13 research outputs found

    Deep-segmentation of plantar pressure images incorporating fully convolutional neural networks

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    Comfort shoe-last design relies on the key points of last curvature. Traditional plantar pressure image segmentation methods are limited to their local and global minimization issues. In this work, an improved fully convolutional networks (FCN) employing SegNet (SegNet+FCN 8s) is proposed. The algorithm design and operation are performed using the visual geometry group (VGG). The method has high efficiency for the segmentation in positive indices of global accuracy (0.8105), average accuracy (0.8015), and negative indices of average cross-ratio (0.6110) and boundary F1 index (0.6200). The research has potential applications in improving the comfort of shoes

    Functional and structural substrates of increased dosage of Grik4 gene elucidated using multi-modal MRI

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    Grik4 is the gene responsible for encoding the high-affinity GluK4 subunit of the kainate receptors. Increased dosage of this subunit in the forebrain was linked to an increased level of anxiety, lack of social communication, and depression. On the synaptic level, abnormal synaptic transmission was also reported. The manifestations of this abnormal expression have not been investigated at the circuit level, nor the correlations between those circuits and the abnormal patterns of the behavior previously reported. In this line of work, we aspired to use different non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) modalities to elucidate any disturbance that might stem from the increased dosage of Grik4 and how those changes might explain the abnormal behaviors. MRI offers a noninvasive way to look into the intact brain in vivo. Resting-state functional MRI casts light on how the brain function at rest on the network level and has the capability to detect any anomalies that might occur within or between those networks. On the microstructural level, the diffusion MRI is concerned with the underlying features of the tissues, using the diffusion of water molecules as a proxy for that end. Moving more macroscopically, using structural scans, voxel-based morphometry can detect subtle differences in the morphology of the different brain structures. We recorded videos of our animals performing two tasks that have long been linked to anxiety, the open field and the plus-maze tests before acquiring structural and functional scans. Lastly, we recorded blood-oxygenationlevel dependent (BOLD) signals in a different set of animals during electrical stimulation of specific white matter tracts in order to investigate how neuronal activity propagates. Our analysis showed a vast spectrum of changes in the transgenic group relative to the animals in the control group. On the resting-state networks level, we observed an increase in the within-network strength spanning different structures such as the hippocampus, some regions of the cortex, and the hypothalamus. The increased internal coherence or strength in the networks contrasted with a significant reduction in between-networks connectivity for some regions such as parts of the cortex and the hypothalamus, suggesting long-range network decorrelation. Supporting this idea, major white matter (WM) tracts, such as the corpus callosum and the hippocampal commissure, suffered from substantial changes compatible with an important reduction in myelination and/or a decrease in the mean axonal diameter. Macrostructurally speaking, the overexpression of GluK4 subunit had a bimodal effect, with expansion in some cortical areas in the transgenic animals accompanied by a shrinkage in the subcortical regions. Upon stimulating the brain with an electrical current, we noticed a difference in activity propagation between the two hemispheres. In transgenic animals, the evoked activity remained more confined to the stimulated hemisphere, again consistent with an impaired long-range connectivity. The structural changes both, at the micro and macro level, were in tight correlation with different aspects of the behavior including markers of anxiety such as the time spent in the open arms vs the closed arms in the plus-maze test and the time spent in the center vs the corners in the open field test. Our findings reveal how the disruption of kainate receptors, or more globally the glutamate receptors, and the abnormal synaptic transmission can translate into brain-wide changes in connectivity and alter the functional equilibrium between macro-and mesoscopic networks. The postsynaptic enhancement