2,818 research outputs found

    Energy and Performance: Management of Virtual Machines: Provisioning, Placement, and Consolidation

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    Cloud computing is a new computing paradigm that offers scalable storage and compute resources to users on demand through Internet. Public cloud providers operate large-scale data centers around the world to handle a large number of users request. However, data centers consume an immense amount of electrical energy that can lead to high operating costs and carbon emissions. One of the most common and effective method in order to reduce energy consumption is Dynamic Virtual Machines Consolidation (DVMC) enabled by the virtualization technology. DVMC dynamically consolidates Virtual Machines (VMs) into the minimum number of active servers and then switches the idle servers into a power-saving mode to save energy. However, maintaining the desired level of Quality-of-Service (QoS) between data centers and their users is critical for satisfying users’ expectations concerning performance. Therefore, the main challenge is to minimize the data center energy consumption while maintaining the required QoS. This thesis address this challenge by presenting novel DVMC approaches to reduce the energy consumption of data centers and improve resource utilization under workload independent quality of service constraints. These approaches can be divided into three main categories: heuristic, meta-heuristic and machine learning. Our first contribution is a heuristic algorithm for solving the DVMC problem. The algorithm uses a linear regression-based prediction model to detect over-loaded servers based on the historical utilization data. Then it migrates some VMs from the over-loaded servers to avoid further performance degradations. Moreover, our algorithm consolidates VMs on fewer number of server for energy saving. The second and third contributions are two novel DVMC algorithms based on the Reinforcement Learning (RL) approach. RL is interesting for highly adaptive and autonomous management in dynamic environments. For this reason, we use RL to solve two main sub-problems in VM consolidation. The first sub-problem is the server power mode detection (sleep or active). The second sub-problem is to find an effective solution for server status detection (overloaded or non-overloaded). The fourth contribution of this thesis is an online optimization meta-heuristic algorithm called Ant Colony System-based Placement Optimization (ACS-PO). ACS is a suitable approach for VM consolidation due to the ease of parallelization, that it is close to the optimal solution, and its polynomial worst-case time complexity. The simulation results show that ACS-PO provides substantial improvement over other heuristic algorithms in reducing energy consumption, the number of VM migrations, and performance degradations. Our fifth contribution is a Hierarchical VM management (HiVM) architecture based on a three-tier data center topology which is very common use in data centers. HiVM has the ability to scale across many thousands of servers with energy efficiency. Our sixth contribution is a Utilization Prediction-aware Best Fit Decreasing (UP-BFD) algorithm. UP-BFD can avoid SLA violations and needless migrations by taking into consideration the current and predicted future resource requirements for allocation, consolidation, and placement of VMs. Finally, the seventh and the last contribution is a novel Self-Adaptive Resource Management System (SARMS) in data centers. To achieve scalability, SARMS uses a hierarchical architecture that is partially inspired from HiVM. Moreover, SARMS provides self-adaptive ability for resource management by dynamically adjusting the utilization thresholds for each server in data centers.Siirretty Doriast

