soil temperature, vegetation biomass, and surface roughness. During the period from May 22, 2002 to August 30, 2002 a range of vegetation water content (W) of 0.0 to 4.3 kg m-2, ten days of radiometer and ground measurements were available. Using this data set, the effects of corn vegetation on surface emissions are investigated by means of a semi-empirical radiative transfer model. Additionally, the impact of roughness on the surface emission is quantified using T¬B measurements over bare soil conditions. Subsequently, the estimated roughness parameters, ground measurements and horizontally (H)-polarized TB are employed to invert the H-polarized transmissivity (γh) for the monitored corn growing season

    Harmonization of remote sensing land surface products : correction of clear-sky bias and characterization of directional effects

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    Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Geofísicas e da Geoinformação (Deteção Remota), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2018Land surface temperature (LST) is the mean radiative skin temperature of an area of land resulting from the mean energy balance at the surface. LST is an important climatological variable and a diagnostic parameter of land surface conditions, since it is the primary variable determining the upward thermal radiation and one of the main controllers of sensible and latent heat fluxes between the surface and the atmosphere. The reliable and long-term estimation of LST is therefore highly relevant for a wide range of applications, including, amongst others: (i) land surface model validation and monitoring; (ii) data assimilation; (iii) hydrological applications; and (iv) climate monitoring. Remote sensing constitutes the most effective method to observe LST over large areas and on a regular basis. Satellite LST products generally rely on measurements in the thermal infrared (IR) atmospheric window, i.e., within the 8-13 micrometer range. Beside the relatively weak atmospheric attenuation under clear sky conditions, this band includes the peak of the Earth’s spectral radiance, considering surface temperature of the order of 300K (leading to maximum emission at approximately 9.6 micrometer, according to Wien’s Displacement Law). The estimation of LST from remote sensing instruments operating in the IR is being routinely performed for nearly 3 decades. Nevertheless, there is still a long list of open issues, some of them to be addressed in this PhD thesis. First, the viewing position of the different remote sensing platforms may lead to variability of the retrieved surface temperature that depends on the surface heterogeneity of the pixel – dominant land cover, orography. This effect introduces significant discrepancies among LST estimations from different sensors, overlapping in space and time, that are not related to uncertainties in the methodologies or input data used. Furthermore, these directional effects deviate LST products from an ideally defined LST, which should correspond to the ensemble directional radiometric temperature of all surface elements within the FOV. In this thesis, a geometric model is presented that allows the upscaling of in situ measurements to the any viewing configuration. This model allowed generating a synthetic database of directional LST that was used consistently to evaluate different parametric models of directional LST. Ultimately, a methodology is proposed that allows the operational use of such parametric models to correct angular effects on the retrieved LST. Second, the use of infrared data limits the retrieval of LST to clear sky conditions, since clouds “close” the atmospheric window. This effect introduces a clear-sky bias in IR LST datasets that is difficult to quantify since it varies in space and time. In addition, the cloud clearing requirement severely limits the space-time sampling of IR measurements. Passive microwave (MW) measurements are much less affected by clouds than IR observations. LST estimates can in principle be derived from MW measurements, regardless of the cloud conditions. However, retrieving LST from MW and matching those estimations with IR-derived values is challenging and there have been only a few attempts so far. In this thesis, a methodology is presented to retrieve LST from passive MW observations. The MW LST dataset is examined comprehensively against in situ measurements and multiple IR LST products. Finally, the MW LST data is used to assess the spatial-temporal patterns of the clear-sky bias at global scale.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, SFRH/BD/9646

