244 research outputs found

    Transfer and Multi-Task Learning for Noun-Noun Compound Interpretation

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    In this paper, we empirically evaluate the utility of transfer and multi-task learning on a challenging semantic classification task: semantic interpretation of noun--noun compounds. Through a comprehensive series of experiments and in-depth error analysis, we show that transfer learning via parameter initialization and multi-task learning via parameter sharing can help a neural classification model generalize over a highly skewed distribution of relations. Further, we demonstrate how dual annotation with two distinct sets of relations over the same set of compounds can be exploited to improve the overall accuracy of a neural classifier and its F1 scores on the less frequent, but more difficult relations.Comment: EMNLP 2018: Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP

    BioInfer: a corpus for information extraction in the biomedical domain

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    BACKGROUND: Lately, there has been a great interest in the application of information extraction methods to the biomedical domain, in particular, to the extraction of relationships of genes, proteins, and RNA from scientific publications. The development and evaluation of such methods requires annotated domain corpora. RESULTS: We present BioInfer (Bio Information Extraction Resource), a new public resource providing an annotated corpus of biomedical English. We describe an annotation scheme capturing named entities and their relationships along with a dependency analysis of sentence syntax. We further present ontologies defining the types of entities and relationships annotated in the corpus. Currently, the corpus contains 1100 sentences from abstracts of biomedical research articles annotated for relationships, named entities, as well as syntactic dependencies. Supporting software is provided with the corpus. The corpus is unique in the domain in combining these annotation types for a single set of sentences, and in the level of detail of the relationship annotation. CONCLUSION: We introduce a corpus targeted at protein, gene, and RNA relationships which serves as a resource for the development of information extraction systems and their components such as parsers and domain analyzers. The corpus will be maintained and further developed with a current version being available at

    Exploiting multi-word units in statistical parsing and generation

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    Syntactic parsing is an important prerequisite for many natural language processing (NLP) applications. The task refers to the process of generating the tree of syntactic nodes with associated phrase category labels corresponding to a sentence. Our objective is to improve upon statistical models for syntactic parsing by leveraging multi-word units (MWUs) such as named entities and other classes of multi-word expressions. Multi-word units are phrases that are lexically, syntactically and/or semantically idiosyncratic in that they are to at least some degree non-compositional. If such units are identified prior to, or as part of, the parsing process their boundaries can be exploited as islands of certainty within the very large (and often highly ambiguous) search space. Luckily, certain types of MWUs can be readily identified in an automatic fashion (using a variety of techniques) to a near-human level of accuracy. We carry out a number of experiments which integrate knowledge about different classes of MWUs in several commonly deployed parsing architectures. In a supplementary set of experiments, we attempt to exploit these units in the converse operation to statistical parsing---statistical generation (in our case, surface realisation from Lexical-Functional Grammar f-structures). We show that, by exploiting knowledge about MWUs, certain classes of parsing and generation decisions are more accurately resolved. This translates to improvements in overall parsing and generation results which, although modest, are demonstrably significant

