79 research outputs found

    GSOS for non-deterministic processes with quantitative aspects

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    Recently, some general frameworks have been proposed as unifying theories for processes combining non-determinism with quantitative aspects (such as probabilistic or stochastically timed executions), aiming to provide general results and tools. This paper provides two contributions in this respect. First, we present a general GSOS specification format (and a corresponding notion of bisimulation) for non-deterministic processes with quantitative aspects. These specifications define labelled transition systems according to the ULTraS model, an extension of the usual LTSs where the transition relation associates any source state and transition label with state reachability weight functions (like, e.g., probability distributions). This format, hence called Weight Function SOS (WFSOS), covers many known systems and their bisimulations (e.g. PEPA, TIPP, PCSP) and GSOS formats (e.g. GSOS, Weighted GSOS, Segala-GSOS, among others). The second contribution is a characterization of these systems as coalgebras of a class of functors, parametric on the weight structure. This result allows us to prove soundness of the WFSOS specification format, and that bisimilarities induced by these specifications are always congruences.Comment: In Proceedings QAPL 2014, arXiv:1406.156

    A compositional coalgebraic model of a fragment of fusion calculus

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    This work is a further step in exploring the labelled transitions and bisimulations of fusion calculi. We follow the approach developed by Turi and Plotkin for lifting transition systems with a syntactic structure to bialgebras and, thus, we provide a compositional model of the fusion calculus with explicit fusions. In such a model, the bisimilarity relation induced by the unique morphism to the final coalgebra coincides with fusion hyperequivalence and it is a congruence with respect to the operations of the calculus. The key novelty in our work is to give an account of explicit fusions through labelled transitions. In this short essay, we focus on a fragment of the fusion calculus without recursion and replication

    Towards a Uniform Theory of Effectful State Machines

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    Using recent developments in coalgebraic and monad-based semantics, we present a uniform study of various notions of machines, e.g. finite state machines, multi-stack machines, Turing machines, valence automata, and weighted automata. They are instances of Jacobs' notion of a T-automaton, where T is a monad. We show that the generic language semantics for T-automata correctly instantiates the usual language semantics for a number of known classes of machines/languages, including regular, context-free, recursively-enumerable and various subclasses of context free languages (e.g. deterministic and real-time ones). Moreover, our approach provides new generic techniques for studying the expressivity power of various machine-based models.Comment: final version accepted by TOC

    A Network-Aware Process Calculus for Global Computing and its Categorical Framework

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    An essential aspect of distributed systems is resource management, concerning how resources can be accessed and allocated. This aspect should also be taken into account when modeling and verifying such systems. A class of formalisms with the desired features are nominal calculi: they represent resources as atomic objects called names and have linguistic constructs to express creation of new resources. The paradigmatic nominal calculus is the π-calculus, which is well-studied and comes with models and logics. The first objective of this thesis is devising a natural and seamless extension of the π-calculus where resources are network nodes and links. The motivation is provided by a recent, successful networking paradigm called Software Defined Networks, which allows the network structure to be manipulated at runtime via software. We devise a new calculus called Network Conscious π-calculus (NCPi), where resources, namely nodes and links, are represented as names, following the π-calculus guidelines. This allows NCPi to reuse the π-calculus name-handling machinery. The semantics allows observing end-to-end routing behavior, in the form of routing paths through the network. As in the π-calculus, bisimilarity is not closed under input prefix. Interestingly, closure under parallel composition does not hold either. Taking the greatest bisimulation closed under all renamings solves the issue only for the input prefix. We conjecture that such closure yields a full congruence for the subcalculus with only guarded sums. We introduce an extension of NCPi (ÎșNCPi) with some features that makes it closer to real-life routing. Most importantly, we add concurrency, i.e. multiple paths can be observed at the same time. Unlike the sequential version, bisimilarity is a congruence from the very beginning, due to the richer observations, so ÎșNCPi can be considered the “right” version of NCPi when compositionality is needed. This extended calculus is used to model the peer- to-peer architecture Pastry. The second objective is constructing a convenient operational model for NCPi. We consider coalgebras, that are categorical representation of system. Coalgebras have been studied in full generality, regardless of the specific structure of systems, and algorithms and logics have been developed for them. This allows for the application of general results and techniques to a variety of systems. The main difficulty in the coalgebraic treatment of nominal calculi is the presence of name binding: it introduces α-conversion and makes SOS rules and bisimulations non-standard. The consequence is that coalgebras on sets are not able to capture these notions. The idea of the seminal paper by Fiore and Turi is resorting to coalgebras on presheaves, i.e. functors C → Set. Intuitively, presheaves allow associating to collections of names, seen as objects of C, the set of processes using those names. Fresh names generation strategies can be formalized as endofunctors on C, which are lifted to presheaves in a standard way and used to model name binding. Within this framework, a coalgebra for the π-calculus transition system is constructed: the benefit is that ordinary coalgebraic bisimulations for such coalgebra are π-calculus bisimulations. Moreover, Fiore and Turi show a technique to obtain a new coalgebra whose bisimilarity is closed under all renamings. This relation is a congruence for the π-calculus. Presheaves come with a rich theory that can help deriving new results, but coalgebras on presheaves are impractical to implement: the state space can be infinite, for instance when a process recursively creates names. However, if we restrict to a class of presheaves (according to Ciancia et al.), coalgebras admit a concrete implementation in terms of HD-automata, that are finite-state automata suitable for verification. In this thesis we adapt and extend Fiore-Turi’s approach to cope with network resources. First we provide a coalgebraic semantics for NCPi whose bisimulations are bisimulations in the NCPi sense. Then we compute coalgebras and equivalences that are closed under all renamings. The greatest such equivalence is a congruence w.r.t. the input prefix and we conjecture that, for the NCPi with only guarded sums, it is a congruence also w.r.t. parallel composition. We show that this construction applies a form of saturation. Then we prove the existence of a HD-automaton for NCPi. The treatment of network resources is non-trivial and paves the way to modeling other calculi with complex resources

