411 research outputs found

    A domain-specific language for operator theory

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    Recentemente as aplicaçÔes conhecidas como sistema de ĂĄlgebra computacional, CAS, compostas por muitas funçÔes para computação simbĂłlica estĂŁo disponĂ­veis ao pĂșblico em geral. Com esse tipo de aplicação, utilizadores puderam delegar ao computador toda, ou uma parte significativa dos cĂĄlculos simbĂłlicos presentes em muitos algoritmos matemĂĄticos. Os modelos matemĂĄticos, que sĂŁo uma descrição de um sistema usando linguagem e conceitos matemĂĄticos, sĂŁo muito utilizados nas ciĂȘncias naturais e engenharia, bem como nas ciĂȘncias sociais. O principal objetivo deste trabalho Ă© o de criar uma linguagem textual simples e eficiente para a formalização de modelos matemĂĄticos no domĂ­nio das integrais singulares. Por outras palavras, facilitar o trabalho de programação a um nĂŁo especialista, como Ă© o caso dos matemĂĄticos, quando estĂŁo formulando problemas e fazendo uso de linguagens de programação. A nova linguagem criada, tambĂ©m chamada linguagem de domĂ­nio especĂ­fico (DSL), denominada SIOL, Linguagem para Operadores de Integrais Singulares, foi criada, nĂŁo apenas para resolução de integrais singulares, mas para oferecer outras informaçÔes sobre conceitos da teoria de operadores, nĂŁo tendo a complexidade que normalmente Ă© encontrada nas linguagens de uso geral. Com recurso ao Xtext e Eclipse, os autores criaram uma linguagem com destaque de sintaxe, verificação de erros e um editor automĂĄtico para alguma das tarefas da teoria dos operadores, relacionadas com integrais singulares, gerando resultados que usam o Wolfram Mathematica.Recently, the applications known as computer algebra system, CAS, packed with extensive capabilities of symbolic computation have been available to the general public. With these software applications, users were able to delegated to the computer all, or a significant part, of the symbolic calculations present in many mathematical algorithms. Mathematical models, a description of a system using mathematical concepts and language, are largely used in natural sciences and engineering, as well as in social sciences. The main goal of this work is to provide a simple and efficient textual language to formalize mathematical models in the domain of singular integrals. In other words, to facilitate the programming task to a non-specialist, like mathematicians, when formulating problems using a computer language. The new created language, also known as a Domain-Specific Language (DSL), named SIOL, Singular Integral Operator Language, created not only to compute singular integrals but to provide with other information about operator theory concepts, will not have the complexity that is normally found in general-purpose languages. With Xtext and Eclipse, the authors will create a syntax highlighting, error checking and auto-completion editor for some of the operator theory tasks related to the singular integrals, that generates its outputs that uses Wolfram Mathematic

    Development of a system for example-driven software language engineering

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    Masteroppgave i informatikkINF399MAMN-PROGMAMN-IN

    Use of domain-specific language in test automation

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    The primary aim of this research project was to investigate techniques to replace the complicated process of testing embedded systems in automotive domain. The multi-component domain was composed of different hardware to be used in testing procedure which increased the level of difficulty in testing for an operator. As a result, an existing semi-automated testing procedure was replaced by more simpler and efficient framework (ViBATA). A key step taken in this scenario was the replacement of manual GUI interface with the scriptable one to enhance the automation. This was achieved by building a Domain-specific language which allowed test definition in the form of human readable scripts which could be stored for later use. A DSL is a scripting language defined for a particular domain with compact expressiveness. In this case the domain is testing embedded systems in general and automotive systems in particular. The final product was a test case specification document in the form of XML as an output of generated code from this DSL which will be input to ViBATA to make test specification component automated. In this research a comparative analysis of existing DSLs for alternative domains and investigation of their applicability to the presented domain was also performed. The technologies used in this project are Xtext to define the DSL grammar, Xtend to generate code in Java and Simple framework to generate output in XML. The stages involved in DSL development and how these stages were implemented is covered in this thesis. The developed DSL for this domain is tested for automotive and calculator systems in this thesis which proved that this is more general and flexible. The DSL is consistent, efficient and automated test specification component of testing framework in embedded systems

    Middle-out domain-specific aspect languages and their application in agent-based modelling runtime inspection