    Modeling the angular dependence of satellite retrieved Land Surface Temperature (LST)

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    Tese de mestrado em Ciências Geofísicas, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2013A temperatura de superfície do solo (Land Surface Temperature - LST) é definida como a temperatura radiométrica da superfície sobre terra, correspondendo à radiação emitida no infravermelho (IV) térmico por uma camada com espessura da ordem da profundidade de penetração da radiação IV, da ordem do comprimento de onda. A LST é uma variável climatológica importante e, também, um parâmetro de diagnóstico das condições da superfície do solo. Pode ser utilizada para estimar fluxos de calor sensível à superfície, a humidade do solo, a evapotranspiração e propriedades da vegetação, incluindo o seu stress hídrico. A deteção remota, nomeadamente a efetuada através de satélites, constitui o único meio disponível para a obtenção de LST a uma escala espacial global e regular e com elevada frequência temporal. A Land Surface Analysis Satellite Application Facility (LSA-SAF) dissemina, de forma operacional e em tempo quase real, um produto de LST obtido por aplicação de um algoritmo do tipo “generalized split-window” a observações de temperatura de brilho no topo da atmosfera efetuadas pelo Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI) a bordo dos satélites da série Meteosat Second Generation (MSG). A validação da LST da LSA-SAF envolve não só a sua comparação com medições in situ mas também com a LST obtida por sensores a bordo de outros satélites. As principais fontes de discrepâncias de LST entre satélites são: 1) a calibração do sensor, 2) as funções de resposta, 3) a resolução espacial e temporal, 4) a correção atmosférica aplicada, 5) as estimativas de emissividade de superfície adotadas, 6) a máscara de nuvens utilizadas e 7) a anisotropia angular. Destas, a sensibilidade da LST à anisotropia angular é um dos tópicos menos estudados. No entanto, os produtos de satélite de LST são, em geral, variáveis direcionais, isto é, a LST obtida para uma dada cena, utilizando o mesmo sensor, mas com ângulos de visão diferentes, frequentemente apresenta valores diferentes, dependendo de fatores como o tipo de superfície, as características do solo e a inclinação do terreno. A estrutura da superfície tem uma influência importante na temperatura, devido particularmente a efeitos de sombreamento pelos elementos de vegetação e inclinação do terreno que resultam numa dependência da LST dos ângulos zenital e azimutal de visão. Para superfícies homogéneas, a variabilidade da LST é essencialmente função da direccionalidade da emissividade, enquanto para superfícies heterogéneas a variabilidade angular está na sua maioria associada às proporções observadas pelo satélite de diferentes componentes que possuem as suas próprias temperatura e emissividade. Existem diversos modelos de transferência radiativa que tratam de diferentes formas a anisotropia da radiação em zonas vegetadas. Os modelos Ótico-Geométricos foram desenvolvidos em particular para descrever florestas e outros cobertos vegetais descontínuos. Estes modelos operam assumindo que a copa da vegetação pode ser descrita por objetos geométricos distribuídos espacialmente de acordo com determinado modelo estatístico. A interseção e reflecção de luz são calculadas analiticamente a partir de considerações geométricas. Nestes modelos a radiância de uma dada região é estimada como sendo uma média pesada das radiâncias de cada componente básico (normalmente, o solo ao sol e à sombra e a copa ao sol e à sombra). Neste estudo apresenta-se um modelo geométrico que permite estimar as áreas projetadas de cada componente utilizando geometria de raios paralelos para descrever a iluminação de um único elemento de vegetação tridimensional e a sombra que origina. Dada a forma e tamanho do elemento de vegetação e a geometria de visão e iluminação, as diferentes proporções podem ser estimadas recorrendo ao formalismo do modelo Booleano, desde que se possa assumir que os objetos possuem uma distribuição espacial aleatória. O modelo Booleano inclui ainda a possibilidade de sombreamento mútuo entre objetos e a sobreposição de copas. Este tipo de modelo ótico-geométrico tem sido bastante