    Structured Named Entities

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    The names of people, locations, and organisations play a central role in language, and named entity recognition (NER) has been widely studied, and successfully incorporated, into natural language processing (NLP) applications. The most common variant of NER involves identifying and classifying proper noun mentions of these and miscellaneous entities as linear spans in text. Unfortunately, this version of NER is no closer to a detailed treatment of named entities than chunking is to a full syntactic analysis. NER, so construed, reflects neither the syntactic nor semantic structure of NE mentions, and provides insufficient categorical distinctions to represent that structure. Representing this nested structure, where a mention may contain mention(s) of other entities, is critical for applications such as coreference resolution. The lack of this structure creates spurious ambiguity in the linear approximation. Research in NER has been shaped by the size and detail of the available annotated corpora. The existing structured named entity corpora are either small, in specialist domains, or in languages other than English. This thesis presents our Nested Named Entity (NNE) corpus of named entities and numerical and temporal expressions, taken from the WSJ portion of the Penn Treebank (PTB, Marcus et al., 1993). We use the BBN Pronoun Coreference and Entity Type Corpus (Weischedel and Brunstein, 2005a) as our basis, manually annotating it with a principled, fine-grained, nested annotation scheme and detailed annotation guidelines. The corpus comprises over 279,000 entities over 49,211 sentences (1,173,000 words), including 118,495 top-level entities. Our annotations were designed using twelve high-level principles that guided the development of the annotation scheme and difficult decisions for annotators. We also monitored the semantic grammar that was being induced during annotation, seeking to identify and reinforce common patterns to maintain consistent, parsimonious annotations. The result is a scheme of 118 hierarchical fine-grained entity types and nesting rules, covering all capitalised mentions of entities, and numerical and temporal expressions. Unlike many corpora, we have developed detailed guidelines, including extensive discussion of the edge cases, in an ongoing dialogue with our annotators which is critical for consistency and reproducibility. We annotated independently from the PTB bracketing, allowing annotators to choose spans which were inconsistent with the PTB conventions and errors, and only refer back to it to resolve genuine ambiguity consistently. We merged our NNE with the PTB, requiring some systematic and one-off changes to both annotations. This allows the NNE corpus to complement other PTB resources, such as PropBank, and inform PTB-derived corpora for other formalisms, such as CCG and HPSG. We compare this corpus against BBN. We consider several approaches to integrating the PTB and NNE annotations, which affect the sparsity of grammar rules and visibility of syntactic and NE structure. We explore their impact on parsing the NNE and merged variants using the Berkeley parser (Petrov et al., 2006), which performs surprisingly well without specialised NER features. We experiment with flattening the NNE annotations into linear NER variants with stacked categories, and explore the ability of a maximum entropy and a CRF NER system to reproduce them. The CRF performs substantially better, but is infeasible to train on the enormous stacked category sets. The flattened output of the Berkeley parser are almost competitive with the CRF. Our results demonstrate that the NNE corpus is feasible for statistical models to reproduce. We invite researchers to explore new, richer models of (joint) parsing and NER on this complex and challenging task. Our nested named entity corpus will improve a wide range of NLP tasks, such as coreference resolution and question answering, allowing automated systems to understand and exploit the true structure of named entities

    Schema Label Normalization for Improving Schema Matching

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    Schema matching is the problem of finding relationships among concepts across heterogeneous data sources that are heterogeneous in format and in structure. Starting from the \u201chidden meaning\u201d associated with schema labels (i.e. class/attribute names) it is possible to discover relationships among the elements of different schemata. Lexical annotation (i.e. annotation w.r.t. a thesaurus/lexical resource) helps in associating a \u201cmeaning\u201d to schema labels.However, the performance of semi-automatic lexical annotation methods on real-world schemata suffers from the abundance of non-dictionary words such as compound nouns, abbreviations, and acronyms. We address this problem by proposing a method to perform schema label normalization which increases the number of comparable labels. The method semi-automatically expands abbreviations/acronyms and annotates compound nouns, with minimal manual effort. We empirically prove that our normalization method helps in the identification of similarities among schema elements of different data sources, thus improving schema matching results

    Head to head: Semantic similarity of multi-word terms

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    Terms are linguistic signifiers of domain–specific concepts. Semantic similarity between terms refers to the corresponding distance in the conceptual space. In this study, we use lexico–syntactic information to define a vector space representation in which cosine similarity closely approximates semantic similarity between the corresponding terms. Given a multi–word term, each word is weighed in terms of its defining properties. In this context, the head noun is given the highest weight. Other words are weighed depending on their relations to the head noun. We formalized the problem as that of determining a topological ordering of a direct acyclic graph, which is based on constituency and dependency relations within a noun phrase. To counteract the errors associated with automatically inferred constituency and dependency relations, we implemented a heuristic approach to approximating the topological ordering. Different weights are assigned to different words based on their positions. Clustering experiments performed on such a vector space representation showed considerable improvement over the conventional bag–of–word representation. Specifically, it more consistently reflected semantic similarity between the terms. This was established by analyzing the differences between automatically generated dendrograms and manually constructed taxonomies. In conclusion, our method can be used to semi–automate taxonomy construction

