239 research outputs found

    Area-power-delay trade-off in logic synthesis

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    This thesis introduces new concepts to perform area-power-delay trade-offs in a logic synthesis system. To achieve this, a new delay model is presented, which gives accurate delay estimations for arbitrary sets of Boolean expressions. This allows use of this delay model already during the very first steps of logic synthesis. Furthermore, new algorithms are presented for a number of different optimization tasks within logic synthesis. There are new algorithms to create prime irredundant Boo lean expressions, to perform technology mapping for use with standard cell generators, and to perform gate sizing. To prove the validity of the presented ideas, benchmark results are given throughout the thesis

    Circuit delay optimization by buffering the logic gates

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    Avec la miniaturisation actuelle, les circuits démontrent de plus en plus l'importance des délais d'interconnexion. Afin de réduire ce délai, l'insertion de tampons doit être effectuée durant la synthèse logique et la synthèse physique. Cette activité d'optimisation est souvent basée sur la programmation dynamique. Dans ce mémoire, la technique branch-and-bound est utilisé et le problème pour le cas spécifique d'arbres de tampons équilibrés est résolu, où toutes les charges ont un temps requis et une capacité identique. Une analyse mathématique est faite pour tenir compte d'une variété de questions de conception telles que la topologie, la bibliothèque de tampons et le changement de phase en présence d'inverseur. En combinant la programmation dynamique et les techniques branch-and-bound, une méthode hybride est présentée qui améliore le temps d'exécution tout en conservant une utilisation de mémoire raisonnable. Les concepts mathématiques et algorithmiques fondamentaux utilisés dans ce mémoire peuvent être employés pour généraliser la méthode proposée pour un ensemble de charges avec des capacités et des temps requis différents

    A design flow for performance planning : new paradigms for iteration free synthesis

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    In conventional design, higher levels of synthesis produce a netlist, from which layout synthesis builds a mask specification for manufacturing. Timing anal ysis is built into a feedback loop to detect timing violations which are then used to update specifications to synthesis. Such iteration is undesirable, and for very high performance designs, infeasible. The problem is likely to become much worse with future generations of technology. To achieve a non-iterative design flow, early synthesis stages should use wire planning to distribute delays over the functional elements and interconnect, and layout synthesis should use its degrees of freedom to realize those delays

    Physical Design and Clock Tree Synthesis Methods For A 8-Bit Processor

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    Now days a number of processors are available with a lot kind of feature from different industries. A processor with similar kind of architecture of the current processors only missing the memory stuffs like the RAM and ROM has been designed here with the help of Verilog style of coding. This processor contains architecturally the program counter, instruction register, ALU, ALU latch, General Purpose Registers, control state module, flag registers and the core module containing all the modules. And a test module is designed for testing the processor. After the design of the processor with successful functionality, the processor is synthesized with 180nm technology. The synthesis is performed with the data path optimization like the selection of proper adders and multipliers for timing optimization in the data path while the ALU operations are performed. During synthesis how to take care of the worst negative slack (WNS), how to include the clock gating cells, how to define the cost and path groups etc. have been covered. After the proper synthesis we get the proper net list and the synthesized constraint file for carrying out the physical design. In physical design the steps like floor-planning, partitioning, placement, legalization of the placement, clock tree synthesis, and routing etc. have been performed. At all the stages the static timing analysis is performed for the timing meet of the design for better performance in terms of timing or frequency. Each steps of physical design are discussed with special effort towards the concepts behind the step. Out of all the steps of physical design the clock tree synthesis is performed with some improvement in the performance of the clock tree by creating a symmetrical clock tree and maintaining more common clock paths. A special algorithm has been framed for creating a symmetrical clock tree and thereby making the power consumption of the clock tree low

    Resource Management Algorithms for Computing Hardware Design and Operations: From Circuits to Systems

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    The complexity of computation hardware has increased at an unprecedented rate for the last few decades. On the computer chip level, we have entered the era of multi/many-core processors made of billions of transistors. With transistor budget of this scale, many functions are integrated into a single chip. As such, chips today consist of many heterogeneous cores with intensive interaction among these cores. On the circuit level, with the end of Dennard scaling, continuously shrinking process technology has imposed a grand challenge on power density. The variation of circuit further exacerbated the problem by consuming a substantial time margin. On the system level, the rise of Warehouse Scale Computers and Data Centers have put resource management into new perspective. The ability of dynamically provision computation resource in these gigantic systems is crucial to their performance. In this thesis, three different resource management algorithms are discussed. The first algorithm assigns adaptivity resource to circuit blocks with a constraint on the overhead. The adaptivity improves resilience of the circuit to variation in a cost-effective way. The second algorithm manages the link bandwidth resource in application specific Networks-on-Chip. Quality-of-Service is guaranteed for time-critical traffic in the algorithm with an emphasis on power. The third algorithm manages the computation resource of the data center with precaution on the ill states of the system. Q-learning is employed to meet the dynamic nature of the system and Linear Temporal Logic is leveraged as a tool to describe temporal constraints. All three algorithms are evaluated by various experiments. The experimental results are compared to several previous work and show the advantage of our methods

