18 research outputs found

    Assessing and Improving Interoperability of Distributed Systems

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    Interoperabilität von verteilten Systemen ist eine Grundlage für die Entwicklung von neuen und innovativen Geschäftslösungen. Sie erlaubt es existierende Dienste, die auf verschiedenen Systemen angeboten werden, so miteinander zu verknüpfen, dass neue oder erweiterte Dienste zur Verfügung gestellt werden können. Außerdem kann durch diese Integration die Zuverlässigkeit von Diensten erhöht werden. Das Erreichen und Bewerten von Interoperabilität stellt jedoch eine finanzielle und zeitliche Herausforderung dar. Zur Sicherstellung und Bewertung von Interoperabilität werden systematische Methoden benötigt. Um systematisch Interoperabilität von Systemen erreichen und bewerten zu können, wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit ein Prozess zur Verbesserung und Beurteilung von Interoperabilität (IAI) entwickelt. Der IAI-Prozess beinhaltet drei Phasen und kann die Interoperabilität von verteilten, homogenen und auch heterogenen Systemen bewerten und verbessern. Die Bewertung erfolgt dabei durch Interoperabilitätstests, die manuell oder automatisiert ausgeführt werden können. Für die Automatisierung von Interoperabilitätstests wird eine neue Methodik vorgestellt, die einen Entwicklungsprozess für automatisierte Interoperabilitätstestsysteme beinhaltet. Die vorgestellte Methodik erleichtert die formale und systematische Bewertung der Interoperabilität von verteilten Systemen. Im Vergleich zur manuellen Prüfung von Interoperabilität gewährleistet die hier vorgestellte Methodik eine höhere Testabdeckung, eine konsistente Testdurchführung und wiederholbare Interoperabilitätstests. Die praktische Anwendbarkeit des IAI-Prozesses und der Methodik für automatisierte Interoperabilitätstests wird durch drei Fallstudien belegt. In der ersten Fallstudie werden Prozess und Methodik für Internet Protocol Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Netzwerke instanziiert. Die Interoperabilität von IMS-Netzwerken wurde bisher nur manuell getestet. In der zweiten und dritten Fallstudie wird der IAI-Prozess zur Beurteilung und Verbesserung der Interoperabilität von Grid- und Cloud-Systemen angewendet. Die Bewertung und Verbesserung dieser Interoperabilität ist eine Herausforderung, da Grid- und Cloud-Systeme im Gegensatz zu IMS-Netzwerken heterogen sind. Im Rahmen der Fallstudien werden Möglichkeiten für Integrations- und Interoperabilitätslösungen von Grid- und Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Cloud-Systemen sowie von Grid- und Platform as a Service (PaaS) Cloud-Systemen aufgezeigt. Die vorgestellten Lösungen sind in der Literatur bisher nicht dokumentiert worden. Sie ermöglichen die komplementäre Nutzung von Grid- und Cloud-Systemen, eine vereinfachte Migration von Grid-Anwendungen in ein Cloud-System sowie eine effiziente Ressourcennutzung. Die Interoperabilitätslösungen werden mit Hilfe des IAI-Prozesses bewertet. Die Durchführung der Tests für Grid-IaaS-Cloud-Systeme erfolgte manuell. Die Interoperabilität von Grid-PaaS-Cloud-Systemen wird mit Hilfe der Methodik für automatisierte Interoperabilitätstests bewertet. Interoperabilitätstests und deren Beurteilung wurden bisher in der Grid- und Cloud-Community nicht diskutiert, obwohl sie eine Basis für die Entwicklung von standardisierten Schnittstellen zum Erreichen von Interoperabilität zwischen Grid- und Cloud-Systemen bieten.Achieving interoperability of distributed systems offers means for the development of new and innovative business solutions. Interoperability allows the combination of existing services provided on different systems, into new or extended services. Such an integration can also increase the reliability of the provided service. However, achieving and assessing interoperability is a technical challenge that requires high effort regarding time and costs. The reasons are manifold and include differing implementations of standards as well as the provision of proprietary interfaces. The implementations need to be engineered to be interoperable. Techniques that assess and improve interoperability systematically are required. For the assurance of reliable interoperation between systems, interoperability needs to be assessed and improved in a systematic manner. To this aim, we present the Interoperability Assessment and Improvement (IAI) process, which describes in three phases how interoperability of distributed homogeneous and heterogeneous systems can be improved and assessed systematically. The interoperability assessment is achieved by means of interoperability testing, which is typically performed manually. For the automation of interoperability test execution, we present a new methodology including a generic development process for a complete and automated interoperability test system. This methodology provides means for a formalized and systematic assessment of systems' interoperability in an automated manner. Compared to manual interoperability testing, the application of our methodology has the following benefits: wider test coverage, consistent test execution, and test repeatability. We evaluate the IAI process and the methodology for automated interoperability testing in three case studies. Within the first case study, we instantiate the IAI process and the methodology for Internet Protocol Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) networks, which were previously assessed for interoperability only in a manual manner. Within the second and third case study, we apply the IAI process to assess and improve the interoperability of grid and cloud computing systems. Their interoperability assessment and improvement is challenging, since cloud and grid systems are, in contrast to IMS networks, heterogeneous. We develop integration and interoperability solutions for grids and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) clouds as well as for grids and Platform as a Service (PaaS) clouds. These solutions are unique and foster complementary usage of grids and clouds, simplified migration of grid applications into the cloud, as well as efficient resource utilization. In addition, we assess the interoperability of the grid-cloud interoperability solutions. While the tests for grid-IaaS clouds are performed manually, we applied our methodology for automated interoperability testing for the assessment of interoperability to grid-PaaS cloud interoperability successfully. These interoperability assessments are unique in the grid-cloud community and provide a basis for the development of standardized interfaces improving the interoperability between grids and clouds

