152 research outputs found

    Dynamic similarity promotes interpersonal coordination in joint-action

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    Human movement has been studied for decades and dynamic laws of motion that are common to all humans have been derived. Yet, every individual moves differently from everyone else (faster/slower, harder/smoother etc). We propose here an index of such variability, namely an individual motor signature (IMS) able to capture the subtle differences in the way each of us moves. We show that the IMS of a person is time-invariant and that it significantly differs from those of other individuals. This allows us to quantify the dynamic similarity, a measure of rapport between dynamics of different individuals' movements, and demonstrate that it facilitates coordination during interaction. We use our measure to confirm a key prediction of the theory of similarity that coordination between two individuals performing a joint-action task is higher if their motions share similar dynamic features. Furthermore, we use a virtual avatar driven by an interactive cognitive architecture based on feedback control theory to explore the effects of different kinematic features of the avatar motion on the coordination with human players

    Subconductance Gating and Voltage Sensitivity of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum K<sup>+</sup> Channels:A Modeling Approach

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    Open Access articleSarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) K+ channels are voltage-regulated channels that are thought to be actively gating when the membrane potential across the SR is close to zero as is expected physiologically. A characteristic of SR K+ channels is that they gate to subconductance open states but the relevance of the subconductance events and their contribution to the overall current flowing through the channels at physiological membrane potentials is not known. We have investigated the relationship between subconductance and full conductance openings and developed kinetic models to describe the voltage sensitivity of channel gating. Because there may be two subtypes of SR K+ channels (TRIC-A and TRIC-B) present in most tissues, to conduct our study on a homogeneous population of SR K+ channels, we incorporated SR vesicles derived from Tric-a knockout mice into artificial membranes to examine the remaining SR K+ channel (TRIC-B) function. The channels displayed very low open probability (Po) at negative potentials (≤0 mV) and opened predominantly to subconductance open states. Positive holding potentials primarily increased the frequency of subconductance state openings and thereby increased the number of subsequent transitions into the full open state, although a slowing of transitions back to the sublevels was also important. We investigated whether the subconductance gating could arise as an artifact of incomplete resolution of rapid transitions between full open and closed states; however, we were not able to produce a model that could fit the data as well as one that included multiple distinct current amplitudes. Our results suggest that the apparent subconductance openings will provide most of the K+ flux when the SR membrane potential is close to zero. The relative contribution played by openings to the full open state would increase if negative charge developed within the SR thus increasing the capacity of the channel to compensate for ionic imbalances.British Heart FoundationJapan Society for the Promotion of Science (Core to Core Program)Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Computing Similarity between a Pair of Trajectories

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    With recent advances in sensing and tracking technology, trajectory data is becoming increasingly pervasive and analysis of trajectory data is becoming exceedingly important. A fundamental problem in analyzing trajectory data is that of identifying common patterns between pairs or among groups of trajectories. In this paper, we consider the problem of identifying similar portions between a pair of trajectories, each observed as a sequence of points sampled from it. We present new measures of trajectory similarity --- both local and global --- between a pair of trajectories to distinguish between similar and dissimilar portions. Our model is robust under noise and outliers, it does not make any assumptions on the sampling rates on either trajectory, and it works even if they are partially observed. Additionally, the model also yields a scalar similarity score which can be used to rank multiple pairs of trajectories according to similarity, e.g. in clustering applications. We also present efficient algorithms for computing the similarity under our measures; the worst-case running time is quadratic in the number of sample points. Finally, we present an extensive experimental study evaluating the effectiveness of our approach on real datasets, comparing with it with earlier approaches, and illustrating many issues that arise in trajectory data. Our experiments show that our approach is highly accurate in distinguishing similar and dissimilar portions as compared to earlier methods even with sparse sampling