    A Design Flow for Performance Planning: New Paradigms for Iteration Free Synthesis

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    Algorithms for Circuit Sizing in VLSI Design

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    One of the key problems in the physical design of computer chips, also known as integrated circuits, consists of choosing a  physical layout  for the logic gates and memory circuits (registers) on the chip. The layouts have a high influence on the power consumption and area of the chip and the delay of signal paths.  A discrete set of predefined layouts  for each logic function and register type with different physical properties is given by a library. One of the most influential characteristics of a circuit defined by the layout is its size. In this thesis we present new algorithms for the problem of choosing sizes for the circuits and its continuous relaxation,  and  evaluate these in theory and practice. A popular approach is based on Lagrangian relaxation and projected subgradient methods. We show that seemingly heuristic modifications that have been proposed for this approach can be theoretically justified by applying the well-known multiplicative weights algorithm. Subsequently, we propose a new model for the sizing problem as a min-max resource sharing problem. In our context, power consumption and signal delays are represented by resources that are distributed to customers. Under certain assumptions we obtain a polynomial time approximation for the continuous relaxation of the sizing problem that improves over the Lagrangian relaxation based approach. The new resource sharing algorithm has been implemented as part of the BonnTools software package which is developed at the Research Institute for Discrete Mathematics at the University of Bonn in cooperation with IBM. Our experiments on the ISPD 2013 benchmarks and state-of-the-art microprocessor designs provided by IBM illustrate that the new algorithm exhibits more stable convergence behavior compared to a Lagrangian relaxation based algorithm. Additionally, better timing and reduced power consumption was achieved on almost all instances. A subproblem of the new algorithm consists of finding sizes minimizing a weighted sum of power consumption and signal delays. We describe a method that approximates the continuous relaxation of this problem in polynomial time under certain assumptions. For the discrete problem we provide a fully polynomial approximation scheme under certain assumptions on the topology of the chip. Finally, we present a new algorithm for timing-driven optimization of registers. Their sizes and locations on a chip are usually determined during the clock network design phase, and remain mostly unchanged afterwards although the timing criticalities on which they were based can change. Our algorithm permutes register positions and sizes within so-called  clusters  without impairing the clock network such that it can be applied late in a design flow. Under mild assumptions, our algorithm finds an optimal solution which maximizes the worst cluster slack. It is implemented as part of the BonnTools and improves timing of registers on state-of-the-art microprocessor designs by up to 7.8% of design cycle time. </div

    Fast algorithms for retiming large digital circuits

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    The increasing complexity of VLSI systems and shrinking time to market requirements demand good optimization tools capable of handling large circuits. Retiming is a powerful transformation that preserves functionality, and can be used to optimize sequential circuits for a wide range of objective functions by judiciously relocating the memory elements. Leiserson and Saxe, who introduced the concept, presented algorithms for period optimization (minperiod retiming) and area optimization (minarea retiming). The ASTRA algorithm proposed an alternative view of retiming using the equivalence between retiming and clock skew optimization;The first part of this thesis defines the relationship between the Leiserson-Saxe and the ASTRA approaches and utilizes it for efficient minarea retiming of large circuits. The new algorithm, Minaret, uses the same linear program formulation as the Leiserson-Saxe approach. The underlying philosophy of the ASTRA approach is incorporated to reduce the number of variables and constraints in this linear program. This allows minarea retiming of circuits with over 56,000 gates in under fifteen minutes;The movement of flip-flops in control logic changes the state encoding of finite state machines, requiring the preservation of initial (reset) states. In the next part of this work the problem of minimizing the number of flip-flops in control logic subject to a specified clock period and with the guarantee of an equivalent initial state, is formulated as a mixed integer linear program. Bounds on the retiming variables are used to guarantee an equivalent initial state in the retimed circuit. These bounds lead to a simple method for calculating an equivalent initial state for the retimed circuit;The transparent nature of level sensitive latches enables level-clocked circuits to operate faster and require less area. However, this transparency makes the operation of level-clocked circuits very complex, and optimization of level-clocked circuits is a difficult task. This thesis also presents efficient algorithms for retiming large level-clocked circuits. The relationship between retiming and clock skew optimization for level-clocked circuits is defined and utilized to develop efficient retiming algorithms for period and area optimization. Using these algorithms a circuit with 56,000 gates could be retimed for minimum period in under twenty seconds and for minimum area in under 1.5 hours