    Pattern operators for grid

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    The definition and programming of distributed applications has become a major research issue due to the increasing availability of (large scale) distributed platforms and the requirements posed by the economical globalization. However, such a task requires a huge effort due to the complexity of the distributed environments: large amount of users may communicate and share information across different authority domains; moreover, the “execution environment” or “computations” are dynamic since the number of users and the computational infrastructure change in time. Grid environments, in particular, promise to be an answer to deal with such complexity, by providing high performance execution support to large amount of users, and resource sharing across different organizations. Nevertheless, programming in Grid environments is still a difficult task. There is a lack of high level programming paradigms and support tools that may guide the application developer and allow reusability of state-of-the-art solutions. Specifically, the main goal of the work presented in this thesis is to contribute to the simplification of the development cycle of applications for Grid environments by bringing structure and flexibility to three stages of that cycle through a commonmodel. The stages are: the design phase, the execution phase, and the reconfiguration phase. The common model is based on the manipulation of patterns through pattern operators, and the division of both patterns and operators into two categories, namely structural and behavioural. Moreover, both structural and behavioural patterns are first class entities at each of the aforesaid stages. At the design phase, patterns can be manipulated like other first class entities such as components. This allows a more structured way to build applications by reusing and composing state-of-the-art patterns. At the execution phase, patterns are units of execution control: it is possible, for example, to start or stop and to resume the execution of a pattern as a single entity. At the reconfiguration phase, patterns can also be manipulated as single entities with the additional advantage that it is possible to perform a structural reconfiguration while keeping some of the behavioural constraints, and vice-versa. For example, it is possible to replace a behavioural pattern, which was applied to some structural pattern, with another behavioural pattern. In this thesis, besides the proposal of the methodology for distributed application development, as sketched above, a definition of a relevant set of pattern operators was made. The methodology and the expressivity of the pattern operators were assessed through the development of several representative distributed applications. To support this validation, a prototype was designed and implemented, encompassing some relevant patterns and a significant part of the patterns operators defined. This prototype was based in the Triana environment; Triana supports the development and deployment of distributed applications in the Grid through a dataflow-based programming model. Additionally, this thesis also presents the analysis of a mapping of some operators for execution control onto the Distributed Resource Management Application API (DRMAA). This assessment confirmed the suitability of the proposed model, as well as the generality and flexibility of the defined pattern operatorsDepartamento de Informática and Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Centro de Informática e Tecnologias da Informação of the FCT/UNL; Reitoria da Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Distributed Collaborative Computing Group, Cardiff University, United Kingdom; Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia; Instituto de Cooperação Científica e Tecnológica Internacional; French Embassy in Portugal; European Union Commission through the Agentcities.NET and Coordina projects; and the European Science Foundation, EURESCO

