12 research outputs found

    Modelos de clasificación multi-etiqueta para datos heterogéneos: un enfoque basado en ensembles

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    In recent years, the multi-label classification task has gained the attention of the scientific community given its ability to solve real-world problems where each instance of the dataset may be associated with several class labels simultaneously. For example, in medical problems each patient may be affected by several diseases at the same time, and in multimedia categorization problems, each item might be related with different tags or topics. Thus, given the nature of these problems, dealing with them as traditional classification problems where just one class label is assigned to each instance, would lead to a lose of information. However, the fact of having more than one label associated with each instance leads to new classification challenges that should be addressed, such as modeling the compound dependencias among labels, the imbalance of the label space, and the high dimensionality of the output space. A large number of methods for multi-label classification has been proposed in the literature, including several ensemble-based methods. Ensemble learning is a technique which is based on combining the outputs of many diverse base models, in order to outperform each of the separate members. In multi-label classification, ensemble methods are those that combine the predictions of several multi-label classifiers, and these methods have shown to outperform simpler multi-label classifiers. Therefore, given its great performance, we focused our research on the study of ensemble-based methods for multi-label classification. The first objective of this dissertation is to perform an thorough review of the state-of-the-art ensembles of multi-label classifiers. Its aim is twofold: I) study different ensembles of multi-label classifiers proposed in the literature, and categorize them according to their characteristics proposing a novel taxonomy; and II) perform an experimental study to find the method or family of methods that performs better depending on the characteristics of the data, as well as provide then some guidelines to select the best method according to the characteristics of a given problem. Since most of the ensemble methods for multi-label classification are based on creating diverse members by randomly selecting instances, input features, or labels, our second and main objective is to propose novel ensemble methods for multi-label classification where the characteristics of the data are taken into account. For this purpose, we first propose an evolutionary algorithm able to build an ensemble of multi-label classifiers, where each of the individuals of the population is an entire ensemble. This approach is able to model the relationships among the labels with a relative low complexity and imbalance of the output space, also considering these characteristics to guide the learning process. Furthermore, it looks for an optimal structure of the ensemble not only considering its predictive performance, but also the number of times that each label appears in it. In this way, all labels are expected to appear a similar number of times in the ensemble, not neglecting any of them regardless of their frequency. Then, we develop a second evolutionary algorithm able to build ensembles of multi-label classifiers, but in this case each individual of the population is a hypothetical member of the ensemble, and not the entire ensemble. The fact of evolving members of the ensemble separately makes the algorithm less computationally complex and able to determine the quality of each member separately. However, a method to select the ensemble members needs to be defined. This process selects those classifiers that are both accurate but also diverse among them to form the ensemble, also controlling that all labels appear a similar number of times in the final ensemble. In all experimental studies, the methods are compared using rigorous experimental setups and statistical tests over many evaluation metrics and reference datasets in multi-label classification. The experiments confirm that the proposed methods obtain significantly better and more consistent performance than the stateof- the-art methods in multi-label classification. Furthermore, the second proposal is proven to be more efficient than the first one, given the use of separate classifiers as individuals.En los últimos años, el paradigma de clasificación multi-etiqueta ha ganado atención en la comunidad