    Coalgebras and Their Logics

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    Transition systems pervade much of computer science. This article outlines the beginnings of a general theory of specification languages for transition systems. More specifically, transition systems are generalised to coalgebras. Specification languages together with their proof systems, in the following called (logical or modal) calculi, are presented by the associated classes of algebras (e.g., classical propositional logic by Boolean algebras). Stone duality will be used to relate the logics and their coalgebraic semantics

    A network-conscious π-calculus and its coalgebraic semantics

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    Traditional process calculi usually abstract away from network details, modeling only communication over shared channels. They, however, seem inadequate to describe new network architectures, such as Software Defined Networks, where programs are allowed to manipulate the infrastructure. In this paper we present the Network Conscious @p-calculus ( NCPi), a proper extension of the @p-calculus with an explicit notion of network: network links and nodes are represented as names, in full analogy with ordinary @p-calculus names, and observations are routing paths through which data is transported. However, restricted links do not appear in the observations, which thus can possibly be as abstract as in the @p-calculus. Then we construct a presheaf-based coalgebraic semantics for NCPi along the lines of Turi-Plotkin's approach, by indexing processes with the network resources they use: we give a model for observational equivalence in this context, and we prove that it admits an equivalent nominal automaton (HD-automaton), suitable for verification. Finally, we give a concurrent semantics for NCPi where observations are multisets of routing paths. We show that bisimilarity for this semantics is a congruence, and this property holds also for the concurrent version of the @p-calculus

    MetTeL: A Generic Tableau Prover.

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    Abstract Semantics by Observable Contexts