utilizado por vários autores em estudos de anisotropia de temperatura da superfície. O procedimento proposto no presente trabalho tem a vantagem de recorrer a um método computacional simples para calcular as projeções, em vez de utilizar um método analítico mais rígido e complexo. O método consiste em projetar um elemento de vegetação tridimensional (copa elipsoidal ou cónica) numa malha de elevada resolução, o que permite a utilização de qualquer forma e tamanho para a vegetação e até mesmo a combinação de diferentes formas e tamanhos. As radiâncias das componentes são obtidas a partir de medições in situ da temperatura de brilho provenientes da estação de validação de LSA-SAF em Évora. Estas medições são efetuadas a cada minuto por quatro radiómetros que observam o solo ao sol (em dois pontos diferentes), a copa de uma árvore e o céu a um ângulo zenital de 53º, sendo a última medição utilizada para estimar a componente de fluxo radiativo descendente refletido. Assume-se ainda que a temperatura da sombra é determinada pelos valores máximos diários das temperaturas do ar e do solo ao sol. O modelo é posteriormente aplicado ao pixel do MSG que contém a estação de Évora, utilizando-se informação de terreno sobre a densidade de árvores e a sua forma e tamanho médios. A temperatura do compósito resultante da combinação do modelo geométrico e das medições in situ é então comparada com a LST operacional disseminada pela LSA-SAF. Os resultados mostram uma boa concordância entre a temperatura do compósito e a LST, apresentando um viés de cerca de 1ºC e um erro médio quadrático de cerca de 1.5ºC. Acresce que os resultados mostram que existe um impacto significativo de heterogeneidades da superfície na LST e, especialmente, que esse impacto varia ao longo do dia e do ano uma vez que depende das temperaturas relativas do solo ao sol e à sombra e da copa. Em relação a outros estudos efetuados, o presente trabalho proporciona uma avaliação mais pormenorizada deste efeito, em particular graças à análise efetuada a uma grande variedade de ângulos de visão e iluminação, emissividades de superfície e coberto vegetal. A simplicidade do modelo permite a sua aplicação a qualquer satélite, geoestacionário ou de orbita polar. A LST foi, assim, igualmente comparada com o respetivo produto do sensor MODIS. A comparação dos dois produtos mostra a presença de um viés e de um desvio padrão dos erros de cerca de 3ºC. O modelo geométrico foi mais uma vez aplicado às medições in situ, de forma a estimar e corrigir desvios entre as estimativas de LST com base nos dois sensores, que estão associados a geometrias de visão diferentes. A aplicação desta correção resulta numa redução significativa do desvio padrão dos erros, resultado este expectável, dada a geometria de visão variável do MODIS. Quanto ao viés observado entre os dois sensores, este não pode ser atribuído a diferenças na geometria de visão, estando provavelmente relacionado com outras fontes persistentes de erro. As diferenças observadas podem eventualmente ser atribuídas às discrepâncias significativas observadas entre as emissividades utilizadas pela LSA-SAF e pelo MODIS. Com efeito, no período de estudo, as diferenças variam entre 0.005 e 0.01, com o MODIS a apresentar sempre valores mais elevados, facto consistente com o viés negativo observado. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que o procedimento proposto pode constituir uma ferramenta útil para a validação e comparação de LST de diferentes sensores. O modelo geométrico apresentado representa um ponto de partida para a compreensão dos efeitos direcionais na LST. Pode antecipar-se que este modelo virá a ser utilizado num estudo alargado de sensibilidade, a ser realizado para todo o disco MSG – e por isso para uma vasta variedade de tipos de superfície e geometrias de visão e iluminação – de modo a que sejam identificadas áreas e períodos do dia e do ano em que estes efeitos são mais pronunciados.Satellite retrieved values of Land Surface Temperature (LST) over heterogeneous pixels generally depend on viewing and illumination angles as well as on the characteristics of the land cover. A geometrical model is presented that allows estimating LST of a given pixel for any viewing and illumination angles. The Boolean scene model is used to estimate the per-pixel fractions covered by the following three scene components: sunlit background, shaded background and vegetation. Estimates of the average area covered by canopies and