    Pattern Operators for Grid Environments

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    The definition and programming of distributed applications has become a major research issue due to the increasing availability of (large scale) distributed platforms and the requirements posed by the economical globalization. However, such a task requires a huge effort due to the complexity of the distributed environments: large amount of users may communicate and share information across different authority domains; moreover, the “execution environment” or “computations” are dynamic since the number of users and the computational infrastructure change in time. Grid environments, in particular, promise to be an answer to deal with such complexity, by providing high performance execution support to large amount of users, and resource sharing across different organizations. Nevertheless, programming in Grid environments is still a difficult task. There is a lack of high level programming paradigms and support tools that may guide the application developer and allow reusability of state-of-the-art solutions. Specifically, the main goal of the work presented in this thesis is to contribute to the simplification of the development cycle of applications for Grid environments by bringing structure and flexibility to three stages of that cycle through a commonmodel. The stages are: the design phase, the execution phase, and the reconfiguration phase. The common model is based on the manipulation of patterns through pattern operators, and the division of both patterns and operators into two categories, namely structural and behavioural. Moreover, both structural and behavioural patterns are first class entities at each of the aforesaid stages. At the design phase, patterns can be manipulated like other first class entities such as components. This allows a more structured way to build applications by reusing and composing state-of-the-art patterns. At the execution phase, patterns are units of execution control: it is possible, for example, to start or stop and to resume the execution of a pattern as a single entity. At the reconfiguration phase, patterns can also be manipulated as single entities with the additional advantage that it is possible to perform a structural reconfiguration while keeping some of the behavioural constraints, and vice-versa. For example, it is possible to replace a behavioural pattern, which was applied to some structural pattern, with another behavioural pattern. In this thesis, besides the proposal of the methodology for distributed application development, as sketched above, a definition of a relevant set of pattern operators was made. The methodology and the expressivity of the pattern operators were assessed through the development of several representative distributed applications. To support this validation, a prototype was designed and implemented, encompassing some relevant patterns and a significant part of the patterns operators defined. This prototype was based in the Triana environment; Triana supports the development and deployment of distributed applications in the Grid through a dataflow-based programming model. Additionally, this thesis also presents the analysis of a mapping of some operators for execution control onto the Distributed Resource Management Application API (DRMAA). This assessment confirmed the suitability of the proposed model, as well as the generality and flexibility of the defined pattern operatorsDepartamento de Informática and Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Centro de Informática e Tecnologias da Informação of the FCT/UNL; Reitoria da Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Distributed Collaborative Computing Group, Cardiff University, United Kingdom; Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia; Instituto de Cooperação Científica e Tecnológica Internacional; French Embassy in Portugal; European Union Commission through the Agentcities.NET and Coordina projects; and the European Science Foundation, EURESCO

    Research and development of accounting system in grid environment

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    The Grid has been recognised as the next-generation distributed computing paradigm by seamlessly integrating heterogeneous resources across administrative domains as a single virtual system. There are an increasing number of scientific and business projects that employ Grid computing technologies for large-scale resource sharing and collaborations. Early adoptions of Grid computing technologies have custom middleware implemented to bridge gaps between heterogeneous computing backbones. These custom solutions form the basis to the emerging Open Grid Service Architecture (OGSA), which aims at addressing common concerns of Grid systems by defining a set of interoperable and reusable Grid services. One of common concerns as defined in OGSA is the Grid accounting service. The main objective of the Grid accounting service is to ensure resources to be shared within a Grid environment in an accountable manner by metering and logging accurate resource usage information. This thesis discusses the origins and fundamentals of Grid computing and accounting service in the context of OGSA profile. A prototype was developed and evaluated based on OGSA accounting-related standards enabling sharing accounting data in a multi-Grid environment, the World-wide Large Hadron Collider Grid (WLCG). Based on this prototype and lessons learned, a generic middleware solution was also implemented as a toolkit that eases migration of existing accounting system to be standard compatible.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)Stanford UniversityGBUnited Kingdo