    Efficient and elastic management of computing infrastructures

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] Modern data centers integrate a lot of computer and electronic devices. However, some reports state that the mean usage of a typical data center is around 50% of its peak capacity, and the mean usage of each server is between 10% and 50%. A lot of energy is destined to power on computer hardware that most of the time remains idle. Therefore, it would be possible to save energy simply by powering off those parts from the data center that are not actually used, and powering them on again as they are needed. Most data centers have computing clusters that are used for intensive computing, recently evolving towards an on-premises Cloud service model. Despite the use of low consuming components, higher energy savings can be achieved by dynamically adapting the system to the actual workload. The main approach in this case is the usage of energy saving criteria for scheduling the jobs or the virtual machines into the working nodes. The aim is to power off idle servers automatically. But it is necessary to schedule the power management of the servers in order to minimize the impact on the end users and their applications. The objective of this thesis is the elastic and efficient management of cluster infrastructures, with the aim of reducing the costs associated to idle components. This objective is addressed by automating the power management of the working nodes in a computing cluster, and also proactive stimulating the load distribution to achieve idle resources that could be powered off by means of memory overcommitment and live migration of virtual machines. Moreover, this automation is of interest for virtual clusters, as they also suffer from the same problems. While in physical clusters idle working nodes waste energy, in the case of virtual clusters that are built from virtual machines, the idle working nodes can waste money in commercial Clouds or computational resources in an on-premises Cloud.[ES] En los Centros de Procesos de Datos (CPD) existe una gran concentración de dispositivos informáticos y de equipamiento electrónico. Sin embargo, algunos estudios han mostrado que la utilización media de los CPD está en torno al 50%, y que la utilización media de los servidores se encuentra entre el 10% y el 50%. Estos datos evidencian que existe una gran cantidad de energía destinada a alimentar equipamiento ocioso, y que podríamos conseguir un ahorro energético simplemente apagando los componentes que no se estén utilizando. En muchos CPD suele haber clusters de computadores que se utilizan para computación de altas prestaciones y para la creación de Clouds privados. Si bien se ha tratado de ahorrar energía utilizando componentes de bajo consumo, también es posible conseguirlo adaptando los sistemas a la carga de trabajo en cada momento. En los últimos años han surgido trabajos que investigan la aplicación de criterios energéticos a la hora de seleccionar en qué servidor, de entre los que forman un cluster, se debe ejecutar un trabajo o alojar una máquina virtual. En muchos casos se trata de conseguir equipos ociosos que puedan ser apagados, pero habitualmente se asume que dicho apagado se hace de forma automática, y que los equipos se encienden de nuevo cuando son necesarios. Sin embargo, es necesario hacer una planificación de encendido y apagado de máquinas para minimizar el impacto en el usuario final. En esta tesis nos planteamos la gestión elástica y eficiente de infrastructuras de cálculo tipo cluster, con el objetivo de reducir los costes asociados a los componentes ociosos. Para abordar este problema nos planteamos la automatización del encendido y apagado de máquinas en los clusters, así como la aplicación de técnicas de migración en vivo y de sobreaprovisionamiento de memoria para estimular la obtención de equipos ociosos que puedan ser apagados. Además, esta automatización es de interés para los clusters virtuales, puesto que también sufren el problema de los componentes ociosos, sólo que en este caso están compuestos por, en lugar de equipos físicos que gastan energía, por máquinas virtuales que gastan dinero en un proveedor Cloud comercial o recursos en un Cloud privado.[CA] En els Centres de Processament de Dades (CPD) hi ha una gran concentració de dispositius informàtics i d'equipament electrònic. No obstant això, alguns estudis han mostrat que la utilització mitjana dels CPD està entorn del 50%, i que la utilització mitjana dels servidors es troba entre el 10% i el 50%. Estes dades evidencien que hi ha una gran quantitat d'energia destinada a alimentar equipament ociós, i que podríem aconseguir un estalvi energètic simplement apagant els components que no s'estiguen utilitzant. En molts CPD sol haver-hi clusters de computadors que s'utilitzen per a computació d'altes prestacions i per a la creació de Clouds privats. Si bé s'ha tractat d'estalviar energia utilitzant components de baix consum, també és possible aconseguir-ho adaptant els sistemes a la càrrega de treball en cada moment. En els últims anys han sorgit treballs que investiguen l'aplicació de criteris energètics a l'hora de seleccionar en quin servidor, d'entre els que formen un cluster, s'ha d'executar un treball o allotjar una màquina virtual. En molts casos es tracta d'aconseguir equips ociosos que puguen ser apagats, però habitualment s'assumix que l'apagat es fa de forma automàtica, i que els equips s'encenen novament quan són necessaris. No obstant això, és necessari fer una planificació d'encesa i apagat de màquines per a minimitzar l'impacte en l'usuari final. En esta tesi ens plantegem la gestió elàstica i eficient d'infrastructuras de càlcul tipus cluster, amb l'objectiu de reduir els costos associats als components ociosos. Per a abordar este problema ens plantegem l'automatització de l'encesa i apagat de màquines en els clusters, així com l'aplicació de tècniques de migració en viu i de sobreaprovisionament de memòria per a estimular l'obtenció d'equips ociosos que puguen ser apagats. A més, esta automatització és d'interés per als clusters virtuals, ja que també patixen el problema dels components ociosos, encara que en este cas estan compostos per, en compte d'equips físics que gasten energia, per màquines virtuals que gasten diners en un proveïdor Cloud comercial o recursos en un Cloud privat.Alfonso Laguna, CD. (2015). Efficient and elastic management of computing infrastructures [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/57187Compendi