científica, dada su habilidad para resolver problemas reales donde cada instancia del conjunto de datos puede estar asociada con varias etiquetas de clase simultáneamente. Por ejemplo, en problemas médicos cada paciente puede estar afectado por varias enfermedades a la vez, o en problemas de categorización multimedia, cada ítem podría estar relacionado con varias etiquetas o temas. Dada la naturaleza de estos problemas, tratarlos como problemas de clasificación tradicional donde cada instancia puede tener asociada únicamente una etiqueta de clase, conllevaría una pérdida de información. Sin embargo, el hecho de tener más de una etiqueta asociada con cada instancia conlleva la aparición de nuevos retos que deben ser abordados, como modelar las dependencias entre etiquetas, el desbalanceo de etiquetas, y la alta dimensionalidad del espacio de salida. En la literatura se han propuesto un gran número de métodos para clasificación multi-etiqueta, incluyendo varios basados en ensembles. El aprendizaje basado en ensembles combina las salidas de varios modelos más simples y diversos entre sí, de cara a conseguir un mejor rendimiento que cada miembro por separado. En clasificación multi-etiqueta, se consideran ensembles aquellos métodos que combinan las predicciones de varios clasificadores multi-etiqueta, y estos métodos han mostrado conseguir un mejor rendimiento que los clasificadores multi-etiqueta sencillos. Por tanto, dado su buen rendimiento, centramos nuestra investigación en el estudio de métodos basados en ensembles para clasificación multi-etiqueta. El primer objetivo de esta tesis el realizar una revisión a fondo del estado del arte en ensembles de clasificadores multi-etiqueta. El objetivo de este estudio es doble: I) estudiar diferentes ensembles de clasificadores multi-etiqueta propuestos en la literatura, y categorizarlos de acuerdo a sus características proponiendo una nueva taxonomía; y II) realizar un estudio experimental para encontrar el método o familia de métodos que obtiene mejores resultados dependiendo de las características de los datos, así como ofrecer posteriormente algunas guías para seleccionar el mejor método de acuerdo a las características de un problema dado. Dado que la mayoría de ensembles para clasificación multi-etiqueta están basados en la creación de miembros diversos seleccionando aleatoriamente instancias, atributos, o etiquetas; nuestro segundo y principal objetivo es proponer nuevos modelos de ensemble para clasificación multi-etiqueta donde se tengan en cuenta las características de los datos. Para ello, primero proponemos un algoritmo evolutivo capaz de generar un ensemble de clasificadores multi-etiqueta, donde cada uno de los individuos de la población es un ensemble completo. Este enfoque es capaz de modelar las relaciones entre etiquetas con una complejidad y desbalanceo de etiquetas relativamente bajos, considerando también estas características para guiar el proceso de aprendizaje. Además, busca una estructura óptima para el ensemble, no solo considerando su capacidad predictiva, pero también teniendo en cuenta el número de veces que aparece cada etiqueta en él. De este modo, se espera que todas las etiquetas aparezcan un número de veces similar en el ensemble, sin despreciar ninguna de ellas independientemente de su frecuencia. Posteriormente, desarrollamos un segundo algoritmo evolutivo capaz de construir ensembles de clasificadores multi-etiqueta, pero donde cada individuo de la población es un hipotético miembro del ensemble, en lugar del ensemble completo. El hecho de evolucionar los miembros del ensemble por separado hace que el algoritmo sea menos complejo y capaz de determinar la calidad de cada miembro por separado. Sin embargo, también es necesario definir un método para seleccionar los miembros que formarán el ensemble. Este proceso selecciona aquellos clasificadores que sean tanto precisos como diversos entre ellos, también controlando que todas las etiquetas aparezcan un número similar de veces en el ensemble final. En todos los estudios experimentales realizados, los métodos han sido comparados utilizando rigurosas configuraciones experimentales y test estadísticos, involucrando varias métricas de evaluación y conjuntos de datos de referencia en clasificación multi-etiqueta. Los experimentos confirman que los métodos propuestos obtienen un rendimiento significativamente mejor y más consistente que los métodos en el estado del arte. Además, se demuestra que el segundo algoritmo propuesto es más eficiente que el primero, dado el uso de individuos representando clasificadores por separado

