18,581 research outputs found

    A Deep Belief Network and Case Reasoning Based Decision Model for Emergency Rescue

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    The frequent occurrence of major public emergencies in China has caused significant human and economic losses. To carry out successful rescue operations in such emergencies, decisions need to be made as efficiently as possible. Using earthquakes as an example of a public emergency, this paper combines the Deep Belief Network (DBN) and Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) models to improve the case representation and case retrieval steps in the decision-making process, then designs and constructs a decision-making model. The validity of the model is then verified by an example. The results of this study can be applied to maximize the efficiency of emergency rescue decisions

    Survey of Bayesian Networks Applications to Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles

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    This article reviews the applications of Bayesian Networks to Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (IAV) from the decision making point of view, which represents the final step for fully Autonomous Vehicles (currently under discussion). Until now, when it comes making high level decisions for Autonomous Vehicles (AVs), humans have the last word. Based on the works cited in this article and analysis done here, the modules of a general decision making framework and its variables are inferred. Many efforts have been made in the labs showing Bayesian Networks as a promising computer model for decision making. Further research should go into the direction of testing Bayesian Network models in real situations. In addition to the applications, Bayesian Network fundamentals are introduced as elements to consider when developing IAVs with the potential of making high level judgement calls.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figures, 3 table

    Software agents & human behavior

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    People make important decisions in emergencies. Often these decisions involve high stakes in terms of lives and property. Bhopal disaster (1984), Piper Alpha disaster (1988), Montara blowout (2009), and explosion on Deepwater Horizon (2010) are a few examples among many industrial incidents. In these incidents, those who were in-charge took critical decisions under various ental stressors such as time, fatigue, and panic. This thesis presents an application of naturalistic decision-making (NDM), which is a recent decision-making theory inspired by experts making decisions in real emergencies. This study develops an intelligent agent model that can be programed to make human-like decisions in emergencies. The agent model has three major components: (1) A spatial learning module, which the agent uses to learn escape routes that are designated routes in a facility for emergency evacuation, (2) a situation recognition module, which is used to recognize or distinguish among evolving emergency situations, and (3) a decision-support module, which exploits modules in (1) and (2), and implements an NDM based decision-logic for producing human-like decisions in emergencies. The spatial learning module comprises a generalized stochastic Petri net-based model of spatial learning. The model classifies routes into five classes based on landmarks, which are objects with salient spatial features. These classes deal with the question of how difficult a landmark turns out to be when an agent observes it the first time during a route traversal. An extension to the spatial learning model is also proposed where the question of how successive route traversals may impact retention of a route in the agent’s memory is investigated. The situation awareness module uses Markov logic network (MLN) to define different offshore emergency situations using First-order Logic (FOL) rules. The purpose of this module is to give the agent the necessary experience of dealing with emergencies. The potential of this module lies in the fact that different training samples can be used to produce agents having different experience or capability to deal with an emergency situation. To demonstrate this fact, two agents were developed and trained using two different sets of empirical observations. The two are found to be different in recognizing the prepare-to-abandon-platform alarm (PAPA ), and similar to each other in recognition of an emergency using other cues. Finally, the decision-support module is proposed as a union of spatial-learning module, situation awareness module, and NDM based decision-logic. The NDM-based decision-logic is inspired by Klein’s (1998) recognition primed decision-making (RPDM) model. The agent’s attitudes related to decision-making as per the RPDM are represented in the form of belief, desire, and intention (BDI). The decision-logic involves recognition of situations based on experience (as proposed in situation-recognition module), and recognition of situations based on classification, where ontological classification is used to guide the agent in cases where the agent’s experience about confronting a situation is inadequate. At the planning stage, the decision-logic exploits the agent’s spatial knowledge (as proposed in spatial-learning module) about the layout of the environment to make adjustments in the course of actions relevant to a decision that has already been made as a by-product of situation recognition. The proposed agent model has potential to be used to improve virtual training environment’s fidelity by adding agents that exhibit human-like intelligence in performing tasks related to emergency evacuation. Notwithstanding, the potential to exploit the basis provided here, in the form of an agent representing human fallibility, should not be ignored for fields like human reliability analysis

    Quantify resilience enhancement of UTS through exploiting connect community and internet of everything emerging technologies

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    This work aims at investigating and quantifying the Urban Transport System (UTS) resilience enhancement enabled by the adoption of emerging technology such as Internet of Everything (IoE) and the new trend of the Connected Community (CC). A conceptual extension of Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM) and its formalization have been proposed and used to model UTS complexity. The scope is to identify the system functions and their interdependencies with a particular focus on those that have a relation and impact on people and communities. Network analysis techniques have been applied to the FRAM model to identify and estimate the most critical community-related functions. The notion of Variability Rate (VR) has been defined as the amount of output variability generated by an upstream function that can be tolerated/absorbed by a downstream function, without significantly increasing of its subsequent output variability. A fuzzy based quantification of the VR on expert judgment has been developed when quantitative data are not available. Our approach has been applied to a critical scenario (water bomb/flash flooding) considering two cases: when UTS has CC and IoE implemented or not. The results show a remarkable VR enhancement if CC and IoE are deploye

