8 research outputs found


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    A chain rule for an entropy notion H(.) states that the entropy H(X) of a variable X decreases by at most l if conditioned on an l-bit string A, i.e., H(X|A)>= H(X)-l. More generally, it satisfies a chain rule for conditional entropy if H(X|Y,A)>= H(X|Y)-l. All natural information theoretic entropy notions we are aware of (like Shannon or min-entropy) satisfy some kind of chain rule for conditional entropy. Moreover, many computational entropy notions (like Yao entropy, unpredictability entropy and several variants of HILL entropy) satisfy the chain rule for conditional entropy, though here not only the quantity decreases by l, but also the quality of the entropy decreases exponentially in l. However, for the standard notion of conditional HILL entropy (the computational equivalent of min-entropy) the existence of such a rule was unknown so far. In this paper, we prove that for conditional HILL entropy no meaningful chain rule exists, assuming the existence of one-way permutations: there exist distributions X,Y,A, where A is a distribution over a single bit, but H(X|Y)>>H(X|Y,A), even if we simultaneously allow for a massive degradation in the quality of the entropy. The idea underlying our construction is based on a surprising connection between the chain rule for HILL entropy and deniable encryption

    A counterexample to the chain rule for conditional HILL entropy

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    Most entropy notions H(.) like Shannon or min-entropy satisfy a chain rule stating that for random variables X,Z, and A we have H(X|Z,A)≥H(X|Z)−|A|. That is, by conditioning on A the entropy of X can decrease by at most the bitlength |A| of A. Such chain rules are known to hold for some computational entropy notions like Yao’s and unpredictability-entropy. For HILL entropy, the computational analogue of min-entropy, the chain rule is of special interest and has found many applications, including leakage-resilient cryptography, deterministic encryption, and memory delegation. These applications rely on restricted special cases of the chain rule. Whether the chain rule for conditional HILL entropy holds in general was an open problem for which we give a strong negative answer: we construct joint distributions (X,Z,A), where A is a distribution over a single bit, such that the HILL entropy H HILL (X|Z) is large but H HILL (X|Z,A) is basically zero. Our counterexample just makes the minimal assumption that NP⊈P/poly. Under the stronger assumption that injective one-way function exist, we can make all the distributions efficiently samplable. Finally, we show that some more sophisticated cryptographic objects like lossy functions can be used to sample a distribution constituting a counterexample to the chain rule making only a single invocation to the underlying object


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    Consider a joint distribution (X,A) on a set. We show that for any family of distinguishers, there exists a simulator such that 1 no function in can distinguish (X,A) from (X,h(X)) with advantage ε, 2 h is only O(2 3ℓ ε -2) times less efficient than the functions in. For the most interesting settings of the parameters (in particular, the cryptographic case where X has superlogarithmic min-entropy, ε > 0 is negligible and consists of circuits of polynomial size), we can make the simulator h deterministic. As an illustrative application of our theorem, we give a new security proof for the leakage-resilient stream-cipher from Eurocrypt'09. Our proof is simpler and quantitatively much better than the original proof using the dense model theorem, giving meaningful security guarantees if instantiated with a standard blockcipher like AES. Subsequent to this work, Chung, Lui and Pass gave an interactive variant of our main theorem, and used it to investigate weak notions of Zero-Knowledge. Vadhan and Zheng give a more constructive version of our theorem using their new uniform min-max theorem

    A Unified Approach to Deterministic Encryption: New Constructions and a Connection to Computational Entropy

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    This paper addresses deterministic public-key encryption schemes (DE), which are designed to provide meaningful security when only source of randomness in the encryption process comes from the message itself. We propose a general construction of DE that unifies prior work and gives novel schemes. Specifically, its instantiations include: -The first construction from any trapdoor function that has sufficiently many hardcore bits. -The first construction that provides bounded multi-message security (assuming lossy trapdoor functions). The security proofs for these schemes are enabled by three tools that are of broader interest: - A weaker and more precise sufficient condition for semantic security on a high-entropy message distribution. Namely, we show that to establish semantic security on a distribution M of messages, it suffices to establish indistinguishability for all conditional distribution M|E, where E is an event of probability at least 1/4. (Prior work required indistinguishability on all distributions of a given entropy.) - A result about computational entropy of conditional distributions. Namely, we show that conditioning on an event E of probability p reduces the quality of computational entropy by a factor of p and its quantity by log_2 1/p. - A generalization of leftover hash lemma to correlated distributions. We also extend our result about computational entropy to the average case, which is useful in reasoning about leakage-resilient cryptography: leaking \lambda bits of information reduces the quality of computational entropy by a factor of 2^\lambda and its quantity by \lambda