    Multi-label classification models for heterogeneous data: an ensemble-based approach.

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    In recent years, the multi-label classification gained attention of the scientific community given its ability to solve real-world problems where each instance of the dataset may be associated with several class labels simultaneously, such as multimedia categorization or medical problems. The first objective of this dissertation is to perform a thorough review of the state-of-the-art ensembles of multi-label classifiers (EMLCs). Its aim is twofold: 1) study state-of-the-art ensembles of multi-label classifiers and categorize them proposing a novel taxonomy; and 2) perform an experimental study to give some tips and guidelines to select the method that perform the best according to the characteristics of a given problem. Since most of the EMLCs are based on creating diverse members by randomly selecting instances, input features, or labels, our main objective is to propose novel ensemble methods while considering the characteristics of the data. In this thesis, we propose two evolutionary algorithms to build EMLCs. The first proposal encodes an entire EMLC in each individual, where each member is focused on a small subset of the labels. On the other hand, the second algorithm encodes separate members in each individual, then combining the individuals of the population to build the ensemble. Finally, both methods are demonstrated to be more consistent and perform significantly better than state-of-the-art methods in multi-label classification

    A Comprehensive Survey on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Its Applications

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a heuristic global optimization method, proposed originally by Kennedy and Eberhart in 1995. It is now one of the most commonly used optimization techniques. This survey presented a comprehensive investigation of PSO. On one hand, we provided advances with PSO, including its modifications (including quantum-behaved PSO, bare-bones PSO, chaotic PSO, and fuzzy PSO), population topology (as fully connected, von Neumann, ring, star, random, etc.), hybridization (with genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, Tabu search, artificial immune system, ant colony algorithm, artificial bee colony, differential evolution, harmonic search, and biogeography-based optimization), extensions (to multiobjective, constrained, discrete, and binary optimization), theoretical analysis (parameter selection and tuning, and convergence analysis), and parallel implementation (in multicore, multiprocessor, GPU, and cloud computing forms). On the other hand, we offered a survey on applications of PSO to the following eight fields: electrical and electronic engineering, automation control systems, communication theory, operations research, mechanical engineering, fuel and energy, medicine, chemistry, and biology. It is hoped that this survey would be beneficial for the researchers studying PSO algorithms