previously reported in the transgenic animals was here reflected in the BOLD signal and measured as an increase in the within-network strength. Importantly, the correlations between the structural changes and the behavior help to put the developmental changes and their behavioral ramifications into context. RESUMEN Grik4 es el gen responsable de codificar la subunidad GluK4 de alta afinidad de los receptores de kainato. El aumento de la dosis de esta subunidad en el prosencéfalo se relacionó con un mayor nivel de ansiedad, falta de comunicación social y depresión. A nivel sináptico, también se informó una transmisión sináptica anormal. Las manifestaciones de esta expresión anormal no se han investigado a nivel de circuito, ni las correlaciones entre esos circuitos y los patrones anormales de la conducta previamente informada. En esta línea de trabajo, aspiramos a utilizar diferentes modalidades de imágenes por resonancia magnética (MRI) no invasivas para dilucidar cualquier alteración que pudiera derivarse del aumento de la dosis de Grik4 y cómo esos cambios podrían explicar los comportamientos anormales. La resonancia magnética ofrece una forma no invasiva de observar el cerebro intacto in vivo. La resonancia magnética funcional en estado de reposo arroja luz sobre cómo funciona el cerebro en reposo en el nivel de la red y tiene la capacidad de detectar cualquier anomalía que pueda ocurrir dentro o entre esas redes. En el nivel microestructural, la resonancia magnética de difusión se ocupa de las características subyacentes de los tejidos utilizando la difusión de moléculas de agua como un proxy para ese fin. Moviéndose más macroscópicamente, utilizando escaneos estructurales, la morfometría basada en vóxeles puede detectar diferencias sutiles en la morfología de las diferentes estructuras cerebrales. Grabamos videos de nuestros animales realizando dos tareas que durante mucho tiempo se han relacionado con la ansiedad, el campo abierto y las pruebas de laberinto positivo antes de adquirir escaneos estructurales y funcionales. Por último, registramos señales dependientes del nivel de oxigenación de la sangre (BOLD) en un grupo diferente de animales durante la estimulación eléctrica de tractos específicos de materia blanca para investigar cómo se propaga la actividad neuronal. Nuestro análisis mostró un amplio espectro de cambios en el grupo transgénico en relación con los animales en el grupo de control. En el nivel de las redes de estado de reposo, observamos un aumento en la fuerza dentro de la red que abarca diferentes estructuras como el hipocampo, algunas regiones de la corteza y el hipotálamo. La mayor coherencia interna o fuerza en las redes contrastó con una reducción significativa en la conectividad entre redes para algunas regiones como partes de la corteza y el hipotálamo, lo que sugiere una descorrelación de redes de largo alcance. Apoyando esta idea, los grandes tractos de materia blanca (WM), como el cuerpo calloso y la comisura del hipocampo, sufrieron cambios sustanciales compatibles con una importante reducción de la mielinización y / o una disminución del diámetro axonal medio. Macroestructuralmente hablando, la sobreexpresión de la subunidad GluK4 tuvo un efecto bimodal, con expansión en algunas áreas corticales en los animales transgénicos acompañada de una contracción en las regiones subcorticales. Al estimular el cerebro con una corriente eléctrica, notamos una diferencia en la propagación de la actividad entre las dos hemiesferas. En los animales transgénicos, la actividad evocada permaneció más confinada al hemisferio estimulado, de nuevo consistente con una conectividad de largo alcance deteriorada. Los cambios estructurales, tanto a nivel micro como macro, estaban en estrecha correlación con diferentes aspectos de la conducta, incluidos marcadores de ansiedad como el tiempo pasado con los brazos abiertos frente a los brazos cerrados en la prueba del laberinto positivo y el tiempo pasado en el centro vs las esquinas en la prueba de campo abierto. Nuestros hallazgos revelan cómo la interrupción de los receptores de kainato, o más globalmente los receptores de glutamato, y la transmisión sináptica anormal pueden traducirse en cambios de conectividad en todo el cerebro y alterar el equilibrio funcional entre las redes macro y mesoscópicas. La mejora postsináptica informada anteriormente en los animales transgénicos se reflejó aquí en la señal BOLD y se midió como un aumento en la fuerza dentro de la red. Es importante destacar que las correlaciones entre los cambios estructurales y elcomportamiento ayudan a contextualizar los cambios en el desarrollo y sus ramificaciones conductuales