    How to Fake Auxiliary Input

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    Consider a joint distribution (X,A)(X,A) on a set X×{0,1}{\cal X}\times\{0,1\}^\ell. We show that for any family F{\cal F} of distinguishers f ⁣:X×{0,1}{0,1}f \colon {\cal X} \times \{0,1\}^\ell \rightarrow \{0,1\}, there exists a simulator h ⁣:X{0,1}h \colon {\cal X} \rightarrow \{0,1\}^\ell such that \begin{enumerate} \item no function in F{\cal F} can distinguish (X,A)(X,A) from (X,h(X))(X,h(X)) with advantage ϵ\epsilon, \item hh is only O(23ϵ2)O(2^{3\ell}\epsilon^{-2}) times less efficient than the functions in F{\cal F}. \end{enumerate} For the most interesting settings of the parameters (in particular, the cryptographic case where XX has superlogarithmic min-entropy, ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 is negligible and F{\cal F} consists of circuits of polynomial size), we can make the simulator hh \emph{deterministic}. As an illustrative application of this theorem, we give a new security proof for the leakage-resilient stream-cipher from Eurocrypt\u2709. Our proof is simpler and quantitatively much better than the original proof using the dense model theorem, giving meaningful security guarantees if instantiated with a standard blockcipher like AES. Subsequent to this work, Chung, Lui and Pass gave an interactive variant of our main theorem, and used it to investigate weak notions of Zero-Knowledge. Vadhan and Zheng give a more constructive version of our theorem using their new uniform min-max theorem

    Maliciously Circuit-Private FHE from Information-Theoretic Principles

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    Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) allows arbitrary computations on encrypted data. The standard security requirement, IND-CPA security, ensures that the encrypted data remain private. However, it does not guarantee privacy for the computation performed on the encrypted data. Statistical circuit privacy offers a strong privacy guarantee for the computation process, namely that a homomorphically evaluated ciphertext does not leak any information on how the result of the computation was obtained. Malicious statistical circuit privacy requires this to hold even for maliciously generated keys and ciphertexts. Ostrovsky, Paskin and Paskin (CRYPTO 2014) constructed an FHE scheme achieving malicious statistical circuit privacy. Their construction, however, makes non-black-box use of a specific underlying FHE scheme, resulting in a circuit-private scheme with inherently high overhead. This work presents a conceptually different construction of maliciously circuit-private FHE from simple information-theoretical principles. Furthermore, our construction only makes black-box use of the underlying FHE scheme, opening the possibility of achieving practically efficient schemes. Finally, in contrast to the OPP scheme in our scheme, pre- and post-homomorphic ciphertexts are syntactically the same, enabling new applications in multi-hop settings

    On the (Im)possibility of Distributed Samplers: Lower Bounds and Party-Dynamic Constructions

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    Distributed samplers, introduced by Abram, Scholl and Yakoubov (Eurocrypt ’22), are a one-round, multi-party protocol for securely sampling from any distribution. We give new lower and upper bounds for constructing distributed samplers in challenging scenarios. First, we consider the feasibility of distributed samplers with a malicious adversary in the standard model; the only previous construction in this setting relies on a random oracle. We show that for any UC-secure construction in the standard model, even with a CRS, the output of the sampling protocol must have low entropy. This essentially implies that this type of construction is useless in applications. Secondly, we study the question of building distributed samplers in the party-dynamic setting, where parties can join in an ad-hoc manner, and the total number of parties is unbounded. Here, we obtain positive results. First, we build a special type of unbounded universal sampler, which after a trusted setup, allows sampling from any distributed with unbounded size. Our construction is in the shared randomness model, where the parties have access to a shared random string, and uses indistinguishability obfuscation and somewhere statistically binding hashing. Next, using our unbounded universal sampler, we construct distributed universal samplers in the party-dynamic setting. Our first construction satisfies one-time selective security in the shared randomness model. Our second construction is reusable and secure against a malicious adversary in the random oracle model. Finally, we show how to use party-dynamic, distributed universal samplers to produce ideal, correlated randomness in the party-dynamic setting, in a single round of interaction