    Identifying nocuous ambiguity in natural language requirements

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    This dissertation is an investigation into how ambiguity should be classified for authors and readers of text, and how this process can be automated. Usually, authors and readers disambiguate ambiguity, either consciously or unconsciously. However, disambiguation is not always appropriate. For instance, a linguistic construction may be read differently by different people, with no consensus about which reading is the intended one. This is particularly dangerous if they do not realise that other readings are possible. Misunderstandings may then occur. This is particularly serious in the field of requirements engineering. If requirements are misunderstood, systems may be built incorrectly, and this can prove very costly. Our research uses natural language processing techniques to address ambiguity in requirements. We develop a model of ambiguity, and a method of applying it, which represent a novel approach to the problem described here. Our model is based on the notion that human perception is the only valid criterion for judging ambiguity. If people perceive very differently how an ambiguity should be read, it will cause misunderstandings. Assigning a preferred reading to it is therefore unwise. In text, such ambiguities should be located and rewritten in a less ambiguous form; others need not be reformulated. We classify the former as nocuous and the latter as innocuous. We allow the dividing line between these two classifications to be adjustable. We term this the ambiguity threshold, and it represents a level of intolerance to ambiguity. A nocuous ambiguity can be an unacknowledged or an acknowledged ambiguity for a given set of readers. In the former case, they assign disparate readings to the ambiguity, but each is unaware that the others read it differently. In the latter case, they recognise that the ambiguity has more than one reading, but this fact may be unacknowledged by new readers. We present an automated approach to determine whether ambiguities in text are nocuous or innocuous. We use heuristics to distinguish ambiguities for which there is a strong consensus about how they should be read. These are innocuous ambiguities. The remaining nocuous ambiguities can then be rewritten at a later stage. We find consensus opinions about ambiguities by surveying human perceptions on them. Our heuristics try to predict these perceptions automatically. They utilise various types of linguistic information: generic corpus data, morphology and lexical subcategorisations are the most successful. We use coordination ambiguity as the test case for this research. This occurs where the scope of words such as and and or is unclear. Our research contributes to both the requirements engineering and the natural language processing literatures. Ambiguity is known to be a serious problem in requirements engineering, but has rarely been dealt with effectively and thoroughly. Our approach is an appropriate solution, and our flexible ambiguity threshold is a particularly useful concept. For instance, high ambiguity intolerance can be implemented when writing requirements for safety-critical systems. Coordination ambiguities are widespread and known to cause misunderstandings, but have received comparatively little attention. Our heuristics show that linguistic data can be used successfully to predict preferred readings of very diverse coordinations. Used in combination, these heuristics demonstrate that nocuous ambiguity can be distinguished from innocuous ambiguity under certain conditions. Employing appropriate ambiguity thresholds, accuracy representing 28% improvement on the baselines can be achieved

    The semantic transparency of English compound nouns

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    What is semantic transparency, why is it important, and which factors play a role in its assessment? This work approaches these questions by investigating English compound nouns. The first part of the book gives an overview of semantic transparency in the analysis of compound nouns, discussing its role in models of morphological processing and differentiating it from related notions. After a chapter on the semantic analysis of complex nominals, it closes with a chapter on previous attempts to model semantic transparency. The second part introduces new empirical work on semantic transparency, introducing two different sets of statistical models for compound transparency. In particular, two semantic factors were explored: the semantic relations holding between compound constituents and the role of different readings of the constituents and the whole compound, operationalized in terms of meaning shifts and in terms of the distribution of specifc readings across constituent families. All semantic annotations used in the book are freely available

    The semantic transparency of English compound nouns

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    What is semantic transparency, why is it important, and which factors play a role in its assessment? This work approaches these questions by investigating English compound nouns. The first part of the book gives an overview of semantic transparency in the analysis of compound nouns, discussing its role in models of morphological processing and differentiating it from related notions. After a chapter on the semantic analysis of complex nominals, it closes with a chapter on previous attempts to model semantic transparency. The second part introduces new empirical work on semantic transparency, introducing two different sets of statistical models for compound transparency. In particular, two semantic factors were explored: the semantic relations holding between compound constituents and the role of different readings of the constituents and the whole compound, operationalized in terms of meaning shifts and in terms of the distribution of specifc readings across constituent families