    Network approaches to understanding the functional effects of focal brain lesions

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    Complex network models of functional connectivity have emerged as a paradigm shift in brain mapping over the past decade. Despite significant attention within the neuroimaging and cognitive neuroscience communities, these approaches have hitherto not been extensively explored in neurosurgery. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the field of connectomics can contribute to understanding the effects of focal brain lesions and to functional brain mapping in neurosurgery. This datasets for this thesis include a clinical population with focal brain tumours and a cohort focused on healthy adolescent brain development. Multiple network analyses of increasing complexity are performed based upon resting state functional MRI. In patients with focal brain tumours, the full complement of resting state networks were apparent, while also suggesting putative patterns of network plasticity. Connectome analysis was able to identify potential signatures of node robustness and connections at risk that could be used to individually plan surgery. Focal lesions induced the formation of new hubs while down regulating previously established hubs. Overall these data are consistent with a dynamic rather than a static response to the presence of focal lesions. Adolescent brain development demonstrated discrete dynamics with distinct gender specific and age-gender interactions. Network architecture also became more robust, particularly to random removal of nodes and edges. Overall these data provide evidence for the early vulnerability rather than enhanced plasticity of brain networks. In summary, this thesis presents a combined analysis of pathological and healthy development datasets focused on understanding the functional effects of focal brain lesions at a network level. The coda serves as an introduction to a forthcoming study, known as Connectomics and Electrical Stimulation for Augmenting Resection (CAESAR), which is an evolution of the results and methods herein.MGH is funded by the Wellcome Trust Neuroscience in Psychiatry Network with additional support from the National Institute for Health Research Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre

    Frameworks to Investigate Robustness and Disease Characterization/Prediction Utility of Time-Varying Functional Connectivity State Profiles of the Human Brain at Rest

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    Neuroimaging technologies aim at delineating the highly complex structural and functional organization of the human brain. In recent years, several unimodal as well as multimodal analyses of structural MRI (sMRI) and functional MRI (fMRI) neuroimaging modalities, leveraging advanced signal processing and machine learning based feature extraction algorithms, have opened new avenues in diagnosis of complex brain syndromes and neurocognitive disorders. Generically regarding these neuroimaging modalities as filtered, complimentary insights of brain’s anatomical and functional organization, multimodal data fusion efforts could enable more comprehensive mapping of brain structure and function. Large scale functional organization of the brain is often studied by viewing the brain as a complex, integrative network composed of spatially distributed, but functionally interacting, sub-networks that continually share and process information. Such whole-brain functional interactions, also referred to as patterns of functional connectivity (FC), are typically examined as levels of synchronous co-activation in the different functional networks of the brain. More recently, there has been a major paradigm shift from measuring the whole-brain FC in an oversimplified, time-averaged manner to additional exploration of time-varying mechanisms to identify the recurring, transient brain configurations or brain states, referred to as time-varying FC state profiles in this dissertation. Notably, prior studies based on time-varying FC approaches have made use of these relatively lower dimensional fMRI features to characterize pathophysiology and have also been reported to relate to demographic characterization, consciousness levels and cognition. In this dissertation, we corroborate the efficacy of time-varying FC state profiles of the human brain at rest by implementing statistical frameworks to evaluate their robustness and statistical significance through an in-depth, novel evaluation on multiple, independent partitions of a very large rest-fMRI dataset, as well as extensive validation testing on surrogate rest-fMRI datasets. In the following, we present a novel data-driven, blind source separation based multimodal (sMRI-fMRI) data fusion framework that uses the time-varying FC state profiles as features from the fMRI modality to characterize diseased brain conditions and substantiate brain structure-function relationships. Finally, we present a novel data-driven, deep learning based multimodal (sMRI-fMRI) data fusion framework that examines the degree of diagnostic and prognostic performance improvement based on time-varying FC state profiles as features from the fMRI modality. The approaches developed and tested in this dissertation evince high levels of robustness and highlight the utility of time-varying FC state profiles as potential biomarkers to characterize, diagnose and predict diseased brain conditions. As such, the findings in this work argue in favor of the view of FC investigations of the brain that are centered on time-varying FC approaches, and also highlight the benefits of combining multiple neuroimaging data modalities via data fusion

    Using Statistics, Computational Modelling and Artificial Intelligence Methods to Study and Strengthen the Link between Kinematic Impacts and mTBIs

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    Mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBIs) are frequently occurring, yet poorly understood, injuries in sports (e.g., ice hockey) and other physical recreation activities where head impacts occur. Helmets are essential pieces of equipment used to protect participants’ heads from mTBIs. Evaluating the performance of helmets to prevent mTBIs using simulations on anatomically accurate computational head finite element models is critically important for advancing the development of safer helmets. Advancing the level of detail in, and access to, such models, and their continued validation through state-of-the-art brain imaging methods and traditional head injury assessment procedures, is also essential to improve safety. The significant research contributions in this thesis involve evaluating the decrease in blunt impact-induced brain axon fiber tract strains that various helmets provide by studying outputs of existing finite element brain models and implementing open-source artificial intelligence technology to create a novel pipeline for predicting such strains