    Anti load-balancing for energy-aware distributed scheduling of virtual machines

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    La multiplication de l'informatique en nuage (Cloud) a abouti à la création de centres de données dans le monde entier. Le Cloud contient des milliers de nœuds de calcul. Cependant, les centres de données consomment d'énorme quantités d'énergie à travers le monde estimées à plus de 1,5 % de la consommation mondiale d'électricité et devrait continuer à croître. Une problématique habituellement étudiée dans les systèmes distribués est de répartir équitablement la charge. Mais lorsque l'objectif est de réduire la consommation électrique, ce type d'algorithmes peut mener à avoir des serveurs fortement sous chargés et donc à consommer de l'énergie inutilement. Cette thèse présente de nouvelles techniques, des algorithmes et des logiciels pour la consolidation dynamique et distribuée de machines virtuelles (VM) dans le Cloud. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de proposer des stratégies d'ordonnancement tenant compte de l'énergie dans le Cloud pour les économies d'énergie. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous utilisons des approches centralisées et décentralisées. Les contributions à ce niveau méthodologique sont présentées sur ces deux axes. L'objectif de notre démarche est de réduire la consommation de l'énergie totale du centre de données en contrôlant la consommation globale d'énergie des applications tout en assurant les contrats de service pour l'exécution des applications. La consommation d'énergie est réduite en désactivant et réactivant dynamiquement les nœuds physiques pour répondre à la demande des ressources. Les principales contributions sont les suivantes: - Ici on s'intéressera à la problématique contraire de l'équilibrage de charge. Il s'agit d'une technique appelée Anti Load-Balancing pour concentrer la charge sur un nombre minimal de nœuds. Le but est de pouvoir éteindre les nœuds libérés et donc de minimiser la consommation énergétique du système. - Ensuite une approche centralisée a été proposée et fonctionne en associant une valeur de crédit à chaque nœud. Le crédit d'un nœud dépend de son affinité pour ses tâches, sa charge de travail actuelle et sa façon d'effectuer ses communications. Les économies d'énergie sont atteintes par la consolidation continue des machines virtuelles en fonction de l'utilisation actuelle des ressources, les topologies de réseaux virtuels établis entre les machines virtuelles et l'état thermique de nœuds de calcul. Les résultats de l'expérience sur une extension de CloudSim (EnerSim) montrent que l'énergie consommée par les applications du Cloud et l'efficacité énergétique ont été améliorées. - Le troisième axe est consacré à l'examen d'une approche appelée "Cooperative scheduling Anti load-balancing Algorithm for cloud". Il s'agit d'une approche décentralisée permettant la coopération entre les différents sites. Pour valider cet algorithme, nous avons étendu le simulateur MaGateSim. Avec une large évaluation expérimentale d'un ensemble de données réelles, nous sommes arrivés à la conclusion que l'approche à la fois en utilisant des algorithmes centralisés et décentralisés peut réduire l'énergie consommée des centres de données.The multiplication of Cloud computing has resulted in the establishment of largescale data centers around the world containing thousands of compute nodes. However, Cloud consume huge amounts of energy. Energy consumption of data centers worldwide is estimated at more than 1.5% of the global electricity use and is expected to grow further. A problem usually studied in distributed systems is to evenly distribute the load. But when the goal is to reduce energy consumption, this type of algorithms can lead to have machines largely under-loaded and therefore consuming energy unnecessarily. This thesis presents novel techniques, algorithms, and software for distributed dynamic consolidation of Virtual Machines (VMs) in Cloud. The main objective of this thesis is to provide energy-aware scheduling strategies in cloud computing for energy saving. To achieve this goal, we use centralized and decentralized approaches. Contributions in this method are presented these two axes. The objective of our approach is to reduce data center's total energy consumed by controlling cloud applications' overall energy consumption while ensuring cloud applications' service level agreement. Energy consumption is reduced by dynamically deactivating and reactivating physical nodes to meet the current resource demand. The key contributions are: - First, we present an energy aware clouds scheduling using anti-load balancing algorithm : concentrate the load on a minimum number of severs. The goal is to turn off the machines released and therefore minimize the energy consumption of the system. - The second axis proposed an algorithm which works by associating a credit value with each node. The credit of a node depends on its affinity to its jobs, its current workload and its communication behavior. Energy savings are achieved by continuous consolidation of VMs according to current utilization of resources, virtual network topologies established between VMs, and thermal state of computing nodes. The experiment results, obtained with a simulator which extends CloudSim (EnerSim), show that the cloud application energy consumption and energy efficiency are being improved. - The third axis is dedicated to the consideration of a decentralized dynamic scheduling approach entitled Cooperative scheduling Anti-load balancing Algorithm for cloud. It is a decentralized approach that allows cooperation between different sites. To validate this algorithm, we have extended the simulator MaGateSim. With an extensive experimental evaluation with a real workload dataset, we got the conclusion that both the approach using centralized and decentralized algorithms can reduce energy consumed by data centers