    Efficient multilevel scheduling in grids and clouds with dynamic provisioning

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadores y Automática, leída el 12-01-2016La consolidación de las grandes infraestructuras para la Computación Distribuida ha resultado en una plataforma de Computación de Alta Productividad que está lista para grandes cargas de trabajo. Los mejores exponentes de este proceso son las federaciones grid actuales. Por otro lado, la Computación Cloud promete ser más flexible, utilizable, disponible y simple que la Computación Grid, cubriendo además muchas más necesidades computacionales que las requeridas para llevar a cabo cálculos distribuidos. En cualquier caso, debido al dinamismo y la heterogeneidad presente en grids y clouds, encontrar la asignación ideal de las tareas computacionales en los recursos disponibles es, por definición un problema NP-completo, y sólo se pueden encontrar soluciones subóptimas para estos entornos. Sin embargo, la caracterización de estos recursos en ambos tipos de infraestructuras es deficitaria. Los sistemas de información disponibles no proporcionan datos fiables sobre el estado de los recursos, lo cual no permite la planificación avanzada que necesitan los diferentes tipos de aplicaciones distribuidas. Durante la última década esta cuestión no ha sido resuelta para la Computación Grid y las infraestructuras cloud establecidas recientemente presentan el mismo problema. En este marco, los planificadores (brokers) sólo pueden mejorar la productividad de las ejecuciones largas, pero no proporcionan ninguna estimación de su duración. La planificación compleja ha sido abordada tradicionalmente por otras herramientas como los gestores de flujos de trabajo, los auto-planificadores o los sistemas de gestión de producción pertenecientes a ciertas comunidades de investigación. Sin embargo, el bajo rendimiento obtenido con estos mecanismos de asignación anticipada (early-binding) es notorio. Además, la diversidad en los proveedores cloud, la falta de soporte de herramientas de planificación y de interfaces de programación estandarizadas para distribuir la carga de trabajo, dificultan la portabilidad masiva de aplicaciones legadas a los entornos cloud...The consolidation of large Distributed Computing infrastructures has resulted in a High-Throughput Computing platform that is ready for high loads, whose best proponents are the current grid federations. On the other hand, Cloud Computing promises to be more flexible, usable, available and simple than Grid Computing, covering also much more computational needs than the ones required to carry out distributed calculations. In any case, because of the dynamism and heterogeneity that are present in grids and clouds, calculating the best match between computational tasks and resources in an effectively characterised infrastructure is, by definition, an NP-complete problem, and only sub-optimal solutions (schedules) can be found for these environments. Nevertheless, the characterisation of the resources of both kinds of infrastructures is far from being achieved. The available information systems do not provide accurate data about the status of the resources that can allow the advanced scheduling required by the different needs of distributed applications. The issue was not solved during the last decade for grids and the cloud infrastructures recently established have the same problem. In this framework, brokers only can improve the throughput of very long calculations, but do not provide estimations of their duration. Complex scheduling was traditionally tackled by other tools such as workflow managers, self-schedulers and the production management systems of certain research communities. Nevertheless, the low performance achieved by these earlybinding methods is noticeable. Moreover, the diversity of cloud providers and mainly, their lack of standardised programming interfaces and brokering tools to distribute the workload, hinder the massive portability of legacy applications to cloud environments...Depto. de Arquitectura de Computadores y AutomáticaFac. de InformáticaTRUEsubmitte

