89 research outputs found

    Efficient Pedestrian Detection in Urban Traffic Scenes

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    Pedestrians are important participants in urban traffic environments, and thus act as an interesting category of objects for autonomous cars. Automatic pedestrian detection is an essential task for protecting pedestrians from collision. In this thesis, we investigate and develop novel approaches by interpreting spatial and temporal characteristics of pedestrians, in three different aspects: shape, cognition and motion. The special up-right human body shape, especially the geometry of the head and shoulder area, is the most discriminative characteristic for pedestrians from other object categories. Inspired by the success of Haar-like features for detecting human faces, which also exhibit a uniform shape structure, we propose to design particular Haar-like features for pedestrians. Tailored to a pre-defined statistical pedestrian shape model, Haar-like templates with multiple modalities are designed to describe local difference of the shape structure. Cognition theories aim to explain how human visual systems process input visual signals in an accurate and fast way. By emulating the center-surround mechanism in human visual systems, we design multi-channel, multi-direction and multi-scale contrast features, and boost them to respond to the appearance of pedestrians. In this way, our detector is considered as a top-down saliency system. In the last part of this thesis, we exploit the temporal characteristics for moving pedestrians and then employ motion information for feature design, as well as for regions of interest (ROIs) selection. Motion segmentation on optical flow fields enables us to select those blobs most probably containing moving pedestrians; a combination of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and motion self difference features further enables robust detection. We test our three approaches on image and video data captured in urban traffic scenes, which are rather challenging due to dynamic and complex backgrounds. The achieved results demonstrate that our approaches reach and surpass state-of-the-art performance, and can also be employed for other applications, such as indoor robotics or public surveillance. In this thesis, we investigate and develop novel approaches by interpreting spatial and temporal characteristics of pedestrians, in three different aspects: shape, cognition and motion. The special up-right human body shape, especially the geometry of the head and shoulder area, is the most discriminative characteristic for pedestrians from other object categories. Inspired by the success of Haar-like features for detecting human faces, which also exhibit a uniform shape structure, we propose to design particular Haar-like features for pedestrians. Tailored to a pre-defined statistical pedestrian shape model, Haar-like templates with multiple modalities are designed to describe local difference of the shape structure. Cognition theories aim to explain how human visual systems process input visual signals in an accurate and fast way. By emulating the center-surround mechanism in human visual systems, we design multi-channel, multi-direction and multi-scale contrast features, and boost them to respond to the appearance of pedestrians. In this way, our detector is considered as a top-down saliency system. In the last part of this thesis, we exploit the temporal characteristics for moving pedestrians and then employ motion information for feature design, as well as for regions of interest (ROIs) selection. Motion segmentation on optical flow fields enables us to select those blobs most probably containing moving pedestrians; a combination of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and motion self difference features further enables robust detection. We test our three approaches on image and video data captured in urban traffic scenes, which are rather challenging due to dynamic and complex backgrounds. The achieved results demonstrate that our approaches reach and surpass state-of-the-art performance, and can also be employed for other applications, such as indoor robotics or public surveillance

    Using Prior Knowledge for Verification and Elimination of Stationary and Variable Objects in Real-time Images

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    With the evolving technologies in the autonomous vehicle industry, now it has become possible for automobile passengers to sit relaxed instead of driving the car. Technologies like object detection, object identification, and image segmentation have enabled an autonomous car to identify and detect an object on the road in order to drive safely. While an autonomous car drives by itself on the road, the types of objects surrounding the car can be dynamic (e.g., cars and pedestrians), stationary (e.g., buildings and benches), and variable (e.g., trees) depending on if the location or shape of an object changes or not. Different from the existing image-based approaches to detect and recognize objects in the scene, in this research 3D virtual world is employed to verify and eliminate stationary and variable objects to allow the autonomous car to focus on dynamic objects that may cause danger to its driving. This methodology takes advantage of prior knowledge of stationary and variable objects presented in a virtual city and verifies their existence in a real-time scene by matching keypoints between the virtual and real objects. In case of a stationary or variable object that does not exist in the virtual world due to incomplete pre-existing information, this method uses machine learning for object detection. Verified objects are then removed from the real-time image with a combined algorithm using contour detection and class activation map (CAM), which helps to enhance the efficiency and accuracy when recognizing moving objects

    Driver Behavior Analysis Based on Real On-Road Driving Data in the Design of Advanced Driving Assistance Systems