    Reading the news through its structure: new hybrid connectivity based approaches

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    In this thesis a solution for the problem of identifying the structure of news published by online newspapers is presented. This problem requires new approaches and algorithms that are capable of dealing with the massive number of online publications in existence (and that will grow in the future). The fact that news documents present a high degree of interconnection makes this an interesting and hard problem to solve. The identification of the structure of the news is accomplished both by descriptive methods that expose the dimensionality of the relations between different news, and by clustering the news into topic groups. To achieve this analysis this integrated whole was studied using different perspectives and approaches. In the identification of news clusters and structure, and after a preparatory data collection phase, where several online newspapers from different parts of the globe were collected, two newspapers were chosen in particular: the Portuguese daily newspaper Público and the British newspaper The Guardian. In the first case, it was shown how information theory (namely variation of information) combined with adaptive networks was able to identify topic clusters in the news published by the Portuguese online newspaper Público. In the second case, the structure of news published by the British newspaper The Guardian is revealed through the construction of time series of news clustered by a kmeans process. After this approach an unsupervised algorithm, that filters out irrelevant news published online by taking into consideration the connectivity of the news labels entered by the journalists, was developed. This novel hybrid technique is based on Qanalysis for the construction of the filtered network followed by a clustering technique to identify the topical clusters. Presently this work uses a modularity optimisation clustering technique but this step is general enough that other hybrid approaches can be used without losing generality. A novel second order swarm intelligence algorithm based on Ant Colony Systems was developed for the travelling salesman problem that is consistently better than the traditional benchmarks. This algorithm is used to construct Hamiltonian paths over the news published using the eccentricity of the different documents as a measure of distance. This approach allows for an easy navigation between published stories that is dependent on the connectivity of the underlying structure. The results presented in this work show the importance of taking topic detection in large corpora as a multitude of relations and connectivities that are not in a static state. They also influence the way of looking at multi-dimensional ensembles, by showing that the inclusion of the high dimension connectivities gives better results to solving a particular problem as was the case in the clustering problem of the news published online.Neste trabalho resolvemos o problema da identificação da estrutura das notícias publicadas em linha por jornais e agências noticiosas. Este problema requer novas abordagens e algoritmos que sejam capazes de lidar com o número crescente de publicações em linha (e que se espera continuam a crescer no futuro). Este facto, juntamente com o elevado grau de interconexão que as notícias apresentam tornam este problema num problema interessante e de difícil resolução. A identificação da estrutura do sistema de notícias foi conseguido quer através da utilização de métodos descritivos que expõem a dimensão das relações existentes entre as diferentes notícias, quer através de algoritmos de agrupamento das mesmas em tópicos. Para atingir este objetivo foi necessário proceder a ao estudo deste sistema complexo sob diferentes perspectivas e abordagens. Após uma fase preparatória do corpo de dados, onde foram recolhidos diversos jornais publicados online optou-se por dois jornais em particular: O Público e o The Guardian. A escolha de jornais em línguas diferentes deve-se à vontade de encontrar estratégias de análise que sejam independentes do conhecimento prévio que se tem sobre estes sistemas. Numa primeira análise é empregada uma abordagem baseada em redes adaptativas e teoria de informação (nomeadamente variação de informação) para identificar tópicos noticiosos que são publicados no jornal português Público. Numa segunda abordagem analisamos a estrutura das notícias publicadas pelo jornal Britânico The Guardian através da construção de séries temporais de notícias. Estas foram seguidamente agrupadas através de um processo de k-means. Para além disso desenvolveuse um algoritmo que permite filtrar de forma não supervisionada notícias irrelevantes que apresentam baixa conectividade às restantes notícias através da utilização de Q-analysis seguida de um processo de clustering. Presentemente este método utiliza otimização de modularidade, mas a técnica é suficientemente geral para que outras abordagens híbridas possam ser utilizadas sem perda de generalidade do método. Desenvolveu-se ainda um novo algoritmo baseado em sistemas de colónias de formigas para solução do problema do caixeiro viajante que consistentemente apresenta resultados melhores que os tradicionais bancos de testes. Este algoritmo foi aplicado na construção de caminhos Hamiltonianos das notícias publicadas utilizando a excentricidade obtida a partir da conectividade do sistema estudado como medida da distância entre notícias. Esta abordagem permitiu construir um sistema de navegação entre as notícias publicadas que é dependente da conectividade observada na estrutura de notícias encontrada. Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho mostram a importância de analisar sistemas complexos na sua multitude de relações e conectividades que não são estáticas e que influenciam a forma como tradicionalmente se olha para sistema multi-dimensionais. Mostra-se que a inclusão desta dimensões extra produzem melhores resultados na resolução do problema de identificar a estrutura subjacente a este problema da publicação de notícias em linha

    Behavioral Economics & Machine Learning Expanding the Field Through a New Lens

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    In this thesis, I investigate central questions in behavioral economics as well as law and economics. I examine well-studied problems through a new methodological lens. The aim is to generate new insights and thus point behavioral scientists to novel analytical tools. To this end, I show how machine learning may be used to build new theories by reducing complexity in experimental economic data. Moreover, I use natural language processing to show how supervised learning can enable the scientific community to expand limited datasets. I also investigate the normative impact of the use of such tools in social science research or decision-making as well as their deficiencies

    Structural and dynamical interdependencies in complex networks at meso- and macroscale: nestedness, modularity, and in-block nestedness