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    The operational behavior of interactive systems is usually given in terms of transition systems labeled with actions, which, when visible, represent both observations and interactions with the external world. The abstract semantics is given in terms of behavioral equivalences, which depend on the action labels and on the amount of branching structure considered. Behavioural equivalences are often congruences with respect to the operations of the language, and this property expresses the compositionality of the abstract semantics. A simpler approach, inspired by classical formalisms like pi-calculus, Petri nets, term and graph rewriting, and pioneered by the Chemical Abstract Machine [13], defines operational semantics by means of structural axioms and reaction rules. Process calculi representing complex systems, in particular those able to generate and communicate names, are often defined in this way, since structural axioms give a clear idea of the intended structure of the states while reaction rules, which are often non-conditional, give a direct account of the possible steps. Transitions caused by reaction rules, however, are not labeled, since they represent evolutions of the system without interactions with the external world. Thus reduction semantics in itself is neither abstract nor compositional. One standard solution, pioneered in [89], is that of defining a saturated transition system as follows: a process p can do a move with label C[-] and become q, iff C[p]--> q. Saturated semantics, i.e., the abstract semantics defined over the saturated transition system, are always congruences, but they are usually untractable since they have to tackle all possible contexts of which there are usually an infinite number. Moreover, in several paradigmatic cases, saturated semantics are too coarse. For example, in Milner's Calculus of Communicating Systems (CCS), saturated bisimilarity cannot distinguish "always divergent processes" and for this reason Milner and Sangiorgi introduced barbs. These are observations on the states representing the ability to interact over some channels. Sewell introduced a different approach that consists in deriving a transition system where labels are not all contexts but just the minimal ones allowing a system to reach a rule. In such a way, one obtains two advantages: firstly one avoids considering all contexts, and secondly, labels precisely represent interactions, i.e., the portion of environment that is really needed to react. This idea was then refined by Leifer and Milner in the theory of reactive systems, where the categorical notion of idem relative pushout precisely captures this idea of minimal context. In this thesis, we show that in some cases this approach works well (e.g., CCS) but often, the resulting abstract semantics are too strict. In our opinion, they are not really observational since the observer can know exactly how much structure a process needs to reach a specific rule, and thus the observation depends on the rules. One result of the thesis is that of providing evidence of this through several interesting formalisms modeled as reactive systems: Logic Programming, a fragment of open pi-calculus, and an interactive version of Petri nets. Moreover, we introduce two alternative definitions of bisimilarity that efficiently characterize saturated bisimilarity, namely semi-saturated bisimilarity and symbolic bisimilarity. These allow us to reason about saturated semantics without considering all contexts, but saturated semantics are in several cases too coarse. In order to have a framework that is suitable for many formalisms, we add to the above approach observations. Indeed, in our opinion, labels cannot represent both interactions and observations, because these two concepts are in general different, like for example, in the asynchronous calculi where receiving is not observable. Thus, we believe that some notion of observation, either on transitions or on states (e.g. barbs), is necessary. A further result of the thesis is that of providing a generalization of the above theory starting not just from purely reaction rules, but from transition systems labeled with observations. Here we can easily reuse saturated transition systems by defining them as follows: a process p can do a move with context C[-] and observation o and become q iff C[p] --o--> q. Again, saturated semantics, i.e. abstract semantics defined over the above transition systems, are congruences. Analogously to the case of reactive systems, we can define semi-saturated bisimilarity and symbolic bisimilarity as efficient characterizations of saturated semantics. The definition of symbolic bisimilarity which arises from this generalization is similar to the abstract semantics of several works. Here we consider open and asynchronous pi-calculus, by showing that their abstract semantics are instances of our general concepts of saturated and symbolic semantics. We also apply our approach to open Petri nets (that are an interactive version of P/T Petri nets) obtaining a new symbolic semantics for them, that efficiently characterizes their abstract semantics. We round up the thesis with a coalgebraic characterization for saturated, semi-saturated and symbolic bisimilarity. Universal Coalgebra provides a categorical framework where abstract semantics of interactive systems are described as morphisms to their minimal representatives. More precisely, if the category of coalgebras has final object 1, then the unique morphisms from a certain coalgebra to 1 equates all the bisimilar states. In other words, the final object can be seen as a universe of abstract behaviors and the unique morphism as a function assigning to each system its abstract behavior. This characterization of abstract semantics is not only theoretically interesting, but also pragmat- ically useful, since it suggests an algorithm which can check the equivalence: one computes the image of some coalgebras through the unique morphism (that for the finite lts corresponds to the list partitioning algorithm by Kanellakis and Smolka), and these coalgebras are behaviorally equivalent if their images are the same. Ordinary labeled transition systems can be represented as coalgebras, and the resulting abstract semantics exactly coincides with canonical bisimilarity. Then, providing a coalgebraic characterization of saturated bisimilarity is almost straightforward. The case of semi-saturated and symbolic bisimilarities are more complicated because their definitions are asymmetric. In order to properly characterizes semi-saturated and symbolic cases, we first introduce a new notion of redundancy on transitions and then normalized coalgebras: a special kind of coalgebras without redundant transitions. We prove that the category of normalized coalgebras is isomorphic to the category of saturated coalgebras (the coalgebras containing all the redundant transitions), where the large saturated transition system can be directly modelled. In doing this, we use the notions of normalization that throws away all the redundant transitions, and of saturation that adds all the redundant transitions. Both are natural transformations between the endofunctors (defining the two categories of coalgebras) and one is the inverse of the other. As a corollary of the isomorphism theorem, saturated bisimilarity can be characterized as bisimilarity in the category of normalized coalgebras, i.e., abstracting away from redundant transitions. This is interesting because, on the one hand, it provides us with a canonical representatives for ~S without redundant transitions (and then much smaller with respect to the saturated ones), on the other hand, it suggests a minimization algorithm for "efficiently" computing ~S

    An observational model for spatial logics

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    Spatiality is an important aspect of distributed systems because their computations depend both on the dynamic behaviour and on the structure of their components. Spatial logics have been proposed as the formal device for expressing spatial properties of systems. We define CCS∄, a CCS-like calculus whose semantics allows one to observe spatial aspects of systems on the top of which we define models of the spatial logic. Our alternative definition of models is proved equivalent to the standard one. Furthermore, logical equivalence is characterized in terms of the bisimilarity of CCS∄

    Structural operational semantics for non-deterministic processes with quantitative aspects

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    General frameworks have been recently proposed as unifying theories for processes combining non-determinism with quantitative aspects (such as probabilistic or stochastically timed executions), aiming to provide general results and tools. This paper provides two contributions in this respect. First, we present a general GSOS specification format and a corresponding notion of bisimulation for non-deterministic processes with quantitative aspects. These specifications define labelled transition systems according to the ULTraS model, an extension of the usual LTSs where the transition relation associates any source state and transition label with state reachability weight functions (like, e.g., probability distributions). This format, hence called Weight Function GSOS (WF-GSOS), covers many known systems and their bisimulations (e.g. PEPA, TIPP, PCSP) and GSOS formats (e.g. GSOS, Weighted GSOS, Segala-GSOS, among others). The second contribution is a characterization of these systems as coalgebras of a class of functors, parametric on the weight structure. This result allows us to prove soundness and completeness of the WF-GSOS specification format, and that bisimilarities induced by these specifications are always congruences.Comment: Extended version of arXiv:1406.206
