3,503 research outputs found

    Taking advantage of hybrid systems for sparse direct solvers via task-based runtimes

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    The ongoing hardware evolution exhibits an escalation in the number, as well as in the heterogeneity, of computing resources. The pressure to maintain reasonable levels of performance and portability forces application developers to leave the traditional programming paradigms and explore alternative solutions. PaStiX is a parallel sparse direct solver, based on a dynamic scheduler for modern hierarchical manycore architectures. In this paper, we study the benefits and limits of replacing the highly specialized internal scheduler of the PaStiX solver with two generic runtime systems: PaRSEC and StarPU. The tasks graph of the factorization step is made available to the two runtimes, providing them the opportunity to process and optimize its traversal in order to maximize the algorithm efficiency for the targeted hardware platform. A comparative study of the performance of the PaStiX solver on top of its native internal scheduler, PaRSEC, and StarPU frameworks, on different execution environments, is performed. The analysis highlights that these generic task-based runtimes achieve comparable results to the application-optimized embedded scheduler on homogeneous platforms. Furthermore, they are able to significantly speed up the solver on heterogeneous environments by taking advantage of the accelerators while hiding the complexity of their efficient manipulation from the programmer.Comment: Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop (2014

    Resolution of Linear Algebra for the Discrete Logarithm Problem Using GPU and Multi-core Architectures

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    In cryptanalysis, solving the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) is key to assessing the security of many public-key cryptosystems. The index-calculus methods, that attack the DLP in multiplicative subgroups of finite fields, require solving large sparse systems of linear equations modulo large primes. This article deals with how we can run this computation on GPU- and multi-core-based clusters, featuring InfiniBand networking. More specifically, we present the sparse linear algebra algorithms that are proposed in the literature, in particular the block Wiedemann algorithm. We discuss the parallelization of the central matrix--vector product operation from both algorithmic and practical points of view, and illustrate how our approach has contributed to the recent record-sized DLP computation in GF(28092^{809}).Comment: Euro-Par 2014 Parallel Processing, Aug 2014, Porto, Portugal. \<http://europar2014.dcc.fc.up.pt/\&gt

    Analysis of A Splitting Approach for the Parallel Solution of Linear Systems on GPU Cards

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    We discuss an approach for solving sparse or dense banded linear systems Ax=b{\bf A} {\bf x} = {\bf b} on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) card. The matrix A∈RN×N{\bf A} \in {\mathbb{R}}^{N \times N} is possibly nonsymmetric and moderately large; i.e., 10000≤N≤50000010000 \leq N \leq 500000. The ${\it split\ and\ parallelize}( ({\tt SaP})approachseekstopartitionthematrix) approach seeks to partition the matrix {\bf A}intodiagonalsub−blocks into diagonal sub-blocks {\bf A}_i,, i=1,\ldots,P,whichareindependentlyfactoredinparallel.Thesolutionmaychoosetoconsiderortoignorethematricesthatcouplethediagonalsub−blocks, which are independently factored in parallel. The solution may choose to consider or to ignore the matrices that couple the diagonal sub-blocks {\bf A}_i.Thisapproach,alongwiththeKrylovsubspace−basediterativemethodthatitpreconditions,areimplementedinasolvercalled. This approach, along with the Krylov subspace-based iterative method that it preconditions, are implemented in a solver called {\tt SaP::GPU},whichiscomparedintermsofefficiencywiththreecommonlyusedsparsedirectsolvers:, which is compared in terms of efficiency with three commonly used sparse direct solvers: {\tt PARDISO},, {\tt SuperLU},and, and {\tt MUMPS}.. {\tt SaP::GPU},whichrunsentirelyontheGPUexceptseveralstagesinvolvedinpreliminaryrow−columnpermutations,isrobustandcompareswellintermsofefficiencywiththeaforementioneddirectsolvers.InacomparisonagainstIntel′s, which runs entirely on the GPU except several stages involved in preliminary row-column permutations, is robust and compares well in terms of efficiency with the aforementioned direct solvers. In a comparison against Intel's {\tt MKL},, {\tt SaP::GPU}alsofareswellwhenusedtosolvedensebandedsystemsthatareclosetobeingdiagonallydominant. also fares well when used to solve dense banded systems that are close to being diagonally dominant. {\tt SaP::GPU}$ is publicly available and distributed as open source under a permissive BSD3 license.Comment: 38 page
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