by shadow are derived from the projection of a single arbitrarily-shaped vegetation element (e.g. ellipsoidal or conical tree canopies) onto a fine scale regular grid. The model is applied to time-series of continuous in situ brightness temperature measurements as obtained at the LSA-SAF validation site in Évora (Portugal) during 2011 and 2012. Measurements are performed every minute by four radiometers, two of them observing the sunlit background and the other two a tree crown and the sky at 53° zenith angle. It is assumed that the shadow temperature is determined by daily maxima of air and sunlit background temperatures. The resulting composite temperature is compared against LSA-SAF operational LST data as retrieved from the SEVIRI instrument on-board Meteosat-8. Results show a bias of order of 1 K and a RMSE of about 1.5K. LST data are also compared against MODIS (level 3) daily LST. The LST difference between MSG and MODIS shows a strong dependence on viewing geometry that suggests relying on the geometrical model to generate estimates of LST differences between the two sensors.Results obtained with the model reveal a significant decreasing of the standard deviation error between the sensors

    Effect of environmental conditions on the relationship between solar induced fluorescence and gross primary productivity at an OzFlux grassland site

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    Recent studies have utilized coarse spatial and temporal resolution remotely sensed solar induced fluorescence (SIF) for modeling terrestrial gross primary productivity (GPP) at regional scales. Although these studies have demonstrated the potential of SIF, there have been concerns about the ecophysiological basis of the relationship between SIF and GPP in different environmental conditions. Launched in 2014, the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) has enabled fine scale (1.3-by-2.5 km) retrievals of SIF that are comparable with measurements recorded at eddy covariance towers. In this study, we examine the effect of environmental conditions on the relationship of OCO-2 SIF with tower GPP over the course of a growing season at a well-characterized natural grassland site. Combining OCO-2 SIF and eddy covariance tower data with a canopy radiative transfer and an ecosystem model, we also assess the potential of OCO-2 SIF to constrain the estimates of V_(cmax), one of the most important parameters in ecosystem models. Based on the results, we suggest that although environmental conditions play a role in determining the nature of relationship between SIF and GPP, overall the linear relationship is more robust at ecosystem scale than the theory based on leaf-level processes might suggest. Our study also shows that the ability of SIF to constrain V_(cmax) is weak at the selected site

    Unlocking the benefits of spaceborne imaging spectroscopy for sustainable agriculture

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    With the Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP) mission, launched on April 1st 2022, new opportunities unfold for precision farming and agricultural monitoring. The recurring acquisition of spectrometric imagery from space, contiguously resolving the electromagnetic spectrum in the optical domain (400—2500 nm) within close narrow bands, provides unprecedented data about the interaction of radiation with biophysical and biochemical crop constituents. These interactions manifest in spectral reflectance, carrying important information about crop status and health. This information may be incorporated in agricultural management systems to support necessary efforts to maximize yields against the backdrop of an increased food demand by a growing world population. At the same time, it enables the effective optimization of fertilization and pest control to minimize environmental impacts of agriculture. Deriving biophysical and biochemical crop traits from hyperspectral reflectance thereby always relies on a model. These models are categorized into (1) parametric, (2) nonparametric, (3) physically-based, and (4) hybrid retrieval schemes. Parametric methods define an explicit parameterized expression, relating a number of spectral bands or derivates thereof with a crop trait of interest. Nonparametric methods comprise linear techniques, such as principal component analysis (PCA) which addresses collinearity issues between adjacent bands and enables compression of full spectral