    A Literature Survey on Resource Management Techniques, Issues and Challenges in Cloud Computing

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    Cloud computing is a large scale distributed computing which provides on demand services for clients. Cloud Clients use web browsers, mobile apps, thin clients, or terminal emulators to request and control their cloud resources at any time and anywhere through the network. As many companies are shifting their data to cloud and as many people are being aware of the advantages of storing data to cloud, there is increasing number of cloud computing infrastructure and large amount of data which lead to the complexity management for cloud providers. We surveyed the state-of-the-art resource management techniques for IaaS (infrastructure as a service) in cloud computing. Then we put forward different major issues in the deployment of the cloud infrastructure in order to avoid poor service delivery in cloud computing

    Scalable and Distributed Resource Management Protocols for Cloud and Big Data Clusters

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    Cloud data centers require an operating system to manage resources and satisfy operational requirements and management objectives. The growth of popularity in cloud services causes the appearance of a new spectrum of services with sophisticated workload and resource management requirements. Also, data centers are growing by addition of various type of hardware to accommodate the ever-increasing requests of users. Nowadays a large percentage of cloud resources are executing data-intensive applications which need continuously changing workload fluctuations and specific resource management. To this end, cluster computing frameworks are shifting towards distributed resource management for better scalability and faster decision making. Such systems benefit from the parallelization of control and are resilient to failures. Throughout this thesis we investigate algorithms, protocols and techniques to address these challenges in large-scale data centers. We introduce a distributed resource management framework which consolidates virtual machine to as few servers as possible to reduce the energy consumption of data center and hence decrease the cost of cloud providers. This framework can characterize the workload of virtual machines and hence handle trade-off energy consumption and Service Level Agreement (SLA) of customers efficiently. The algorithm is highly scalable and requires low maintenance cost with dynamic workloads and it tries to minimize virtual machines migration costs. We also introduce a scalable and distributed probe-based scheduling algorithm for Big data analytics frameworks. This algorithm can efficiently address the problem job heterogeneity in workloads that has appeared after increasing the level of parallelism in jobs. The algorithm is massively scalable and can reduce significantly average job completion times in comparison with the-state of-the-art. Finally, we propose a probabilistic fault-tolerance technique as part of the scheduling algorithm