    Support for flexible and transparent distributed computing

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    Modern distributed computing developed from the traditional supercomputing community rooted firmly in the culture of batch management. Therefore, the field has been dominated by queuing-based resource managers and work flow based job submission environments where static resource demands needed be determined and reserved prior to launching executions. This has made it difficult to support resource environments (e.g. Grid, Cloud) where the available resources as well as the resource requirements of applications may be both dynamic and unpredictable. This thesis introduces a flexible execution model where the compute capacity can be adapted to fit the needs of applications as they change during execution. Resource provision in this model is based on a fine-grained, self-service approach instead of the traditional one-time, system-level model. The thesis introduces a middleware based Application Agent (AA) that provides a platform for the applications to dynamically interact and negotiate resources with the underlying resource infrastructure. We also consider the issue of transparency, i.e., hiding the provision and management of the distributed environment. This is the key to attracting public to use the technology. The AA not only replaces user-controlled process of preparing and executing an application with a transparent software-controlled process, it also hides the complexity of selecting right resources to ensure execution QoS. This service is provided by an On-line Feedback-based Automatic Resource Configuration (OAC) mechanism cooperating with the flexible execution model. The AA constantly monitors utility-based feedbacks from the application during execution and thus is able to learn its behaviour and resource characteristics. This allows it to automatically compose the most efficient execution environment on the fly and satisfy any execution requirements defined by users. Two policies are introduced to supervise the information learning and resource tuning in the OAC. The Utility Classification policy classifies hosts according to their historical performance contributions to the application. According to this classification, the AA chooses high utility hosts and withdraws low utility hosts to configure an optimum environment. The Desired Processing Power Estimation (DPPE) policy dynamically configures the execution environment according to the estimated desired total processing power needed to satisfy users’ execution requirements. Through the introducing of flexibility and transparency, a user is able to run a dynamic/normal distributed application anywhere with optimised execution performance, without managing distributed resources. Based on the standalone model, the thesis further introduces a federated resource negotiation framework as a step forward towards an autonomous multi-user distributed computing world

    Platform as a service integration for scientific computing using DIRAC

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    Cada día crece máis a demanda de recursos de computación requirida polos investigadores, capacidades de cálculo que coexisten co crecente volume de datos xerado actualmente. Estes investigadores están a demandar un servizo de Computación de Altas Prestacións (HPC) que permita a execución das suas simulacións dunha forma na que se deslocalicen os recursos para poder acceder aos máximos posibles, facilitandoo coa forma o máis cómoda e segura para eles. Doutra banda, as universidades están conectadas con centros de investigación con redes que pusuen unha velocidade e fiabilidade que posibilitan a execución de traballos de cálculo científico. As capacidades de computo existentes en universidades van dende aulas informáticas para usos docentes, laboratorios, etc., ata clusters de ordenadores pertencentes a grupos de investigación. Usando tecnoloxías grid e cloud estes recursos computacionais heteroxéneos poderían ser reutilizados polos investigadores para realizar simulacións, aportando unha maior cantidade de cómputo a xa existente e deslocalizando os recursos entre distintos lugares ao redor do planeta. O obxectivo desta tese é adaptar a contorna para computación distribuída DIRAC, desenvolvida para o proxecto LHCb do CERN, para o seu uso por varias comunidades de usuarios baseado nas tecnoloxías cloud e big data. Esta contorna pusuiría repositorios de software centralizados que permitan proveer o software necesario para que a través dos entornos na nube se poidan executar as aplicacións dos investigadores en calquera parte do planeta dunha forma escalable, permitindo aprobeitar tanto recursos dedicados como nondedicados. Avaliando así a execución desta plataforma para a realización de cálculos científicos. Este traballo comezará coa obtención de requisitos, para pasar despois ao proceso de integración básica. Posteriormente, optimizarase o uso do software cientifico empregado para as contornas cloud, tratando de adaptalo aos entornos virtualizados. Para iso, será necesario realizar un estudo estadístico que sexa o máis próximo posible aos entornos en producción para poder determinar e crear as infraestructuras adaptadas evitando así a perda de rendemento dentro de recursos. O seguinte caso sería utilizar as tecnoloxías virtualizadas, adaptando as arquitecturas creadas, para a creación de sistemas que permitan o envío de traballos que requiran de grandes cantidades de datos no eido do big data dunha forma distribuida