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    Domain-Specific Aspect Languages (DSALs) are a valuable tool for separating cross-cutting concerns, particularly within fields with endemic cross-cutting practices. Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) runtime inspection, which cuts across the core concern of model development, serves as a prime example. Despite their usefulness, DSALs face multiple adoption issues: the literature regarding their development and use is incohesive, coupling to a weave target hinders re-use, and available tooling is immature compared to Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs). We believe these issues can be aided by furthering DSL middle-out techniques for DSALs.We first define the background of what a DSAL is and how they may be used, moving onto how we can use DSL techniques to further DSALs. We develop a middle-out semantic model approach for developing domain-level DSALs with transparent aspect orientation using adaptions of DSL techniques. We have implemented the approach for model-specific DSALs for the in-house framework Animaux, and as middleware-specific DSAL for agent messages in the JADE framework, which can be specialised to models using extension DSALs. We give illustrative result cases using our implementations to provide a base of the user development costs and performance of this approach.In conclusion, we believe the adoption of these technologies aids ABM applications and encourage future work in similar fields. This thesis has given a base philosophy toward DSLs, a novel approach for the development of middle-out DSALs and illustrative cases of this approach

    Domain Specific Language for Magnetic Measurements at CERN

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    CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is one of the world’s largest and most respected centres for scientific research. Founded in 1954, the CERN Laboratory sits astride the Franco–Swiss border near Geneva. It was one of Europe’s first joint ventures and now has 20 Member States. Its main purpose is fundamental research in partcle physics, namely investigating what the Universe is made of and how it works. At CERN, the design and realization of the new particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), has required a remarkable technological effort in many areas of engineering. In particular, the tests of LHC superconducting magnets disclosed new horizons to magnetic measurements. At CERN, the objectively large R&D effort of the Technolgy Department/Magnets, Superconductors and Cryostats (TE/MSC) group identified areas where further work is required in order to assist the LHC commissioning and start-up, to provide continuity in the instrumentation for the LHC magnets maintenance, and to achieve more accurate magnet models for the LHC exploitation. In view of future projects, a wide range of software requirements has been recently satisfied by the Flexible Framework for Magnetic Measurements (FFMM), designed also for integrating more performing flexible hardware. FFMM software applications control several devices, such as encoder boards, digital integrators, motor controllers, transducers. In addition, they synchronize and coordinate different measurement tasks and actions

    Automated testing of Hypermedia REST applications

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    Testimine on oluline osa tarkvaraarenduse elutsĂŒklis ja testidel pĂ”hinev arendamine on ĂŒks peamistest praktikatest Agile metoodikas. Tihti keskenduvad programmeerijad RESTful rakenduse loomise protsessis Ă€riloogika testimisele ja unustavad kontrollida protokolli, mis teostab REST interaktsioone. Selles kontekstis pakutakse vĂ€lja tööriist, mis automatiseerib testide genereerimist ja teostab interaktsioone RESTful rakendusega. Tööriist vĂ”tab sisendiks kasutuslood, mis on koostatud Gherkini kitsendatud versiooniga. See on domeenispetsiifiline keel kĂ€itumispĂ”hiseks arenduseks. Kasutuslood, mis on kirjutatud selles Gherkini variandis, hĂ”lmavad REST rakenduse poolt nĂ”utud interaktsioone sellisel viisil, et neist on vĂ”imalik genereerida teste. Veelgi enam, tööriist genereerib samalt kasutusloolt tĂ€isfunktsionaalse pseudoteostuse.\n\rProgrammeerijad saavad kasutada neid pseudoteostusi kliendipoole arendamiseks, vajamata REST rakenduse tegelikku teostust. KĂ€esolev töö tutvustab tööriista kasutust ja disainiprintsiipe ning esitab nĂ€ite selle kasutamisest.Testing is one essential part of the software development lifecycle and Test Driven Development is one of the main practices in agile methodology. During the development of a RESTful web application, developers oftentimes focus only in testing the business logic and neglect testing the protocol implementing REST interactions. In this context, we propose a tool to automate the generation of test cases that exercise the interactions required by a RESTful application. The tool takes as input user stories written in restricted version of Gherkin, a widely use domain specific language for behaviour driven development. User stories written in this variant of Gherkin capture the essence of the interactions required by a REST application in a way that it is possible to derive test cases from them. Moreover, the tool derives fully functional mock implementations from the same input user story. Such mock implementations can be then used by programmers to develop the client side without requiring the actual implementation of the REST application. This document introduces the design principles and implementation of the tool and presents a study case showcasing its use