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    The number of vehicles on the roads increases every day. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the overwhelming majority of serious crashes (over 94 percent) are caused by human error. The broad aim of this research is to develop a driver behavior model using real on-road data in the design of Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADASs). For several decades, these systems have been a focus of many researchers and vehicle manufacturers in order to increase vehicle and road safety and assist drivers in different driving situations. Some studies have concentrated on drivers as the main actor in most driving circumstances. The way a driver monitors the traffic environment partially indicates the level of driver awareness. As an objective, we carry out a quantitative and qualitative analysis of driver behavior to identify the relationship between a driver’s intention and his/her actions. The RoadLAB project developed an instrumented vehicle equipped with On-Board Diagnostic systems (OBD-II), a stereo imaging system, and a non-contact eye tracker system to record some synchronized driving data of the driver cephalo-ocular behavior, the vehicle itself, and traffic environment. We analyze several behavioral features of the drivers to realize the potential relevant relationship between driver behavior and the anticipation of the next driver maneuver as well as to reach a better understanding of driver behavior while in the act of driving. Moreover, we detect and classify road lanes in the urban and suburban areas as they provide contextual information. Our experimental results show that our proposed models reached the F1 score of 84% and the accuracy of 94% for driver maneuver prediction and lane type classification respectively

    Proceedings of the international workshop on computer vision applications (CVA), 23rd March, 2011, Eindhoven University of Technology

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    Computer vision models in surveillance robotics

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    2009/2010In questa Tesi, abbiamo sviluppato algoritmi che usano l’informazione visiva per eseguire, in tempo reale, individuazione, riconoscimento e classificazione di oggetti in movimento, indipendentemente dalle condizioni ambientali e con l’accurattezza migliore. A tal fine, abbiamo sviluppato diversi concetti di visione artificial, cioè l'identificazione degli oggetti di interesse in tutta la scena visiva (monoculare o stereo), e la loro classificazione. Nel corso della ricerca, sono stati provati diversi approcci, inclusa l’individuazione di possibili candidati tramite la segmentazione di immagini con classificatori deboli e centroidi, algoritmi per la segmentazione di immagini rafforzate tramite informazioni stereo e riduzione del rumore, combinazione di popolari caratteristiche quali quelle invarianti a fattori di scala (SIFT) combinate con informazioni di distanza. Abbiamo sviluppato due grandi categorie di soluzioni associate al tipo di sistema usato. Con camera mobile, abbiamo favorito l’individuazione di oggetti conosciuti tramite scansione dell’immagine; con camera fissa abbiamo anche utilizzato algoritmi per l’individuazione degli oggetti in primo piano ed in movimento (foreground detection). Nel caso di “foreground detection”, il tasso di individuazione e classificazione aumenta se la qualita’ degli oggetti estratti e’ alta. Noi proponiamo metodi per ridurre gli effetti dell’ombra, illuminazione e movimenti ripetitivi prodotti dagli oggetti in movimento. Un aspetto importante studiato e’ la possibilita’ di usare algoritmi per l’individuazione di oggetti in movimento tramite camera mobile. Soluzioni efficienti stanno diventando sempre piu’ complesse, ma anche gli strumenti di calcolo per elaborare gli algoritmi sono piu’ potenti e negli anni recenti, le architetture delle schede video (GPU) offrono un grande potenziale. Abbiamo proposto una soluzione per architettura GPU di una gestione delle immagini di sfondo, al fine di aumentare le prestazioni di individuazione. In questa Tesi abbiamo studiato l’individuazione ed inseguimento di persone for applicazioni come la prevenzione di situazione di rischio (attraversamento delle strade), e conteggio per l’analisi del traffico. Noi abbiamo studiato questi problemi ed esplorato vari aspetti dell’individuazione delle persone, gruppi ed individuazione in scenari affollati. Comunque, in un ambiente generico, e’ impossibile predire la configurazione di oggetti che saranno catturati dalla telecamera. In questi casi, e’ richiesto di “astrarre il concetto” di oggetti. Con questo requisito in mente, abbiamo esplorato le proprieta’ dei metodi stocastici e mostrano che buoni tassi di classificazione possono essere ottenuti a condizione che l’insieme di addestramento sia abbastanza grande. Una struttura flessibile deve essere in grado di individuare le regioni in movimento e riconoscere gli oggetti di interesse. Abbiamo sviluppato una struttura per la gestione dei problemi di individuazione e classificazione. Rispetto ad altri metodi, i metodi proposti offrono una struttura flessibile per l’individuazione e classificazione degli oggetti, e che puo’ essere usata in modo efficiente in diversi ambienti interni ed esterni.XXII Cicl
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