    Internet of robotic things : converging sensing/actuating, hypoconnectivity, artificial intelligence and IoT Platforms

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) concept is evolving rapidly and influencing newdevelopments in various application domains, such as the Internet of MobileThings (IoMT), Autonomous Internet of Things (A-IoT), Autonomous Systemof Things (ASoT), Internet of Autonomous Things (IoAT), Internetof Things Clouds (IoT-C) and the Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT) etc.that are progressing/advancing by using IoT technology. The IoT influencerepresents new development and deployment challenges in different areassuch as seamless platform integration, context based cognitive network integration,new mobile sensor/actuator network paradigms, things identification(addressing, naming in IoT) and dynamic things discoverability and manyothers. The IoRT represents new convergence challenges and their need to be addressed, in one side the programmability and the communication ofmultiple heterogeneous mobile/autonomous/robotic things for cooperating,their coordination, configuration, exchange of information, security, safetyand protection. Developments in IoT heterogeneous parallel processing/communication and dynamic systems based on parallelism and concurrencyrequire new ideas for integrating the intelligent “devices”, collaborativerobots (COBOTS), into IoT applications. Dynamic maintainability, selfhealing,self-repair of resources, changing resource state, (re-) configurationand context based IoT systems for service implementation and integrationwith IoT network service composition are of paramount importance whennew “cognitive devices” are becoming active participants in IoT applications.This chapter aims to be an overview of the IoRT concept, technologies,architectures and applications and to provide a comprehensive coverage offuture challenges, developments and applications

    Power Modeling and Resource Optimization in Virtualized Environments

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    The provisioning of on-demand cloud services has revolutionized the IT industry. This emerging paradigm has drastically increased the growth of data centers (DCs) worldwide. Consequently, this rising number of DCs is contributing to a large amount of world total power consumption. This has directed the attention of researchers and service providers to investigate a power-aware solution for the deployment and management of these systems and networks. However, these solutions could be bene\ufb01cial only if derived from a precisely estimated power consumption at run-time. Accuracy in power estimation is a challenge in virtualized environments due to the lack of certainty of actual resources consumed by virtualized entities and of their impact on applications\u2019 performance. The heterogeneous cloud, composed of multi-tenancy architecture, has also raised several management challenges for both service providers and their clients. Task scheduling and resource allocation in such a system are considered as an NP-hard problem. The inappropriate allocation of resources causes the under-utilization of servers, hence reducing throughput and energy e\ufb03ciency. In this context, the cloud framework needs an e\ufb00ective management solution to maximize the use of available resources and capacity, and also to reduce the impact of their carbon footprint on the environment with reduced power consumption. This thesis addresses the issues of power measurement and resource utilization in virtualized environments as two primary objectives. At \ufb01rst, a survey on prior work of server power modeling and methods in virtualization architectures is carried out. This helps investigate the key challenges that elude the precision of power estimation when dealing with virtualized entities. A di\ufb00erent systematic approach is then presented to improve the prediction accuracy in these networks, considering the resource abstraction at di\ufb00erent architectural levels. Resource usage monitoring at the host and guest helps in identifying the di\ufb00erence in performance between the two. Using virtual Performance Monitoring Counters (vPMCs) at a guest level provides detailed information that helps in improving the prediction accuracy and can be further used for resource optimization, consolidation and load balancing. Later, the research also targets the critical issue of optimal resource utilization in cloud computing. This study seeks a generic, robust but simple approach to deal with resource allocation in cloud computing and networking. The inappropriate scheduling in the cloud causes under- and over- utilization of resources which in turn increases the power consumption and also degrades the system performance. This work \ufb01rst addresses some of the major challenges related to task scheduling in heterogeneous systems. After a critical analysis of existing approaches, this thesis presents a rather simple scheduling scheme based on the combination of heuristic solutions. Improved resource utilization with reduced processing time can be achieved using the proposed energy-e\ufb03cient scheduling algorithm