information into dimensionality reduced, maximal informative principal components (PCs). Nonparametric nonlinear methods, i.e., machine learning (ML) algorithms apply nonlinear transformations to imaging spectroscopy data and are therefore capable of capturing nonlinear relationships within the contained spectral features. Physically-based methods represent an umbrella term for radiative transfer models (RTMs) and related retrieval schemes, such as look-up-table (LUT) inversion. A simple, easily invertible and specific RTM is the Beer-Lambert law which may be used to directly infer plant water content. The most widely used general and invertible RTM is the one-dimensional canopy RTM PROSAIL, which is coupling the Leaf Optical Properties Spectra model PROSPECT and the canopy reflectance model 4SAIL: Scattering by Arbitrarily Inclined Leaves. Hybrid methods make use of synthetic data sets created by RTMs to calibrate parametric methods or to train nonparametric ML algorithms. Due to the ill-posed nature of RTM inversion, potentially unrealistic and redundant samples in a LUT need to be removed by either implementing physiological constraints or by applying active learning (AL) heuristics. This cumulative thesis presents three different hybrid approaches, demonstrated within three scientific research papers, to derive agricultural relevant crop traits from spectrometric imagery. In paper I the Beer-Lambert law is applied to directly infer the thickness of the optically active water layer (i.e., EWT) from the liquid water absorption feature at 970 nm. The model is calibrated with 50,000 PROSPECT spectra and validated over in situ data. Due to separate water content measurements of leaves, stalks, and fruits during the Munich-North-Isar (MNI) campaigns, findings indicate that depending on the crop type and its structure, different parts of the canopy are observed with optical sensors. For winter wheat, correlation between measured and modelled water content was most promising for ears and leaves, reaching coefficients of determination (R2) up to 0.72 and relative RMSE (rRMSE) of 26%, and in the case of corn for the leaf fraction only (R2 = 0.86, rRMSE = 23%). These results led to the general recommendation to collect destructive area-based plant organ specific EWT measurements instead of the common practice to upscale leaf-based EWT measurements to canopy water content (CWC) by multiplication of the leaf area index (LAI). The developed and calibrated plant water retrieval (PWR) model proved to be transferable in space and time and is ready to be applied to upcoming EnMAP data and any other hyperspectral imagery. In paper II the parametric concept of spectral integral ratios (SIR) is introduced to retrieve leaf chlorophyll a and b content (Cab), leaf carotenoid content (Ccx) and leaf water content (Cw) simultaneously from imaging spectroscopy data in the wavelength range 460—1100 nm. The SIR concept is based on automatic separation of respective absorption features through local peak and intercept analysis between log-transformed reflectance and convex hulls. The approach was validated over a physiologically constrained PROSAIL simulated database, considering natural Ccx-Cab relations and green peak locations. Validation on airborne spectrometric HyMAP data achieved satisfactory results for Cab (R2 = 0.84; RMSE = 9.06 µg cm-2) and CWC (R2 = 0.70; RMSE = 0.05 cm). Retrieved Ccx values were reasonable according to Cab-Ccx-dependence plausibility analysis. Mapping of the SIR results as multiband images (3-segment SIR) allows for an intuitive visualization of dominant absorptions with respect to the three considered biochemical variables. Hence, the presented SIR algorithm allows for computationally efficient and RTM supported robust retrievals of the two most important vegetation pigments as well as of water content and is applicable on satellite imaging spectroscopy data. In paper III a hybrid workflow is presented, combining RTM with ML for inferring crop carbon content (Carea) and aboveground dry and fresh biomass (AGBdry, AGBfresh). The concept involves the establishment of a PROSAIL training database, dimensionality reduction using PCA, optimization in the sampling domain using AL against the 4-year MNI campaign dataset, and training of Gaussian process regression (GPR) ML algorithms. Internal validation of the GPR-Carea and GPR-AGB models achieved R2 of 0.80 for Carea, and R2 of 0.80 and 0.71 for AGBdry and