    The research of maritime search and rescue personnel to their own security and risk aversion

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    Human behaviour modelling in complex socio-technical systems : an agent based approach

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    For many years we have been striving to understand human behaviour and our interactions with our socio-technological environment. By advancing our knowledge in this area, we have helped the design of new or improved work processes and technologies. Historically, much of the work in analysing social interactions has been conducted within the social sciences. However, computer simulation has brought an extra tool in trying to understand and model human behaviours. Using an agent based approach this presentation describes my work in constructing computational models of human behaviour for informing design through simulation. With examples from projects in two main application areas of crisis and emergency management, and energy management I describe how my work addresses some main issues in agent based social simulation. The first concerns the process by which we develop these models. The second lies in the nature of socio-technical systems. Human societies are a perfect example of a complex system exhibiting characteristics of self-organisation, adaptability and showing emergent phenomena such as cooperation and robustness. I describe how complex systems theory may be applied to improve our understanding of socio-technical systems, and how our micro level interactions lead to emergent mutual awareness for problem-solving. From agent based simulation systems I show how context awareness may be modelled. Looking forward to the future, I discuss how the increasing prevalence of artificial agents in our society will cause us to re-examine the new types of interactions and cooperative behaviours that will emerge.Depuis de nombreuses années, nous nous sommes efforcés de comprendre le comportement humain et nos interactions avec l'environnement sociotechnique. Grâce à l'avancée de nos connaissances dans ce domaine, nous avons contribué à la conception de technologies et de processus de travail nouveaux ou améliorés. Historiquement, une part importante du travail d'analyse des interactions sociales fut entreprise au sein des sciences sociales. Cependant, la simulation informatique a apporté un nouvel outil pour tenter de comprendre et de modéliser les comportements humains. En utilisant une approche à base d'agents, cette présentation décrit mon travail sur la construction de modèles informatiques du comportement humain pour guider la conception par la simulation. A l'aide d'exemples issus de projets des deux domaines d'application que sont la gestion des crises et de l'urgence et la gestion de l'énergie, je décris comment mon travail aborde certains problèmes centraux à la simulation sociale à base d'agents. Le premier concerne le processus par lequel nous développons ces modèles. Le second problème provient de la nature des systèmes sociotechniques. Les sociétés humaines constituent un exemple parfait de système complexe possédant des caractéristiques d'auto-organisation et d'adaptabilité, et affichant des phénomènes émergents tels que la coopération et la robustesse. Je décris comment la théorie des systèmes complexes peut être appliquée pour améliorer notre compréhension des systèmes sociotechniques, et comment nos interactions au niveau microscopique mènent à l'émergence d'une conscience mutuelle pour la résolution de problèmes. A partir de systèmes de simulation à base d'agents, je montre comment la conscience du contexte peut être modélisée. En terme de perspectives, j'expliquerai comment la hausse de la prévalence des agents artificiels dans notre société nous forcera à considérer de nouveaux types d'interactions et de comportements coopératifs

    Development of Decision Making Techniques for Analysing the Designation of the Northern Sea Route (NSR)

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    The prospect of being able to shorten the route between Europe and the Far East using the NSR as a permanent shipping lane is attracting increasing interest. This is why the use of the NSR is now a major topic, especially in financial circles, amongst politicians, and shipping operators. Numerous assessments to determine the potential cost advantage of using the NSR as a transit route have been conducted throughout recent years. These are, however conflicting in their conclusions and a final answer to the question is therefore lacking. The primary aim of this research is the application of decision-making tools to analyse the current routes of the NSR. Accordingly, this will lead to the development of decision-making techniques that will formulate a tool for shipping companies to select the most cost-effective route(s) for travelling between the Far East and European regions

    Defining Safe Training Datasets for Machine Learning Models Using Ontologies

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    Machine Learning (ML) models have been gaining popularity in recent years in a wide variety of domains, including safety-critical domains. While ML models have shown high accuracy in their predictions, they are still considered black boxes, meaning that developers and users do not know how the models make their decisions. While this is simply a nuisance in some domains, in safetycritical domains, this makes ML models difficult to trust. To fully utilize ML models in safetycritical domains, there needs to be a method to improve trust in their safety and accuracy without human experts checking each decision. This research proposes a method to increase trust in ML models used in safety-critical domains by ensuring the safety and completeness of the model’s training dataset. Since most of the complexity of the model is built through training, ensuring the safety of the training dataset could help to increase the trust in the safety of the model. The method proposed in this research uses a domain ontology and an image quality characteristic ontology to validate the domain completeness and image quality robustness of a training dataset. This research also presents an experiment as a proof of concept for this method where ontologies are built for the emergency road vehicle domain