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    Many real systems like the brain are considered to be complex, i.e. they are made of several interacting components and display a collective behaviour that cannot be inferred from how the individual parts behave. They are usually described as networks, with the components represented as nodes and the interactions between them as links. Research into networks mainly focuses on exploring how a network's dynamic behaviour is constrained by the nature and topology of the interactions between its elements. Analyses of this sort are performed on three scales: the microscale, based on single nodes; the macroscale, which explores the whole network; and the mesoscale, which studies groups of nodes. Nonetheless, most studies so far have focused on only one scale, despite increasing evidence suggesting that networks exhibit structure on several scales. In our thesis, we apply structural analysis to a variety of synthetic and empirical networks on multiple scales. We focus on the examination of nested, modular, and in-block nested patterns, and the effects that they impose on each other. Finally, we introduce a theoretical model to help us to better understand some of the mechanisms that enable such patterns to emerge.Molts sistemes, com el cervell o internet, són considerats complexos: sistemes formats per una gran quantitat d'elements que interactuen entre si, que exhibeixen un comportament col·lectiu que no es pot inferir des de les propietats dels seus elements aïllats. Aquests sistemes s'estudien mitjançant xarxes, en les quals els elements constituents són els nodes, i les interaccions entre ells, els enllaços. La recerca en xarxes s'enfoca principalment a explorar com el comportament dinàmic d'una xarxa està definit per la naturalesa i la topologia de les interaccions entre els seus elements. Aquesta anàlisi sovint es fa en tres escales: la microescala, que estudia les propietats dels nodes individuals; la macroescala, que explora les propietats de tota la xarxa, i la mesoescala, basada en les propietats de grups de nodes. No obstant, la majoria dels estudis se centren només en una escala, tot i la creixent evidència que suggereix que les xarxes sovint exhibeixen estructura a múltiples escales. En aquesta tesi estudiarem les propietats estructurals de les xarxes a escala múltiple. Analitzarem les propietats estructurals dels patrons in-block nested i la seva relació amb els patrons niats i modulars. Finalment, introduirem un model teòric per explorar alguns dels mecanismes que permeten l'emergència d'aquests patrons.Muchos sistemas, como el cerebro o internet, son considerados complejos: sistemas formados por una gran cantidad de elementos que interactúan entre sí, que exhiben un comportamiento colectivo que no puede inferirse desde las propiedades de sus elementos aislados. Estos sistemas se estudian mediante redes, en las que los elementos constituyentes son los nodos, y las interacciones entre ellos, los enlaces. La investigación en redes se enfoca principalmente a explorar cómo el comportamiento dinámico de una red está definido por la naturaleza y la topología de las interacciones entre sus elementos. Este análisis a menudo se hace en tres escalas: la microescala, que estudia las propiedades de los nodos individuales; la macroescala, que explora las propiedades de toda la red, y la mesoescala, basada en las propiedades de grupos de nodos. No obstante, la mayoría de los estudios se centran solo en una escala, a pesar de la creciente evidencia que sugiere que las redes a menudo exhiben estructura a múltiples escalas. En esta tesis estudiaremos las propiedades estructurales de las redes a escala múltiple. Analizaremos las propiedades estructurales de los patrones in-block nested y su relación con los patrones anidados y modulares. Finalmente, introduciremos un modelo teórico para explorar algunos de los mecanismos que permiten la emergencia de estos patrones.Tecnologías de la información y de rede

    Sample supervised search centric approaches in geographic object-based image analysis

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    Sample supervised search centric image segmentation denotes a general method where quality segments are generated based on the provision of a selection of reference segments. The main purpose of such a method is to correctly segment a multitude of identical elements in an image based on these reference segments. An efficient search algorithm traverses the parameter space of a given segmentation algorithm. A supervised quality measure guides the search for the best segmentation results, or rather the best performing parameter set. This method, which is academically pursued in the context of remote sensing and elsewhere, shows promise in assisting the generation of earth observation information products. The method may find applications specifically within the context of user driven geographic object-based image analysis approaches, mainly in respect of very high resolution optical data. Rapid mapping activities as well as general land-cover mapping or targeted element identification may benefit from such a method. In this work it is suggested that sample supervised search centric geographic segment generation forms the basis of a set of methods, or rather a methodological avenue. The original formulation of the method, although promising, is limited in the quality of the segments it can produce – it is still limited by the inherent capability of the given segmentation algorithm. From an optimisation viewpoint, various structures may be encoded forming the fitness or search landscape traversed by a given search algorithm. These structures may interact or have an interplay with the given segmentation algorithm. Various method variants considering expanded fitness landscapes are possible. Additional processes, or constituents, such as data mapping, classification and post-segmentation heuristics may be embedded into such a method. Three distinct and novel method variants are proposed and evaluated based on this concept of expanded fitness landscapes