    Graph matching using position coordinates and local features for image analysis

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    Encontrar las correspondencias entre dos imágenes es un problema crucial en el campo de la visión por ordenador i el reconocimiento de patrones. Es relevante para un amplio rango de propósitos des de aplicaciones de reconocimiento de objetos en las áreas de biometría, análisis de documentos i análisis de formas hasta aplicaciones relacionadas con la geometría desde múltiples puntos de vista tales cómo la recuperación de la pose, estructura desde el movimiento y localización y mapeo. La mayoría de las técnicas existentes enfocan este problema o bien usando características locales en la imagen o bien usando métodos de registro de conjuntos de puntos (o bien una mezcla de ambos). En las primeras, un conjunto disperso de características es primeramente extraído de las imágenes y luego caracterizado en la forma de vectores descriptores usando evidencias locales de la imagen. Las características son asociadas según la similitud entre sus descriptores. En las segundas, los conjuntos de características son considerados cómo conjuntos de puntos los cuales son asociados usando técnicas de optimización no lineal. Estos son procedimientos iterativos que estiman los parámetros de correspondencia y de alineamiento en pasos alternados. Los grafos son representaciones que contemplan relaciones binarias entre las características. Tener en cuenta relaciones binarias al problema de la correspondencia a menudo lleva al llamado problema del emparejamiento de grafos. Existe cierta cantidad de métodos en la literatura destinados a encontrar soluciones aproximadas a diferentes instancias del problema de emparejamiento de grafos, que en la mayoría de casos es del tipo "NP-hard". El cuerpo de trabajo principal de esta tesis está dedicado a formular ambos problemas de asociación de características de imagen y registro de conjunto de puntos como instancias del problema de emparejamiento de grafos. En todos los casos proponemos algoritmos aproximados para solucionar estos problemas y nos comparamos con un número de métodos existentes pertenecientes a diferentes áreas como eliminadores de "outliers", métodos de registro de conjuntos de puntos y otros métodos de emparejamiento de grafos. Los experimentos muestran que en la mayoría de casos los métodos propuestos superan al resto. En ocasiones los métodos propuestos o bien comparten el mejor rendimiento con algún método competidor o bien obtienen resultados ligeramente peores. En estos casos, los métodos propuestos normalmente presentan tiempos computacionales inferiores.Trobar les correspondències entre dues imatges és un problema crucial en el camp de la visió per ordinador i el reconeixement de patrons. És rellevant per un ampli ventall de propòsits des d’aplicacions de reconeixement d’objectes en les àrees de biometria, anàlisi de documents i anàlisi de formes fins aplicacions relacionades amb geometria des de múltiples punts de vista tals com recuperació de pose, estructura des del moviment i localització i mapeig. La majoria de les tècniques existents enfoquen aquest problema o bé usant característiques locals a la imatge o bé usant mètodes de registre de conjunts de punts (o bé una mescla d’ambdós). En les primeres, un conjunt dispers de característiques és primerament extret de les imatges i després caracteritzat en la forma de vectors descriptors usant evidències locals de la imatge. Les característiques son associades segons la similitud entre els seus descriptors. En les segones, els conjunts de característiques son considerats com conjunts de punts els quals son associats usant tècniques d’optimització no lineal. Aquests son procediments iteratius que estimen els paràmetres de correspondència i d’alineament en passos alternats. Els grafs son representacions que contemplen relacions binaries entre les característiques. Tenir en compte relacions binàries al problema de la correspondència sovint porta a l’anomenat problema de l’emparellament de grafs. Existeix certa quantitat de mètodes a la literatura destinats a trobar solucions aproximades a diferents instàncies del problema d’emparellament de grafs, el qual en la majoria de casos és del tipus “NP-hard”. Una part del nostre treball està dedicat a investigar els beneficis de les mesures de ``bins'' creuats per a la comparació de característiques locals de les imatges. La resta està dedicat a formular ambdós problemes d’associació de característiques d’imatge i registre de conjunt de punts com a instàncies del problema d’emparellament de grafs. En tots els casos proposem algoritmes aproximats per solucionar aquests problemes i ens comparem amb un nombre de mètodes existents pertanyents a diferents àrees com eliminadors d’“outliers”, mètodes de registre de conjunts de punts i altres mètodes d’emparellament de grafs. Els experiments mostren que en la majoria de casos els mètodes proposats superen a la resta. En ocasions els mètodes proposats o bé comparteixen el millor rendiment amb algun mètode competidor o bé obtenen resultats lleugerament pitjors. En aquests casos, els mètodes proposats normalment presenten temps computacionals inferiors

    LCOT: Linear circular optimal transport

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    The optimal transport problem for measures supported on non-Euclidean spaces has recently gained ample interest in diverse applications involving representation learning. In this paper, we focus on circular probability measures, i.e., probability measures supported on the unit circle, and introduce a new computationally efficient metric for these measures, denoted as Linear Circular Optimal Transport (LCOT). The proposed metric comes with an explicit linear embedding that allows one to apply Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to the embedded measures and seamlessly modify the underlying metric for the ML algorithm to LCOT. We show that the proposed metric is rooted in the Circular Optimal Transport (COT) and can be considered the linearization of the COT metric with respect to a fixed reference measure. We provide a theoretical analysis of the proposed metric and derive the computational complexities for pairwise comparison of circular probability measures. Lastly, through a set of numerical experiments, we demonstrate the benefits of LCOT in learning representations of circular measures