    Intrinsic Inter-Subject Variability in Functional Neuroimaging: Verification Using Blind Source Separation Features

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    The holy grail of brain imaging is the identification of a biomarker, which can identify an abnormality that can be used to diagnose disease and track the effectiveness of treatment and disease progression. Typically approaches that search for biomarkers start by identifying mean differences between groups of patients and healthy controls. However, combining data from different subjects and groups to be able to make meaningful inferences is not trivial. The structure of the brain in each individual is unique in size and shape as well as in the relative location of anatomical landmarks (e.g. sulci and gyri). When looking for mean differences in functional images, this issue is exacerbated by the presence of variability in functional localization, i.e. variability in the location of functional regions in the brain. This is notably an important reason to focus on looking for inter-individual differences or variability. Inter-subject variability in neuroimaging experiments is often viewed as noise. The analyses are setup in a manner to ignore this variability assuming that a global spatial normalization brings the data into the same space. Nonetheless, functional activation patterns can be impacted by variability in multiple ways for e.g., there could be spatial variability of the maps or variability in the spectral composition of the timecourses or variability in the connectivity between the activation patterns identified. The overarching problem this thesis seeks to contribute to, is seeking improved measures to quantify biologically significant spatial, spectral and connectivity based variability and to identify associated cognitive or behavioral differences in the distribution of brain networks. We have successfully shown that different (spatial and spectral) measures of variability in blind source separated functional activation patterns underline previously unexplained characteristics that help in discerning schizophrenia patients from healthy controls. Additionally, we show that variance measures in dynamic connectivity between networks in healthy controls can justify relationship between connectivity patterns and executive functioning abilities

    Brain Mechanisms of Osteoarthritis Pain

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    Metabolic and Blood Flow Properties of Functional Brain Networks Using Human Multimodal Neuroimaging

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    The brain has a high energetic cost to support neuronal activity, requiring both oxygen and glucose supply from the cerebral vascular system. Additionally, the brain functions through complex patterns of interconnectivity between neuronal assemblies giving rise to functional network architectures that can be investigated across multiple spatial scales. Different brain regions have different roles and importance within these network architectures, with some regions exhibiting more global importance by being involved in cross-network communication while other being predominantly involved in local connections. There are indications that regions exhibiting a more global role in inter networks connectivity are characterized by a higher and more efficient metabolic profile, leading to differences in metabolic properties when compared to more locally connected regions. Understanding the link between oxygen/glucose metabolism and functional features of brain network architectures, across different spatial scales, is of primary importance. This thesis consists of three original studies combining human brain resting-state multimodal neuroimaging and transcriptional data to investigate the glucose/oxygen metabolic costs of brain functional connectivity. We quantified glucose metabolism from positron emission tomography, and oxygen metabolism and functional connectivity from magnetic resonance imaging. In the first study, we highlight how the oxygen/glucose metabolism of brain regions can non-linearly relate to their functional hubness, within the resting-state networks of the brain across a nested hierarchy. We found that an increase in oxygen/glucose metabolism is associated with a non-linear increase in functional hubness where increase rates are both network- and scale-dependent. In the second study, we show specific transcriptional signatures that characterize the oxygen/glucose metabolic costs of regions involved in network global versus local centrality. This study highlights the different metabolic profiles of local and global regions, with gene expression related to oxidative metabolism and synaptic pathways being enriched in association with spatial patterns in common with resting blood flow and metabolism (oxygen and glucose) and globally-connected regions. In the third study, we demonstrate that there are oxygen/glucose metabolic costs to the functional integration and segregation of resting-state networks. We highlight that the metabolic costs of functional integration could reflect the hierarchical organization of the brain from unimodal to transmodal regions

    Recent Applications in Graph Theory

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    Graph theory, being a rigorously investigated field of combinatorial mathematics, is adopted by a wide variety of disciplines addressing a plethora of real-world applications. Advances in graph algorithms and software implementations have made graph theory accessible to a larger community of interest. Ever-increasing interest in machine learning and model deployments for network data demands a coherent selection of topics rewarding a fresh, up-to-date summary of the theory and fruitful applications to probe further. This volume is a small yet unique contribution to graph theory applications and modeling with graphs. The subjects discussed include information hiding using graphs, dynamic graph-based systems to model and control cyber-physical systems, graph reconstruction, average distance neighborhood graphs, and pure and mixed-integer linear programming formulations to cluster networks