    Multidimensional Particle Swarm Optimization for Machine Learning

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    Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a stochastic nature-inspired optimization method. It has been successfully used in several application domains since it was introduced in 1995. It has been especially successful when applied to complicated multimodal problems, where simpler optimization methods, e.g., gradient descent, are not able to find satisfactory results. Multidimensional Particle Swarm Optimization (MD-PSO) and Fractional Global Best Formation (FGBF) are extensions of the basic PSO. MD-PSO allows searching for an optimum also when the solution dimensionality is unknown. With a dedicated dimensional PSO process, MD-PSO can search for optimal solution dimensionality. An interleaved positional PSO process simultaneously searches for the optimal solution in that dimensionality. Both the basic PSO and its multidimensional extension MD-PSO are susceptible to premature convergence. FGBF is a plug-in to (MD-)PSO that can help avoid premature convergence and find desired solutions faster. This thesis focuses on applications of MD-PSO and FGBF in different machine learning tasks.Multiswarm versions of MD-PSO and FGBF are introduced to perform dynamic optimization tasks. In dynamic optimization, the search space slowly changes. The locations of optima move and a former local optimum may transform into a global optimum and vice versa. We exploit multiple swarms to track different optima.In order to apply MD-PSO for clustering tasks, two key questions need to be answered: 1) How to encode the particles to represent different data partitions? 2) How to evaluate the fitness of the particles to evaluate the quality of the solutions proposed by the particle positions? The second question is considered especially carefully in this thesis. An extensive comparison of Clustering Validity Indices (CVIs) commonly used as fitness functions in Particle Swarm Clustering (PSC) is conducted. Furthermore, a novel approach to carry out fitness evaluation, namely Fitness Evaluation with Computational Centroids (FECC) is introduced. FECC gives the same fitness to any particle positions that lead to the same data partition. Therefore, it may save some computational efforts and, above all, it can significantly improve the results obtained by using any of the best performing CVIs as the PSC fitness function.MD-PSO can also be used to evolve different neural networks. The results of training Multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs) using the common Backpropagation (BP) algorithm and a global technique based on PSO are compared. The pros and cons of BP and (MD-)PSO in MLP training are discussed. For training Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBFNNs), a novel technique based on class-specific clustering of the training samples is introduced. The proposed approach is compared to the common input and input-output clustering approaches and the benefits of using the class-specific approach are experimentally demonstrated. With the class-specific approach, the training complexity is reduced, while the classification performance of the trained RBFNNs may be improved.Collective Network of Binary Classifiers (CNBC) is an evolutionary semantic classifier consisting of several Networks of Binary Classifiers (NBCs) trained to recognize a certain semantic class. NBCs in turn consist of several Binary Classifiers (BCs), which are trained for a certain feature type. Thanks to its topology and the use of MD-PSO as its evolution technique, incremental training can be easily applied to add new training items, classes, and/or features.In feature synthesis, the objective is to exploit ground truth information to transform the original low-level features into more discriminative ones. To learn an efficient synthesis for a dataset, only a fraction of the data needs to be labeled. The learned synthesis can then be applied on unlabeled data to improve classification or retrieval results. In this thesis, two different feature synthesis techniques are introduced. In the first one, MD-PSO is directly used to find proper arithmetic operations to be applied on the elements of the original low-level feature vectors. In the second approach, feature synthesis is carried out using one-against-all perceptrons. In the latter technique, the best results were obtained when MD-PSO was used to train the perceptrons.In all the mentioned applications excluding MLP training, MD-PSO is used together with FGBF. Overall, MD-PSO and FGBF are indeed versatile tools in machine learning. However, computational limitations constrain their use in currently emerging machine learning systems operating on Big Data. Therefore, in the future, it is necessary to divide complex tasks into smaller subproblems and to conquer the large problems via solving the subproblems where the use of MD-PSO and FGBF becomes feasible. Several applications discussed in this thesis already exploit the divide-and-conquer operation model

    Causal Analysis of Hydrological Systems

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