    PREDON Scientific Data Preservation 2014

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    LPSC14037Scientific data collected with modern sensors or dedicated detectors exceed very often the perimeter of the initial scientific design. These data are obtained more and more frequently with large material and human efforts. A large class of scientific experiments are in fact unique because of their large scale, with very small chances to be repeated and to superseded by new experiments in the same domain: for instance high energy physics and astrophysics experiments involve multi-annual developments and a simple duplication of efforts in order to reproduce old data is simply not affordable. Other scientific experiments are in fact unique by nature: earth science, medical sciences etc. since the collected data is "time-stamped" and thereby non-reproducible by new experiments or observations. In addition, scientific data collection increased dramatically in the recent years, participating to the so-called "data deluge" and inviting for common reflection in the context of "big data" investigations. The new knowledge obtained using these data should be preserved long term such that the access and the re-use are made possible and lead to an enhancement of the initial investment. Data observatories, based on open access policies and coupled with multi-disciplinary techniques for indexing and mining may lead to truly new paradigms in science. It is therefore of outmost importance to pursue a coherent and vigorous approach to preserve the scientific data at long term. The preservation remains nevertheless a challenge due to the complexity of the data structure, the fragility of the custom-made software environments as well as the lack of rigorous approaches in workflows and algorithms. To address this challenge, the PREDON project has been initiated in France in 2012 within the MASTODONS program: a Big Data scientific challenge, initiated and supported by the Interdisciplinary Mission of the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). PREDON is a study group formed by researchers from different disciplines and institutes. Several meetings and workshops lead to a rich exchange in ideas, paradigms and methods. The present document includes contributions of the participants to the PREDON Study Group, as well as invited papers, related to the scientific case, methodology and technology. This document should be read as a "facts finding" resource pointing to a concrete and significant scientific interest for long term research data preservation, as well as to cutting edge methods and technologies to achieve this goal. A sustained, coherent and long term action in the area of scientific data preservation would be highly beneficial

    A formal architecture-centric and model driven approach for the engineering of science gateways

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    From n-Tier client/server applications, to more complex academic Grids, or even the most recent and promising industrial Clouds, the last decade has witnessed significant developments in distributed computing. In spite of this conceptual heterogeneity, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) seems to have emerged as the common and underlying abstraction paradigm, even though different standards and technologies are applied across application domains. Suitable access to data and algorithms resident in SOAs via so-called ‘Science Gateways’ has thus become a pressing need in order to realize the benefits of distributed computing infrastructures.In an attempt to inform service-oriented systems design and developments in Grid-based biomedical research infrastructures, the applicant has consolidated work from three complementary experiences in European projects, which have developed and deployed large-scale production quality infrastructures and more recently Science Gateways to support research in breast cancer, pediatric diseases and neurodegenerative pathologies respectively. In analyzing the requirements from these biomedical applications the applicant was able to elaborate on commonly faced issues in Grid development and deployment, while proposing an adapted and extensible engineering framework. Grids implement a number of protocols, applications, standards and attempt to virtualize and harmonize accesses to them. Most Grid implementations therefore are instantiated as superposed software layers, often resulting in a low quality of services and quality of applications, thus making design and development increasingly complex, and rendering classical software engineering approaches unsuitable for Grid developments.The applicant proposes the application of a formal Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) approach to service-oriented developments, making it possible to define Grid-based architectures and Science Gateways that satisfy quality of service requirements, execution platform and distribution criteria at design time. An novel investigation is thus presented on the applicability of the resulting grid MDE (gMDE) to specific examples and conclusions are drawn on the benefits of this approach and its possible application to other areas, in particular that of Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCI) interoperability, Science Gateways and Cloud architectures developments