AGBfresh, respectively. Validation with an independent dataset, comprising airborne AVIRIS NG imagery (spectrally resampled to EnMAP) and in situ measurements, successfully demonstrated mapping capabilities for both bare and green fields and generated reliable estimates over winter wheat fields at low associated model uncertainties (< 40%). Overall, the proposed carbon and biomass models demonstrate a promising path toward the inference of these crucial variables over cultivated areas from upcoming spaceborne hyperspectral acquisitions, such as from EnMAP. As conclusions, the following important findings arise regarding parametric and nonparametric hybrid methods as well as in view of the importance of in situ data collection. (1) Uncertainties within the RTM PROSAIL should always be considered. A possible reduction of these uncertainties is thereby opposed to the invertibility of the model and its intended simplicity. (2) Both physiological constraints and AL heuristics should be applied to reduce unrealistic parameter combinations in a PROSAIL calibration or training database. (3) State-of-the-art hybrid ML approaches with the ability to provide uncertainty intervals are anticipated as most promising approach for solving inference problems from hyperspectral Earth observation data due to their synergistic use of RTMs and the high flexibility, accuracy and consistency of nonlinear nonparametric methods. (4) Parametric hybrid approaches, due to their algorithmic transparency, enable deeper insights into fundamental physical limitations of optical remote sensing as compared to ML approaches. (5) Integration-based indices that make full use of available hyperspectral information may serve as physics-aware dimensionality reduced input for ML algorithms to either improve estimations or to serve as endmember for crop type discrimination when additional time series information is available. (6) The validation of quantitative model-based estimations is crucial to evaluate and improve their performance in terms of the underlying assumptions, model parameterizations, and input data. (7) In the face of soon-to-be-available EnMAP data, collection of in situ data for validation of retrieval methods should aim at high variability of measured crop types, high temporal variability over the whole growing season, as well as include area- and biomass-based destructive measurements instead of LAI-upscaled leaf measurements. Provided the perfect functionality of the payload instruments, the success of the EnMAP mission and the here presented methods depend critically on a low-noise, accurate atmospherically corrected reflectance product. High-level outputs of the retrieval methods presented in this thesis may be incorporated into agricultural decision support systems for fertilization and irrigation planning, yield estimation, or estimation of the soil carbon sequestration potential to enable a sustainable intensive agriculture in the future.Mit der am 1. April 2022 gestarteten Satellitenmission Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP) eröffnen sich neue Möglichkeiten für die Präzisionslandwirtschaft und das landwirtschaftliche Monitoring. Die wiederkehrende Erfassung spektrometrischer Bilder aus dem Weltraum, welche das elektromagnetische Spektrum im optischen Bereich (400—2500 nm) innerhalb von engen, schmalen Bändern zusammenhängend auflösen, liefert nie dagewesene Daten über die Interaktionen von Strahlung und biophysikalischen und biochemischen Pflanzenbestandteilen. Diese Wechselwirkungen manifestieren sich in der spektralen Reflektanz, die wichtige Informationen über den Zustand und die Gesundheit der Pflanzen enthält. Vor dem Hintergrund einer steigenden Nachfrage nach Nahrungsmitteln durch eine wachsende Weltbevölkerung können diese Informationen in landwirtschaftliche Managementsysteme einfließen, um eine notwendige Ertragsmaximierung zu unterstützen. Gleichzeitig können sie eine effiziente Optimierung der Düngung und Schädlingsbekämpfung ermöglichen, um die Umweltauswirkungen der Landwirtschaft zu minimieren. Die Ableitung biophysikalischer und biochemischer Pflanzeneigenschaften aus hyperspektralen Reflektanzdaten ist dabei immer von einem Modell abhängig. Diese Modelle werden in (1) parametrische, (2) nichtparametrische, (3) physikalisch basierte und (4) hybride Ableitungsmethoden kategorisiert. Parametrische Methoden definieren einen expliziten parametrisierten Ausdruck, der eine Reihe von Spektralkanälen oder deren Ableitungen mit einem Pflanzenmerkmal von Interesse in Beziehung setzt. Nichtparametrische Methoden umfassen lineare Techniken wie die Hauptkomponentenanalyse (PCA). Diese adressieren Kollinearitätsprobleme zwischen benachbarten Kanälen und komprimieren die gesamte Spektralinformation in dimensionsreduzierte, maximal informative Hauptkomponenten (PCs). Nichtparametrische nichtlineare Methoden, d. h. Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens (ML), wenden nichtlineare Transformationen auf bildgebende Spektroskopiedaten an und sind daher in der Lage, nichtlineare Beziehungen innerhalb der enthaltenen spektralen Merkmale zu erfassen. Physikalisch basierte Methoden sind ein Oberbegriff für Strahlungstransfermodelle (RTM) und damit verbundene Ableitungsschemata, d. h. Invertierungsverfahren wie z. B. die Invertierung mittels Look-up-Table (LUT). Ein einfaches, leicht invertierbares und spezifisches RTM stellt das Lambert-Beer'sche Gesetz dar, das zur direkten Ableitung des Wassergehalts von Pflanzen verwendet werden kann. Das am weitesten verbreitete, allgemeine und invertierbare RTM ist das eindimensionale Bestandsmodell PROSAIL, eine Kopplung des Blattmodells Leaf Optical Properties Spectra (PROSPECT) mit dem Bestandsreflexionsmodell 4SAIL (Scattering by Arbitrarily Inclined Leaves). Bei hybriden Methoden werden von RTMs generierte, synthetische Datenbanken entweder zur Kalibrierung parametrischer Methoden oder zum Training nichtparametrischer ML-Algorithmen verwendet. Aufgrund der Äquifinalitätsproblematik bei der RTM-Invertierung, müssen potenziell unrealistische und redundante Simulationen in einer solchen Datenbank durch die Implementierung natürlicher physiologischer Beschränkungen oder durch die Anwendung von Active Learning (AL) Heuristiken entfernt werden. In dieser kumulativen Dissertation werden drei verschiedene hybride Ansätze zur Ableitung landwirtschaftlich relevanter Pflanzenmerkmale aus spektrometrischen Bilddaten vorgestellt, die anhand von drei wissenschaftlichen Publikationen demonstriert werden. In Paper I wird das Lambert-Beer'sche Gesetz angewandt, um die Dicke der optisch aktiven Wasserschicht (bzw. EWT) direkt aus dem Absorptionsmerkmal von flüssigem Wasser bei 970 nm abzuleiten. Das Modell wird mit 50.000 PROSPECT-Spektren kalibriert und anhand von In-situ-Daten validiert. Aufgrund separater Messungen des Wassergehalts von Blättern, Stängeln und Früchten während der München-Nord-Isar (MNI)-Kampagnen, zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass je nach Kulturart und -struktur, unterschiedliche Teile des Bestandes mit optischen Sensoren beobachtet werden können. Bei Winterweizen wurde die höchste Korrelation zwischen gemessenem und modelliertem Wassergehalt für Ähren und Blätter erzielt und sie erreichte Bestimmtheitsmaße (R2) von bis zu 0,72 bei einem relativen RMSE (rRMSE) von 26%, bei Mais entsprechend nur für die Blattfraktion (R2 = 0,86, rRMSE = 23%). Diese Ergebnisse führten zu der allgemeinen Empfehlung, Kompartiment-spezifische EWT-Bestandsmessungen zu erheben, anstatt der üblichen Praxis, blattbasierte EWT-Messungen durch Multiplikation mit dem Blattflächenindex (LAI) auf den Bestandswassergehalt (CWC) hochzurechnen. Das entwickelte und kalibrierte Modell zur Ableitung des Pflanzenwassergehalts (PWR) erwies sich als räumlich und zeitlich übertragbar und kann auf bald verfügbare EnMAP-Daten und andere hyperspektrale Bilddaten angewendet werden. In Paper II wird das parametrische Konzept der spektralen Integralratios (SIR) eingeführt, um den Chlorophyll a- und b-Gehalt (Cab), den Karotinoidgehalt (Ccx) und den Wassergehalt (Cw) simultan aus bildgebenden Spektroskopiedaten im Wellenlängenbereich 460-1100 nm zu ermitteln. Das SIR-Konzept basiert auf der automatischen Separierung der jeweiligen Absorptionsmerkmale durch lokale Maxima- und Schnittpunkt-Analyse zwischen log-transformierter Reflektanz und konvexen Hüllen. Der Ansatz wurde anhand einer physiologisch eingeschränkten PROSAIL-Datenbank unter Berücksichtigung natürlicher Ccx-Cab-Beziehungen und Positionen der Maxima im grünen Wellenlängenbereich validiert. Die Validierung mit flugzeuggestützten spektrometrischen HyMAP-Daten ergab zufriedenstellende Ergebnisse für Cab (R2 = 0,84; RMSE = 9,06 µg cm-2) und CWC (R2 = 0,70; RMSE = 0,05 cm). Die ermittelten Ccx-Werte wurden anhand einer Plausibilitätsanalyse entsprechend der Cab-Ccx-Abhängigkeit als sinnvoll bewertet. Die Darstellung der SIR-Ergebnisse als mehrkanalige Bilder (3 segment SIR) ermöglicht zudem eine auf die drei betrachteten biochemischen Variablen bezogene, intuitive Visualisierung der dominanten Absorptionen. Der vorgestellte SIR-Algorithmus ermöglicht somit wenig rechenintensive und RTM-gestützte robuste Ableitungen der beiden wichtigsten Pigmente sowie des Wassergehalts und kann in auf jegliche zukünftig verfügbare Hyperspektraldaten angewendet werden. In Paper III wird ein hybrider Ansatz vorgestellt, der RTM mit ML kombiniert, um den Kohlenstoffgehalt (Carea) sowie die oberirdische trockene und frische Biomasse (AGBdry, AGBfresh) abzuschätzen. Das Konzept umfasst die Erstellung einer PROSAIL-Trainingsdatenbank, die Dimensionsreduzierung mittels PCA, die Reduzierung der Stichprobenanzahl mittels AL anhand des vier Jahre umspannenden MNI-Kampagnendatensatzes und das Training von Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) ML-Algorithmen. Die interne Validierung der GPR-Carea und GPR-AGB-Modelle ergab einen R2 von 0,80 für Carea und einen R2 von 0,80 bzw. 0,71 für AGBdry und AGBfresh. Die Validierung auf einem unabhängigen Datensatz, der flugzeuggestützte AVIRIS-NG-Bilder (spektral auf EnMAP umgerechnet) und In-situ-Messungen umfasste, zeigte erfolgreich die Kartierungsfähigkeiten sowohl für offene Böden als auch für grüne Felder und führte zu zuverlässigen Schätzungen auf Winterweizenfeldern bei geringen Modellunsicherheiten (< 40%). Insgesamt zeigen die vorgeschlagenen Kohlenstoff- und Biomassemodelle einen vielversprechenden Ansatz auf, der zur Ableitung dieser wichtigen Variablen über Anbauflächen aus künftigen weltraumgestützten Hyperspektralaufnahmen wie jenen von EnMAP genutzt werden kann. Als Schlussfolgerungen ergeben sich die folgenden wichtigen Erkenntnisse in Bezug auf parametrische und nichtparametrische Hybridmethoden sowie bezogen auf die Bedeutung der In-situ-Datenerfassung. (1) Unsicherheiten innerhalb des RTM PROSAIL sollten immer berücksichtigt werden. Eine mögliche Verringerung dieser Unsicherheiten steht dabei der Invertierbarkeit des Modells und dessen beabsichtigter Einfachheit entgegen. (2) Sowohl physiologische Einschränkungen als auch AL-Heuristiken sollten angewendet werden, um unrealistische Parameterkombinationen in einer PROSAIL-Kalibrierungs- oder Trainingsdatenbank zu reduzieren. (3) Modernste ML-Ansätze mit der Fähigkeit, Unsicherheitsintervalle bereitzustellen, werden als vielversprechendster Ansatz für die Lösung von Inferenzproblemen aus hyperspektralen Erdbeobachtungsdaten aufgrund ihrer synergetischen Nutzung von RTMs und der hohen Flexibilität, Genauigkeit und Konsistenz nichtlinearer nichtparametrischer Methoden angesehen. (4) Parametrische hybride Ansätze ermöglichen aufgrund ihrer algorithmischen Transparenz im Vergleich zu ML-Ansätzen tiefere Einblicke in die grundlegenden physikalischen Grenzen der optischen Fernerkundung. (5) Integralbasierte Indizes, die die verfügbare hyperspektrale Information voll ausschöpfen, können als physikalisch-basierte dimensionsreduzierte Inputs für ML-Algorithmen dienen, um entweder Schätzungen zu verbessern oder um als Eingangsdaten die verbesserte Unterscheidung von Kulturpflanzen zu ermöglichen, sobald zusätzliche Zeitreiheninformationen verfügbar sind. (6) Die Validierung quantitativer modellbasierter Schätzungen ist von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Bewertung und Verbesserung ihrer Leistungsfähigkeit in Bezug auf die zugrunde liegenden Annahmen, Modellparametrisierungen und Eingabedaten. (7) Angesichts der bald verfügbaren EnMAP-Daten sollte die Erhebung von In-situ-Daten zur Validierung von Ableitungsmethoden auf eine hohe Variabilität der gemessenen Pflanzentypen und eine hohe zeitliche Variabilität über die gesamte Vegetationsperiode abzielen sowie flächen- und biomassebasierte destruktive Messungen anstelle von LAI-skalierten Blattmessungen umfassen. Unter der Voraussetzung, dass die Messinstrumente perfekt funktionieren, hängt der Erfolg der EnMAP-Mission und der hier vorgestellten Methoden entscheidend von einem rauscharmen, präzise atmosphärisch korrigierten Reflektanzprodukt ab. Die Ergebnisse der in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Methoden können in landwirtschaftliche Entscheidungsunterstützungssysteme für die Dünge- oder Bewässerungsplanung, die Ertragsabschätzung oder die Schätzung des Potenzials der Kohlenstoffbindung im Boden integriert werden, um eine nachhaltige Intensivlandwirtschaft in der Zukunft zu ermöglichen